THE OF PARLIAMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA, PASSED IN THE SIXTY-FOURTH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA, DURING THE SIXTH SESSION OF THE THIRD PARLIAMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. (15th August to 5th December, 1900.) With an Appendix containing the Imperial Act 63 & 64 Vict., Ch. 12, "The Commonwealth of v. SCHEDULE. Titles of the Acts of the Parliament of Western Australia, passed in the Sixth Session of the Third Parliament, held in the Year 1900, during the Administration of His Excellency Sir Alexander Campbell Onslow, Knight, Administrator, etc., etc., etc. 64° VICTORIÆ. No. 2. 66 An Act to apply out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and from Moneys to credit of the General Loan Fund the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Pounds to the Service of the year ending 30th June, 1901." 'An Act to correct certain errors in the Constitution Acts Amendment Act, 1899.” 3. "An Act to repeal Duties on Live Stock and Frozen Meat." 66 4. 'An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and from Moneys to Credit of the General Loan Fund to the Services of the Year ending the last day of June, One thousand nine hundred and one, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this and the previous Session of Parliament." 5. "An Act relating to the Members of the Federal Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia." 66 An Act for determining the Divisions in Western Australia for which Members of the 7. An Act to amend The Game Act, 1892.'" 8. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Municipalities." 9. "An Act to amend The Truck Act, 1899." 66 6 10. An Act to amend The Post Office Savings Bank Consolidation Act, 1893." 11. "An Act for the Extirpation of Noxious Weeds." II. 12. 13. 14. 66 66 An Act to facilitate the investment in Western Australian Government Securities of An Act to authorise the raising of a sum of Seven Hundred and Ninety Thousand Pounds "An Act to impose certain Customs Duties subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act." 15. "An Act to further amend The Land Act, 1898.' ” An Act to amend the Law relating to the export of Arms, Military and Naval Stores, and 19. "An Act amending the Law relating to Conspiracy and Protection of Property." 20. "An Act to facilitate the Settlement of Industrial Disputes by Conciliation and Arbitration.” |