MADSEN, Andreas Peter. *4830.53 Afbildninger af Danske Oldsager og Mindesmærker. [Bind] 1-3; Ny Række, Hefte 1-8. Kjøbenhavn. Gyldendal. 1872-76. 3 v. and 8 pts. Pls. F. Vol. 1 and 2 have the title Antiquités préhistoriques du Danemark. The new series has the title Gravhøie og Gravfund fra Steenalderen i Danmark. MANITIUS, M. *6956.2. N. F. 47 (Suppl.) Philologisches aus alten Bibliothekskatalogen (bis 1300). Zusammengestellt von M. Manitius. Frankfurt a. M. Sauerländer. 1892. viii, 152 pp. [Rheinisches A system of gynecology. By American authors. Pls. 8°. *3771.100 *Cab.40.18.3 MARCAL, MATHER, Cotton. 7458.84 Essays to do good. A new ed., improved by George Burder. Added, treatises, on Engagements, Religious education and Sanctifying the Sabbath-day. Johnstown. Child. 1815. 195, (1) pp. 16°. MEAD, Richard. 7792.29 A short discourse concerning pestilential contagion, and the methods to be used to prevent it. 8th ed. Lond. Buckley. 1722. (7), xxxvi, 150 pp. 8°. 4986.25 MEYER, Carl Heinrich Leo. tion. Berlin. Weidmann. 1862. (3), 110, (1) pp. 8°. MILLER, James Russell. The every-day of life. Lond. Hodder & S. 1893. viii, 283 pp. Sm. 8°. MITCHELL, Silas Weir. MIYATOVIĆ, Chedomil. 3589.117 3782.103 3075.104-3088.101 Constantine, the last emperor of the Greeks; or, the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks after the latest historical researches. Lond. Low. 1892. xiv, 239 pp. Pl. Map. Sm. 8°. MOLÉ, René François. 6646.77-**G.224.2.14 Mémoires, précédés d'une notice par M. Étienne. Le comédien, par Remond de Sainte-Albine. Paris. Ponthieu. l'art dramatique.] 8° MOMMSEN, Christian Matthias Theodor. MUSSET, Paul Edme de. 2751.66 2548.142 Paris. Morel. 1870, 80. 3 v. in 2. NASH, John Tulloch. 222 pl.. Sm. fo. 3047.171 Volunteering in India; or, an authentic narrative of the military service of the Bengal yeomanry cavalry during the Indian mutiny, and Sepoy war. Lond. Philip. 1893. viii, 136 pp. Pl. Sm. 8°. OLD BRISTOL a story of Puritan times. 6576.106 Lond. Baptist tract & book soc. 1881. 351 pp. Illus. Sm. 8°. OPPERT, Jules. 2954.65 Considérations générales sur la philologie comparée des langues indo-européennes. Paris. Carion. 1858. 20 pp. 8°. 3035.113 Nnnemmmmresusus roi de Babylone. Les inscriptions cunéiformes déchiffrées une seconde fois. Paris. Challamel. 1859. 1859. 13 pp. 8°. PABST, Arthur. *Cab.40.18.2 Kunstvolle Thongefässe aus dem 16. bis 18. Jahrhundert. Die Keramische Sammlung des Freiherrn Albert von Oppenheim in Köln. Berlin. Hessling & S. [1891.] (10) pp. 52 pl. Fo. PALMER, Roundell, 1st earl of Selborne. 3449.139 Hymns: their history and development in the Greek and Latin churches, Germany and Great Britain. Contents.-1. 1811-1838. 2. 1838-1845. 3. 1845-1860. 4. 1860-1874. PODAROK SLUZHANKAM. No. 1 in 3069.139 Подарокъ служанкамъ. Изданіе второе. Санктпетербургъ. 1858. 47 pp. 12°. 6175.73 POPE, Albert Augustus. Catalogue of books, pamphlets, and articles on the construction and Bost. Pope. 1892. 11, 1 pp. 12°. maintenance of roads. POWELL, John Wesley. *4490.9.7 Indian linguistic families of America north of Mexico. Map. 1885-86. Wash. 1891.) PREBENSEN, N. C. G., and Hj. SMITH, eds. 1687. *6825.20 Forarbeiderne til Kong Christian den Femtes norske Lov af 15 April Christiania. Gundersen. 1887. (1), lxxix, 722 pp. [Norsk historisk Kildeskriftfond.] 8°. PRESSENSÉ, Élise Françoise Louise. Les voisins de Madame Bertrand. [Et Le Parigot.] 3e éd. PRINSEP, Henry T. 2675.141 *3042.133 History of the political and military transactions in India, during the administration of the Marquess of Hastings, 1813-1823. Lond. Kingsbury, P. & A. 1825. 2 v. Portr. Maps. 8°. PUSCHMANN, Theodor. 3721.101 A history of medical education from the most remote to the most recent times. Trans. and ed. by Evan H. Hare. Lond. Lewis. 1891. xi, 1891. xi, 650 pp. 8°. RAPELLI, C. I. 2789a.53 L'italien tel qu'on le parle; ou recueil de conversations italiennes et françaises. Paris. Truchy. 1868. ix, 267, (1) pp. 48°, obl. RATHBONE, F. *Cab.40.19.3 Old Wedgwood. The English relief art work of the 18th century made by Josiah Wedgwood, 1760-1795. Part 1. Lond. Quaritch. 1893. REED, Talbot Baines, pp. 8 col. pl. F. 6576.118 "Follow my leader;" or, the boys of Templeton. A school story. 3d ed. Lond. Cassell. REPARAZ, Gonzalo. 1892. vii, (1), 376 pp. Illus. Sm. 8°. 4311.149 El Brasil: descubrimiento, colonización é influencia en la península. Madrid. Rivadeneyra. 1892. 48 pp. [Ateneo de Madrid. Conferencias.] 8°. REYNOLDS, John Phillips. The limiting of childbearing among the married. RICHARD, Henry, M.P. 1812-1888. Papers on the reasonableness of international arbitration. RIGGS, Stephen Return. 3777.65 5573.85 *4460.17.7 A Dakota-English dictionary. Ed. by James Owen Dorsey. Wash. 1890. x, 665 pp. [U. S. Geog. and geol. survey of the Rocky mts. Contributions to North American ethnology. Vol. 7.] 8°. ROBERTSON, John M. The eight hours question. ROBERTSON, Thomas William. Lond. Beeton. 1865. x, (1), 258 pp. Sm. 8°. ROBIATI, Giuseppe. Il romanzo contemporaneo in Italia. Saggi critici. Milano. Galli. 1892. 111, (1) pp. 16°. 2778.82 RONCA, Umberto. Cultura medioevale e poesia latina d'Italia nei secoli XI e XII. 2764.52 ROSSEEUW SAINT-HILAIRE, Eugène François Achille. 7468.40 Paris. Lievens. 1889. 12 pp. 16°. 8019a.134 SAFE USE, The, of steam: containing rules for the guidance of unprofessional steam users. By an engineer. 6th ed. Lond. Crosby Lockwood. 1888. 47 pp. Sm. 8°. SANFORD, Fernando. *3962.134 Some observations on the conductivity of a copper wire in various dielectrics. Palo Alto, 1892. 41 pp. Diagrams. [Leland Stanford university publications. Studies in electricity. No. 1.] 8°. SHELDON, W. L. Ethics and the belief in a God. St. Louis. Brandenburger. 1892. 42, (1) pp. 12°. SIMAIKA, Abdallah. 3497.100 3052.122 Essai sur la province romaine d'Égypte depuis la conquête jusqu'à Dioclétien. 4310a.179 SOTOMAYOR, Dámaso. SPAIN. Dirección de hidrografía. Anuario de la Dirección de hidrografía. Año 30. *3952.125 Madrid, 1892. Pls. Maps. 8°. 2469.139 SPEIGHT, H. *2830.62 SVEA RIKES ridderskaps och adels wapn-bok, innehållande alla på svenska riddare-huset introducerade greflige, friherrlige och adelige åtters sköldemärken. Stockholm, 1781. (5), 22, 3 pp. 2688 coats-of-arms. Engr. t. p. Fo. THORESBY SOCIETY, Leeds. Miscellanea. *2505.102.2 Leeds, 1889, 90. 2 pts. in 1 v. Pls. |