Penalty for using swivel gun, etc., Game Act-Amendment. case are satisfied that such dead bird or animal was imported from beyond the Colony, the proof of which shall lie on the person accused. 3. NO person shall use a swivel gun or punt gun, or any gun other than one fired from the shoulder, for the purpose of wounding against native birds. or killing any native bird; and every person contravening this section shall be guilty of an offence, and, on conviction thereof, shall be liable to a fine of not more than Five pounds, and to the forfeiture of the gun so unlawfully used. Punishment of offences. Inspectors. Regulations. 4. ALL offences against this Act shall be punishable, and orders and convictions in respect thereof shall be subject to appeal as if they were offences against the principal Act. 5. THE Governor may appoint Inspectors to assist in enforcing the provisions of the principal Act and this Act. 6. THE Governor may make regulations for the better carrying into effect of the principal Act and this Act. In the name and on behalf of the Queen I hereby assent to this Act. ALEX. C. ONSLOW, Administrator. By Authority: RICHARD PETHER, Government Printer, Perth. AN ACT to consolidate and amend the Law BE [Assented to, 5th December, 1900.] E it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: 1. THIS Act may be cited for all purposes as the Municipal Institutions Act, 1900. 2. THIS Act is divided into twenty-three parts, as follows:- PART I. Short title. Division of Act. ᏢᎪᎡᎢ Repeal of Acts. First Schedule. ᏢᎪᎡᎢ XII. PART PART PART TIES, ss. 322-324. XIX.-RATES, ss. 325-361. XX. BORROWING POWERS, ss. 362-397. XXI.-ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT, SS. 398-411. PART XXII.-LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AND ENFORCEMENT OF ACT, ss. 412-445. 3. THE Acts mentioned in the First Schedule to this Act, to the extent to which the same are thereby expressed to be repealed, are hereby repealed: Provided that such repeal shall not affect property vested, acts and things validated, or authorised powers and protection acquired, and indemnities given under any of the Acts hereby repealed— All contracts may be made, carried out, and varied and enforced as if this Act had not passed. All creditors shall have the same rights and remedies, and all debentures shall have the same force and effect as if this Act had not passed. All councillors and officers in office at the commencement of this Act shall remain in office as if this Act had been in force at the time they were elected or appointed, and they had Municipalities. had been elected or appointed hereunder, and this Act shall apply to them accordingly. All by-laws, regulations, and joint regulations in force at the See 59 Viet., No. 10, commencement of this Act shall continue in force until s. 103. they are respectively repealed hereunder. All rates which, under the Acts hereby repealed, or any of All rights and liabilities in respect of any land taken All books and documents made evidence shall continue All municipal rolls in force at the commencement of this Act done. 4. SAVE so far as there is anything in this Act incon- Application of Act to sistent therewith, this Act shall apply to all matters and things matters and things made, done, or commenced under any repealed Act, and at the commencement of this Act of any force or effect, or capable of acquiring any force or effect by virtue of any Act hereby repealed, as if this Act had been in force at the time they were made, done, or commenced, and they were made, done, or commenced hereunder. Reference to Acts 5. WHERE by any statute, by-law, instrument, or other document, reference is made to any Act hereby repealed, or any of repealed. the provisions thereof, the statute, by-law, instrument, or document 59 Vict., No. 10, s. 7. shall be construed and have effect as if reference were made therein to this Act or the corresponding provisions hereof. 6. IN this Act, save where there is something in the context inconsistent therewith: "Cattle" shall include horses, mares, fillies, foals, geldings, "Council" Interpretation. See 59 Vict s. 3. Page 180. 66 64 Vict., No. 8, Section 6.-See W.A. Law Reports, Vol. VII., p. 132. under, our Sitaal is to the soil or not, for the purposes of valuation of annual value. Mayor" shall include chairman. "Minister" shall mean the Minister of the Crown adminis- "Municipality" shall mean any locality the citizens or "Occupier" shall mean the inhabitant occupier of any land, "Owner" shall include the person for the time being re- Passenger vehicle" shall include any carriage, wagonette, Pave, paved, and paving" shall mean and include making Person" shall mean and include partnership, company, or Powers" includes rights, jurisdiction, capacities, privileges, "Public place" shall include every street, lane, footpath, court, Public reserve" includes park lands, squares, reserves, and at |