PEUCKER, Nicolaus. 2874.103. 1st series, 3 Wolklingende Paucke (1650-75) und drei Singspiele Christian Reuters (1703 und 1710). Herausg von Georg Erlinger. Berlin. Paetel. 1888. xxiv, 71 pp. [Berliner Neudrucke, Serie 1. B. 3.] 16°. PHELPS, Almira, formerly Mrs. Lincoln. 6245.11.18 The fireside friend, or female student: advice to young ladies on the subject of education. Bost. Marsh, C. L. & W. 1840. (4), 377 pp. [School library. 18.] 12°. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF GLASGOW. PLANAT, Paul. * *5815.55 1841-89. iv, (3), 57 pp. 8°. Cab.80.40.2 Paris. Dujardin. [1892.] 6 pp. 40 col. pl. [Bibliothèque Le style dans la peinture décorative. PLANCHÉ, James Robinson. de la construction moderne.] Fo. 1796-1880. **K.38.21 The vampire; or, the bride of the isles. A romantic melo-drama, in two acts: preceded by an introductory vision. Balt. Robinson. 1820. 47 pp. 24°. From the French play entitled Le vampire, by Carmouche, Nodier and Jouffroy. PLANCHÉ, James Robinson. 6567.29 William with the ring. A romance in rhyme. Lond. Tinsley. 1873. 191 pp. Sm. 8°. Time of Edward the Third. PRINZIVALLI, Virginio. Vita di Cristoforo Colombo, secondo i documenti più recenti. 2747.75 2568.134 PRIOR, Matthew. poets.] Sm. 8°. *3019a.127 RAT'S PLAINT, The; an old legend. Trans. from the Chinese by RAUSCHER, Frank. 4426.223 Music on the march, 1862-'65, with the Army of the Potomac. 114th regt. P. v., Collis' zouaves. Phila. Fell & co. 1892. 270 pp. Portrs. Pl. 12°. REINACH, Salomon. L'origine des Aryens. Histoire d'une controverse. 2239.110 Paris. Leroux. 1892. (3), ii, 124 pp. [Bibliothèque orientale elzévirienne.] 18°. REYBAUD, Henriette Étiennette Fanny. 6678.75 The old convents of Paris, by Madame Charles Reybaud, and The haunted marsh, by George Sand. Lond. Simons & M'I. 1848. 307 pp. Sm. 8°. *3904.50.39 RIDGWAY, Robert. Directions for collecting birds. Wash. 1891. 27 pp. Illus. [United States. National museum. Bulletin. No. 39, part A.] 8°. RIGAL, Eugène. 2672.142 Alexandre Hardy et le théâtre français à la fin du XVIe et au commencement du XVIIe siècle. Paris. Hachette. 1889. xxiv, 715 pp. Pl. 8°. Bibliographie, pp. ix-xxiv. RILEY, Charles Valentine. Directions for collecting and preserving insects. *3904.50.39 Wash. 1892. 147 pp. Illus. [U. S. National museum. Bulletin. No. 39. Part F.] 8°. RODD, Rennell. The unknown Madonna, and other poems. Lond. Stott. 1888. 7, 110 pp. Pl. Sm. 8°. 2567.101 Contents.-Poems in many lands. 2d series.-In excelsis.- Translations from Heine. ROYALL, Anne. *4506.175 The Tennessean; a novel, founded on facts. New Haven, 1827. 372 pp. 16°. 3093.122 Madrid. Progresso editorial. 1892. (3), 157, (1) pp. Maps. 8°. SAAVEDRA, Eduardo. Estudio sobre la invasión de los Árabes en España. Madrid. Hernández. 1886. vi, 135, (1) pp. 8°. SANUDO AUTRÁN, P. Madrid, fin de siglo. 3493.108 3099.107 SAUVIN, G. Un royaume polynésien. Isles Hawaï. 3049a.102 Paris. Plon, N. et cie. 1893. (3), 321 pp. Map. 16°. SCHAFF, Philipp. 1819– 3046.134 Through Bible lands: notes of travel in Egypt, the Desert, and Palestine. With an essay on Egyptology and the Bible by Édouard Naville. Lond. Nisbet. [1888.] xliv, 11-434 pp. Maps. Pls. Sm. 8°. SCHOOLCRAFT, Henry Rowe. 4364.157 The myth of Hiawatha, and other oral legends, mythologic and allegoric, of the North American Indians. Phila. Lippincott. 1856. xxiv, 13-343 pp. 12°. SÉGUR, Sophie, comtesse de. 16°. Pauvre Blaise. Nouv. éd. Paris. Hachette. 1867. (5), 349, (1) pp. Illus. 16°. 6677.20 Same. Nouv. éd. Paris, 1876. (5), 358 pp. Illus. [Bibliothèque rose illustrée.] SEYFFERT, Moritz Ludwig. 2675.131 2986.61 Hauptregeln der griechischen Syntax. Bearb. von Albert von Bam berg. 11te Aufl. Berlin. Springer. Springer. SIMPSON, Richard, bookseller. 1878. iv, *6149a.65 Catalogue of books on chess, from the earliest period to the present [Lond.] R. Simpson. 1863. (1), 49 pp. 16°. day. 6567.32 Songs of labour and domestic life; with Rhymes for little readers. SMITH, John Frederick. 6576.122 Form 4426.222 SMITH, William Farrar. Bost. Houghton, M. & co. 1893. viii, 201 pp. Map. Plans. 3. SOCIÉTE D'ETHNOGRAPHIE, Paris. Actes. T. 1-9. 1859-1878. *6239.51 V. Illus. Pls. Portrs. In 1877 this society was called L'institution ethnographique. Historic personality. STEVENSON, Francis Seymour. Lond. Macmillan. 1893. vii, 140 pp. Sm. 8°. 4555.117 Major-general Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania line in the Continental army. Phila. Lippincott. 1893. x, 441 pp. Pls. Portr. 8°. **K.38.20 The forest of Rosenwald, or, the travellers benighted: a melo-drama, in two acts. historisk Kildeskriftfond.] 8°. t 9.5 8o. Christiania. Grøndahl. 1888. (4), lxxxiv, 667 pp. [Norsk STRAUSS, David Friedrich. 3473.59 The life of Jesus critically examined. Trans. from the 4th Germ. ed., by George Eliot. 2d ed. STRICKLAND, Jane. Lond. 1892. 8°. 2579a.138 Edward Evelyn; a tale of the rebellion of prince Charles Edward. STUART, James, of Armagh. *2464.118 Historical memoirs of the city of Armagh, for 1373 years, comprising a considerable portion of the general history of Ireland; a refutation of the opinions of Dr. Ledwich, respecting the non-existence of St. Patrick. Newry, 1819. x, 5-631, (10) pp. Pls. 8°. SUDERMANN, Hermann. 2876.119 Stuttgart. Cotta. 1892. 110 pp. 8°. Historical records of the 32nd (Cornwall) light infantry, now the 1st battalion Duke of Cornwall's L. I., from [its] formation in 1702 to 1892. Lond. Simpkin. 1893. xiii, 386, (2) pp. Illus. Portrs. Pls. 8°. SYDENHAM, John, of Poole. 4524.111 Baal Durotrigensis. A dissertation on the ancient colossal figure at Cerne, Dorsetshire; and an attempt to illustrate the distinction between the primal Celta and the Celto-Belgae of Great Britain. Lond. Pickering. [1842.] vi, (1), 65 pp. Pl. 8°. TARDIEU, Jules Romain. 6676.43 Pour une épingle. Légende. Par J. T. de Saint-Germain [pseud.]. Avec vocabulaire. Bost. Urbino. 1867. 174 pp. 12o. TAUSSIG, Frank William. 3640b.59 The silver situation in the United States. 2d ed. 4447.252 THIRKIELD, Wilbur P. Rev. Elijah H. Gammon, a memorial address, Dec. 23, 1891. terly bulletin.] 8°. TINSEAU, Léon de. Sur le seuil. 7e éd. TOD, John. 2675.137 2579a.129 Andrew Gillon. A tale of the Scottish Covenanters. By John Strathesk [pseud.]. Edin. Oliphant, A. & F. 1889. 126 pp. Illus. Sm. 8°. 3093.123 TORREÁNAZ, Luis María de la Torre de la Hoz Quintanilla y Vega, conde de. Los consejos del rey durante la edad media: su formacion, autoridad y principales acuerdos en Europa y singularmente en Castilla. Madrid. M. Tello. 1884, 90. 2 v. 8°. |