UNDERWOOD, Francis Henry. 4347.150 The poet and the man. Recollections and appreciations of James Russell Lowell. Bibliography of original editions of Lowell's works, pp. 129-133. UNITED STATES. Constitution. 4489a.113 Constitution of the United States of America, with a list of all the presidents & vice presidents, with their cabinets. Also, a list of governors and lieut. governors, and principal officers of Massachusetts . . Bost. 1841. 36 pp. UZANNE, Octave. Bouquinistes et bouquineurs. Pont Royal au Pont Sully. 24°. *2162.48 Physiologie des quais de Paris du Paris. Lib.-imprs. réunies. 1893. (3), xi, 318 pp. Illus. Engr. t. p. 8°. 4319.133 Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli, iniziatore della scoperta d'America. Ricordo del solstizio d'estate del 1892. Firenze. Stab. tip. fiorentino. 1892. VAN RENSSELAER, Mariana. Art out of doors. Hints on good taste in gardening. VAUDOU, L. 3815.53 8010.135 Le menuisier en escaliers. Traité pratique de la construction des escaliers suivi des plafonds pleins et d'assemblages. Tours, 1882. (4) pp. 26 pl. with descriptive text. L. 8°. The wonder-light, and other tales. True philosophy for children. N. Y. The Path. 1890. Sq. 12°. 2743.21 VESPASIANO DA BISTICCI. Vol. 1. Bologna. Romagnoli-Dall'Acqua. 1892. VIGIL, Ciriaco Miguel. V. 8°. 4315.121 Noticias biográfico-genealógicas de Pedro Menendez de Avilés, primer adelantado y conquistador de la Florida. Continuadas con las de otros Asturianos que figuraron en el descubrimiento de las Américas. Avilés. La Union. 1892. 211, (1) pp. 8°. VIRGILIUS MARO, Publius. Eneid. English. 2927.73 The Eneid of Vergil, books 1-6. Trans. into English verse by James Rhoades. Lond. Longmans. 1893. ix, 210 pp. Sm. 8°. VUILLIER, Gaston. 3090.100 Les îles oubliées : les Baléares, la Corse et la Sardaigne. Impressions de voyage illustrées par l'auteur. Paris. Hachette. 1893. 6, (1), 503 pp. Fo. WAGNER, Arthur Lockwood. 3957.118 The service of security and information. Wash. Chapman. 1893. xiv, 265 pp. Pls. 12°. WAGNER, Wilhelm Richard. Prose works. Transl. by William Ashton Ellis. Vol. 1. Contents.-1. Art work of the future, &c. WALKER, C. E. 1892. Wallace a historical tragedy, in five acts. 8043.113 V. 8°. **K.38.57 Phila. Palmer. 1822. 64 pp. 24°. WALKER, George H. & co., publishers. Boston and vicinity. Rolled. Trustees' Room Bost. 1893. Size, 581X48 inches. Scale, 1200 feet to 1 inch. WALSH, Joseph Alexis, vicomte. Souvenirs et impressions de voyage. 12e éd. WARNER, Susan. 2664.108 Pls. Engr. t. p. 8°. 793.1 The wide, wide world. By Elizabeth Wetherell [pseud.]. New ed. WHEELER, Horace Leslie, ed. The clergyman's daughter; a tragedy in five acts. Mornings at Bow Street. With 21 illus. by George Cruikshank. 4th ed. Lond. Sonnenschein. 1893. xiv, 161 pp. Sm. 8°. WOOD, Henry, of Roxbury, Mass. Ideal suggestion through mental photography . . study of the laws of mental healing. 3602.119 Preceded by a 163 pp. 8°. 3494.112 Bost. Lee & S. 1893. 1893. 163 WOODGATE, Walter Bradford. A modern layman's faith (nova religio laici) concerning the creed and breed of the "thoroughbred man." Lond. Chapman & H. 1893. xiv, 533 pp. 8°. WYZEWA, T. de. 3479.101 Des disciples d'Emmäus, ou les étapes d'une conversion. Paris. Perrin. 1893. 114, (1) pp. [Contes chrétiens.] 16°. *6110a.38 ZEITSCHRIFT für Bücherzeichen- Bibliothekenkunde und Gelehrtengeschichte. Organ des Ex-libris-Vereins zu Berlin. Görlitz. Starke. 1893. v. Illus. Pls. L. 8°. *3561.129 ZEITSCHRIFT für Litteratur und Geschichte der Staatswissenschaften. Herausg. von Kuno Frankenstein. B. 1. The quarterly lists of new books heretofore printed in the Library Bulletin have been discontinued. Office of Publication at the Boston Public Library, Boylston Street, Boston. Published weekly. Subscription, $1.50 a year. The numbers under 2110 will be found in Lower Hall. ABAJO FERNÁNDEZ, Joaquin. 4319.134 Colón ante el comercio del mundo. Estudio económico y comercial del descubrimiento de América. Madrid. R. Fé. 1892. xi, 180 pp. 16o. 3511.102 AMABILE, Luigi. Il santo officio della inquisizione in Napoli. Narrazione con molti documenti inediti. Castello. Lapi. 1892. 2 v. in 1. 8°. 8078.141 Greek poets in English verse by various translators. ART CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA. Catalogue of a collection of water-colours, designs and decorations, by Walter Crane. On exhibition, May, 1892. [With notes by the artist.] [Phila.] 1892. 1892. 30 pp. Illus. Sm. 4°. BAKER, William Spohn. The camp by Schuylkill Falls. *4474.187 [Phila.] 1892. (1), 16 pp. Pl. 8°. From the Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, 1892 [*5335.1.16]. |