* * * * * * lands of the United States? Are they here locked up States." The power of disposition is plenary, unrefrom the people, and, for the sake of their game or tim-strained, unqualified. It is not limited to a specified obber, excluded from sale? Are not they freely exposed ject or to a defined purpose, but left applicable to any in market, to all who want them, at moderate prices? object or purpose which the wisdom of Congress shall The complaint is, that they are not sold fast enough, in deem fit, acting under its high responsibility. other words, that people are not multiplied rapidly The deeds from the ceding States, far from opposing, enough to buy them. Patience, gentlemen of the land fully warrant the distribution. That of Virginia ceded committee, patience! The new States are daily rising the land as "a common fund for the use and benefit of in power and importance. Some of them are already such of the United States as have become, or shall begreat and flourishing members of the confederacy. And, come members of the confederation or federal alliance if you will only acquiesce in the certain and quiet ope- of the said States, Virginia inclusive." The cession ration of the laws of God and man, the wilderness will was for the benefit of all the States. It may be argued quickly teem with people, and be filled with the monu- that the fund must be retained in the common treasury, ments of civilization. and thence paid out. But by the bill reported, it will There are good men in different parts, but especially come into the common treasury, and then the question in the Atlantic portion of the Union, who have been in- how it shall be subsequently applied for the use and duced to regard lightly this vast national property; who benefit of such of the United States as compose the conhave been persuaded that the people of the West are federacy, is one of modus only. Whether the money is dissatisfied with the administration of it; and who be- disbursed by the general government directly, or is paid lieve that it will, in the end, be lost to the nation, and out upon some equal and just principle to the States, to that it is not worth present care and preservation. But be disbursed by them, cannot affect the right of distributhese are radical mistakes. The great body of the West tion. If the general government retained the power of are satisfied---perfectly satisfied with the general admin-ultimate disbursement, it could execute it only by suitistration of the public lands. They would indeed like, able agents; and what agency is more suitable than that and are entitled to, a more liberal expenditure among of the States themselves? If the States expend the them of the proceeds of the sales. But the great body money, the expenditure will, in effect, be a disbursement of the West have not called for, and understand too well for the benefit of the whole, although the several States their real interest to desire, any essential change in the are organs of the expenditure; for the whole and all the system of survey, sale, or price of the land. There may parts are identical. And whatever redounds to the bebe a few, stimulated by demagogues, who desire change; nefit of all the parts necessarily contributes in the same and what system is there, what government, what order measure to the benefit of the whole. The great question of human society, that a few do not desire to change? should be, Is the distribution upon equal and just prin * * * * * * * * * It is one of the admirable properties of the existing ciples? system, that it contains within itself and carries along And now I have a few more words to say and shall be principles of conservation and safety. In the progress done. We are admonished by all our reflections, and of its operation, new States become identified with the by existing signs, of the duty of communicating strength old, in feeling, in thinking, and in interest. Now, Ohio and energy to the glorious Union which now encircles is as sound as any old State in the Union, in all her our favored country. Among the ties which bind us toviews relating to the public lands. She feels that her gether, the public domain merits high consideration. share in the exterior domain is much more important And if we appropriate, for a limited time, the proceeds than would be an exclusive right to the few millions of of that great resource, among the several States, for the acres left unsold, within her limits, accompanied by a important objects which have been enumerated, a new virtual surrender of her interests in all the other public and powerful bond of affection and of interest will be lands of the United States. And I have no doubt that added. The States will feel and recognize the operanow, the people of the other new States, left to their tion of the general government, not merely in power and own unbiased sense of equity and justice, would form burdens, but in benefactions and blessings. And the the same judgement. They cannot believe that what general government in its turn will feel, from the expenthey have not bought, what remains the property of diture of the money which it dispenses to the States, the themselves and all their brethren of the United States, benefits of moral and intellectual improvement of the in common, belongs to them exclusively. But if I am people, of greater facility in social and commercial inmistaken---if they have been deceived by erroneous im-tercourse, and of the purification of the population of pressions on their mind, made by artful men, as the sales our country, themselves the best parental sources of naproceed, and the land is exhausted, and their population tional character, national union, and national greatincreased, like the State of Ohio, they will feel that ness. Whatever may be the fate of the particular protheir true interest points to their remaining copartners in position now under consideration, I sincerely hope that the whole national domain, instead of bringing forward the attention of the nation may be attracted to this most an unfounded pretension to the inconsiderable remnant interesting subject; that it may justly appreciate the which will be then left in their own limits. * * * value of this immense national property; and that, By the second part of the third section of the fourth preserving the regulation of it by the will of the whole, article of the Constitution, Congress "have power to for the advantage of the whole, it may be transmitted, dispose of, and make all needful rules and regulations as a sacred and inestimable succession, to posterity, for respecting the territory or other property of the United its benefit and blessing for ages to come. wwwwwwwv ANECDOTES OF POLITICS AND POLITICIANS. [NOTED DOWN FOR THE WHIG ALMANAC.] SOON after Mr. Jefferson's Inauguration as to the foot of a hill, I saw there a load of hay President, the Federal party were beaten in upset, and a boy standing beside it crying.New-Hampshire, where they had borne sway 'My lad!' said I, 'don't blubber after that for many years, and a 'Democratic' Governor fashion! Just turn to, and I'll help, and and Legislature chosen. The new lords' we'll have your hay all on the cart again in proceeded to turn out all the officers of the half an hour.'-' Oh, it isn't the hay,' said defeated party, after the most decided fashion. the boy, crying louder than ever- I care noThe Supreme Court was almost the only thing for the hay, but father is under the branch of the public service not within their load!"" reach, its Judges being all Federalists, ap- a -Mr. H-,' said Chauncey Langdon, a Federal Member of Congress, in 1814-16, to a one-eyed, rough farmer neighbor, 'it was always a puzzle to me how so sensible a man as you could be a Democrat-but now I perceive-having only one eye, you can only see one side, or half as much as other folks.' and powers-the substantial difference being ، Mr. Langdon, replied the other, we read in that the old Federal Judges were sent to grass with the old Court, and new Democratic Judges filled the bench of the new Court. The announcement of this change created the Good Book that when the eye is single the whole body is full of light.' a prodigious excitement all over the State, -Mr. John C. Spencer, now of the Cabibeing regarded by the Federalists as a clear net, was the Clintonian candidate for the evasion and virtual violation of one of the New-York Senate in one of the severe strugmost important principles of the Constitution, gles which preceded each re-election of De and as a fatal stab to the independence of the Witt Clinton as Governor. In the heat of the Judiciary. Meetings were held, newspapers contest, a political runner from the East ratblazed, and bar-rooms teemed with indignant tled into Canandaigua, (where Mr. Spencer declamation against the overthrow of the resided,) and abruptly accosted the distinJudiciary.' Among others, young Mr. C, guished Gen. D. M-as to the prospects son of one of the discarded Judges, (who has of the rival candidates in that section. "I himself since risen to some distinction in the know nothing about it," was the gruff answer Political world,) sat one day, as was not un- of M to his volunteer acquaintance.usual with him, in a barroom at A-, de-Don't know?' rejoined the astonished emisploring and denouncing the overthrow of the sary- why Mr. Spencer of your place is our Judiciary.' A rough-looking teamster from candidate for the Senate.'-" Spencer?-well, up-country, now on his return from Boston he'll be beaten." -'Oh, Gen. M, don't market, who had sat hearing him in silence say so: he's running against Byram Green.' half an hour, at length broke forth-" My -"Against Byram Green, is he?-then he friend! your case reminds me of one I fell in may be elected-I thought he was running with on my way up from Boston. Coming alone." THE DIFFERENCE. was of course excited, and at the appointed -In the winter of 1830-1, Gen. Thomas hour an immense assemblage had collected Armstrong was a Jackson Senator from the on the Court House green. Of Mr. Clay's Seventh District of this State, and for a time powerful and triumphant Speech on this oca boarder at the Columbian Hotel, Albany, casion it is lamentable that no full report was which he left, and removed to the Eagle. A made or has ever appeared, but the following friend inquired the reason of this change.- passage from its close has reached us: "Oh, I could n't stand it down there," was "It is now more than forty years," said the reply, " too much Anti-Masonry." Why Mr. Clay, "since I came here, a poor and how do you mend that?" pursued the querist, friendless youth. I was taken by the hand here are Granger, and Seward, and several by your fathers, and led to fame and fortune. others.'-" O yes," testily replied, the Gene- All that I am and have been I owe to their ral, "but those fellows down there actually generous kindness and steady confidence.believe in it." JOHN RANDOLPH. And now I have come to spend the evening of my days among their children. I feel like the stag who has been long hunted, and who The world is full of anecdotes of Mr. Ran- returns at last to die on the spot whence he dolph's sarcastic humor, but the following started in vigor and hope. The curs of party has not, to our knowledge, appeared in print: have been long barking at my heels, and the During one of the last years of his life, Mr. bloodhounds of personal malignity are springR. was an attendant on the sessions of the ing at my throat, but (rising to his full hight, Virginia Legislature, when a bashful, back- and looking round with flashing eyes on his country planter met the eccentric orator in defamers who had mingled with the crowd of the lobby and endeavored to introduce him- hearers] I SCORN AND DEFY THEM NOW, AS I self. "Mr. Randolph," said he, fumbling EVER DID!" and scraping with especial awkwardness, "I 'I wish,' said the Kentucky eye-witness live only fifteen or twenty miles from you-I who related this passage to us from memory, pass your plantation quite often."-" Sir,' said John, regarding him from head to foot with infinite scorn, 'you are welcome to pass it as often as you please.' MR. CLAY ON THE STUMP IN 1843. that you could have heard and seen our gallant Harry say this. He looked at least eleven feet high.' DAVY CROCKETT was once attending a In the spring of 1843, Mr. Clay returned to menagerie exhibition in Washington, and diKentucky from a winter residence in New-lating to some friends on the similarity of Orleans, and found that during his absence countenance between one of the monkeys and personal as well as partisan malevolence had a brother Member of Congress. He looked been busy with his fair fame. The wealthy up, and behold! the Member in question was and powerful family of the Wickliffes had en- a quiet listener to his discourse!" I suplisted under Tyler and come out violently pose, Mr. W-," said Davy, "that I ought against him, while the Hon. Tom. Marshall to apologize; but I can't tell whether to you had come home from Washington surcharged or the monkey!" with bitterness against every body, and espe- -The last year that Davy was in Congress cially his eminent neighbor, and was travers- the Loco Members held a jollification, proing the District making speeches filled with fessedly in honor of the Birth-Day of Jefferpointed inuendo against and ill-concealed ha-son. Davy met several of them going home tred of the pride of Kentucky. Soon a notice from the festival, and thus graphically deappeared on the Court House door, setting scribed their condition: "They were so forth that Henry Clay would address his brunk that I'll be if either of them could fellow citizens of Fayette County on the first hit the ground with his hat in three times day of the ensuing Court.' A lively interest throwing!" NEW-YORK CITY. SENATOR, November, 1843. MAYOR, April, 1843. Broome.......2171 2145 12....2010 VI. Walbridge. Burnham. Allegany......3143 2922 329....3693 Whig. A. Rep. L. F. Sub. Whig. L. F. Cattaraugus...2093 2209 457....2583 2486 167 W'ds. Fr'k'lin. Q'boss. Jones. Walsh. Smith. Morris. Chemung 1064 1780 47....1534 2304 35 3........ 960 815 Chenango.. .3231 3962 187....3757 4122 75 II.... 593 89 314 20........ 700 III....1098 193 439 22........1189 747 473 Steuben 73 Livingston. .2717 1928 145....3216 2515 132 2179 3569 230....3236 4393 128 IV.... 657 211 931 39. 889 1364 Tioga .1581 2089 80....1781 2202 22 V....1042 397 732 17........1302 1312 Tompkins 2432 3005 337....3395 3619 103 3 VI.... 564 154 1141 32... .. 778 1583 Total....20,611 23,609 1,824 25,205 27,226 897 VII....1232 629 1128 29... .1671 2052 Maj. for Burnham, 2,998..... for Bouck, 2,021. 34........2155 2262 VII. Maynard. Lester. Bradley. ΙΧ....1014 1182 939 64.. 1464 Χ.... 950 32........1170 2239 Cayuga 3799 *3766 387....4369 5046 253 1750 Cortland .1882 2126 477....2249 2299 232 ΧΙ.... 384 924 917 11... .. 638 2002 Onondaga. 4422 5628 758....6024 6585 262 507 725 Ontario. 3525 3121 48....3770 3460 352 XIII.... 635 716 918 16........ 919 1851 Seneca 1689 2054 141....1976 2542 85 55 XIV.... 690 1646 Wayne. XV....1196 787 Yates.. .1466 .2488 3282 590....3558 4010 192 1979 1622 XVI.... 980 601 1311 10. 1673 1909 XVII.... 860 828 948 37. Total....19,271 21,733 3,055 23,567 25,921 1,538 Maj. for Lester, 2,462......for Bouck, 2,354. * Bowen Whiting (L. F.) received 67. VIII. Backus. Murphy. Plumb. 3226 673 .4601 3702 425....4855 4167 352 2073 1545 369....2863 2022 116 5245 5086 603....5465 2052 2074 444....2630 5220 273 2278 153 2103 91 1889 335 Wells. Smith. Dutchess .4417 4748 22....3895 4661 24 Orange. 3329 3836 1... 3293 4148 19 Dist's. Putnam 494 1152 01. Queens. 1....2077 2625 0 Queens. Rockland. 0.... 367 1298 2844 14. 1280 0....1338 Sullivan .1042 1556 Westchester...2708 3020 39...3109 3786 Total....17,443 22,296 65 19,164 25,929 Maj. for Smith, 4,793...... for Bouck, 6,765. Albany... 6032 5682 153....6272 0....1117 1470 14 2....3351 3887 1 5 11. Silliman. Murphy. Whiting. 68 Kings Total....4,214 4,563 61 6076 87 2522 2550 Total....3,354 5,463 14 4,937 6,032 Majority for Strong, 2,109.. for Van Buren, 1,095. 3391 3293 3578 61.... Richmond..... 823 985 Majority for Murphy, 349.... for Harrison, 178. King. Strong. W'mson. Harr'n. V.B. 2056 2619 CONGRESS, 1842. PRESIDENT, 1840. Whig. L. F. Ab. Whig. L. F. 2415 3482 3157 903 861 4,196 4,018 (III. Phenix. Nicoll. Kennedy. Greene 1923 2637 41....2226 3059 10 I. Ward.. 946 678 5380 5255 178....5366 5437 78 II. 753 428 887427 20....1456 1699 5 736 .1474 682 Schoharie ..1508 2289 115....2179 3375 24 1138 1177 1143 1452 1169 Total....5,084 Majority for Phenix, 928.... for Harrison, 2,111. 4,156 29 6,153 4,042 Clinton 847 1661 716....1571 1903 121 Essex. 1752 1661 123....2049 1639 37 Franklin. .1129 1265 87....1354 1296 16 Fulton.... .1518 1615 72....1665 Hamilton. 80 253 0.... 100 237 0 Herkimer......1763 3353 485....2430 3802 87 Montgomery..2472 3044 70....2448 Warren 948 1476 Saratoga......3586 St. Lawrence..2841 Washington...3409 2767 299....4088 Total....20,345 25,242 2,093 23,980 26,748 916 Maj. for Clark, 4,997.....for Bouck, 2,768. 105....3813 18....3319 4864 256 118....1143 1497 48 3012 217 NEW-YORK CITY. VI. Fish. McKeon. Dresser. Lewis 1268 1678 175....1519 1716 66 XI. W'd 810 1523 Madison. 1833 3127 1751....3206 3883 574 557 380682 Oneida .4580 5769 1148....5558 6955 622 3606 731....3365 4014 383 Otsego 4124 441....3600 .2081 Total....17,405 23,701 5,042 22,022 27,152 2,025 Maj. for Barlow, 6,296.... for Bouck, 5,130. Total....5,904 5,699 12 XV. $1565 XVII. 1326 1506 Majority for Fish, 205....for Van Buren, 922. mm 1686 7972 1063 1443 .1267 14425 5,110 6,032 |