Federal House of Representatives W.A. Electorates. Every elector wilfully making a false answer to any question put to him under this section shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding two years. 7. THE Governor may make regulations for the return of the writs for elections to be held under this Act, and otherwise for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act. Regulations. In the name and on behalf of the Queen I hereby assent ALEX. C. ONSLOW, Administrator. SCHEDULE. Federal House of Representatives W.A. Electorates. Section 3. SCHEDULE. FEDERAL ELECTORATES IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA RETURNING MEMBERS TO THE AN ACT to amend the Game Act, 1892. [Assented to, 5th December, 1900.] E it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, follows: as 1. IN the seventh section of the Game Act, 1892, the words "The Colonial Secretary" are are hereby struck out, and the words "The Minister administering this Act are substituted therefor. 2. AFTER the expiration of ten days from the commencement of the period proclaimed as a close season for any bird or animal of a kind mentioned in the First Schedule of the principal Act, and before the termination of such period, no person, unless licensed under section seven of the said Act, shall knowingly sell, buy, or have in his possession or control the dead body of any such bird or animal, whether native or imported; and every person contravening this section shall be guilty of an offence, and, on conviction thereof, shall be liable to a fine of One pound for every such dead bird or animal in his possession or control, unless the Justices hearing the case |