Slike strani


| परमेश्वरो जयति ।

एतदस्मानतीव सुखाकरोति यदस्मद्देशीयपण्डितवरा वेदव्याख्यानशुद्ध्यशुद्धिविचारे प्रवृत्ताः । धन्यो

(Translated from the Sanskrit.)
"The Lord is great."

It rejoices us exceedingly that the best of our native Pandits are now engaged in examining the right and wrong methods of interpreting the Veda. We congratulate the most learned

ऽसौ विज्ञवरोऽनल्पभाषाभिः श्रीयुतबाबूशिवप्र - Babu Shivaprasada who, being himself acquainted with

सादो येन स्वयमेव भाषान्तरेभ्य ऋग्व्याख्यानानि संस्कृतेष्वनुवादं कृत्वा पण्डितमण्डलीनयनगोचरार्थं काशीविद्यासुधानिधी प्रकाशितानि । ग्रहों कीदृशी धीमतां क्षमता का वा परिश्रमस्य फलजनकता यदनागतानामपि भारतवर्षेऽदृष्टवतामपि भारतवर्षीय पण्डितमुखानि म्लेच्छानामप्यध्यापकमोचमूलरदीनां वेदव्याख्यानपाटवमस्महृदयं चमत्करोति ॥

several languages, has translated interpretations of the RigVeda from other languages into Sanskrit, and published

them in this Journal (The Pandit ), so that they might

meet the eyes of all native scholars. But oh ! how extra

ordinary are the labours of the intelligent, and the results of

their perseverance! for the ability in interpreting the Veda, shown by such men as Professor Moksha-mûlara (Max

Müller), a mere Mlechchha (barbarian), who has never been has filled our heart with astonishment.

in India, and has never seen the face of an Indian Pandit,

These European scholars do not set forth their own opinions from any ill-will to us, nor do they ignore the excellencies of the native commentary of Sâyan'a, or dwell on its defects only. No, their chief object is to find out the truth ; and the

opinion of learned men, who are not committed in favour of

नह्यसूयापरवशैस्तैः श्रीमत्सायणगुणाननादृत्य दोषांश्चाभिमुखीकृत्य स्वकीयं मतं प्रकाशितम् । प्रशतार्थान्वेषण एव तेषामाशयः । व्याख्यानप्रकृता प्रकृतत्वे त्वपचपातिनां कुसंस्काररहितानां विद्वद्वयीणां मतमेव प्रमाणम् । ये तु परोन्नतिमसहमाना धर्म्मलोपभीता वा स्वजातीयवमन्यं कमपि साथै वेदमेव anybody, not belonging to their own caste, either because they

one opinion or another, and who cannot be charged with any evil designs, does surely deserve respect.

Do those who never teach the Veda and its meaning to

cannot bear the elevation of others, or because they fear a
breach of the law, adopt the opinions of modern scholars
like Moksha-mūlara (Max Müller), disregarding the tradi-

नाध्यापयन्ति ते किं परम्परागतामसंलग्नामपि सा-
यनकृतव्याख्यामनादृत्य नवीनानां म्लेच्छमूलरादीनां
वाक्यं स्वीकुर्वन्ति । ते न केवलं स्वयमेव प्रकृतार्थ ज्ञातुं
यतन्तेऽपि तु प्रयत्नशीलानन्यानपि वारयितुमग्रसरा
भवन्ति । एतेषां वाक्यं किं प्रमाणत्वेन ग्रहीतव्यम् ।
तदेवमाशास्महे बुद्धिमन्तोऽनुवादकाः स्वारब्धे कर्मण्य- the labours in which they are engaged.
भिलषितं फलं निर्बाधं साधयन्तु ॥

tional and disjointed commentary of Sayan'a? No, they do
not only make no efforts themselves to find out the real

ये तु मन्यन्ते महाबुद्धिमता बलवत्प्रयत्नशालिनापि दिव्यविज्ञान विनैव क्रियमाणं व्याख्यानं विश्वासाहं न स्यात् तान्पृच्छामः, दिव्यविज्ञानं किं तावत् शास्त्राभ्यसनादिभूतं वा उपायान्तरलभ्यं वा । द्वितीये नास्ति प्रमाणम् । शास्त्राभ्यसनादिभूतं चेन्मोचमूलर सदृशपण्डितानामपि सम्भवति । नापि युष्माकं सायणो द्वैपायनादिवनमहर्षिरिति प्रसिद्धो यस्य व्याख्याने स्खलनमपि न सम्भवति ॥ नहि तेन स्वयं व्याख्यानानि कल्पितानि किंतु यास्कादिनिरुक्तकाराणां ब्राह्मणानां च तात्पर्य्यं दृष्ट्वैव लिखितानीत्युच्यते चेत् प्रतिवदामोऽच । द्रष्टव्यं तावत् सायणेन यथार्थ सुसङ्गतं तात्पर्य्यं गृहीतमगृहीतं वा । प्रायेण मनुष्याः स्खलद्गतयो भवन्ति अत एव न मन्तव्यं कदाचित् सायणेन यल्लिखितं तदेव शुद्धमपरैर्यदुक्तं तदसत्यमिति ॥ एतत्तु डाक्तरम्यूराख्यपण्डितवरेणाप्युच्यते यद् यास्कस्य निरुक्तेन सायणकृतभाष्येण च बहूनि वाक्यानि

meaning, but they are most anxious to prevent others, who are fond of such studies. Does the opinion of such people deserve any weight? We hope therefore that the intelligent translators may, without fail, reap the desired reward from

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your commentator Sâyan'a an inspired writer, like Vyâsa Dvaipâyana and others, so that there could not be any mistake in his interpretations. And if you say that he did not invent his interpretations himself, but that he only wrote them down, after he had consulted the opinions of Yâska and of the Brahman'as, then we answer : "Let us see, then, whether Sayan'a has caught the real and appropriate mean

ing or not. All men are fallible, and therefore no one ought to say that only what was written by Sâyan'a is true, and what is said by others is false."

And this has also been remarked by the learned Dr. Myúra (Dr. Muir), viz., that many passages in the Veda are not clearly understood by Yaska's Nirukta or Sáyan'a's Com

1 Rig-Veda. Sanhita. The Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, translated and explained by F. Max Müller, Vol. I. London: Trübner nd Co. 1869. A negative particle seems here to be omitted.

स्फुटतया नावगम्यन्तेऽतोऽन्यानि साहाय्यानि भाषान्तराल्लभ्यान्यवलम्ब्य प्रकृतान्यसंशयितानि च तात्पव्याणि ग्रहीतव्यानि ॥ किंच प्रथमतः कुत्रचित् पदव्याख्याने सायणो यास्कस्य मतं न स्वीकरोति । द्वितीयतः तौ तु निश्चयाभावात् कस्यचित् पदस्य द्वयं वाधिकं व्याख्यानं कृतवन्तौ । तृतीयतः सायणेनैकपदस्य नाना स्थानेषु नाना व्याख्यानानि कृतानि अत एव संशयो निःसंशयितव्याख्यानप्रयोजनं च ।

इदानीमुदाहरणरूपे चतुर्थसूक्तस्य पञ्चमषष्ठऋचो

mentary, and that therefore we must rely on assistance to be derived from other languages, and adopt such meanings only as are appropriate and free from uncertainty. Moreover, Sâyan'a does not always adopt the opinion of Yâska in the interpretation of words; secondly, both Sâyan'a and Yâska give sometimes, because they are uncertain themselves, two or more interpretations of the same word; thirdly,

Sayan'a himself interprets the same word differently in different places Uncertainty therefore exists, and what we

want is an interpretation free from uncertainty.

Now we shall give as a specimen the respective renderings by Sâyan'a and Moksha-mûlara (Max Müller) of the 5th and the two is clear and convincing.

व्याख्याने सायणमोचमूलरयोरचोदाह्रियेते, द्रष्टव्यं 6th verses of the fourth hymn. Let others judge which of

तयोः कतरस्य व्याख्यानं स्पष्टं हृदयंगमं च ।

(५) उत ब्रुवन्तु नो निदो निरन्यतश्चिदारत ।

दधाना इन्द्र इहुवः ।

(६) उत नः सुभगान् अरिर्वोचेयुर्दस्म कृष्टयः स्यामेदिन्द्रस्य शर्म्मणि ।

॥ सायणव्याख्यानम् ॥

(५) नोऽस्मकं सम्बन्धिन ऋत्विज इति शेषः, ते

Sâyan'a translates :

"May our priests praise Indra! O enemies, go away from this place, and also from another place! Our priests (may


ब्रुवन्तु इन्द्रं स्तुवन्तु, उत अपिच हे निदः हे निन्दितार : praise Indra), they who are always performing worship पुरुषा निरारत इतो देशान्निर्गच्छत अन्यतः अन्यस्माद्देशात् निर्गच्छत । कीदृशा ऋत्विजः परिचयां कुर्वाणाः ।

(६) हे दस्म शत्रूणामुपचयितरिन्द्र त्वदनुग्रहात् अरिरुत शत्रवोऽपि नोऽस्मान् सुभगान् शोभनधनोपेतान् वोचेयुरुच्यासुः कृष्टयो मनुष्या अस्मदमिचभूता वदन्तीति शेषः । ततः सम्पन्ना वयमिन्द्रस्य शर्मणि इन्द्रप्रसादलब्धे सुखे स्वामेत् भवेमेव ॥

॥ तथा मोक्षमूलरस्य ॥

गच्छत अन्यं स्थानं यूयं ये तु इन्द्रमेव पूजयथ इति वदन्तु अस्माकं शत्रवः ।


“ O destroyer of enemies ! may the enemy call us possessed of wealth; how much more, friendly people! May we be in

the happiness of Indra."

Moksha-mûlara (Max Müller) translates the same verses : "Whether our enemies say, 'Move away elsewhere, you who offer worship to Indra only,' or whether, O mighty one, all people call us blessed ;-may we always remain in the

अथवा हे ईश्वर सर्व्वे अस्मान् सुभगान् वदन्तु keeping of Indra.” इन्द्रस्य शर्म्मणि चिरं स्यामेति ॥

एतत्तु विधौ कलङ्क व सायणभाष्ये यत्र कुत्रचित् इव मालिन्यं दर्शितं तस्य गुणान् वर्णयितु कः समर्थः ।

And who, though he may point out here and there a flaw in Sâyan'a's commentary, like a spot on the moon, is able to tell all Sâyan'a's excellencies? Thus writes the

मोक्षमूलरपण्डितवरेणैवं लिखितं स्वग्रन्थस्यानुक्रम - learned Moksha-mulara (Max Müller) in the preface to his णिकायाम्, तथाहि

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“सत्यपि दोषे सायणभाष्ये वेदाध्ययने तत्त्वतीवा वश्यकमिति” । किञ्च “ येतु तस्य व्याख्यानं समीचीनं न मन्यन्ते ते न जानन्ति दुर्गमवेदिकभाषायां सायण एव नेतेति” ॥

उपसंहारकाले निवेदनमेतदस्माकं मात्सर्य्यमुत्सार्य्य मतामतं विचारणीयम, अविचायैवान्येषामपशब्दप्रयोगेणावमाननाकरणन्तु नहि सभ्यानां रीतिरिति

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ADITYA S'ARMA, of the College of Benares.

VALMIKI'S RÁMÁYANA.-Mr. Ralph Griffith, of the Be-
nares College, has completed a metrical translation of the
Northern Recension of Valmiki's Rámáyana. The first
volume, containing the first book and part of the second, will
soon be ready for publication. There will be a preface giving
an account of the poem and the translations of it that have
been completed or begun; foot-notes will be given, where
they seem to be required, from Schlegel, Gorresio, native
commentators, and original; long notes and appendices will
conclude the volume. Messrs. Trübner & Co., 8 and 60,
Paternoster Row, London, will be the European publishers
of the work.

GENEALOGICAL.-A very curious little book has lately
been issued from the press at Poona (India). This volume
professes to be a "History of the Rise, Decline, and Present
State of the Shastree Family. Illustrated by notes, documents,
and portrait of the founder of the Shastree family." These
pages are humbly dedicated by the author to the memories
of the distinguished John Fitzgibbon, second Earl of Clare,
and Sir James Rivett-Camac, Bart., late Governors of
Bombay, who took an almost paternal interest in the Shastree
family, and to all those who have taken, and do take, an
interest in this family.

THE LORD'S PRAYER.-MR. W. Watts has published, in
a handsome crown 8vo. volume, of 116 leaves, "Our Lord's
Prayer in One Hundred Languages," at the very moderate
price of 10s. The work was compiled by S. Apostolides, Esq.,
a Greek gentleman, and well-known linguist, for the benefit
of the Cretan refugees now in Greece, who lost their fortunes
in their struggle with Turkey. The book is dedicated to the
King and Queen of the Hellenes. The style in which it is got
up is admirable. Mr. Watts's printing office is probably the
richest in the world for types of all languages, and its wealth
in this respect is happily illustrated by the volume in question.

Histoire de la Littérature Hindouie et Hindoustanie, par M.
Garcin de Tassy. Seconde édition, revue, corrigée, et con-
sidérablement augmentée. Tome premier. 8vo. pp. iv. and
624. Paris, 1870.-The first edition of this valuable work,
published in 1839 under the patronage of the Oriental Trans-
lation Fund, and dedicated to Her Gracious Majesty the
Queen of England, has for a long time been out of print.
M. Garcin de Tassy, who has rendered so many signal
services by his various excellent works on Hindi and Hin-
dustani philology and other Indian subjects, deserves the
gratitude of all scholars for having prepared a new edition
of his history of Hindi literature, the most important for
every one desiring to know what the state and history of
Urdu literature is and has been. The work, which exhibits
profound research and indefatigable industry, cannot fail,
still further, to increase the reputation of the learned author.

Grammatik der classischen armenischen Sprache, von Dr.
M. Lauer. Wien, 1869.-Though France has for many
years been the only European country in which the study of
the Armenian language may be said to have flourished and
borne fruit (witness the publications of M. J. St. Martin,
V. Langlois, Dulaurier); and though some valuable texts,
as well as grammatical and lexical works, have also been
printed in Russia, Italy, and Germany, the language has not
received, least of all in England, that measure of attention
which, from its importance to the linguist, theologian, and
historian, it so fully deserves. Of the aids till recently
available for the study of the classical Armenian dialect,
Professor J. H. Petermann's larger grammar takes the first
rank, while his more useful "Brevis linguæ Armeniaca
grammatica" (Berlin, 1841), which has the additional
advantage of a chrestomathy and vocabulary, and the ex-
haustive grammar by J. Ch. Cirbied (Paris, 1823), have
long become very scarce. In this dearth of elementary helps
for the acquisition of Armenian, Dr. Lauer's short grammar
deserves to be the more heartily welcomed, as it is based on
sound principles of modern science, and bestows a due share
of attention on the subject of syntax-a chapter far too
much neglected by writers on comparative philology, and in
grammars of Oriental languages generally. The author
proposes to supply the want of a good Armenian text-book
by an annotated edition, with full glossary of the History
of Armenia, by Moses of Khorene; and we trust that by it
he may succeed in bringing many new students of that in-
teresting language into the field.

Institutiones Fundamentales Linguæ Arabica, in usum
Juventutis Academicæ, editæ ab Hermanno Zschokke. 8vo.
pp. 202. Vindobonæ, 1869. The small compass of this
work only allows a concise statement of the main structure
of Arabic Grammar; and the author has curtailed that space
by an unexpected appendix of 19 pages, containing a sketch
of the peculiarites of modern vulgar Arabic. The book is
based on Oberleitner's Fundamenta Ling. Arabicæ (Vienna,
1822), which never had much repute, but it has been some-
what modernized in conformity with Ewald's grammar.
The author acknowledges this in his preface; and the ring of
Ewald's Latin style is often audible to instructed ears. It is
rather startling, in our time, to hear the two tenses of the
Arabic verb called the two Aorists. Type and paper are good,
and the book may be useful to those commencing this study.
MR. TALBOYS WHEELER-A few kindly farewell words are
due to a meritorious public servant, about to be translated to a
wider sphere of utility. The Supreme Government, in recog.
nition of the pre-eminent industry and intelligence of Mr.
Wheeler, has appointed him to the honourable post of
Secretary to the Government of British Burmah. General
Fytche has, of all men, perhaps, the greatest reason to con
gratulate himself on the selection of such an able and
conscientious collaborateur. During the eight years Mr.
Wheeler has served in the Foreign Office he has enjoyed
many opportunities of making his talents known to those
placed in authority over him, and we may safely affirm that
very much of the efficiency of that office has been due to his
methodical business-like habits, his quick perception, his
facility of expression, and perfect mastery of the English
language. As a literary man, Mr. Wheeler has written his
name in enduring characters. His work upon the Geography
of Herodotus has been consulted with advantage by our ripest
scholars, while his magnum opus on the prehistoric ages of
Hindoostan has already commanded a European reputation.
Mr. Wheeler's departure from Calcutta will be regretted by
a large circle of friends and acquaintances, who will watch
his future career with interest and undoubting confidence.—
Calcutta Englishman, Jan 13.

For many years a bitter dispute has raged between the Irish,
Dutch, and French Catholic missionaries in India, on the one
side, and the so-called Portuguese priests on the other. The
former came to India in time of trouble, and when the Portu-
guese had deserted their ancient settlements and converts;
now that peace is restored, they are asked by an ignorant
and degraded rabble to resign their establishments in favour
of the latter, who claim the exclusive jurisdiction granted
them by Papal briefs more than 300 years ago. The actual
authorities are unwilling to cancel these documents, though
they were originally obtained by misrepresentation and for-
gery. When the Portuguese priests first visited India they
transformed the Syrians settled there into Christians of St.
Thomas, and invented a complete history of their sufferings
in a short time they improved upon their first account, and
not content with discovering the tomb of St. Thomas, they
manufactured a gravestone as evidence of the truth of their
great discovery. As the story is now told, it seems that a
miracle drew attention to a small granite slab buried near
Madras, and that, after some delay and with considerable
difficulty, two persons were found who explained the in-
scription on it. These worthies (a Brahman and a Jew!)
both agreed in their interpretation, and declared that this
stone covered the tomb of the "Holy Thomas, who preached
the Gospel in India, and was martyred there by enraged
Brahmans." This absurd tale has often been quoted in
modern descriptions of Madras and S. India, and several
miracles are said to have been lately worked by this stone,
which still remains where it was originally placed, viz., be-
hind the altar of the Portuguese Church at St. Thomas's
Mount, a few miles from Madras. The late Vicar Apostolic
of Madras had long suspected an imposition, and got a tracing
of the stone, but his sudden death prevented the publication
of an exposure as he intended. A slight description is suffi
cient to show how clumsy an attempt at forgery this is. The
stone is a small slab of granite, with a semicircular head; in
the centre is a fleur-de-lys cross (of the 1st century!), with
a rough bas-relief of a dove hovering over it; round the
margin (except at the bottom) is a single line of about twenty
fanciful marks, which are clearly imitated from the modern

Tamil character, and would hardly be sufficient to express
the name, much less the long inscription, which should be
there according to the legend. It is hardly necessary to say
that a genuine Indian inscription of the 1st century, A.D.
would be in the old Tamil character, or in that of the Açoka
inscriptions; the modern Tamil character, which the forgers
imitated, is not above 500 years old. The whole story and
the interpretation of this pretended inscription are given in
Card. Baronius's Ecclesiastical Annals; it is to be hoped that
the editor of the new edition of this work (M. Theiner)
will refuse to admit it.-B.

HINDOO MATTERS.-Under the head of "Hindoo Yearn.
ings," a missionary says:-"I was much struck with this in
reading lately a Tamil Book, the product of a splendid Hindoo
mind, one hundred and fifty years ago. Let me give you a
free translation of a passage which I made at the time of
perusing it, so forcibly did it arrest my attention :-'I yearn
for Him. Oh, ye Sun and Moon, tell me who set you in
your unvarying course of day and night? Do you know his
glory? Oh, thou blowing Wind, by whose power dost thou
whirl through the reaims of space? Speak to me of Him.
Oh, ye Clouds, which come and drop in thirsty places your
genial rain, think and speak! Can you tell me the way in
which my Divine Master pours down, as freely as ye do,
His copious showers of grace? Oh, thou incomprehensible
Sky, canst thou describe Him who transcends thy measureless

height? Oh, thou sounding Sea, thou of unutterable sub-
limity, who stretchest forth thy wave hands, say, who
established thy vast bounds? Tell me, too, ye forest
birds with variegated wings, have ye ever gazed upon and
spoken with Him who is my lover, who dwelleth every-
where? If ye have, commune with me about Him.""
-The Bride's Mirror is the title of a novel for Hindoo
ladies. It is written in the chastest colloquial style, and
depicts with close fidelity and artistic skill not merely the
everyday life of the Indian Mussulman, but that inner
domestic life from which he is so unwilling to draw the veil.
The publication of this work is a most remarkable incident
in the history of Hindoo literature. Sir William Muir and
Mr. Kempson vouch for the style, and the author, Mahomed
Nazir Ahmid, Settlement Officer at Jaloun, has received a
reward of 1,000 rupees from the Government, which has also
taken 2,000 copies of the work. - A new scheme of worship
has been broached at Benares, in a project for a Church of
Truism, one-third to be appropriated to Christian worship.
one-third to the Mussulmans, and one-third to the Hindoos,

CHINESE TYPOGRAPHY.-The destruction by fire of a
wing of the Emperor's Palace in Peking will be a great
loss, as it contained large stores of books, and of blocks for
book-printing. It was in this building that all the books
were produced which have been printed at the imperial cost
for more than two centuries.


PHILIP FRANCIS GOULD BARRY. 16mo. boards, pp. 80.
Adelaide, 1867.

BEANEY. SYPHILIS; its Nature and Diffusion Popularly
Considered. By JAMES GEORGE BEANEY, F.R.C.S., late
Honorary and Consulting Surgeon to the Melbourne
Hospital, Member of the Hunterian Medical Society of
Edinburgh; Member of the Medical and Royal Societies
of Victoria, etc. With fifteen coloured plates. 8vo. cloth,
pp. xvi. and 304. Melbourne, 1869.

CONTENTS.-Syphilitiæ, Diseases of :-I. The Skin, including hands
and feet.-II. The testes.-III. The joints, bones, and muscles.-IV.
The ear and the eye.-V. Lips, mouth, throat, tongue, and nose.-
VI. The lungs and their passages.-VII. The liver, stomach, intes-
tines, anus, and rectum.-VIII. The heart and blood-vessels.-IX.
The kidneys and bladder.-X. The womb.-XI. The brain and spinal
cord.-Insanity.-XII. Communicated and hereditary syphilis.
WADE BROWNE. Fcap. 8vo. limp. Melbourne, 1868.
By "Overlanding," is meant the transmission of large droves of
sheep or cattle overland for sale at any of the markets in the colonies.
The author does not, however, confine himself to a mere description
of the overlander and his habits, but gives a dissertation on the money
market, the causes which affect the stock market, the diseases to
which stock are liable, and the laws regulating the travelling of stock.
CHOWLA: A Romance of the Darling. Edited by SAUNDERS
MCTAVISH. Fcap. 8vo. boards, pp. vi. 82. Adelaide, 1867.
By EDWIN EXON. Fcap. 8vo. pp. 96. Melbourne, 1862.
FRANC. GOLDEN GIFTS: An Australian Tale.
MAUDE JEANNE FRANC, author of "Marian,"
Vale," etc. 8vo. Adelaide, 1869.
HEARN.-PLUTOLOGY; or, The Theory of the Efforts to
Satisfy Human Wants. By WILLIAM EDWARD HEARN,
LL.D., Professor of History and Political Economy in the
University of Melbourne. 8vo. Melbourne, 1863.
By GERARD KREFFT, F.L.S., C.M.Z.S., etc., Curator and
Secretary of the Australian Museum. 8vo. sewed, pp. 14.
With two tables of photographic illustrations. Sydney,
1868. 2s. 6d.


Discourses. By the author of "Divine Communion," etc.
Fcap. 8vo. pp. 152. Melbourne, 1870.

Gifts Suppressed by the Church. By the Rev. JAMES
MARTIN, B.A., Pastor of the Collins-street Baptist Chapel,
Melbourne (late of Nottingham). Crown 8vo. sewed, pp.
32. Melbourne, 1869.

A sermon preached at the ninth session of the Baptist Association
of Victoria, held in Melbourne, November, 1869.

Treatise on Small Sword Exercises; also, Single Stick
Play, Defence of Sabre against Bayonet, Cavalry, etc.,
Club Exercises, Preparatory Extension Motions; Hints to
Professors and Amateurs, etc. With Illustrations. By
ROBERT MEIKLE. 8vo. pp. 82. Melbourne, 1859.
Recording Opinions, Feelings, Impressions, and Peculiari-
arities. Third Edition. Small 4to. sewed. Melbourne, 1869.
Australian Law Books.

of Victoria, containing Practical Directions to Justices of
the Peace, 8vo. 1852.

delivered in 1851. 8vo. sewed. 1853.

MENT OF VICTORIA, Sessions 21 and 22, 23 and 24
Vict. folio, sewed. 1861.

VICTORIA, 25 Vict. No. 125. 8vo. sewed. 1861.
VICTORIA, with Rules, Orders, Forms, and Costs, etc.
Ry JAMES M'KEAN. 8vo. cloth and sewed. 1861.
VICTORIA, 28 Vict., No. 267, pocket edition. Fcap. 8vo.
sewed, cloth. 1866.

TION ACTS OF VICTORIA. Pocket edition, 1 vol.
fcap. 8vo. 1866.

OF VICTORIA. 8vo. 1861.

Ditto, law calf and half law calf, 1861.

and enlarged edition, By W. H. WILKINSON, Barrister-at-
Law. 8vo. 1866.

VICTORIA, 23 Vict. No. 265. Pocket edition, fcap. 8vo.
Bewed. 1866.

140, with a copious Index. By JAMES M'KEAN. 8vo.
limp, cloth and sewed. 1862.

Notes, Observations, and Decisions, with Appendix. 8vo.

* Supplied by Trübner and Co.

Australian Law Books continued. VICTORIAN STATUTES (The), 4 vols. Vol. 5, 4to. cloth. 1866-1868.

COURTS OF VICTORIA, Comprising the County Courts' Sta-
tute, 1869; Rules, Orders, Forms, and Fees, and a copious
Index, etc, 8vo. sewed. Melbourne, 1869.

Entomological Society of New South Wales,

(THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE). 12mo. sewed, pp. 78. Sydney and London, 1869, 6s.

CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. (PART I).-On the Anthicidae of Australia. By the Rev. R. L. King, B.A.-On the Genus Charagico of Walker. By A. W. Scott, M.A.-On a new genus of Hepialide. By A. W. Scott, M.A.-On the "Agrotis Vastator." By A. W. Scott, M.A.-On Ornithoptera Cassandra. By A. W. Scott, M.A.- Descrip tion of new species of "Articerus." By the Rev. R. L. King, B.A.On the Scaritidae of New Holland. By William MacLeay, Esq.. F.L.S.-On the Byrrhidae of Australia. By the Rev. R. L. King, B.A, -The Genus "Hiketes." By the Rev, R. L. King, B.A.


Bombay Army List, and the Bombay Civil List, including the ecclesiastical establishment. 1st October, 1869. Compiled, by permission of Government, in the Adjutant-General's Office, Head-quarters. Svo. sewed, pp. 328. 12s.

Calcutta Review. No. 98. October, 1869. 8vo, sewed, pp. iv., 248. Calcutta, 1869.

CONTENTS. The Seven Pagodas.-Capt. Forbes' Memorandum on Irrigation Works.-Comparative Hinduism.-Wheeler's History of India. The Literature and Origin of Buddhism.-The Death of Jahangir and Accession of Shahjahan.-The Hill Tracts of Chittagong.-Indian Botany,-Our Panjab Frontier.-Critical Notices.Vernacular Literature.

Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal. Vol. II. No. V. October, 1869. 8vo. sewed, pp. 117-144. Foochow, 1869.

CONTENTS.-Contributed Articles: Buddhism in China.-On the best method of presenting the Gospel to the Chinese.-The Moral Uses of Heathenism.-The Small Feet of Chinese Women.-Notes of a Bible Tour in Shansi.--Polygamy or Concubinage ?-The Evils of Opium Smoking.-Concerning Pigs.-Correspondence.-Statistics of Protestant Missions.-Editorial Items.-Missionary Intelligence, etc. Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal. Vol. II. No. VI. November, 1869. 8vo, sewed, pp. 145-176. Foochow, 1869.

CONTENTS.-Contributed Articles: Buddhism in China.-On the best method of presenting the Gospel to the Chinese.-Early History of Hang-chou and its Surroundings.-The Polygamy Question.Chinese Arts of Healing.-The relation of Christianity to Polygamy.

Ashubodha Vyakarana.


Sanskrit. By Taranatha Tarchavachaspati. 8vo. pp. 6, 498, 13, 14, sewed. Calcutta, 1869. 21s.

Bâlarâmâyana. A Drama, by Rajasekhara. Edited by Pandit Govinda Deva Sastri. 8vo. sewed, pp. 3, 312, 9. Benares, 1869. 12s. 6d.

Bhâvakutûhala, by Jivanâtha, Astrological. 8vo. sewed, 34 leaves. Benares, 1865. 3s. 6d.

Bombay Sanskrit Series. No. IV. Panchatantra I. Edited, with Notes, by F. Kielhorn. 8vo. pp. 114, 54, boards. Bombay, 1869. 6s. 6d.

See also Panchatantra.

Chamatkarachintamani, by Nârâyanabhatta. With a Commentary. 8vo. 22 leaves, sewed. Benares, 1869, 8s.

Devimâhâtmya.-See Saptasati.

Elements of Natural Philosophy and Natural History: in a series of familiar dialogues, Translated into the Sanskrit Language, under the superintendence of Rev. W. Yates, 870. pp. 102, sewed. Calcutta, 1828. 6s. Jâtakâlankâra, by Ganesa. Astrological. 8vo. 32 leaves, sewed. Benares, 1869. 3s. 6d. Jyotirvidâbharaña, by Kâlidâsa, with a commentary by Bhavaratna. 8vo. sewed, 251 leaves. Benares, 1869.

£1 10s.

Kavya Prakasika.-Moozoomder's Series. Kavya

Prakasika. Parts i.-xviii., containing Sakuntala, Kumara Sambhava, Mrichchhakatika, Venisamhåra. Mudrârâkshasa, Raghuvamsa, with Notes and Bengali Translation, 8vo. sewed, Calcutta, 1868-69. Each part 2s. 6d. Madhava Vilasha. A Dialogue, in Sanskrit. 8vo. pp. 146, sewed. Calcutta, 1868. 83.

-The Yangtze Flood.-Small Feet.-Correspondence: Who are the
Carenes-Opium and other Narcotics.-Missionaries and their
Consuls, etc.

Confucius.-The works of Confucius, containing
the original text, with a translation. Vol I. (all ever pub-
lished.) To which is prefixed a dissertation on the Chinese
language and character. By J. Marshman. 4to. pp. XL.
726, 18. half-calf. Serampore, 1809. 31. 3s.
Gonçalves.-Diccionario China-Portuguez Com-
posto por J. A. Gonçalves, sacerdote da Congregaçao da
Missao M.R.S.A. Stout sq. 8vo. hf. bd. pp. vi.. 1030, 126.
Macao, 1833. £4 10s.

Notes and Queries on China and Japan. Edited by N. B. Dennys. Vol. I. 8vo. sewed, pp. VIII., 176. Hongkong, 1867. Subscription per annum, 36s.

Notes and Queries on China and Japan. A monthly medium of inter-communication for professional and literary men, missionaries, and residents in the East generally, etc. Edited by N. B. Dennys. Vol. III. No, 9. 8vo. pp. 129-144. Subscription per annum, 36s.

CONTENTS.-Notes: Palm Trees. On the mode of raising and administering public subscriptions in China.-An explanatory note concerning Fiao-chih.-The Kinsats, or Japanese paper money.-Les palmiers de la Chine.--Queries: Works on Chinese Architecture; the Chinese Dragon; Snakes in Hongkong; Maps of China; the Imperial Library.-Replies: Chinese Oaths.-Wheel Carriages impelled by Wind; etc.-Notices to Correspondents.


Mahabharata. Four Episodes from the Mahabharata (Matsyopâkhyânam-Savitri-Drôpadipramadha -Sacountalapâkhyanam). Prescribed by the Bombay University, for the Juggonath Sunkersett Sanskrit Scholarships. 8vo. pp. 90, boards. Bombay, 1866. 4s. Makarandasarani, 31 leaves.-Makarandavivarana, by Divâkara, 11 leaves.-Makarandodâhriti, by Visvanatha Daivajna, 30 leaves. Makarandopapatti, by Daivajna Gokulanátha, 20 leaves.-Kalpalatâ, by Somadaivajna, 21 leaves.-Mayûrachihaka, by Varâhamihira, 18 leavesAll these, astrological, in one vol. 8vo. sewed. Benares, 1869. 12s. 6d.


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99 leaves. Benares, 1869. 8s.

8vo. sewed,

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Panchatantra, edited, with Notes, by G. Bühler and F. Kielhorn. Parts I-V., in 3 Numbers. Boards, pp. 114, 54; 86, 15; 84, 16. Bombay, 1868-69, 16s. 6d. Praśna-Vaishnava, by Nârâyaṇadaśa. Astrological. 8vo. 45 leaves, sewed. Benares, 1826. 5s.

Puraścharanadipikâ, by Kâsînâtha. 8vo. sewed.

14 leaves. Benares, 1867. 2s. 6d.

Ramayana. The first book of Ramayana (Bala-
Kanda) published for the Educational Department of the
Bombay Presidency. 8vo. pp. 176, 2 leaves, boards.
Poona, 1862, 8s. 6d.

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