A VINDICATION, OF SOME OF THE MOST ESSENTIAL DOCTRINES OF THE REFORMATION : BEING A REPLY TO OBJECTIONS RAISED AGAINST "THE ERRORS OF HOPKINSIANISM IN SIX LETTERS, BY NATHAN BANGS, ADDRESSED TO THE AUTHOR OF THE PRESENT WORK. To which is added A SERMON, ON THE GOODNESS OF GOD, MANIFESTED IN GOVERNING THE HEARTS OF BY SETH WILLISTON, Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. HUDSON, N. Y. YORK PRINTED BY ASHBEL STODDARD Ems ADVERTISEMENT. IT is now more than a year and a half, since I received the Letters of Mr. Bangs. The religious public had a right to expect that if an answer were attempted, it would have been out at an earlier period. One reason of the delay has been this: On first reading the Letters, it was my purpose, if I made a reply, to publish in connexion with it a concise Harmony of divine truth; a contemplated work, which had lain with. weight on my mind for several years. I finally entered upon, and went through the outlines of the Harmony, and had made some advances in my reply to Mr. B's. objections, before I relinquished my original plan of connecting the two together. As my friends had been made acquainted with my original plan, I feel myself under obligation to give them my reasons for relinquishing it. My reasons were two: One was this; that considering my many interruptions in study, I saw that if both of the contemplated works were published together, it would be the means of a still further delay of the publication of the present work, which, being designed as a reply to a book that was now in the hands of the public, had been already delayed too long. The other reason was; that as my work was multiplying in my hands, beyond my first calculation, it was thought, that if both objects were to be included in one book, it would render it too expensive for the present period of pecuniary embarrassment. If the Vindication, which is now issued from the press, should meet the approbation of my friends, and of the public; and should they manifest a desire to see the author's attempt to harmonize divine truth, they may yet be gratified, if it should please the Lord to spare his life. Let them be reminded, that their prayers may be the means of rende rendering the contemplated work more perfect and useful, than it would otherwise be. "Brethren, pray for us." The prayers of the righteous avail much. July 11, 1817, |