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11. Be kind and considerate to the unfortunate.

12. Do unto others as you would like them to do to you. 13. Be a part of the community and make its interests your interests.

In these ways we can promote the welfare of the community.

In promoting the welfare of the community we are promoting our own welfare.

Let us be useful citizens, and do our share toward making a better community in which to live.

Questions and Topics for Discussion

The life of a community depends on the usefulness of its members. In what ways are you trying to become a useful member of your community?

Are you teaching your children, also, to become useful in the community?

Name someone who is a useful member of your community.
Why do you think so?




We have seen that the community serves the people, and that the people in turn serve the community.

The interests of one are the interests of all, but sometimes we find people who do not seem to think so.

Suppose one member of the community refuses to keep his house or his yard free from dirt, rubbish, or garbage.

The condition of this one yard will be dangerous to the whole community, because flies, which carry the germs of deadly disease, will breed and fly from the garbage can right into the house next door.

Here they may light on food which is being prepared in the kitchen, causing sickness and sometimes death.

Although the man who owns the yard knows that it is a menace to health, he is ignorant, or selfish, and will not clean it up. Right here comes the need of government.

An officer of the law demands that the yard be cleaned. If it is not done, he serves a warrant of arrest on Mr. A., the owner of the yard.

Mr. A. is fined and also forced to clean the yard.

He was interfering with the rights and interests of other members of his community by exposing them to disease. There must be some agency to take care of such cases,

where one man or a group of men act in such a way that
they endanger the safety, rights, or health of others.
This agency is called government, represented in this
case by the officer.

Without government people would not be safe.
Everyone could do as he pleased.

While the majority of citizens would live in an orderly way, others might constantly endanger them by carelessness, selfishness, or ignorance.

Government, which is the enforcing of laws and the exercising of authority, is a necessary remedy for these evils. It is for the good of all.

Questions and Topics for Discussion

Why is one yard, which is not clean, dangerous to the community? What are germs? What do germs sometimes cause?

What was the condition of Mr. A.'s yard?

What did the officer do? What happened in court?

What is government? Why is government necessary?

What do you think the condition of the world would be without government?

Do you know of any countries with poor government?

What is the result?



We hear a good deal about Democracy.

How many of us know just what Democracy means? In very simple terms, Democracy means self-government, or a government "by the people."1

1 The term "democracy" comes from two Greek words, which, taken together, mean "control by the people."

Our Democracy is a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

When the officer went to Mr. A. and demanded that he clean up his yard, he acted as a representative of the people.

The people in the community wished the yard cleaned, but all of them could not go to Mr. A.'s house to talk to him about it. But the effect was the same, because the officer, who was one of them, had been chosen by them to act for them in this and other cases like it.

The laws in a Democracy are made and enforced in this way. Thus we see that the people are self-governing.

Questions and Topics for Discussion

What is Democracy?

Describe the government of a Democracy.

Tell how the officer represented our Democracy.

How are the laws in a Democracy enforced?

How can we help to keep our Democracy the greatest in the world? Name other Democracies that you know about.




The simplest form of self-government is where the people meet together to form their own laws.

Such a government is found in many towns, especially in New England.

The towns are governed by the voters, who gather each year at a town meeting.

[graphic][merged small]

Officers1 are chosen who carry out the laws made at the town meeting, and who have the general direction of the town's business.

One of the greatest advantages of the town meeting is the education of the citizens.

There is often open discussion by the voters, either for or against the measure to be voted upon. In this way citizens become acquainted with, and interested in, the town's affairs.

The action taken is the wish of those present, and usually of the majority of the town's people.

Town government like that described is the simplest form of Democracy.

1 Called "Selectmen" in New England, and various other names in other parts of the country.

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