DUDLEY, Dean. Genealogy of the Bangs family. EBNER-ESCHENBACH, Marie, Freifrau von. *4434.113 Bost. 1854. Broadside. 8°. 2876.128 -- Contents.- 1. Aphorismen. Parabeln, Märchen und Gedichte. 2. Dorf- und Schlossgeschichten. 3, 4. Erzählungen. 5. Das Gemeindekind. 6. Unsühnbar. Erzählung. EDSBERG, V. Den danske elektriske og Buelampe. Kjøbenhavn. Hegel. 1884. (8), 96 pp. Illus. 8'. EMBDEN, Ludwig, baron von. 3965.138 2846.89 The family life of Heinrich Heine. Trans. by Charles Godfrey Leland. Lond. Heinemann. 1893. xviii, 276 pp. Portrs. 8°. EVANS, Arthur John. 2963.87 Syracusan"medallions" and their engravers in the light of recent finds. Lond. Quaritch. 1892. xiii, (1), 215 pp. Illus. Pls. 8°. EVERETT, Edward. 6245.11.19 Importance of practical education and useful knowledge: being a selection from his orations and other discourses. Bost. Marsh, C. L. & W. 1840. (4), 419 pp. 19.] 12°. *6111.60 EXAMPLES of armorial book plates. 2d series. No. 1-12. FAIRBAIRN, Andrew Martin. 3473.58 The place of Christ in modern theology. N. Y. Scribner. 1893. xxiii, 556 pp. 8°. 2579a.142 FENN, George Manville. FEUILLET, Octave. Théâtre complet. [T.] 1, 2. Paris. Lévy. 1892. 2 v. 12o. 4696.75 Contents.-1. Un bourgeois de Rome.-Le pour et le contre.- La crise.-Péril en la demeure. Le village.-La fée.-Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre. 2. Le cheveu blanc. -La tentation.-Rédemption.-Montjoye. FIELD, Eugene. 2409.151 Second book of verse. N. Y. Scribner. 1893. ix, 260 pp. 12°. FIORINI, Matteo. Le projezioni cartografiche di Albiruni. Roma. Soc. geog. italiana. 1891. 11 pp. 8°. From Bollettino della Soc. geog. italiana [*6276.13.28]. FLORIAN, Jean Pierre Claris de. 2286.83 6676.44 Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome. Trans. by J. A. Ferris. Bost. Ticknor, R. & F. 1850. 20, 279 pp. Pl. Engr. t. p. 12°. FLOWER, Benjamin O. Civilization's inferno, or, studies in the social cellar. 3575.134 12o. Bost. Arena pub. co. [1893.] 237 pp. FOSTER, William Eaton. 4419.155 Address before the Rhode Island society of the Sons of the American revolution. N. Y. 1892. 16 pp. 8°. FRANKFURTER, Oskar. 2988.60 Über die Epenthese von j (4) F (v) im Griechischen. 16°. 3942.77 FREEMAN, John R. Arrangement of hydrants and water-pipes for the protection of a city against fire. New London. Day pub. co. 1892. (1), 49-81 pp. Illus. 8°. FRIEDERICHSEN, Ludwig. Die deutschen Seehäfen. FRIIS, Jens Andreas. Lajla, oder von Finnmarken. Nordische Schilderungen. Aus dem Norwegischen von Th. Traub. Stuttgart. Steinkopf. 1886. 168 pp. Pl. 16°. *2492.118 FROST, James. The history and topography of the county of Clare from the earliest times to the 18th century. Dublin, 1893. xxiii, (1), 654 pp. Illus. Map. S°. FULLER, Thomas. 4555.116 Selected and arranged, with a Wise words and quaint counsels. sketch of the author's life, by Augustus Jessopp. Oxford. Clarendon pr. 1892. xxxi, 245 pp. Sm. 8°. GÉLIS-DIDOT, P., and H. LAFFILLÉE. *Cab.80.60.1 La peinture décorative en France du XIe au XVIe siècle. GIFFORD, William Logan Rodman. George Howland, junior. New Bedford, 1892. GLASSON, Ernest Désiré. 4442.229 56 pp. Portr. 8°. 2615.70 Histoire du droit et des institutions de la France. T. 1-4. GREEN, Samuel Abbott. V. 8°. *4445.270 General Washington. Prediction made concerning him in 1755. From the Froceedings of the Mass. hist. soc., June, 1892 [*2355.12. 2d ser. 7]. 5063.28 Учебная книга Русской Словесности, или избранныя мѣста изъ Русскихъ сочиненій и переводовъ съ стихахъ и прозѣ. Второе изданіе. Санктпетербургъ, 1830. 4 v. in 2. 80. GRETCH, Nikolai Ivanovitch. *5033.15 Практическая Русская грамматика. Второе изданіе. 3612.67 A critique of Asensio's work on Columbus [*2740.54]. HAUCOURT, Th. d'. Le proconsulat et la province romaine. Étude sur la propriété du nom civil et commercial. Rennes. Le Roy. 8°. 2649.127 HAUSSONVILLE, Othenin Bernard Paul Gabriel de Cléron, comte d'. Mme Ackermann d'après des lettres et des papiers inédits. HOEFLER, Carl Adolf Constantin, Ritter von. HOLSTEIN, Charles L. 5554.60 4426.220 10 pp. 8°. Decoration day address, Indianapolis, May 30, 1886. 1 HOME FOR AGED MEN, Worcester. Act of incorporation, by-laws [etc.]. Worcester. Hamilton. 1892. 20 pp. HORVÁTH, Mihály. *7572.155 Pl. 8°. 4824.28 Kurzgefasste Geschichte Ungarns. In deutscher Übersetzung. 2te Aufl. Budapest. Franklin-Verein. 1876. 2 v. 8°. IFFLAND, August Wilhelm. 4840a.3 **G.224.2.10 Mémoires. Avec une notice sur [ses] ouvrages [et sur Brandes]. l'art dramatique.] 8°. IMBERT DE SAINT AMAND, Arthur Léon, baron. Marie-Amélie et la duchesse d'Orléans. 2648.175 Paris. Dentu. 1893. (3), 398 pp. [Les femmes des Tuileries.] 12o. *3043.145 INFORMATION for pilgrims unto the Holy land. Ed. by E. Gordon Richard Edney and the governor's family. A rus-urban tale. By the author of "Margaret" Bost. Phillips, S. & co. 1850. 468 pp. 12o. 3863.120 KAYSER, Emanuel Friedrich Heinrich. Text book of comparative geology. Trans. and ed. by Philip Lake. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1893. 1893. xii, 426 pp. Illus. Pls. 8°. KEDDIE, Henrietta. 5587.23 Sweet counsel: a book for girls. By the author of "Papers for thoughtful girls." Lond. Warne. 1866. (7), 308 pp. Pl. Sm. 8°. KHEMNITZER, Ivan Ivanovitch. Басни и скаски И. И. Хемницера. Въ трехъ частяхъ. Pls. Engr. t. p. 8°. KIMBALL, James William. An index to the Bible. 5066.16 Portr. 7429a.114 Bost. [187-] 64 pp. 24°. LAMARTINE, Valentine de Cessiat de, ed. 2647.114 12o. 797.29 Paris. Lévy. 1892. (3), iii, 323 pp. Rolfe. N. Y. Harper. 1891. Illus. [English classics for school Dictionary of the slang-English of Australia and of some mixed lan The adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, abridged. 148 pp. 16°. L'ESTRANGE, Sir Roger. No. 3 in *6519a.58 To the Right honorable Edvvard earl of Clarendon . . . the humble apology of Roger L'Estrange. *4474.25 Lond. Brome. 1661. (1), 7 pp. Sm. 8°. LOPUKHIN, A. P. Жизнъ за океаномъ. Brooklyn, 1882, 83. V. 8°. 4365.124 Очерки религіозной, общественно-экономической и политической жизни въ Соединенныхъ Штатах Америки. С.-Петербургъ 1882. хіі, 401 pp. 8°. |