The evolution of religion: the Gifford lectures 1890-91 and 1891–92. Glasgow. Maclehose. 1893. 1893. 2 v. 8°. CAMBRIDGE antiquarian society, Cambridge, Eng. Publications. Vol. 1. Cambridge. Deighton. 1846. *2500.120 v. Illus. Pls. Fac-similes. 4°. Contents.-1. Catalogue of the books given to the library of St. Catharine's hall, by Dr. Woodlark, by G. E. Corrie.-Abbreviata cronica, 1377-1469, by J. J. Smith.-An account of the rites and ceremonies at the consecration of Abp. Parker, by J. Goodwin.-An application of heraldry to the illustration of various university and collegiate antiquities, by H. A. Woodham. -A descriptive catalogue of the MSS. and scarce books in the library of St. John's college, by M. Cowie.-A description of the sextry barn at Ely lately demolished, Architectural nomenclature of the Middle ages, by R. Willis.-Roman and Roman-British remains, Shefford, co. Beds, by Sir H. Dryden.-Specimens of college plate, by J. J. Smith.-RomanBritish remains. On the materials of two sepulchral vessels found at Warden, co. Beds, by J. S. Henslow.—Evangelia Augustini Gregoriana. An historical and illustrative description of [two] Mss. in the Parker library, Corpus Christi college, Camb., by James Goodwin.—Miscellaneous communications. CAPRIOLO, Aliprando. **K.58.14 Portraits of 100 illustrious captains, with a short description of their deeds, engraved by A. Capriolo, and published by P. Thomasino and J. Turpino. Rome, 1600. Manuscript of the text in English without the portraits. CARBONI, Piero. 2747.74 Cristoforo Colombo nel teatro. Milano. Fratelli Treves. 1892. (3), 268 pp. 16o. 4458.121 CARPENTER, William Henry. The history of Massachusetts from its earliest settlement to the present time [1820]. Phila. Lippincott, G. & co. 1853. 330 pp. [Cabinet histories of the states.] 16o. CAUWENBERGHS, Clément van. 8095.70 La corporation des Quatre couronnés d'Anvers, ou les architectes anversois du Moyen âge (1324-1542). Anvers. Van Merlen. 1889. 53 pp. 8°. CENTELLI, Attilio. Venezia. Ongania. 1892. 173 pp. 3 portrs. 16°. CHAPOTIN, Marie Dominique. Les Dominicains d'Auxerre. 2747.76 3514.104 Paris. Picard. 1892. xii, (1), 418 pp. Pls. [Études historiques sur la Province dominicaine de France.] 8°. CHICAGO STAMP NEWS. Vol. 1. CHIPMAN, Norton P. *6233.10 The horrors of Andersonville rebel prison. Trial of Henry Wirz. CLAUSSE, Gustave. Basiliques et mosaïques chrétiennes. Italie-Sicile. T. 1. *4101.63 Illus. Pls. [Les monuments Pattie Durant. A tale of 1662. By Cycla [pseud.]. COLERIDGE. 6577.121 **K.38.70 Remorse a tragedy in five acts. (From the 2d London edition of 1813.) N. Y. Longworth. 1813. 68 pp. 24°. COLMAN, George, the younger. acts. 6577.118 Donnington castle: a royalist story. In fourteen staves. With notes. COLOMB, George Hatton. For king and Kent (1648). A true story of the (With notes.) 2578.165 great Rebellion. Lond. Remington. 1882. 3 v. COLOMB, Joséphine Blanche. Sm. 8°. 6674.24 Histoires et proverbes. Paris. Hachette. 1880. 191 pp. Illus. 191 pp. Illus. [Bibliothèque des écoles et des familles.] 8°. COLQUHOUN, M. J. Primus in Indis. A romance. Lond. Chapman & H. 1885. 2 v. Sm. 8°. Scene, England, 1745-1757. CORRADINO, Corrado, ed. and tr. 6576.116 2939.22 I canti dei goliardi o studenti vaganti del Medio-evo. 16°. Torino. Roux. [1892?] xliv, (1), 211 pp. COUSSIN, J. Antoine. Du génie de l'architecture. CROKER, Thomas Crofton. 1822. (1), 300 pp. 60 pl. *8090a.109 L. 8°. No. 2 in *6564.34 New ed. 2843.20 Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland. 12o. CSENGERI, Antal. CUGIA, Pasquale. Nuovo itinerario dell' isola di Sardegna. Ravenna. Lavagna. 1892. 421 pp. Map. DALLAWAY, James. 2764.53 *4101.64 William Wyrcestre redivivus. Notices of ancient church architecture in the fifteenth century, particularly in Bristol, with hints for practicable restorations. [Anon.] La guerre de demain. 1re partie. La guerre de fortresse. Par Le capitaine Danrit. Paris. Flammarion. [1893.] 2 v. Illus. 12o. DEAKIN, Alfred. 3994.108 Irrigated India. An Australian view of India and Ceylon, their irrigation and agriculture. Lond. Thacker. 1893. x, 322 pp. Map. 8°. DESPORTES, H., and François BOURNAND. Paris. Tolra. 1893. (2), xiv, 307 pp. DIBDIN, Thomas. 2647.110 12o. **K.38.29 Taken from 1822. 57 pp. 24°. The pirate, a melo dramatic romance, in three acts. the novel of that name. Baltimore. J. Robinson. 1822. DIBDIN, Thomas. N. Y. Longworth. 1806. 34 pp. 24°. Same. 2d ed. N. Y. Longworth. 1811. 28 pp. DICKINSON, Goldsworthy Lowes. 2628.127 1892. xii, 300 pp. Sm. 8°. **K.38.13 DIMOND, William. Adrian and Orrila; or, a mother's vengeance. A play in five acts. DIMOND, William, the younger. **K.38.36 The peasant boy; an opera in three acts. (From the 1st Lond. ed. of 1811.) N. Y. The Longworths. 1811. 56 DOUGLAS, William, of Glasgow. 3643.88 The currency of India. With a letter on bi-metallism. 5th ed. Manchester. Palmer & H. 1892. viii, 64, (1) pp. 8°. DUDEVANT, Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin. No. 2 in 6678.75 The haunted marsh. By George Sand [pseud.]. Lond. Simms & M'I. 1848. 235-307 pp. DUNLAP, William. Sm. 8°. **K.38.23-No. 2 in **G.3646.19 The Africans; or, war, love, and duty. A play. [Anon.] EAST INDIA COMPANY. 24°. *3042.134 The register of letters, &c., of the Governour and company of merchants trading into the East Indies, 1600-1619. Ed. by Sir George Birdwood, assisted by William Foster. Lond. Quaritch. 1893. ELLERBECK, J. H. T. 1893. (1), lxxxiv, (1), 530 pp. Guide to the Canary islands, calling at Madeira. 8°. *3049a.103 Lond. Philip. [1892.] 67 pp. Maps. Plans. Illus. Sm. 8°. FABRE, Ferdinand. Norine. FABRE, Paul. Paris. Charpentier. 1889. (5), 300 pp. 12°. Étude sur le Liber censuum de l'Église romaine. Paris. Thorin. 1892. (7), vii, 233 pp. écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome. Fasc. 62.] FAHIE, Angelo. House lighting by electricity. 8°. 2675.142 *2943.50.62 [Bibliothèque des Lond. Spon. 1892. (3), 80 pp. Illus. 8°. FAUCIT, John Savill. 36 3965.139 **K.38.45 The secret mine; an equestrian melo-drama, in two acts. pp. 24°. War-path and bivouac, or, the conquest of the Sioux. 2d ed. FLINDT, Paul. Serie 1. **Cab.40.17.1 Entwürfe zu Gefässen und Motiven für Goldschmiedearbeiten. FORCHHAMMER, Peter Wilhelm. Kiliae. Mohr. [1854.] 19, (1) pp. Map. 4°. Topographia Thebarum heptapylarum. FOURNEL, François Victor. La confession d'un père. 2e éd. 2962.30 2675.140 Paris. Lévy. 1889. (3), 346 pp. [Bibliothèque contemporaine.] 16°. FOWLER, Nathaniel C., jr. *6194.47 Building business. Illustrated manual for aggressive business men. Bost. The trade co. 1893. 518, (2) pp. Sm. 4°. 2579a.134 FRANK USHER; or, soldiers of the Cross. A story of Flamborough Head. By the author of "The young armour-bearer." New ed. Lond. Shaw. n. d. 180 pp. Pls. Sm. 8°. FRIZZONI, Gustavo. *8070a.139 Le galleria Morelli in Bergamo descritta ed illustrata. |