Dnw. ises sets. rises. Bostirise sets rises. N.Y. rises sets. rises h.mih.mh. m. h. m.h.mh.mh. m. h. m. h.mh.mh.m 1 Sa 22 8 [France and England, 1814.4 27 7 28 8 35 11 174 33 7 23 8 30 8 414 1377 19 82 2F 22 16 13 Trinity Sun'y. Peace between 4 277 29 9 28 ev. 94 32 7 23 9 23 9 33 4 36 7 19 92 3M 22 24 43 Earthquake in N. Eng. 1744.4 27 7 29 10 11 Snies were subject to Slavery should be approached.-For 104 327 24 10 8 10 24 4 36 7 20 10 425 7 33 0 36 1665.4 24/7 35 209 124 30 37 4 357 22 mor 2 314 35 7 23 01 3 314 357 23 03 4 354 347 24 5 34 4 347 24 13 6 36 4 34 7 25 2: 7 30 04 347 25 24 8-12 4 347 26 32 8 524 34 7 26 sets. 9 294 34 7 26 8 27 95 0 404 30 7 31 9 20 10 394 34 7 27 91 1 154 30 7 1 504 30 7 32 10 21 11 514 35 7 28 10 2 2 274 317 32 10 50 mor. 4 35 7 28 10 4 3 84 31 17 32 11 18 0 324 35 7 28 11 1 2d Sunday after Trinity. Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775.4 24 7 37 8 48 0 54 30 7 31 8 45 10 44 34 7 27 8 4 War dec. against G. B. 1812.4 25 7 37 9 23 [Battle of Waterloo, 1815.4 25 7 37 9 54 Wm. IV. died, 1838. Victoria 4 25 57 38 10 22 [proclaimed Queen. 4 25 7 38 10 50 4 257 38 11 17 4 26 7 38 11 46 4 267 38 mor. 4 26 7 38 0 18 1 184 35 7 28 11 5 2 74 367 28 mor 3 3436 728 02 6 484 32 7 33 10 1 4 12 4 36 7 2817 534 32 7 33 1 46 5 17 4 37 7 28 1 5 54 337 33 2 40 29 43 1377 28 24 104 337 33 3 43 7 34 4 387 28 34 84 347 33 rises.18 324 387 28 rises all classes should reflect upo privilege most readily, gram of moderation."" gnmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmm Origin of the Names of the States. § 7th month, 9 10 43 11 25 1335 11 7 1 1 52 332 consumption, was $568,900,000. During the second period ceress, is your prime minister; the lean rat, Full Moon... our imports were $1,302,500,000, and the amount retained your people; and the blind rat, yourself... for domestic consumption was $1,103,100,000; that is, ours, I am afraid,' said a lady to her husband, imports and consumption in the second period, were nearly that I am going to have a stiff neck.' double of the first. Here is the secret of the foreign debt. Not at all improbable, my dear,' answered contracted. the husband, I have frequently seen very strong symptoms of it ever since I have known you, dear.' Extravagant hire of steamboats and other vessels.- N. York City; Baltmre: NEW ENGLAND, CONN. N. JER-VIRGINIA, DHw.D hired at $300 day, provided for and insured, till the 23 A. Burr's trial com'ced, 1807.4 567 a month $44,000. The Mobile was paid $11,625 for 25 207 W 16 17 days. The Minerva, 73 days, days, at $300 a day-$21,900. The Merchant, 85 days, at $450 a day-$38,250. in Contracts for Mail Bags, &c. From House 10 Sa 15 25 Frauds to 1841, was $336,000; that in November, 1840, there were on his (Jewett's) hands 4,020 bags, not wanted, which cost $65,000; that a large overplus was in the hands of other contractors: that bags could be got at 50 per cent. less than was paid in those years; that for blanks, $300,000 was paid between 1829 and 1841, generally price, leaving a supply that storage for these surplus articles was at about 50 per cent. more than fair 17 10 10 6 ev.315 47 710 9 27 9 10 39 1 75 57 6 10 43 37 8 11 17 1 485 67 5 11 21 2 355 77 4 mor. 5 115 15 47 47 611 59 6 165 57 5 mor. 3 405 87 203 7 375 67 4 0 47 5 15 97 1 0 51 5 17 9 mor. 8 95 11 6 57 3 42 8 485 126 56 4 45 9 265 136 55 sets.. 10 15 14 6 54 7 26 [Ajaccio, 1769.5 10 6 587 54 0 375 136 55 7 56 10 355 15 6 527 57 5 116 56 8 25 1 11 6 14 6 53 8 27 11 125 16 6 51 8 30 5 126 55 8 58 1 485 15 6 52 9 2 11 495 17 6 50 9 5 2 255 16 6 50 9 42 mor. 5 186 48 9 46 355 55 176 49 10 28 0 295 16 6 47 10 32 1 155 20 6 45 11 26 2 75 21 6 44 mo.. 3 185 21 6 43 027 4 455 22 6 41 6 135 23 6 40 2 41 7 215 24 6 38 3 50 8 155 57 6 37 457 905 266 35 rises. the Post Office Department nt were 1832, for do., received d $51,732 76; Paine & Clark, New-30 Fri 849 28 W 9 32 € Green, Boston, Mass., from 1829 to 29 Th 9 11 York, from 1836 to 1841, for ford do. do.. $1,883 81; 1; S. Penn, jr.31 jr. Sa 1827 Louisville, Ky., for do. from 1830 to 1841, $26,942 58; 37 7 7 ev.16 5 25 6 35 7 8 9 405 27 6 34 79 5 246 36 7 34 0 525 26 6 34 7 37 10 165 28 6 32 7 39 5 256 34 8 31 26 627 6 32 8 6 10 505 203 31 8 9 vere $798, 4,782 bags; that, i on hand for twenty years to come &c. &c. &c. |