MALLET, Charles Edward. The French revolution. 1007.12 N. Y. Scribner. 1893. [University extension manuals.] 12°. MAROUSSEM, Pierre de. La question ouvrière. Préface de M. Th. Funck-Brentano. 3564.133 8°. Contents.-1. Charpentiers de Paris. 2. Ébénistes du Faubourg St. Antoine. MORRIS, Martin F. 2745.76 Christopher Columbus. Wash. 1892. 18 pp. 8°. NATIONAL SECRET TELEPHONE COMPANY. 7963.77 ORTON, William. 7962.82 Argument on the postal telegraph bill before the committee on postoffices of the Senate, Jan. 20-23. PAYNE, J. Bertrand. N. Y. 1874. (1), iii, 100 pp. 8°. *2430.101 An armorial of Jersey, being an account, heraldic and antiquarian, of its chief native families, with pedigrees, biographical notices. . . . Added, a brief history of heraldry, and remarks on the mediaeval antiquities of the island. With plates of arms and seals. PHILLIPS, Walter P. N. p. 1865. (1), 347 pp. Pls. 4°. 7962.85 Testimony on postal telegraph before the committee on post offices of the U. S. Senate, Feb. 22, 1884. [Wash. 1884.] 20 pp. 8°. 3965.136 PICOU, Romuald Victor. La distribution de l'électricité: installations isolées. Paris. Gauthier-Villars. [1892.] 168 pp. 168 pp. Illus. [Encyclopédie scientifique des aide-mémoire.] 16°. PINKERTON, Thomas. 2574.126 The Spanish poniard: being the story of the remorse of Ambrose Drybridge. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1890. (3), 255 pp. Sm. 8°. A story of the time of Charles I. PREECE, William Henry. American telegraph system. [Lond. 1878.] 17-46 pp. 8°. Same. (Society of telegraph engineers. Journal. 51. Lond. 1878.) PREECE, William Henry. 7962.89 Vol. 7, pp. 22 *7964.1.7 7963.73 *2980a.63 On some physical points connected with the telephone. [Lond. 1878.] 12 pp. Illus. From the Philosophical magazine for April, 1878 [*3386.1, Ser. 5. 5]. PSICHARI, Jean. Études de philologie néo-grecque. Recherches sur le développement historique du grec. Paris. Bouillon. 1892. (1), cexi, 377 pp. [Bibliothèque de l'École des hautes études. Fasc. 92.] 8°. REES, Rice. *3555.103 An essay on the Welsh saints, or the primitive Christians usually considered to have been the founders of churches in Wales. Lond. Longman. 1836. xiv, 3-358 pp. 8°. REEVES, William. *2501.141 Ecclesiastical antiquities of Down, Connor, and Dromore, consisting of a taxation of those dioceses, compiled in 1806; with notes and illustrations. Dublin. Hodges & S. 1847. xxiv, 436 pp. Fac-simile. 4°. REINGANUM, Hermann. De indole atque ingenio Megarensium libellus. 5076.26 *6294.54 Publiée par les soins de la Société d'histoire diplomatique. Année 7. No. 1. ROSCHER, Wilhelm. 1817 3562.109 Politik geschichtliche Naturlehre der Monarchie, Aristokratie und Demokratie. 2te Aufl. ROUTIER, Gaston. 4311.148 Le Mexique. Avec une préface de Ignacio Altamirano. Notes biographiques, pp. xv-xvii. RUGE, Max. 2988.64 Bemerkungen zu den griechischen Lehnwörtern im Lateinischen. RYSSELBERGHE, F. Van. 7963.75 Téléphonie internationale. Rapport sur des expériences récentes faites aux États-Unis d'Amérique. Bruxelles. 1886. 16 pp. [Ministère des chemins de fer, postes et télégraphes.] 8°. SALES, Pierre. 2668.102 SCIENCES BIOLOGIQUES, Les, à la fin du XIXe siècle. Publiées sous 2542.135 Autobiographical notes of the life of William Bell Scott, and notices of his artistic and poetic circle of friends, 1830-1882. Ed. by. W. Minto. Illus. by etchings by himself and reproductions of sketches by himself and friends. SHAKESPEARE. N. Y. Harper. 1892. 2 v. Portrs. 8o. **G.70.15 [Mr. Shackspere his will, with its two signatures and its endorsements. Reproduced by photolithography. By Charles Praetorius.] [Lond. 1889.] (3) ff. L. fo. SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE DES TÉLÉPHONES, Paris. Paris, 1881. 30, (1) pp. Illus. 7963.71 S°. 7969.63 SOME serious considerations concerning a governmental telegraph. 12°. Hohokus, 1883. 23 pp. STEARNS, Lewis French. 3434.108 Present day theology. With biographical sketch by George L. Prentiss. N. Y. Scribner. 1893. xxiv, 568 pp. Portr. 8°. 7969.61 7969.62 N. Y. [1882.] 52 pp. 12°. 7962.88 SWITZERLAND. Administration des télégraphes. TALK, A, on telegraph topics. A bid for business. Upon the stock of the Western union telegraph co. as an investment. TELEGRAPHERS' MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. TURNBULL, Francese Litchfield. 8°. 14.106 Phila. Lippincott. 1893. 12o. *3674.53 UNITED STATES. Bureau of labor. Special reports. No. 2. Columbia. [By] Carroll D. Wright, commissioner. UNTERWEGER, Johannes. **E.5121.23 Über die Beziehungen der Kometen und Meteorströme zu den Erscheinungen der Sonne. Wien, 1892. 55 pp. Pls. 4°. Aus dem LIX B. der Denkschriften der Kais. Akad. der Wissensch. 1892 [*3320.50.59]. VON DEUTSCHER ART UND KUNST. denkmale des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. 40/41.] *2890b.50.40/41 Einige fliegende Blätter [Deutsche Litteratur16°. Contents.-Einleitung. Auszug aus einem Briefwechsel über Ossian und die Lieder alter Völker von Herder.-Shakespear von Herder.-Nachschrift.-Von deutscher Baukunst von Goethe.-Versuch über die gothische Baukunst. Aus dem Italienischen des Frisi.Deutsche Geschichte, von Möser. WALPOLE, Spencer Horatio. 4516.122 The land of home rule. An essay on the history and constitution of the Isle of Man. Lond. Longmans. 1893. (5), 287 pp. Sm. 8°. WALTON, George Lincoln. 3809.116 A case of metastatic abscess of the brain; operation, death. From the Boston med. and surg. journal, 1892 [*7774.5.127]. WESTARP, Franz. 5076.25 De statu Macedoniae Philippi II. Perseique aetate. Diss. inauguralis. Berolini. Nietack. [1840.] [1840.] 56 pp. 16°. WHARTON, Anne Hollingsworth. Through colonial doorways. WHITE, Arnold, ed. 2377.100 Phila. Lippincott. 1893. (1), 237 pp. Pl. 12o. 3572.115 Truth about the Salvation army. Papers by Arnold White, Francis The human and its relation to the divine. 12°. 7969.68 [N. Y. 188-?] 15 pp. Illus. 16°. The quarterly lists of new books heretofore printed in the Library Bulletin have been discontinued. |