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the presiding quorum of the Church agreeable to the revelation which reads: "The Twelve traveling counselors are called to be the Twelve Apostles, or special witnesses of the name of Christ in all the world; thus differing from other officers in the Church in the duties of their calling. And they form a quorum equal in authority and power to the three Presidents previously mentioned.» (Doctrine and Covenants 107; 23-24). After the rejection of his claims, Sidney Rigdon became disaffected and withdrew to Pittsburgh, Pa., with a small following, over which he presided for a few years, when the organization, for lack of members, ceased to exist. William B. Smith claimed the right to the presidency by virtue of being the only surviving brother of Joseph Smith. His following was always small and soon disbanded. James J. Strang declared that he had been appointed by the Prophet Joseph Smith to be his successor, in a letter written but a few days before the tragedy. He was a man of some ability and gathered about him a few prominent men who refused to remain with the Church under the leadership of Brigham Young and the Twelve Apostles. For a time his organization appeared to flourish, but like the organizations of Sidney Rigdon and William B. Smith, soon fell into decay and was deserted by many members. In the year 1852 Jason W. Briggs, a resident of Beloit, Ill., and Zenas H. Gurley, gathered some of the scattered remnants from these organizations and formed branches at Beloit, Waukesha and Yellowstone, in what they called the "New Organization of the Church." Jason W. Briggs, it is said, held the office of Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints previous to the death of Joseph Smith. Until 1846, the year of the exodus to the west, he remained a member of the Church. Later he joined the organization of James J. Strang, then that of William B. Smith in which he remained until 1851. Zenas H. Gurley, before the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, held the office of Seventy. He also accepted the leadership of Brigham Young and the Twelve Apostles until the exodus in 1846, when he withdrew and became a member of the Church under James J. Strang. In this organization he labored diligently until 1851. After Jason W. Briggs and Zenas H. Gurley joined their forces in 1852, they commenced to preach the doctrine of the "rejection" of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or the "original church" because they said the saints had failed to build the temple at Nauvoo within a given time, which expired at, or shortly following, the death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. Because of this "rejection" they said it became necessary for the church to be newly organized that it might find favor with the Lord. They also promulgated the doctrine of "lineal priesthood" claiming that it was the right of the oldest son of Joseph Smith to succeed his father in the presidency of the Church. For a number of years they labored to induce Joseph Smith, son of the Prophet Joseph, to take the presidency of the new organization, but without success. Finally, at a conference held at Amboy, Ill., 6 April 1860, he consented and was installed as president of the new organization, which was later incorporated as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.


The Saints' Herald, the official publication of the Church, was begun 1 Jan. 1860, at Cincinnati, Ohio. It was removed to Plano, Ill., March 1863. Since 1881 it has been published at Lamoni, Iowa. Joseph Smith was its editor-in-chief from 1865 to 1914. The Church held annual and semi-annual conferences until and including 1882, when the semi-annual were discontinued. The headquarters were at Plano, Ill., from 1863 to 1881; since then at Lamoni, Iowa. The quorums of the reorganization are organized in the same order which existed at the death of Joseph Smith. The doctrines are as follows:

A belief in God the Eternal Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.

That men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.

That all men may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel, namely, faith in God and the Lord Jesus Christ; repentance; baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost; the resurrection of the body; that the dead in Christ will rise first; that men shall be judged, rewarded, or punished, according to the degree of good or evil they shall have done.

That a man must be called of God, and ordained by the laying on of hands of those who are in authority, to entitle him to preach the Gospel, and administer in the ordinances thereof.

In the same kind of organization that existed in the primitive Church.

That in the Bible is contained the word of God, so far as it is translated correctly. That the canon of Scripture is not full, but that God, by His Spirit, will continue to reveal His word.

In the powers and gifts of the everlasting gospel, namely, the gift of faith, discerning of spirits, prophecy, revelation, healing, visions, tongues, and the interpretation of tongues, wisdom, charity, brotherly love, etc.

That marriage is ordained of God; and that the law of God provides for but one companion in wedlock, for either man or woman, except where the contract is broken by death or transgression.

That the doctrines of a plurality and a community of wives are heresies. The Book of Mormon says: "Wherefore, my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife, and concubines he shall have none.

That the religion of Jesus Christ, will, if its precepts are accepted and obeyed, make men and women better in the domestic circle, and better citizens, and consequently better fitted for the change that cometh at death.

That men should worship God in "Spirit and in truth;" and that such worship does not require a violation of the constitutional law of the land.

The Church has been more aggressive in its fight against polygamy than any other organization. The local work is divided into the following organizations according to latest reports: Two States, Lamoni, Iowa; and Independence, Mo.; both organized in 1901; 74 districts; 62 in the United States, two in Australia, five in England, two in Wales, two in Canada and one in Nova Scotia. The reorganization supports Graceland College and a home for the aged, both at Lamoni, Iowa. It is prosecuting missionary work throughout the United States, the Canadas, Australia, New Zealand, Society Islands, Sandwich Islands, the British Isles, Scandinavia and other countries. The membership is about 75,000.





REPEAL, the rescission, annulling, or revocation of a law. Repeal of a statute may be express or implied. It is express when the repealing statute states specifically that a prior statute has been abrogated. It is implied when the statute does not refer specifically to a prior

statute but contains provisions wholly or in part repugnant thereto. In case only a part is repugnant, the other part of the prior statute continues in effect.

REPEAL MOVEMENT, the agitation for the repeal of the Union between Great Britain and Ireland. This agitation began almost at the moment of the Union, and has continued to the present time. Robert Emmet sacrificed his life to the cause of repeal in 1803. But the word repeal is most intimately connected with the name and career of Daniel O'Connell, the Irish "Liberator." O'Connell died in 1847, and the cause of repeal was taken up by the Young Ireland party of 1848; by the Fenians, whose operations came to a head in 1865-67; and finally by the Home Rule party organized under the leadership first of Isaac Butt, in 1870, and later under the leadership of Charles S. Parnell. During the celebrated Parnell Commission of 1888-89, however, the Home Rule party, through their counsel, disclaimed all desire for repeal, maintaining that their aims were confined to the obtaining of Home Rule in the strict, or restricted, sense of the word.

REPEATER, in arithmetic, an indeterminate decimal in which the same figures continually recur or are repeated. A pure repeater, or circulating decimal, is one in which the repetition goes on from the beginning; as, .3333 . . . .272727 . . . A mixed repeater is one in which the repetition does not begin till after the intervention of a figure or figures; as, .128888 . .0113636 . etc. For the algebraic method of finding the value of a repeating decimal see PROGRESSION.

In firearms, an arm which may be caused to fire several successive shots without reloading, whether rifle, pistol or cannon. In horology, a watch or clock made to strike the time when a spring is pushed in. Some strike the hour and quarter, others the hour, quarter and odd minutes. Nautically, a vessel, usually a frigate, appointed to attend each admiral in a fleet, and to repeat every signal he makes, with which she immediately sails to the ship for which it is intended, or the whole length of the fleet when the signal is general; called also a repeating ship. In telegraphy, the same as relay.


REPENTANCE, or CONTRITION, as understood by divines, both Protestant and Catholic, is defined by the Council of Trent as "grief of mind and detestation of sin committed, with a purpose of sinning no more"; more specifically it is that sorrow for sin which arises out of consideration of God's goodness which sin has outraged, and which includes a resolution never more to offend God because God so deserves our love. This is the repentance called by Protestant divines "goodly sorrow." The same Protestant divines recognized a second kind of repentance, which mourns that sin is attended by a penalty rather than hates sin. This differs little from the "attrition" of Catholic divines, which is an imperfect sorrow for sin arising from such motives as fear of hell, loss of heaven, the turpitude of sin. Consult Psalms li, 4; Acts v, 31, xl, 18; 2 Timothy ii, 25; Matthew xxvii, 3-5.


REPLEVIN, re-plěv'in (French replevin, from Middle Latin replivire, to pledge), an action for the recovery of unlawfully possessed or detained goods or chattels. The action requires the issue of a writ for the seizure of the goods. To effect this the plaintiff must file a bond large enough to cover all probable resulting damage of the action to the defendant; or the latter may, in some cases, give bond and retain the possession of the contested goods until the case is settled. Should the plaintiff win the action he is entitled to the return of the goods, or, in case this be impossible, the payment of their value. In either case he is also entitled to damages for the retention of the goods. But should the plaintiff lose the action the defendant may recover damages and may sue for the same on the plaintiff's bond.

REPLICATION, from the Latin replicatio, an answer, a reply. In law, the reply of the plaintiff to the defendant's plea.

REPLY TO HAYNE, The. The reply delivered by Daniel Webster of Massachusetts in the United States Senate 26-27 Jan. 1830 (to Senator Robert Y. Hayne, of South Carolina) was the culmination of a debate that arose over an unimportant resolution regarding the sale of the public lands, and grew to include sectional political issues. The oration may be divided into two sections. The first replies in detail to charges of political inconsistency which had been brought against New England and against Webster personally, and closes with a glowing eulogy on Massachusetts. The second and more important section opposes the claim of South Carolina to the right of nullification, and leads up to the famous peroration on the Union, closing "Union and Liberty, now and forever, one and inseparable." This last passage was for many years the best-known piece of American political oratory with the exception of Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty, or give me death." The two impassioned outbursts, closing the two sections of the address, are, however, each but a paragraph in length. The greater part of the Reply, which occupied four hours in the delivery, is taken up with simple and direct reasoning, and while it gives the sense of great moral earnestness on the part of the speaker it contains no obvious appeal to the feelings of the hearers. Webster, who according to tradition once said that his whole life had been a preparation for the Reply to Hayne, spoke almost extemporaneously, and the chief impression which his address produces is that of vast grasp of all the widely different matters on which he touches. There were two sides to the questions under discussion, as there always are, but to many of his hearers he seemed to have annihilated the arguments of his opponent. In a private letter Webster once referred somewhat oddly to the Reply as "No. 1 among my political efforts," and to the Seventh of March Speech as "probably the most important effort of my life." By an almost unanimous verdict his admirers, many of whom disagreed with the political sentiments of the Seventh of March Speech, have given highest rank to the Reply to Hayne.

WILLIAM B. CAIRNS, Associate Professor American Literature, University of Wisconsin.



REPOUSSÉ, re-poo'sa'.

A term taken from the French, meaning "beaten back." It is used to designate the formation of raised (relief) ornament in metal on flat or hollow ware. In its stricter interpretation the term refers to that division of beaten relief work which is performed by hammering or punching on the reverse (negative) side of the metal. This is, therefore, embossing as contradistinguished from chasing, which latter process is the hammering or driving of the metal into recesses (depressing). Inasmuch as the relief ornament is, almost invariably, followed by a finishing process of chasing, the entire performance (of relief and intaglio work on a single piece) is, by extension, frequently termed repoussé work. The great esteem in which repoussé work of fine character is held by connoisseurs is enhanced by the knowledge that the quality of the production depends solely on the skill of the craftsman. The art dates back to very early history, and the ancients did very refined, delicate work in this process, as is proven by such examples as the Bernay Treasure (see SILVERWARE) and other finds of silver, gold and bronze art metal work (see BRONZES). To the Greeks the process was known as sphyrelaton. Repoussé work is about the most dif

ficult the craftsman in metal can undertake, requiring great skill and patience to obtain fine execution, and for this very reason the great gold and silversmiths of all times have loved to display their skill in this medium; Greeks, Romans, Italians, Dutch. French and Germans have all left us grand examples. The golden altar in Cluny Museum, Paris (see ALTAR), is a beautiful 11th century example of repoussé work.

Technique. As above stated, this process consists of hammering or punching embossed work from the reverse side. In efficient work the whole surface, both the relief and the background, should remain of equal thickness as near as possible. This involves hammering up the metal sheet (termed blank) to thicken, or reinforce, the parts which are to be in relief, so that, while covering a larger surface than the flat, the thickness of the "walls" may be maintained. Another chief difficulty to overcome is the fact that hammering on the metal tends to harden and cause "temper" or brittleness. A frequent "annealing" is, therefore, necessary. Annealing is the softening process brought about by bringing the metal to red heat, then "quenching" in "pickle" or water. In the case of copper the quenching can be done at red heat, but with brass or silver the metal should cool down somewhat. The first process in producing repoussé work is to get a copy of the required design on to the metal; for which there are several processes, but the simple methods of pasting the drawing on the metal or tracing it on to the surface with carbon paper and stylus, or a needle point, are commonly used for flat work. For hollow ware surfaces the work has to be done by freehand generally, using "dividers" for tracing the measurements. In the case of flat work, the blank is placed face downward, the design being on the reverse side, on a board which is faced with a composition which will yield to the blows of the tool yet

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maintain the surrounding surface to support the remainder of the metal. Usually a composition is used containing pitch (Stockholm or Swedish preferred) mixed with tallow or some other substance to soften it and overcome its tendency to brittleness; brickdust, plaster of Paris or resin are often used for this purpose. In high relief work the pitch must be kept warm so as to be sufficiently soft to take on deep impressions. But, in order to avoid the inconveniences of working on such a soft, sticky substance, lead, tin or zinc are frequently used to support the metal that is to be hammered into high relief. For surfaces which are not in the flat a "pitch bowl and ring" are used as support. A hemispherical bowl filled with the pitch is rested on a thick ring of leather, rope or other substance. This contrivance permits the worker to tilt the surface in any desired direction.

Tools. At least two hammers are needed, one with flat face, the other a "chasing" hammer with handle ending bulb-shape; a wooden mallet can take the place of the latter. Punches and several kinds of chasing tools should be numerous if it is desired to avoid monotonous effects; a "tracer" and a "back grounding" tool are needed, and, to ease operations, at least 50 different punches are required (which Bossing and "cushion" tools vary in form (but are best shaped by the individual worker). the edges must be eliminated) and are used to produce bosses or ridges. "Modelling" and "chasing" tools have a flatter working end; "lining," "freezing" and "mátting" tools are used to produce "texture" on the surface and hatchings, etc. "Ring tools produce a decontain working surfaces in lines, grooves, pressed circular mark; "backgrounding" tools, of course, are for giving background texture. "Snarling irons" are for working in the interior of hollow ware (such as ewers, vases, etc.) and are made in elongated Z shape; they are fastened at one end in a vice the other end (which is provided with a knob or button) is inserted in the orifice of the hollow piece, pressing against the surface to be operated on. A blow of the hammer on the tool near the vice sets the free end in vibration whose percussion produces on the inside of the vessel a depression, therefore a corresponding embossing effect on the outer (positive) surface. Consult Gawthorp, 'A Manual of Practical Instruction in the Art of Brass Repoussé Work for Amateurs' (London 1899); Horth, A. C., Repoussé Metalwork: a Scheme of Sheet Metal Work for Schools and Amateurs' (London 1905); Maryon, H., 'Metal Work and Enamelling' (London 1912).

Technical Art Expert.

REPPLIER, rep'ler, Agnes, American essayist: b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1 April 1855. She is of French descent and was educated at the convent of the Sacred Heart, Torresdale. Her essays are characterized by lightness of touch, a keen sense of the humorous side of a theme and not a little irony. She published 'Books and Men (1888); Points of View (1892); 'In the Dozy Hours' (1894): Essays in Idleness' (1893); Essays in Miniature) (1892); (Varia (1897); and Philadelphia: the Place and the People' (1898); The Fireside Sphinx'

(1901); Compromises? (1904); 'In Our Convent Days (1905); 'A Happy Half Century) (1908); Americans and Others' and 'The Cat (1912), etc. She also compiled a 'Book of Famous Verse' (1892), and was a contributor to the Saturday Evening Post.



REPRESENTATION, (1) the authorized acting by one person in behalf of another, as in a legislative assembly; also, the system of choosing such representatives. Representation in a modified form was known in ancient times, and the principle was extended by the Church, in its ecumenical councils. The Germanic nations, however, were the first to adopt political representation, having employed it in their popular assemblies. Later it spread to Great Britain and still later to the United States, in which latter country it developed into the representative democracy which still endures. Representation to-day is found not only in republics, as the United States, but in monarchies also, as Great Britain. In republics, however, representatives are less restricted in their power than in monarchies, it being usual in the latter to place a check in the form of an appointed or hereditary upper house to control legislation. In early times representation was largely by classes, and to-day this principle is still carried out to some extent in England. There is much conflict of opinion as to whether a national representative should follow closely the wishes of his constituents solely or whether he should, in case of conflicting interests, prefer to use his powers in a manner that would most benefit the entire country. The latter view appears to dominate, but it is nevertheless a fact that representatives, especially those seeking re-election, are largely influnced by the wishes of their constituency.

Majority, Minority and Proportional Representation. In the United States the majority generally rules, and no provision is usually made for giving the proportionate representation to the minority that it would seem in all justice to require. It often happens, owing to the system of representation in vogue in the United States, that a party which casts less than 40 per cent of the votes in a Congressional or other election may have all the representation while the parties casting the remainder of the votes have no representation whatever. In Illinois an attempt was made to remedy this by the constitution of 1870, which provided for what is known as the "free vote." This system, as applied in this State, affects the election of members of the lower house of the legislature only, and by the provisions of the constitution each voter may cast as many votes for each candidate as there are representatives to be elected or he may apportion such votes, or equal parts thereof, among the candidates, if he so desires, and those receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected, three representatives being chosen in each district. The chief objection to this method is that at best it gives only minority and not proportional representation, gives it solely to a very large minority and ignores third parties entirely. Another objection is that the politicians of the two leading

parties have rendered the regulation practically valueless by manipulation in naming the candidates. For instances, in districts largely Democratic, the Democratic party makes but two nominations and the Republicans one, thus ensuring the election of two Democrats and one Republican in a very large preponderance of cases. Another method advocated for the reform of present methods is known as the "limited vote," which has been used in England, and also in Pennsylvania in choosing Supreme Court judges, county auditors and other officials and in New York for the selecting of members at large to the Constitutional Convention of 1867. By this method each voter has less votes than there are offices to be filled. For example, where there are three offices, the voter has only two votes. This method, in a modified form, is in effect in a number of countries, among them Portugal and Spain. Another method, known as the "transferable vote" or "Hare system," is complicated but much favored by advocates of the minority system. By this method a voter indicates his choice (1st, 2d, etc.) by number, after voting for as many candidates as he desires. The total number of votes cast is divided by the number of offices to be filled, and the quotient gives the "quota," or number of votes necessary to elect a candidate. At the first count of votes, only the first choices are reckoned and those that receive at least a quota are declared elected. After this, if all the offices are not filled, the remaining votes of the candidates who have been declared are transferred to the candidate having second choice, and the process is continued until all the offices are filled. Tasmania adopted this method, for all elections in 1907, and it is in use also in Moravia, Denmark and Iceland. Another method, in use in Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe, is known as the "free-list" system. Under it any organized party may nominate as many candidates as it desires, but not to exceed the total number of places to be filled. Any voter may cast as many votes as there are candidates to be elected, but not more than one for any candidate. The total vote cast is then divided by the number of places to be filled, and this gives the quota of representation. The total vote cast by each party divided by this quota gives the number of representatives to which each party is entitled. For example, if 20 representatives are to be elected, with 1,000,000 voters in the district, the Democrats polling 400,000, the Republicans 350,000 and the Socialists 250,000, the quota is found by dividing the total votes cast (1,000,000) by the number of representatives to be chosen (20), equalling 50,000. This would give the Democrats eight representatives, the Republicans seven and the Socialists five. Other systems are in use which are modifications of those above described.

(2) In law, an oral or written statement of fact, as one made incidentally or collaterally to a contract. Whether express or implied, a material false representation made by one party to a contract, if acted upon and believed by the other party to his injury, will render such contract void; (3) the principle by which the lineal descendants of a deceased person inherit or take part of the estate which their ancestor would have inherited if he had survived.


REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT. Representative government in the modern meaning of the term was unknown to the ancients. Kings, chiefs and administrative officers were often elected by popular vote or acclamation, but neither in ancient Greece nor Rome did a body exist even remotely resembling a Congress, a Parliament or a Reichstag. States which were not absolute despotisms were governed, as a rule, by a council of magistrates and a popular assembly, in which latter all persons with civic rights took part, and which was very much like a New England town meeting; but there is no instance of the popular assembly of ancient times developing into a representative body. The Roman Senate was composed of magistrates and ex-magistrates and resembled the American Senate of to-day only in name. This ancient system, which appears from the standpoint of to-day both unwieldy and unruly, was well enough fitted, however, for the so-called republics in which it prevailed, and in which all power was reserved to the central city, whether Athens, Thebes or Rome. The citizens in public assembly stood for the state, and were the state, and did not think it necessary to delegate their powers to representatives. When civic rule in Rome gave place to imperialism, the public assembly ceased to exist, while the Senate was retained to register the decrees of the Cæsars, and offer honorable retirement to those who had gained imperial favor.

Representative government, as we know it to-day, is not derived, therefore, from any Roman or Greek institution. It is essentially an outgrowth of that love of liberty inherent alike in Saxon, Norman and Celt, and reached its present development through centuries of struggle and of political and social evolution. The English Parliament, with its combination of medieval House of Lords and 20th century House of Commons, has grown gradually from beginnings dating back almost to the Norman Conquest. The barons asserted their rights against tyrannical kings, and the necessities of the kings compelled them to recognize the wellto-do classes outside the nobility, who had the wealth of which the royal exchequer stood badly in need. Taxation gave birth to representation, and at length it became a recognized principle that Englishmen would not stand taxation imposed without their own consent through representatives in Parliament assembled. was not, however, until far into the 19th cen-, tury that the common people of England were permitted to have a voice in public affairs, and not until 1885 that the suffrage was bestowed on virtually all male subjects of adult age in the United Kingdom. The Parliament of today, therefore, represents the English people; less than half a century ago it represented only the privileged classes.


Representative government in the United States inherited its spirit from England, but not its form. The American system is of native origin. It developed from town-meeting to assembly, and when the new States adopted new fundamental laws, the upper house was called a senate, after the ancient Roman Senate, while the right of originating measures of taxation was reserved to the popular branch of the legislature. In the United States, also, however, the right or privilege of voting was generally restricted to taxpayers and property-owners


for many years after independence, and in one of the States- Rhode Island—a landholding qualification for foreign-born citizens existed until a few years ago. Excepting some peculiar restriction intended to prevent negroes from voting in certain Southern States, nearly all male citizens of adult age now possess the right to vote. The second decade of the 20th century saw the extension of the suffrage to women in many States of the Union and the passage of the Federal amendment to the Constitution, in 1918, by which all women in the United States are enfranchised ends the long struggle in other States and confers the voting power on millions, making for a really representative government. See Suffrage,

In the Hanseatic towns, in Switzerland, the Italian free cities, and other republics of the Middle Ages, representative government had no real existence so far as the common people were concerned, and the parliaments of modern, Europe are not derived from the institutions of those states. The American Revolution gave the impulse and inspiration needed to awaken the people of Europe to a sense of their rights and wrongs and the constitutions granted by monarchs on the Continent to their subjects adopted as models a mixture of the English and American systems. Every European country at present has a congress or parliament in which the people are represented by deputies elected according to law. Japan has a similar system, and representative government, which 100 years ago was practically confined to the United States and England, is now coextensive with civilization in every continent. See DEMOCRACY; GOVERNMENT; and consult Beard, Charles A., American Government and Politics (New York 1910); Commons, John R., Proportional Representation (2d ed., ib.1907); Garner, J. W., 'Introduction to Political Science (1910); McLaughlin, A. C., and Hart, A. B., Cyclopedia of American Government' (3 vols., New York 1914); Stubs, W., 'Constitutional History of England' (London 1897). REPRESENTATIVES, Election of. See ELECTIONS; ELECTORAL QUALIFICATIONS; CON




REPRIEVE, in law, a temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence after conviction of a crime, as by a governor or a sovereign; also, the instrument granting such suspension. The term to-day is usually applied with reference to sentences of death only. Reprieves are usually granted by the chief executive of a nation or state, among some of the reasons being newly-discovered evidence affecting favorably the case of the condemned, pregnancy, insanity occurring after sentence of death and to allow time for the determination of facts after a pardon has been requested. Sometimes the court which tried the prisoner may grant a reprieve.

REPRISALS, in international law, (1) forcible seizure and retention of the goods of enemy in retaliation or as satisfaction.


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