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Office of Publication at the Boston Public Library, Boylston Street, Boston. Published weekly. Subscription, $1.50 a year.

The numbers under 2110 will be found in Lower Hall.

ABBOTT, William.



Swedish patriotism, or the signal fire; a melodrama, in two acts.
N. Y. Murden. 1823. 51 pp. 24°.


ABOUT, Edmond François Valentin, and Émile comte de


Le capitaine Bitterlin. Comédie.

Paris. Lévy. 1860. (4), 43 pp. 12°.


ABÚ AL-WALID ABD 'ALLAH Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Ibn Nasr Al-Azdí, called Ibn al-Faradhí.

Historia virorum doctorum Andalusia (dictionarium biographicum) ab Aben Alfaradhi scripta . . . Nunc primum edidit Franciscus Codera. Matriti. Typ. La Guirnalda. 1892. 2 v. [Bibliotheca ArabicoHispana. 7, 8.] 8°.

**D.244.20.1,2 ABÚ'L-KÁSIM KHALAF Ibn Abd al-Malik Ibn Masúd Ibn Bashkuwál Ibn Yusuf Ibn Dáha Ibn Dáka Ibn Nasr Ibn Abd al-Karím Ibn Wáfid al-Khazraji al-Ansári al-Kortubi. Aben-Pascualis Assila (Dictionarium biographicum). Nunc pri

mum edidit Franciscus Codera.

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Matriti. De Rojas. 1883. 2 v. [Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana.

1, 2.] 8°.

ADAMS, Washington Irving Lincoln.

Amateur photography.

N. Y. Baker & T. co. 1893. 90 pp. Illus. 12°.

ADDIS, William E., and Thomas ARNOLD.



A catholic dictionary. Containing some account of the doctrine, discipline, rites . . . of the catholic church. New ed., rev. and enl. with the assistance of the Rev. T. B. Scannell.


Lond. Kegan Paul. 1893. viii, 961 pp. 8°.

2976.62 Trans. into

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The Oresteia [Agamemnon, Choëphoroe, Eumenides]. English prose by Lewis Campbell. With an introd.

Lond. Methuen.


AHMAD Ibn Yahya Ibn Ahmad Ibn Amirah Ibn Yahya ad

Dhabbí Abú Jaafar.

Desiderium quærentis historiam virorum populi Andalusia (Diction

arium biographicum) ab Adh-Dhabbí scriptum erunt Franciscus Codera et Julianus Ribera.

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Nunc primum edid

Matriti. De Rojas. 1885. xxv, 642 pp. Fac-simile. Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana. 3.] 8°.

AHO, Juhani, pseud.

Squire Hellman, and other stories.


N. Y. Cassell. [1893.] [The "Unknown" library.] 12°.

ALDEN, Isabella Mc Donald.

Twenty minutes late. By Pansy [pseud.].

Bost. Lothrop. 1893. Illus. 12o.



ALMANACH de l'oracle des dames et des demoiselles, conseiller intime suivi des récréations de la cartomancie.

Paris. [1875.] xiv, (4), 80, 90 pp. Illus. 16°.

ALVEAR Y WARD, Sabina de.


Historia de D. Diego de Alvear y Ponce de Léon, brigadier de la


Madrid. Aguado. 1891. 592 pp. 8°.

El arte industrial en España.


Bilbao. Impr. de la Casa de misericordia. 1892. xi, 550, (1) pp. 8°. AMERICAN GUERNSEY CATTLE CLUB, Conn.


The herd register. Vol. 2-4. 1887, 91, 92.

Hartford, 1887-92. 3 v. 24°, obl.

[blocks in formation]

Dissertation sur 60 traductions françaises de l'Imitation de JésusChrist. Suivie de considérations sur la question relative à l'auteur de l'Imitation.

Paris. Lefèvre. 1812. (6), xviij, 285 pp.. 12o.

BARRYMORE, William. -1846.

**K.38.22 The snow storm; or, Lowina of Tobolskow. A melo dramatick


36 pp. 24°.

36 pp.


Baltimore. Robinson. 1818. 1818. BARTLEY, Nehemiah. Opals and agates; or, scenes under the Southern cross and the Magelhans being memories of fifty years of Australia and Polynesia. Brisbane. Gordon & G. 1892. xii, 310, (1) pp. Pls. Portr. 8o. BAUTHIAN, Charles.

3612.66 Droit romain: Le luxe et les lois somptuaires. Droit français: Le luxe et les lois somptuaires. Rôle du luxe au point de vue économique. Giard. 1891. 220, (1) pp. t 8°.

BELIN, Victor.



Droit romain: De l'influence des Sabiniens et des Proculeiens sur le

développement du droit romain. Économie politique: Du crédit agricole

mobilier. Thèse.

Paris. Giard. 1890. 63, 92 pp. [Faculté de droit de Paris.] 8°. BELMONTE, B. E. Colaço.

The present state of the law in British Guiana.

Demerara. "Argosy" press. 1889. 21 pp. 8°.

BENDIRE, Charles.




[blocks in formation]

Directions for collecting, preparing, and preserving birds'

Wash. 1891. 10 pp. [U. S. National museum. Bulletin.

No. 39. Part D.] 8°.

BENIOVSKY, Moritz August, count.


The memoirs and travels of Mauritius Augustus, count de Benyowsky, in Siberia, Kamchatka, Japan, the Liukin islands and Formosa. From the translation of his original manuscript (1741–1771), by William Nicholson. Ed. by Pasfield Oliver.

Lond. Unwin. 1893. Illus. [Adventure series.] 8°.


*6567.116 The treasury of wit: a methodical selection of about 1200, the best apophthegms and jests; from books in several languages. Lond. Dilly. 1786. 2 v. Sm. 8°.


BENTON, Joel, ed. Greeley on Lincoln. With Mr. Greeley's letters to Charles A. Dana and a lady friend. Added reminiscences of Greeley.

N. Y. Baker & T. [1893.] 3-271 pp. Portr. Fac-simile. 8°. BIBLE. N. T. James.


The Epistle of St. James. The Greek text with introd., notes and comments. By Joseph B. Mayor.

Lond. Macmillan. 1892. xx, ccxx, 248 pp.


BICKNELL, Thomas Williams.


John Myles and religious toleration in Massachusetts.
Bost. 1892. (3), 30 pp.


BINDER, Wilhelm, ed.
Schwäbische Volkssagen, Geschichten und Märchen.
Stuttgart. Cast. 1845. 2 v. 2 pl.


Neue Ausg.



The text of the Book of Llan Dâv. Reproduced from the Gwysaney
manuscript, by J. Gwenogvryn Evans. With the co-operation of John

Oxford. 1893. li, 428 pp. Pl. Fac-similes. [Series of Welsh texts. 4.] L. 8°.

*6825.19 BORGARTHINGS ældre Kristenret, i fotolithografisk Gjengivelse efter Tønsbergs Lovbog fra c. 1320.

Christiania, 1886. (17) pp. [Norsk historisk Kildeskriftfond.] 4°. BOYESEN, Hjalmar Hjorth.

Social strugglers, a novel.

BRECK, Charles.


[blocks in formation]

The trust. A comedy. In five acts.

BRIDGE, Horatio.

N. Y. Longworth. 1808. 82 pp. 24°.


Personal recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne.


N. Y. Harper. 1893. ix, (1), 200 pp. Illus. Portrs. 16°.
BROCKWAY, Z. R., compiler.
Papers in penology.



2d series.
2d series. Compiled by the editor of “The

[Elmira, 1891.] (1), iii, (1), 148 pp. Sq. 16°.

[blocks in formation]

Memoirs of my Indian career. Ed. by Sir Charles E. Bernard.

[blocks in formation]

Lisboa. Imp. regia. 1805. (4), xx, 218 pp. Sm. 4°. CAREY, Rosa Nouchette.

Little Miss Muffet.

Phila. Lippincott. 1893. Illus. 12o.

CARTER, Thomas. -1867.


*4536.143 War medals of the British army, and how they were won. Rev., enlarged, and continued to the present time by W. H. Long.

Lond. Norie & W. 1893.

CARUS, Paul.

xv, 656 pp. Illus. Col. pls. 8°.


Monism its scope and import. A review of the work of The

monist, by [its] editor.

Chicago. Open court pub. co.

1891-92. 44 pp. 12°.



The feeble-minded child and adult.

Lond. Sonnenschein. 1893. xxiii, 152, (4) pp. Sm. 8°.

CHARLES V. of Germany, I. of Spain.


The new laws of the Indies for the good treatment and preservation of the Indians, promulgated, 1542-1543. A fac-simile reprint of the original Spanish ed., with a literal trans. into English. Prefixed an historical introd. by Henry Stevens and Fred. W. Lucas.

Lond. Chiswick pr.

1893. xciv pp., xiii ff., xxx, (1) pp.

Illus. Pls. 4o.

No. 24 of an edition of 88 copies.

CHILOVI, Desiderio, and Alessandro PAPINI.


Il nuovo palazzo per la Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze.
Firenze. Loescher. 1892. (1), 8 pp. Plans. 8°.

CLARKE, Henry Butler.

Spanish literature: an elementary handbook.

Lond. Sonnenschein. 1893. xii, 288 pp. Sm. 8°.


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