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the walls in the flogging room, in a cotton mill, where slaves were flogged in this way, all bespattered with blood!

7. Whipping in the stocks.

8. Whipping with walnut switches, heated in the fire. One said he had known a woman in Maryland, tied up in this way, and whipped on her bare back.

9. Slaves are sometimes tied up by their wrists, free from the ground, the feet fastened together, a heavy pole thrust between the legs, so as to increase the weight upon the wrists, and then whipped, hanging in that position.

10. The slave is made to stand off the length of the whip, and receive any number of lashes the master chooses to inflict.

11. A slave, for some cause, offered to strike a white man, was seized, arms extended and lashed to a stick thus, (†) and then whipped at the corners of the streets in one of the Southern cities. The whipping was repeated for four or five successive days.

12. A slave, who was a husband and father, was made to strip his wife and daughter, and whip them.

13. On the sugar plantations, the overseer, on Monday morning, makes examination to see if the task for the preceding week be done. If not, he lays down the driver and whips him. Then gives him the whip, and orders him to go through the field '-i. e. whip the gang.-And he must do it. He refuses at his peril.

14. The women they sometimes put astride a wooden horse, or something fixed for the purpose, breast to breast, and then inflict the blow on the bare back-on the bare back of women, Sir!

15. The last mode I shall mention is 'whipping them on spikes.' A piece of plank is taken, perforated with holes, and sharp wooden pins or spikes inserted therein. This is laid on the floor, the slave is made to stand on it with bare feet, his hands are lashed together over his head, and drawn up just so that he must either rest his whole weight on the sharp wooden pins, or relieve himself by bending his knees and resting his weight on his wrists. In this position he is whipped. In one instance, said my informer, (an intelligent colored preacher,) I have known a man whipped in this way, and left tied up and standing on the pins, during the whole night! And this, Sir, is the comfort of the slaves! These are the beings who are so happy, and contented, and comfortable! Ay, and the half is not yet told. This is mere physical suffering. Their moral condition! Oh, Sir, I have not time to dwell upon it; but to think of two millions and more of immortal souls-two millions lying at our very door, famishing for the bread of life-and yet, such are the laws, we may not, must not, at our peril, give them a single bible-not a morsel of that bread of life eternal! Sir, is not their condition one that makes an appeal, a heart-rending appeal, to the sympathy and benevolence of every friend of God and man? Yes, sir, it does; and however it may for a time be unheeded, rely upon it, it will be

heeded ere long. It will be felt. Slumbering sympathy will be aroused. The scales will fall from off the eye of American benevolence. And a tide of holy indignation will rise, and swell, and roll over this land, and sweep away every vestige of this accursed, abominable thing, and thus turn back from us the indignation and the judgments of a holy God. Mr. Phelps's resolution was unanimously adopted.

Rev. Mr. Perry, of Mendon, offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the immediate Emancipationist is the true friend of the Slaveholders, of the Slaves, and of his Country.

In supporting this resolution, Mr. Perry forcibly remarked

In his providence God has a voice to man, which none can fail to hear and understand but those who close their ears and steel their hearts against it. And by his providence he has made a proclamation of the sinfulness of slavery and with that proclamation before me, I hesitate not to consider every pretended defence of slavery from the Bible as a refuge of lies, which will not bide the day of coming retribution. To that proclamation I appeal. Why, I ask, the sterility that marks some of the fairest and loveliest portions of this fair and lovely land? What is the meaning of arsenals, arms, and a standing army, in the midst of a peaceful population? Why the fear with which the planter opens his door in the morning, and the caution with which he closes it at night? Why those fears which lead him to lock the door of knowledge, and hide the key from his slave? that close even the book of God to his enquiring gaze? Why do men go armed with dirk and pistol? Why the midnight patrol? Why does the fond father, while absent from home, tremble when he thinks of his wife, and children around their own fireside? Why the midnight shriek and the midnight carnage, which have already disturbed the quiet of half our land? Why, sir, these are tokens of the curse which a holy God has written out against oppression. They are His cail to immediate repentance. They are the foretaste of coming retribution. And with such a proclamation of the guilt of slavery, shall we stop to reason with those, who, with the Bible in their hands, would fain persuade us that God sanctions slavery? Sir, slavery is a sin; and close upon its heels is treading a fearful retribution. And is it not the part of a friend, to urge the slaveholder to break off that sin by immediate repentance, and thus avert that coming retribution?

Sir, the conscientious Abolitionist may bear the name of 'reckless incendiary; but while my soul retains the perceptions of right and wrong, I shall deem him the true, though rejected friend of the slaveholder.

Jehovah is a God who hateth oppression-He will not long be trifled with. For the nation and kingdom that will not serve Him shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted. God has long called us to immediate repentance; but we have sinned on, until as a nation our judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and our damnation slumbereth not. The dark cloud of God's vengeance is gathering over us. We have heard its distant rumblings, and seen the distant lightnings, and temporised and delayed repentance to a more convenient time. And now that cloud of wrath

hangs over our devoted land, and its thunders are breaking in upon our ears, and the lightnings of wrath are flashing around us. And soon, if we hold on in our guilt, it will burst upon our devoted heads, and sweep us away into forgetfulness with the guilty nations which have perished before us. Mr. Perry's resolution was seconded by James C. Odiorne, and adopted. The Society adjourned to meet at such time as the managers might appoint.

Parsuant to the adjournment, the Society met at the Temple, Tremont Street, on Monday evening, March 10, 1834.

Rev. E. M. P. Wells in the chair.

The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. C. P. Grosvenor, of Salem. Several appropriate hymns were sung with great taste and effect by a choir of colored children, under the direction of Miss Paul and the Misses Yates.

Mr. Garrison offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the rapid progress which the anti-slavery cause has made within the last two years, is attributable to the divine blessing upon the humble exertions and limited means put forth in its behalf, and encourages the expectation that the day is not far distant when complete deliverance shall be given to that portion of our countrymen now groaning in bondage.

At the close of his speech, Mr. Garrison said

While God sits upon the throne of the universe, neither the oppressed nor their advocates are authorized to despair. It becomes us to humble ourselves, to exalt his truth, and to glorify his name, at the wonders he has wrought in public sentiment, by the feeblest instruments and the most limited means, within a short period. Let us see, Sir, whether our cause has given us any evidences that it is of God. What have we had to contend against?

A profound and universal moral lethargy, excessive and criminal fear, and total ignorance-All the venomous prejudices cherished toward the people of color-An earnest and general desire for the expulsion of our colored population, operating through a powerful combination-the American Colonization Society-All the wealth of the country-All the intellectual strength of the country- -All the great and popular men of the country-All the religious denominations in the country-The legislatures of more than half of the States.

What is now the prospect?

A few pens, a few periodicals, a few tracts, and a few limited agencies, have electrified the nation, and already stirred up a mighty host to plead and labor for the oppressed. Our cause is rapidly getting complete supremacy in New-England. It has received an accession of wealth, of talent, of piety, and of unconquerable zeal, that ensures its speedy triumph. The American Colonization Society, that Babel of prejudice and wickedness, has been overthrown, and upon its ruins has been erected the American Anti-Slavery Society.

In addition to that Society and our own, we have a large number of male and female anti-slavery societies in various parts of our land, which embrace the names of thousands who are pledged to the doctrine of immediate emancipation. These societies are multiplying with a rapidity which is truly astonishing. The glorious cause of Temperance has not been more signally prospered than our own. These are but faint and imperfect outlines of the progress which the truth of God, and the humanity of the gospel, have made within the last three years,

Professor Charles Follen of Cambridge, offered the following resolutions: Resolved, That this Society has for its sole object the abolition of slavery in the United States, without any reference to local interests, political parties, or religious sects.

Resolved, That it is the object of this Society so to direct public sentiment as to induce the slaveholders to liberate their slaves of their own accord, and to persuade the slaves to abstain from violent means, awaiting patiently the result of the peaceable measures employed by their friends for the restoration of their rights.

These resolutions were sustained in a truly admirable manner by the mover, and unanimously adopted.

Rev. Mr. Grosvenor, of Salem, offered the following resolution, which he advocated in a powerful specch:

Resolved, That in view of the ignorance existing in New-England, on the subject of slavery, it is the duty of the ministers of Christ, of all denominations, to inform themselves in relation to its true character, and to use their exertions for its speedy and entire abolition, as the gospel of Jesus Christ shall direct them.

The resolution was unanimously adopted.

Rev. Mr. Grew, of Boston, submitted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the apathy which has so long prevailed, and which still prevails in this favored land, in respect to the affecting woes of our colored brethren, in consequence of withholding from them their inalienable rights, is entirely incompatible with all the principles of republicanism, of humanity, and of our holy religion.

The remarks of the reverend gentleman, in support of his resolution, were in the highest degree solemn and impressive.

The resolution was unanimously adopted.

On motion of Rev. Mr. Yates, it was

Resolved, That the principles and operations of the American Colonization Society are anti-scriptural and anti-republican; and therefore ought to be execrated by every lover of his country, and friend of the human family.

On motion of Samuel E. Sewall, Esq. it was

Resolved, That the thanks of the Society be presented to the juvenile choir, and the ladies who have conducted it, for their very acceptable services this evening.

Adjourned, sine die.


It is now two years since the New-England Anti-Slavery Society was formed. During that short period, many events, highly auspicious to the great cause of human rights in which it is engaged, have occurred. The success which has attended our society, and others that are engaged in the same benevolent enterprise, has been rapid far beyond our most sanguine expectations. A retrospect of the past year must, we think, satisfy every candid mind that this opinion is not erroneous.

The operations of the Society, during this period, have been very extensive, considering its limited means. A number of agents have been employed for various terms, in different parts of the country, who, we have every reason to believe, have been highly useful in diffusing correct opinions on the subject of slavery. Among these we mention Arnold Buffum, Oliver Johnson, and Orson S. Murray.

One of the Society's agents, Moses Hadley, was employed for some time in procuring subscribers to petitions for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. He obtained, we believe, more than twenty-five hundred signatures. A general feeling appears to pervade the community that this abominable system ought to be expelled from the seat of our government. A large number of petitions, in addition to those obtained by the society's agent, it is supposed will be presented to Congress at its present session for the same object. We have, it is true, little hope that any decisive measure will be adopted by that body during the present year. But bringing the subject under discussion there, will place it fairly before the nation, and lead to a full expression of that public opinion which really exists, and will never be satisfied until slavery in the District is abolished.

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