Laws, Decisions, and Opinions Applicable to the National ForestsU.S. Government Printing Office, 1915 - 151 strani |
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37 Stat acquired acres Act of August act of February act of June act of March affidavit amended application approved authorized bona fide canal chiefly valuable claimant coal lands Comp Congress construction cultivation damages deposits desert land district ditch dollars easement eighteen hundred employee entryman expenses February 28 filing forest officer forest reserves Forest Service Government grant grazing hereafter hereby homestead entry homestead laws improvements inclosure Interior irrigation June 11 June 25 land office ment metes and bounds mineral lands mining claim mining laws National Forest lands Nebraska National Forest nineteen hundred nonmineral permit person placer claim plat prescribed prior protection Provided public domain public lands purchase purposes railroad refund register and receiver residence rules and regulations Secretary of Agriculture settlement settler Solicitor survey Territory thereof timber tion tract trespass United unsurveyed vein or lode withdrawal