MAINE. NEW-JERSEY. CONGRESS, '43. I. Atlantic 259 591.... PRES'T. '40 Har n V. B'n 425 846 Cape May 372 272. 696 194 119 1773 1302 GOVERNOR, 1844. Gov'R., 1840 The Legislature of 1843-4 changed the (W.) (L) (Ab.) (W) (L) Districts of the State so as materially to vary Co's. Robinson Ander'n. Appleton. Kent. Fair'ld. their Political character. The new Districts Aroostook,.. 659 1178 40.... 233 406 are as follows: Cumberland,4941 6637 880....6679 6481 Franklin,...1362 1828 494....1776 2006 Hancock,.. 1875 2555 93. 2200 2079 Kennebec,..5986 3761 758. 6818 3741 Lincoln,....5565 5600 421. Oxford,.... 1981 4547 506.. Piscataquis, 1380 1868 495....1073 Penobscot,. 3986 5543 830.. 4214 4363 Somerset,.. 3181 2652 545....3186 2527 Washington.2420 2624 84. Waldo,.... 2185 4777 492 York,.... ......3229 5198 586. Total,...38751 48768 6224 .6287 5067 .2825 4199 988 II. Burlington...2941 2727 2154 1952 2637 4972 .4530 5420 44912 44201 Anderson's majority over all, 3793. Kent's majority in '40, 701. Congressional Elections. Dist I. York, &c. No choice: Loco split. Cumberland .1346 1386....1497 II. Cumberland, ROBERT P. DUNLAP, Loco. III Kennebec, LUTHER EVERANCE, Whig. IV. Lincoln, &c. No choice: oco ahead, V. Waldo, &c. Probably no choice. VI. Penobscot, &c, HANNIBAL HAMLIN, Loco. VII. Washington, &c. HEZEKIAH WILLIAMS, L. In the Ist. District, Hayes, regular Loco but little more than divides the party vote with Herrick, old Member; of course no 33 251: Van Buren, 31.034. choice. In the IVth, McCrote, Loco, lacks but 87 of being elected. In the Vth, Cullen Sawtelle, Loco, may be chosen. Counties. Addison. Bennington.. 962 Caledonia. Chittenden E-sex. Franklin, 1869 1942 213.. 1605 1938 145 376 Grand Isle, 194 Lamoille Orange 2395 Orleans 1254 .3532 1785 479. Windham ----..... 474. Windsor Washington. 5,514.... 24 813 22,262 3,825 Mattocks over Kellogg, 2,551. Slade over Kellogg, 7,224; Whig gain, 4,673. Slade's majority over all, 1,675. Majority against Mattocks last year, 1,134. Total majority against Kellogg.. .12,702. The Legislature stands-Senate, Whig 22, Loco 8; House, Whig 134, Loco 62, Abolition 6. Whig majority in Joint Ballot, 80. In the Íst, IId and IIId Districts, the Whigs have re-elected Messrs. Foot, Collamer and Marsh to Congress; and in the IVth, at present represented by Paul Dillingham, there is no choice. NEW HAMPSHIRE. GOVERNOR, 1843. PRESIDENT, 1840. .2566 Total.. Districts. I. .24,813 22,262 3,825 32,443 18,019 CONGRESS, 1842. Foot, W. Har'ton, L. Theall, A. Scat 4926 508 67 bennington, &c.....6898 260 II. Collamer. Ransom. Hutchinson. Scat. Orange and Windsor.825 4833 1003 Majority against Comer, 2.1. Colby Hubbard. White. Harrison. V.B.ity over all others-Collamer 4,866; all others 4,206. On the second trial Collamer was elected by 659 majorBelknap...... 118 1235 688. III. New Co❜ty. Marsh. Smith. 2302 Addison,Frank'n,etc.6254 4595 Counties. Carroll. .3638 French. Scat. 718 133 525 708. .3691 Hillsborough...1957 3770 366. .4084 Merrimack.....1339 Rockingham...1977 Chandler. Dillingham. Putnam. Sca 5072 Caledonia, Essex,etc.4957 6317 797 2755 5030 377 .4102 Strafford.. Sullivan... ..1005 1690 Majority for Dillingham over all, 186. 4984 The votes of Holland and Troy for Congress were not 6755 returned. Counties. Briggs. Morton. Sewall. Harrison. V.B. Washington...1348 Barnstable,...1793 1506 252.. 635 914 417 5002.. .2481 1711 782. 737 665 2751 1554 3734 266... Bristol,.. .4276 5148 500. 3931 3780 Total...... 8,856 7,110 5,278 3,301 Majority for Fenner, 1,746; for Harrison, 1977: Dukes,....... 246 Essex,.. 6601 5879 1927... Franklin,.....2784 2358 338. Hampden,....3009 3546 321. 3441 3312 Hampshire,...3494 Middlesex,....7859 1820 441. 4083 1625 Nantucket,... 493 260 671 320 Co's. Baldwin, Clevel'd, Gillette, Harrison. V.B. Norfolk, Plymouth, 4238 Fairfield. .4146 4037 124 .4871 3862 5065 3548 Hartford. ..5188 5239 290 Suffolk,. .6896 4444 468. 7557 4339 Litchfield.. .3800 4080 293. .4542 3806 Worcester,...8920 Tolland......1641 Total,....57,899 54,242 8,901 72,874 51,944 New London.2632 Maj. for Briggs, 3,657......for Harrison, 20,930 1840, Scattering votes for President, 1,618. 1843, Scattering votes for Governor, 246. No choice of Governor by the People, but GEORGE N. BRIGGS elected by the Legislature-178 to 126 in the House, 34 to 6 in the Senate. Whig majority in Joint Ballot, 80. Total..25,591 27,416 1,872 Maj. for Cleveland, 1,825..for Harrison, 6,305. [No choice in 1842, there being 49 scattering votes. 6764 Middlesex.. 2017 2294 New Haven..4469 31,601 25,296 |