Reports of the Department of the Interior, Količina 1

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1914


Druge izdaje - Prikaži vse

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Stran 800 - An act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States.
Stran 797 - SEC. 3. That permits for the examination of ruins, the excavation of archaeological sites, and the gathering of objects of antiquity upon the lands under their respective jurisdictions...
Stran 381 - Harrison, the area mapped being 30 square miles, for publication on the scale of 1 :62,500, with a contour interval of 20 feet. For the control of...
Stran 927 - The essential requirements to securing an invitation are that the applicant shall be a citizen of the United States, shall be between twenty-two and thirty years of age, a graduate of a medical school legally authorized to confer the degree of doctor of medicine, shall be of good moral character and habits, and shall have had at least one year's hospital training or its equivalent in practice.
Stran 413 - There is hereby reserved to the United States and exempted from the operation of any and all grants made or confirmed by this act to said proposed State all land actually or prospectively valuable for the development of water powers or power for hydro-electric use or transmission and which shall be ascertained and designated by the Secretary of the Interior within five years after the...
Stran 879 - Interior, who shall administer and protect the same under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 8, 1906, entitled "An Act for the preservation of American antiquities...
Stran 836 - That all hunting, or the killing, wounding, or capturing at any time of any bird or wild animal, except dangerous animals, when it is necessary to prevent them from destroying human life or inflicting an injury...
Stran 856 - Persons who render themselves obnoxious by disorderly conduct or bad behavior, or who violate any of the foregoing rules, will be summarily removed from the park, and will not...
Stran 782 - An Act to codify and amend the penal laws of the United States," approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and nine, as amended by...
Stran 835 - States for the national park, as now or hereafter constituted: saving, however, to the State of Alaska the right to serve civil or criminal process within the limits of the aforesaid park in suits or prosecutions for or on account of rights acquired, obligations incurred, or crimes committed in said State, but outside of said park; and saving further to the said State the right to tax persons and corporations, their franchises and property...

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