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2. Because it not only is not hostile to slavery, but in its reports and in its official organ, and by its auxiliary societies and. principal supporters, exonorates slaveholders from guilt, and represents their criminality as their misfortune. (2)

3. Because it surrenders the great principle, that man cannot justly hold property in man, and regards the wresting of the slaves from their masters as great an outrage as the invasion of the right of property in houses, cattle and land. (3)

4. Because it openly, actively, uncompromisingly denounces the immediate abolition of slavery as injustice to the masters, a calamity to the slaves, dangerous to society, and contrary to the requirements of Christianity. (4)

(2) Slavery is an evil which is entailed upon the present generation of slaveholders, which they must suffer, whether they will or not.'—[African Repository, vol. v. p. 179.]

It [the Society] condemns no man because he is a slaveholder.' "They [abolitionists] counfound the misfortunes of one generation with the crimes of another, and would sacrifice both individual and public good to an unsubstantial theory of the rights of man.'—[Idem, vol. vii. pp. 200, 202.] "The existence of slavery among us, though not at all to be objected to our southern brethren as a fault, is yet a blot on our national character and a mighty drawback from our national strength.'--[Second Annual Report of the N. Y. State Col. Society.]

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They do not perceive the propriety of confounding the crime of the kidnapper, with the misfortune of the owner of imported and inherited slaves.'[North American Review, for July, 1832.]

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(3) We hold their slaves, as we hold their other property, SACRED.'— [African Repository, vol. i. p. 283.]

Does this Society wish to meddle with our slaves as our rightful property? I answer no, I think not.'-Idem, vol. ii. p. 13.]

'It is equally plain and undeniable that the Society, in the prosecution of this work, has never interfered or evinced even a disposition to interfere in any way with the rights of proprietors of slaves.'-[Idem, vol. vi. p. 205.]

To the slaveholder, who had charged upon them the wicked design of interfering with the RIGHTS OF PROPERTY under the specious pretext of removing a vicious and dangerous free population, they address themselves in a tone of conciliation and sympathy. We know your RIGHтs, say they, and we respect them.'-Idem, vol. vii. p. 100.]

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It was proper again and again to repeat, that it was far, from the intention of the Society to affect in any manner, the tenure by which a certain species of property is held. He was himself a slaveholder; and he considered that kind of property as inviolable as any other in the country.'-[Speech of Henry Clay-First Annual Report.]

(4) The scope of the Society is large enough, but it is in no wise mingled or confounded with the broad sweeping views of a few fanatics in America, who would urge us on to the sudden and total abolition of slavery.'-[African Repository, vol. iii. p. 97:]

What is to be done? Immediate and universal emancipation will find few, if any advocates among judicious and reflecting men.' Here, that race

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is in every form a curse, and if the system, so long contended for by the uncom

5. Because it advocates a cautious, partial, gradual emancipation-thus allowing that it is not incumbent on all oppressors to do justly and love mercy now, and that it is proper to cease from robbery and sin by a slow process. (5)

6. Because, while it professes to remove those emigrants only who go with their own consent to Africa, it is the instrument of a cruel persecution against the free people of color, by its abuse of their character, representing them as seditious, dangerous and useless it contends, moreover, that emancipation should not take place without the simultaneous transportation of the liberated-thus leaving to the slave the choice of banishment or perpetual servitude. (6)

promising abolitionist, could prevail, its effect would be to spread discord and devastation from one end of the Union to the other.'-[Idem, vol. iv. pp. 202, 363.]

'Were the very spirit of angelic charity to pervade and fill the hearts of all the slaveholders in our land, it would by no means require that all the slaves should be instantaneously liberated.'-[Idem, vol. v. p. 329.]

The Society, meeting the objections of the abolition enthusiast, in a like spirit of mildness and forbearance, assures him of their equal devotion to the pure principles of liberty and the powerful claims of humanity. We protest,

most solemnly protest, against the adoption of your views, as alike destructive of the ends of justice, of policy, and of humanity.' 'Come, ye abolitionists, away with your wild enthusiasm, your misguided philanthropy.'— [Idem, vol. vii. p. 101.]

The inhabitants of the South cannot, and ought not, suddenly to emancipate their slaves, to remain among them free. Such a measure would be no blessing to the slaves, but the very madness of self-destraction to the whites.—[First Annual Report of the New-Jersey Colonization Society.]

(5) Vide the evidence given in support of the 4th allegation.

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(6) That the free colored population of our country is a great and constantly increasing evil must be readily acknowledged. Averse to labor, with no incentives to industry or motives to self-respect, they maintain a precarious existence by petty thefts and plunder, themselves, or by inciting our domestics, not free, to rob their owners to supply their wants.'--[African Repository, vol. vi. p. 135.]

Placed midway between freedom and slavery, they know neither the incentives of the one, nor the restraints of the other; but are alike injurious by their conduct and example, to all other classes of society.'--[Eighth Annual Report.] 'No scheme of abolition will meet my support, that leaves the emancipated blacks among us.'-[African Repository, vol. ii. p. 188.]

We would say, liberate them only on condition of their going to Africa or to Hayti.'-[Idem, vol, iii. p. 26.]

I am not complaining of the owners of slaves; it would be as humane to throw them from the decks in the middle passage, as to set them free in our country.' ***Any scheme of emancipation without colonization, they know and see and feel to be productive of nothing but evil; evil to all whom it affects to the white population, to the slaves, to the manumitted themselves.' -[Idem, vol. iv. pp. 226, 300.]

Hundreds who hold slaves, would willingly set them at liberty, were the means of their removal provided. And till those means are provided, the liberation of the slave would neither be a blessing to himself, nor to the public.'

7. Because it confesses that its measures are calculated to secure the slave-system from destruction, to remove the apprehensions of slaveholders, to increase the value of slave property; and thus to perpetuate the thraldom of millions of native Amercans. (7) The proposition is self-evident, that as the number of

'It is not therefore incumbent upon those who hold slaves, to set them at liberty, till some means are provided for their removal, or at least for their subsistence. They owe it neither to themselves, to their country, nor the unfortanate beings around them.'-[Idem, vol. v. p. 89.]

If this question were submitted, whether there should be either immediate or gradual emancipation of all the slaves in the United States, without their removal or colonization, painful as it is to express the opinion, I have no doubt that it would be unwise to emancipate them.' *** • Gentlemen of the highest respectability from the South assure us, that there is among the owners of slaves a very extensive and increasing desire to emancipate them. Their patriotism, their humanity, nay, their self-interest, prompt to this; but it is not expedient, it is not safe to do it, without being able to remove them.'—[Idem, vol. vi. pp. 5, 110.]

The idea of emancipating our slaves, and permitting them to remain within the limits of the United States, whether as a measure of humanity or of policy, is most decisively reprobated by universal public sentiment.'--[Idem, vol. vii. p. 230.]

All emancipation, to however small an extent, which permits the persons emaneipated to remain in this country, an evil, which must increase with

the increase of the operation.'--[First Annual Report.]

They will annex the condition that the emancipated shall leave the country.--[Second Annual Report.]

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They require that the whole mass of free persons of color, and those who may become such with the consent of their owners, should be progressively removed from among us, as fast as their own consent can be obtained, and as the means can be found for their removal and for their proper establishment in Africa.'--[Seventh Annual Report.]

'Colonization, to be correct, must be beyond seas--Emancipation, with the liberty to remain on this side of the Atlantic, is but an act of dreamy madness!'--[Thirteenth Annual Report.]

Emancipation, without removal from the country, is out of the question.' ***As long as our present feelings and prejudices exist, the abolition of slavery cannot be accomplished without the removal of the blacks--they cannot be emancipated as a people, and remain among us.'-[Second Annual Report of the New-York State Colonization Society.]

The abolition of slavery was no object of desire to him, unless accompanied by colonization. So far was he from desiring it, unaccompanied by this condition, that he would not live in a country where the one took place without the other' !!!—[Mr. Mercer's Speech in Congress.]

The Society maintains, that no slave ought to receive his liberty except on condition of being excluded, not merely from the State which sets him loose, but from the whole country; that is, of being colonized.'—[North American Review, for July, 1832.]

(7.) So far from being connected with the abolition of slavery, the measure proposed would prove one of the greatest securities to enable the master to keep in possession his own property.'-[Speech of John Randolph at the first meeting of the Colonization Society.]

The slave seeing his free companion live in idleness, or subsist however seantily or precariously by occasional and desultory employment, is apt to grow dis

the slaves becomes reduced by transportation, the whole remaining mass will rise in value, and may be held more securely in bondage.

contented with his own condition, and to regard as tyranny and injustice the authority which compels him to labor.'-[General Harper's Letter-First Annual Report, p. 32.]

The slaves would be greatly benefitted by the removal of the free blacks, who now corrupt them and render them discontented.'-[Second An. Report.]

• Their annual increase is truly astonishing, certainly unexampled. The dangerous ascendency which they have already acquired over the slaves, is consequently increasing with every addition to their numbers; and every addition to their numbers is a subtraction from the wealth, and strength, and character, and happiness, and safety of the country.'-[Twelfth Annual Report.]

We all know the effects produced on our slaves by the fascinating, but delusive appearance of happiness, exhibited in some persons of their own complexion, roaming in idleness and vice among them. By removing the most fruitful source of discontent from among our slaves, we should render them more industrious and attentive to our commands.'-[Fourteenth Annual Report.]

'What is the free black to the slave? A standing perpetual incitement to discontent. Though the condition of the slave be a thousand times the bestsupplied, protected, instead of destitute and desolate-yet, the folly of the 'condition, held to involuntary labor, finds, always, allurement, in the spectacle of exemption from it, without consideration of the adjuncts of destitution and misery. The slave would have, then, little excitement to discontent but for the free black.'-[Fifteenth Annual Report.]

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By removing these people, we rid ourselves of a large party who will always be ready to assist our slaves in any mischievous design which they may conceive; and who are better able, by their intelligence, and the facilities of their communication, to bring those designs to a successful termination.'-[African Repository, vol. i. p. 176.]

Here, the African part of our population bears so large a proportion to the residue of European origin, as to create the most lively apprehension, especially in some quarters of the Union. Any project, therefore, by which, in a material degree, the dangerous element in the general mass can be diminished or rendered stationary, deserves deliberate consideration.'-[Idem, vol. ii. p. 338.]

To remove these persons from among us, will increase the usefulness, and improve the moral character of those who remain in servitude, and with whose labors the country is unable to dispense.' *** Are they vipers, who are sucking our blood? we will hurl them from us. It is not sympathy alone,not sickly sympathy, no, nor manly sympathy either, which is to act on us; but vital policy, self-interest, are also enlisting themselves on the humane side in our breasts.'-[Idem, vol. iii. pp. 67, 201.]

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It places the attainment of the grand object in view, that is, to withdraw from the United States annually, so many of the colored population, and provide them a comfortable home and all the advantages of civilization in Africa, as will make the number here remain stationary." ***By thus repressing the rapid increase of blacks, the white population would be enabled to reach and soon overtop them. The consequence would be security.'—[Idem, vol. iv. pp. 271, 344.]



They constitute a large mass of human beings, who hang as a vile excrescence upon society-the objects of a low debasing envy to our slaves, and to ourselves of universal suspicion and distrust.'***If this process were tinued a second term of duplication, it would produce the extraordinary result of forty white men to one black in the country a state of things in which we should not only cease to feel the burdens which now hang so heavily upon us, but actually regard the poor African as an object of curiosity, and not uneasiness."

8. Because it was conceived, perfected, and is managed principally by those who hold thousands of their fellow creatures in cruel bondage, regarding them as. cattle, and shamelessly refu

Enough, under favorable circumstances, might be removed for a few successive years-if young females were encouraged to go-to keep the whole colored population in check.'-[Idem, vol. vii. pp. 230, 232, 246.]

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They are well calculated to render the slaves sullen, discontented, unhappy, and refractory.'-[Matthew Carey's Essays.]

But is it not certain, that should the people of the Southern States refuse to adopt the opinions of the Colonization Society, [relative to the gradual abolition of slavery,] and continue to consider it both just and politic to leave, untouched, a system, for the termination of which, we think the whole wisdom and energy of the States should be put in requisition, that they will CONTRIBUTE MORE EFFECTUALLY TO THE CONTINUANCE AND STRENGTH OF THIS SYSTEM, by removing those now free, than by any or all other methods which ean possibly be devised?'-[African Repository, vol. i. p. 227.]


The removal of every single free black in America, would be productive of nothing but safety to the slaveholder.'-[Idem, vol. iii. p. 202.]

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The tendency of the scheme, and one of its objects, is to SECURE SLAVEHOLDERS, AND THE WHOLE SOUTHERN COUNTRY, against certain evil consequences, growing out of the present threefold mixture of our population.’— [Address of the Rockbridge Col. Society.-Idem, vol. iv. p. 274.]

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If, as is most confidently believed, the colonization of the free people of color will render the slave who remains in America more obedient, more faithful, more honest, and, consequently, more useful to his master, &c.'-[Second Ann. Rep.]

There is but one way, [to avert danger,] but that might be made effectual, fortunately! It was to PROVIDE AND KEEP OPEN A DRAIN FOR THE EXCESS BEYOND THE OCCASIONS OF PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. Mr. Archer had been stating the case in the supposition, that after the present class of free blacks had been exhausted, by the operation of the plan he was recommending, others would be supplied for its action, in the proportion of the excess of colored population it would be necessary to throw off, by the process of voluntary manumission or sale. This effect, must result inevitably from the depreciating value of the slaves, ensuing their disproportionate multiplication. The depreciation would be relieved and retarded at the same time, by the process. The two operations would aid reciprocally, and sustain each other, and both be in the highest degree beneficial. It was on the ground of interest, therefore, the most indisputable pecuniary interest, that he addressed himself to the people and Legislatures of the slaveholding States.'-[Speech of Mr. Archer. Fifteenth Annual Report.]

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None are obliged to follow our example ; AND THOSE WHO DO NOT, WILL FIND THE VALUE OF THEIR NEGROES INCREASED BY THE DEPARTURE OF OURS.'—[An advocate of colonization in the Western (Ky.) Luminary.]

'So far from its having a dangerous tendency, when properly considered, it will be viewed as an additional guard to our peculiar species of property.' [An advocate of the Society in the New Orleans Argus.]

"The slaveholder, who is in danger of having his slaves contaminated by their free friends of color, will not only be relieved from this danger, but THE VALUE OF HIS SLAVE WILL BE ENHANCED.'-[A new and interesting view of Slavery. By Humanitas, a colonization advocate. Baltimore, 1820.]

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