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Exceptions for certain classes of officers besides those designated in Art. 73 shall be determined by law.

ART. 18. The King declares war and makes peace; he concludes and annuls treaties of alliance and of commerce; however, he shall not, without the consent of the Rigsdag, cede any territory or enter into any engagement which changes the existing international relations.

ART. 19. The King shall each year convene the Rigsdag in regular session. Without the King's consent it shall not remain in session longer than two months. This provision may be modified by law.

ART. 20. The King may convene the Rigsdag in extraordinary session, and decides how long such session shall continue.

ART. 21. The King may, without the consent of the Rigsdag, adjourn its regular sessions for a period not exceeding two months, but not more than once between two regular sessions.

ART. 22. The King may dissolve the whole Rigsdag or either of its houses; if only one house is dissolved, the meeting of the other house shall be postponed until the whole Rigsdag can be again assembled. Such reassembling shall take place within two months after the dissolution.

ART. 23. The King may submit to the Rigsdag projects of laws and of other measures.

ART. 24. The King's consent is necessary to give legal force to the resolutions of the Rigsdag. The King orders the publication of laws and sees that they are executed. If a law passed by the Rigsdag is not approved by the King before the next session of the Rigsdag, it shall be considered lost.

ART. 25. In cases of special urgency the King may, when the Rigsdag is not in session, issue laws of temporary application, which, however, shall not be contrary to the constitution, and which shall be submitted to the Rigsdag at its next


ART. 26. The King shall have the right to grant pardon and amnesty. He shall have no right, without the consent of the Folkething, to relieve ministers of the punishment imposed upon them by the Court of Impeachment.

ART. 27. The King grants, directly and indirectly through the proper governmental authorities, such licenses or exceptions from the laws as are customary in accordance with the rules in force before June 5, 1849, or for which authority is contained in laws passed since that date.

ART. 28. The King has the right to coin money in accordance with the law.

ART. 29.


The Rigsdag is composed of the Folkething and the Landsthing.

ART. 30. Every male citizen of good reputation who has reached the age of thirty years shall have the right to vote for members of the Folkething, unless he:

a) Is in the service of another and has no household establishment of his own.

b) Is receiving or has received assistance from public charity, which he has neither returned nor reimbursed.

c) Has not the control of his own property.

d) Has not resided for one year in the electoral district or city where he is staying at the time of the election.

ART. 31. Every male citizen of the age of twenty-five years is eligible to the Folkething, with the exceptions mentioned in a), b), and c) of Art. 30.

ART. 32. The number of members of the Folkething shall be about in the proportion of one member to 16,000 inhabitants. The elections shall take place in election districts; the apportionment and manner of election shall be determined by the election law. Each district elects one member from among those who offer themselves as candidates.

ART. 33. Members of the Folkething shall be elected for

three years. They shall receive a daily compensation the amount of which shall be fixed by the election law.

ART. 34. The Landsthing is composed of 66 members. Twelve members are appointed by the King, seven are elected in Copenhagen, forty-five are elected by the larger election districts comprising rural districts and towns, one by Bornholm, and one by the Lagthing of the Faroe Islands.

ART. 35. No one shall take part, directly or indirectly, in the election of members of the Landsthing unless he has the qualifications required of those entitled to vote for members of the Folkething; however, residence for the year preceding the election is only required either in one of the towns or in a country district of the particular Landsthing district.

ART. 36. In Copenhagen the voters choose one elector for each 120 voters, a fraction of 60 being counted as 120. An equal number of electors is chosen by the voters who, during the preceding year, had been assessed upon a taxable income of not less than 2,000 rix-dollars. These electors together choose the members of the Landsthing for Copenhagen.

ART. 37. In the country all of the voters choose one elector in each parochial district. For the towns, including therein Frederiksberg, Frederiksvaerk, Marstal, Silkeborg, Lögstör and Nörre-Lundby, there shall be chosen half as many electors as there are parochial districts; if the number of electors is uneven it shall be raised to an even number. Onehalf of the electors of each town shall be chosen by all qualified voters; the other half shall be chosen by the voters of the town who, within the preceding year, have been assessed upon a taxable income of not less than 1,000 rix-dollars or have paid not less than 75 rix-dollars in direct taxes to the state and commune. The apportionment of electors among the several towns in proportion to the number of their voters shall be made by the government for each general election of the Landsthing, in such manner that each town shall have one elector for each class of voters. From among the voters of

the country districts who have, during the preceding year, paid the highest state and provincial taxes, a number equal to the number of the parochial districts in the Landsthing district shall meet with the electors to choose members of the Landsthing.

ART. 38. Every person eligible to the Folkething is eligible to the Landsthing if he has resided in the election district during the preceding year.

ART. 39. The King's appointment of members of the Landsthing shall be made for life from among those who are or have been elected members of former or of the existing representative assemblies of the kingdom. However, every member shall be free to resign from his seat in the Landsthing, and he shall lose his seat if he ceases to be eligible.

The other members of the Landsthing are elected for eight years; however, one-half shall retire every four years.

Members of the Landsthing shall receive the same daily compensation as members of the Folkething.

ART. 40. The elections of members of the Landsthing shall take place according to the principles of proportional representation. The election law shall prescribe the details regarding such elections.


ART. 41. The Rigsdag shall meet in regular session on the first Monday in October unless the King summons it to meet before that date.

ART. 42. The Rigsdag shall meet at the seat of government. Under extraordinary circumstances the King may, however, summon it to meet in another place.

ART. 43. The Rigsdag is inviolable.

Whoever assails

its security and freedom, issues or obeys an order for such a purpose is guilty of treason.

ART. 44. and to act upon

Each house shall have the right to propose laws them.

ART. 45. Each house may present addresses to the King. ART. 46. Either house may appoint committees of its members to examine matters of general importance. Such committees shall have power to require verbal or written information from public authorities and from private citizens.

ART. 47. No tax shall be imposed, altered, or abolished except by law; nor shall troops be levied, public loans raised, or state property alienated, except by virtue of a law.

ART. 48. As soon as the Rigsdag convenes in regular session the project of the budgetary law for the next financial year shall be submitted to it, containing estimates of the receipts and expenditures of the state.

The project of the budgetary law and the supplementary appropriation laws shall be first considered in the Folkething.

ART. 49. No taxes shall be collected until after the budgetary law is passed. No expense shall be incurred which is not authorized by the budgetary law or by a supplementary appropriation law.

ART. 50. Each house shall appoint two salaried auditors. These auditors shall examine the yearly public accounts and take care that all of the revenues of the state are included therein, and that no expenditures have been made without the authority of the budgetary law. They may require that all necessary information and documents be submitted to them.

The yearly financial accounts, with the comments of the auditors, shall then be submitted to the Rigsdag for its approval.

These provisions may be altered by law.

ART. 51. No foreigner may be naturalized except by virtue of law.

ART. 52. No law shall be finally passed until after it has been three times considered by the houses.

ART. 53. If a bill is passed in one house it shall be submitted to the other house in the form in which it was passed; if it is there amended it shall be returned to the first house; if

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