OF Prophecp: IN THE COURSE OF WHICH ARE ELUCIDATED MANY PREDICTIONS, WHICH OCCUR IN ISAIAH, AND DANIEL, IN THE WRITINGS OF THE EVANGELISTS, AND WHICH ARE THOUGHT TO FORETELL, AMONG OTHER A REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, FAVORABLE TO THE INTERESTS OF MANKIND, THE OVERTHROW OF THE PAPAL POWER, AND OF ECCLESIASTICAL TYRANNY, THE DOWNFAL OF CIVIL DESPOTISM, AND THE SUBSEQUENT MELIORATION OF THE STATE OF TOGETHER WITH A LARGE COLLECTION OF EXTRACTS, INTERSPERSED Joseph Mede, Vitringa, Dr. Thomas Goodwin, Dr. Henry More, Dr. John Owen, Dr. Cressener, BY THE REV. JOSEPH TOWERS, L. L. D. VOL. II. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM DUANE, PHILADELPHIA, ........ 1808. gift CONTENTS. CHAP. XX. Predictions in Daniel, which speak the same language with the recently cited prophecies of the Apocalypse, and are applicable not only to the antichris- tian governments of Europe, but to those of the world Ch. XXI. Remarks on the Numbers which occur in Daniel and St. John, and on those imperfect notices which they have given us with respect to the time, when some great events will be accomplished. Ch. XXII. A prediction, uttered by Christ himself, relative to the destruction of all antichristian dominion App. to ch. XXII. Bishop Porteus's reflections on the Critical Complexion of the present times. Ch. XXIII. The Sixth Seal shewn to be prophetic of the overthrow of all antichristian Dominion in the European world; together with a short account of the accomplishment of the first, second, fourth, and fifth seals'; ' and a new explication of the Third Şeal, in the course of which are introduced a number of extracts, |