Slike strani

the imagination, entering into the minutest detail of domestic life, calculating to a brick the amount needed for a building, yet a poetic and artistic temperament dominated his life. Popular with companions, courteous, cheerful, and of a sanguine temperament, his society said to have been delightful to all classes, yet, in spite of himself, making many enemies. Hating visitors and letter-writing, he had an almost feminine yearning for sympathy. Strong in physical vitality, yet of a feminine mould of character. Sensitive and peculiarly vulnerable, yet sharp and caustic in disposition. Limiting the individual powers of others, and believing sincerely in the opinion of the multitude, yet given to stretch his own powers whenever vested with authority. Without reverence, and even lacking in respect for authority, he resented it extremely when others resisted him. Never at ease in the atmosphere that surrounded him in his political life, and tortured by its manners, he was constantly immured in it. As a leader of democracy he appeared singularly out of place, resembling in many things the Duc de Liancourt, and building for himself a château at Monticello to be above the contact with men; yet his fears of a monarchy and aristocracy reached almost to fanaticism; with popular manners he never showed himself in a crowd. In the midst of the world he led a life entirely his own.

Why such a man should have entered the arena of political life was as much of a puzzle as was his entire character. He is said to have been no orator, and owed nothing to personal magnetism. According to the received standard of greatness he certainly ranked among the great men. He is said to have had a penetrating mind, looking deeply into events, and a clear judgment; he was well read in books, but better in mankind; master over his passions, a philosopher, experienced in diplomacy, a master in intrigue. He is

said to have been double and vindictive, and insincerity is said to have been his predominant trait. It may have been these latter characteristics that caused Freneau, while upholding him politically, to avoid him when the political strife was over.

Chapter Tenth

NOWARDS the close of this stormy year, Jefferson and Freneau both retired from politi

cal life; the one returning to his home at Monticello, Virginia, the other to the home of his childhood, Mount Pleasant, New Jersey, - leaving a seat in the Cabinet and the editorship of the " Gazette vacant. The paper was discontinued, as Freneau, it seems, owned the press and type; and he had them removed to Mount Pleasant, where he had a small building erected about two hundred yards from the house; there he amused himself by putting in print the various inspirations that visited him. It is said that when any incident of moment occurred, he would retire to the shelter of a favorite old tree, and indite his lyric; and would then repair to his press, set up the types, and issue his production.

He now became a contributor to the "Freeman's Journal," published in Philadelphia; and in 1793 published a translation of the travels of M. l'Abbé Robin, chaplain to Count Rochambeau, giving an account of the progress of the French army from Newport to Yorktown. In 1795 he published a new and complete edition of his poems, in an octavo volume of four hundred and fifty-six pages, of which we give the titlepage. The fifteen stars have their significance, as we may see from his translation of the Latin verses dedicated to the then existing fifteen States.

This year an almanac was ushered into existence, a copy of which, yellowed with use and age, is now in the possession of Mr. Weymer Jay Mills. It measures seven inches by four, and contains forty-two pages. On the reverse of the titlepage are the zodiacal signs;






AUTHOR, INCLUDING a considerable number of
Pieces never before PUBLISHED.

Audax inde cohors stellis e pluribus unum
Ardua pyramidos tollit ad astra caput.

[ N. J. ]


At the Press of the AUTHOR, at MOUNT-PLEASANT, near MIDDLETOWN-POINT, DCCXCV: and of

American Independence


then follows a page devoted to eclipses, movable feasts, and the cardinal points; after which is a tide-table with an execrable bit of-poetry; it certainly may not be called rhyme:


The Ram, the Bull, the heavenly Twins,

And near the Crab the Lion Shines,

The Virgin and the Scales;
The Scorpion, Archer and Sea-Goat,
The man that holds the Water-Pot,
And Fish with glittering tails.

An article on the Planetary system follows, with an account of Herculaneum and Pompeii. A description of the Prussian armies, a history of the Ugly Club in Charleston, S. C., "A Philosophical Speculation," a dissertation on Barbers' Poles, a receipt for the destruction of weevils in wheat, an article on the advantages of using oxen on farms instead of horses, a method of preserving peach-trees from a destructive species of worm, a Swedish method of breeding turkeys, an article on northeast storms, one on Indian corn, a scale of the ages of animal creation, an account of the Bastille of France, a remarkable imposition, and several anecdotes respectively of the King of Prussia, George Whitfield, and Dogs follow. One page is devoted to the apochryphal chapter of the Book of Genesis by Franklin, another to the calendar of the French republic. Some lines by a young prisoner before his execution, and a remarkable method of finding the body of a drowned person fill its pages.

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