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Floor of the Senate. Persons entitled to admission to the...


Galleries to be cleared and the doors closed, on discussing a

Rule. Clause. Page.


question requiring secrecy. The Chair shall direct the. 35 General appropriation bills. All general appropriation bills shall be referred to the Committee on Appropriations, except the bill making appropriations for rivers and harbors, the agricultural bill, the Army and the Military Academy bills, the Indian bill, the naval bill, the pension bill, and the Post-Office bill..


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To proceed to the consideration of, a privileged motion. Amendments to. No amendments shall be received which shall increase the appropriation, unless to carry out some existing law or resolution of the Senate, or by direction of a standing or select committee, or in pursuance of an estimate of the head of a Department.... 16 I 16 All amendments proposing to increase an appropriation shall one day previous to being offered be referred to the Committtee on Appropriations...... No amendment shall be proposed to an amendment increasing the amount in such amendment........... Amendments moved by direction of a committee shall be first referred to the Committee on Appropriations..... 16 2 17 No amendment proposing general legislation, or that is not germane or relevant to the subject of the bill, shall be received...


2 17

16 2 17


3 17

No amendment to any item or clause that does not directly relate thereto shall be received..

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All questions of relevancy of amendments shall be decided by the Senate without debate...

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No amendment providing for a private claim, unless to carry out a law or treaty stipulation, shall be received. Any amendment to a general appropriation bill may be laid on the table....

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General legislation to general appropriation bills. No amend

ment shall be admitted proposing..

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General orders. (See Calendar.)

Germane. No amendment to any appropriation bill shall be

offered which is not relevant or....


3 17


Impeachment, court of. Proceedings recorded.......
Indefinite postponement. When a question is pending, a
motion may be made for


Rule. Clause. Page. 4 2 7


Indian treaties shall, unless transmitted by the President in
confidence, be acted upon in legislative session.... 37
Injunction of secrecy. All confidential communications from
the President, and all treaties, and remarks and pro-
ceedings thereon, are embraced within the..

All information given or remarks made by a Senator
touching the character or qualifications of a nominee,



3 34

3 32

and all votes on a nomination, are within the........ 38 2 35 A person nominated may be notified of charges made against him, but the name of the person making them shall not be disclosed......

38 2 35

A Senator disclosing the confidential or secret business
of the Senate shall be liable to expulsion......
An officer of the Senate committing a like offense shall
be dismissed and punished for contempt..

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Journal. A quorum being present, the Journal of the pre-
vious day's session shall be read, and any mistake in
the entries corrected.....

The reading of the, shall not be suspended unless by
unanimous consent.

A motion to amend the Journal shall be deemed a privi-
leged question and be proceeded with until disposed of.
The proceedings of the Senate shall be briefly and accu-
rately stated on the.....

Every vote of the Senate, and a brief statement of each
memorial or paper presented, shall be entered on the..
The legislative, executive, and impeachment proceedings
of the Senate shall be each recorded in a separate.....


Laid on the table. The preamble to a bill or resolution may,
without carrying the bill or resolution, be..........

A motion to reconsider may be, without carrying the sub-
ject, and shall be a final disposition thereof.....
An amendment to a general appropriation bill may be..
An appeal from the decision of the Chair may be....
When a question is pending, a motion may be made to lay
on the table, which shall be decided without debate...

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Rule. Clause. Page.

Leave to introduce a bill. May be offered if no objection... 14 I 14 Leave of the Senate. A motion to reconsider shall not be

withdrawn without.

Leave of the Senate. No Senator shall absent himself from the service of the Senate without.....

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No Senator shall speak more than twice on any one question on the same day without...

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A Senator when called to order shall sit down and shall not proceed without ...

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No memorial or other paper, except original treaties, shall be withdrawn without

Legislative business. The legislative business of the Senate shall be continued from session to session of the same Congress..

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The legislative proceedings of the Senate shall be recorded in a separate book

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Majority. A motion to reconsider a vote may be decided by a

All questions upon a treaty, except on the question of ratification, and on a motion to postpone indefinitely, shall be by a

Memorials and petitions shall be referred without putting the question

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Before being presented or read they shall be signed, in-
dorsed with a brief statement of their contents, and
referred without debate ..

[blocks in formation]

Manner of presentation of

Of foreign citizens or subjects shall not be received unless
through the President


7 5 ΙΟ

Where an adverse report has been made they shall not be
withdrawn, unless copies are left with the Secretary.. 30
Shall not be withdrawn from the files without leave of
the Senate....


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When an act has passed for the settlement of a private
claim, the Secretary may transmit the papers to the
accounting officers..

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Merits of the question proposed to be considered. It shall not be in order to discuss the....

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Messages from the President and from the House of Representatives may be received at any stage of the proceedings except..

84281° S. Doc. 846, 61-3- -4

28 I 27

Messages to the House and communications to the President
shall be taken by the Secretary...
Morning business. Order in which it is laid before the Sen-
ate, after the Journal is read........

Until concluded, or until 1 o'clock, no motion to proceed
to the consideration of any bill, resolution, etc., upon
the Calendar shall be entertained unless by unanimous
consent, and shall not be subject to amendment, and
shall be decided without debate on the merits of the

At the conclusion of the, for each day, unless otherwise ordered, the Calendar of Bills and Resolutions shall be proceeded with until 2 o'clock..

The order of, which shall not be interrupted, unless by unanimous consent, prescribed..

No motion to proceed to the consideration of subjects on the Calendar shall be received, except by unanimous consent, during the

A motion received by unanimous consent to take up a subject shall not be open to amendment, and shall be decided without debate on the merits of the question.. Morning hour. Terminates two hours after meeting of Senate. Motions. A motion to lay before the Senate bills or other matter sent to the Senate by the President or House of Representatives, in order at any time.

To reconsider shall be decided by a majority vote without debate. . . . . .

Before a motion shall be debated it shall, if required, be reduced to writing.....

Rule. Clause. Page.

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Which may be made when a question is under consideration; their order and precedence

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A motion or resolution may be withdrawn or modified before a division, amendment, or ordering of the yeas and nays...

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A motion to reconsider shall not be withdrawn without leave of the Senate

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A motion to discharge a committee shall lie over one day
for consideration, unless by unanimous consent.. ... 26


Nominations. The question on their confirmation shall not be put on the same day on which they are received, nor on the day on which they may be reported...

2 27

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Rule. Clause. Page.

Nominations. Shall be prepared for the printer by the Offi-
cial Reporter, and printed in the Record; also nomina-
tions recalled, confirmations, and rejections.......... 38
The Secretary shall furnish the Official Reporters with a
list of nominations, and a like list of all confirmations
and rejections..

The Secretary shail furnish to the press, and to the public
upon request, the names of nominees confirmed or
rejected, except.

Discussions upon the character and qualifications of a nominee and the votes upon a nomination shall be kept secret...

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The person nominated may be notified of charges against him, but the name of the party making them shall not be disclosed....


2 35

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3 36

4 36

A motion to reconsider the vote on a nomination may be
made within two days of actual session
Notice of confirmation shall not be sent to the President
until the expiration of two days of actual session...... 38
When the President has been notified of a confirmation,
a motion to reconsider must be accompanied by a re-
quest to the President to return the notification of con-


A motion to reconsider the vote on a nomination may be
laid on the table, which shall be final.....
Upon an adjournment of Congress, or a recess of more than
thirty days, all motions to reconsider shall fall, and the
nominations stand as confirmed or rejected, as the case
may be......


3 36

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Not confirmed or rejected at one session shall not be con-
sidered at the next session unless renominated
Upon an adjournment of Congress, or on taking a recess
of thirty days, all nominations not finally acted upon
shall be returned to the President....

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Oaths of office. The oaths required by the Constitution and prescribed by law shall be taken and subscribed by Senators in open Senate before entering upon their duties. Order of business. After the conclusion of the morning business, prescribed.

After the consideration of cases not objected to upon the Calendar is completed, and not later than 2 o'clock, prescribed

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