Slike strani

Counties, power of police and sanitary regulations,

provision as to classification of, 111.
thirty-fifth class, 64.

County and township government, distinction be-
tween, 259.

and township officers, special laws relating to
prohibited, 150.

buildings, contract extending over a year, 340.
division, general laws for, 257.

how indebtedness beyond income may be in-
curred, 334.

indebtedness, funding of, 147.

may enforce regulations not in conflict with
general laws, 305.

new, general laws for, 257.

shall not be released from state taxes, 304.
County clerk, 261.

ex officio clerks of courts of record, 231.
term of, in San Francisco, 266.
County government, 142.

appointment of deputies, 154.

general system for, 258.

County officers, compensation according to duties,

compensation of shall not be increased, 300.
designation of, 261.

legislature shall provide for, 261.
terms of, 261.

County ordinances, respecting licenses, 310.
County seat, how removed, 256.

special laws, changing prohibited, 150.

County superintendent of schools, 244.
Court reporter, see compensation.

Courts, abolished, 429, 430.

designation of, 191.

effect of adoption of constitution upon, 428.
of record, county clerks are ex officio clerks of,

of record, what are, 230.

transfer of proceedings to new courts, 428.
Cows, ordinance against keeping, 311.

Credit, of city to railroad, 177.

of county, when prohibited, 177.

of state, giving or lending of prohibited, 173.
Credits, assessment of, 365.

Crimes, and misdemeanors, special laws for the
punishment of prohibited, 149.

committed before constitution went into effect,


Criminal cases, change of venue, 52.

Criminal libel, how prosecuted, 60.

Criminal prosecution, extra counsel for, 261.
party shall have speedy and public trial, 69.
Cross examination, of defendant in criminal case,


Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited, 47, 48,


Cumulating votes, see corporations.

Damage, by flood, 87.

for taxing of property by municipality, 88.
resulting from public work, 98.

without injury, abandonment of highway, 96.
see beneficial use.

see compensation Riparian owner.

Days work, eight hours as, 418.

Debris, storage of, 145, 208.

Debts of corporation, liability for, 348.

no imprisonment for, 100.

secured taxation of 371.

Deceased persons, special laws affecting estates of
prohibited, 150.

Declaration of rights, 42.

Deductions, in assessments, 366, 371.

Deed of trust, see mortgage; assessment.

Deeds, special laws giving effect to prohibited, 150.
Defalcation of public funds a felony, 136.
Delegation of powers, 118, 307.

Delegation of powers, affecting municipalities pro-
hibited, 327.

as to establishing county boundary, 122.
decisions as to, 263.

in act relating to harbor commissioners, 121.
in act relating to viticultural com'rs, 121.

Deposit, of municipal taxes, 331.

Depositions, in criminal cases, 80, 81, 83.
laws to provide for taking, 70.
of absent witness, 86, 87.

persons accused of crime entitled to, 70.
when admitted in evidence, 72.
Deputies, act concerning, 159.

allowance of, 301.

for certain county officers, 267.
pay of, 301.

supervisors cannot appoint, 263.

Directors, of corporations, liability of, 348.


of railroad company shall not furnish supplies,
etc., 360.

see joint stock associations; state board of prison;
see prison directors.

Disbarment, accused not entitled to jury, 55.
Discrimination, in transportation charges, 362.
Disincorporation, cities of sixth class, 167.
Disqualification, for office, 412.
Distribution, of powers, 117.

District, congressional, how formed, 170.
District Attorney, 261.

employment of counsel to aid, 261.
supervision of constables' bills, 270.
Dictricts, assembly and senatorial, 126.
Division fences, height of, 317.
in cities, 305.
regulation of, 65.

Division of county, general law for, 257.
see classification.
Divorce, a case in equity, 201.

action for is a case in equity, 201.
jury cannot be demanded, 52.

special laws granting prohibited, 149.
Drainage, act to promote, 119, 178, 325.
Due process of law, 70, 73.

as to claims under sections 1206, 1207, C. C. P.,
82, 86.

deprivation of life, etc., must be by, 69.
destruction of liquors in certain case, 78.
in taking property, 77.

Due process of law, meaning of, 83, 84.
protection from overflow, 81.

widening of Dupont street, San Francisco, 79.
see homestead; game law.

Dueling, restrictions against, 407.

Dues, are property, 365.

from corporations, how secured, 347.
Dupont street, widening of, 78.

Education, 242.

boards of may be provided for by charter, 299.
provision for, 242.

state board, how composed, 248.

Educational qualification to right of suffrage, 113.
Eight hours a legal days work, 418.

Ejectment, jury trial in, 51.

Election, boards of may be provided for by char-
ter, 300.

canvass of returns of constitution, 433.
contest, 201.

exemption from arrest of electors, 116.
for adoption of charter, 288.

for adoption of constitution, 431, 433.

for charter amendment, 289.

for charter, portions may be voted upon, 289.
for directors, etc., of corporations, 354.
for indebtedness in excess of revenue, 334.

for members of assembly, 123.

for members of constitutional convention, 403.
for removal of county seat, 256.

in legislature, 171.

manner of conducting, 117.
militia, duty on day of, 116.
"next by the people, 186.

of governor, 183.

[ocr errors]

of justices of the Supreme Court, 197.

of lieutenant-governor, 188.

of officers under constitution, 419.

of railroad commissioners, 362.

of superintendent of public instruction, 243.
plurality constitutes choice, 413.
primary, law, 66.

Election, provision for future to conform to con-
stitution, 434.

qualification entitling to suffrage, 113.

returns for governor, 183.

special laws providing for conducting prohib-
ited, 150.

to adopt constitution, 432.

to fill vacancies in legislature, 129.

upon incurring state debts, 396.

when held, 419.

Election commissioners in San Francisco, 166, 284.
Electors excused from militia duty, 116.

exempt from arrest on election days, 116.

gaining or losing residence, 116.

resident of Veterans' Home, 116.
Eleemosynary, defined, 411.
institutions, 137.

purposes, perpetuities only allowed for, 410.

Eligible, meaning of, 136.

who, to be governor, 183.

Elisor, grand jury summoned by, 56.

Embezzlement or defalcation to be a felony, 136.
Emblems and devices prohibited, 242.

Eminent domain, bond for compensation, 92.

costs of second trial, 98.

delegation of right, 90.

exercise of right of against corporations, 352.
for railway purposes, 89.

inherent right of state, 90.

manner of estimating compensation, 91, 95.

right of as to frontages on navigable waters, 395.
right of is inherent in the state, 90.

special cases, 212.

uniformity of law, 61.

value to be determined as of the time when
taken, 91.

see local statute, compensation, harbor frontage.
Enacting clause of statutes, 119.

English language, legislative and judicial proceed-
ings shall be in, 140.

Enumeration of rights shall not impair or deny

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