Slike strani

NEUMAYER, Georg, and Carl BOERGEN.

*3960.128 Die internationale Polarforschung, 1882-1883. Die BeobachtungsErgebnisse der deutschen Stationen.

Berlin. Asher. 1886. 2 v. Pls. Maps.
2 v. Pls. Maps. Charts. Sm. fo.

Contents. 1. Kingua-Fjord und die meteorologischen Stationen II. Ordnung in Labrador, sowie die magnetischen Observatorien in Breslau und Göttingen. 2. Süd-Georgien und das magnetische Observatorium in Wilhelmshaven.

[blocks in formation]

Der Standort der Schauspieler und des Chors im griechischen Theater des 5ten Jahrhunderts. [Th. 1.]

München. Ackermann. 1892.

V. Pls. 8°.


POLLARD, Alfred William.

Early illustrated books. A history of the decoration and illustration of books in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Lond. Kegan Paul. 1893. xvi, 256 pp. Illus. Pls. POOLE, John.

Little Pedlington and the Pedlingtonians.



N. Y. 1852. 2 v. [Appleton's popular library of the best authors.] 16°. PORTUGAL.


3660a.1. Nachtrag 1. Das portugiesische Handelsgesetzbuch vom 28. Juni 1888. xxxii,

222, (1) pp.

(Borchardt, O. Die geltenden Handelsgesetze des Erdballs. Nachtrag 1. Berlin, 1893.)

POSSANNER, Benno, Freiherr von.


Chemische Technologie der landwirtschaftlichen Gewerbe nebst einer

kurzen Abhandlung über Mineralöle, etc.

Wien. K. k. Hof- u. Staatsdruckerei.

[blocks in formation]

POTTER, Michael Cresse.

An elementary text-book of agricultural botany.

1893. xviii, 768 pp.


Lond. Methuen. 1893. xi, 250 pp. Illus. [University extension series.] Sm. 8°.

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Die prähistorischen Fundstätten, ihre Erforschung und Behandlung; mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Bosnien und die Hercegovina. Sarajevo, 1891. (4), 184 pp. Illus. Illus. Pl. Pl. 8°.

REALE commissione Colombiana.

* *4740.8

Raccolta di documenti e studi pubblicati pel quarto centenario dalla scoperta dell' America. Parte 1, vol. 1, 3; parte 3, vol. 1.


Roma. Ministero della pubblica istruzione. 1892. 3 v. Contents.-1, vol. 1. Scritti di Cristoforo Colombo, pubb. da C. de Lollis. 1, vol. 3. Fonti italiane per la storia della scoperta del Nuovo Mondo, raccolte da G. Berchet. [v.] 1. 3, vol. 1. Autografi di Cristoforo Colombo, con prefazione e trascrizione diplomatica di C. de Lollis.



Die mittelenglische Romanze Sir Fyrumbras und ihr Verhältnis zum altfranzösischen und provenzalischen Fierabras. Inaugural-Dissertation. Trebnitz. Maretzke & M. [1892.] (3), 86, (2) pp. 8°.

REICKE, Johannes.


Zu Joh. Christ. Gottsched's Lehrjahren auf der Königsberger

[blocks in formation]

The standard guide: St. Augustine.

RICE, Joseph M.

St. Augustine. Reynolds. 1892. 87, (11) pp. Illus. Pls. 8°.

The public-school system of the United States.
N. Y. Century co. 1893. vi, (1), 308 Illus.

ROSS, Edward Alsworth.

Sinking funds.

[Balt.] 1892. 106 pp. [Amer. economic assoc.

7. No. 4, 5.] 8°.

ROTHSCHILD, Hon. Lionel Walter.




Publ. Vol.


The avifauna of Laysan and the neighbouring islands; with a history of the birds of the Hawaiian possessions. Pt. 1.

Lond. Porter. 1893.

v. Pls. L. f.

On hail.


Lond. Stanford. 1893. xv, 224 pp. 2 pl. 8°.


SAINT MAUR, Sir Edward Adolphus, 12th duke of Somerset.
Letters, remains, and memoirs. Also, extracts from his two published
works on Christianity and Democracy. Ed. by W. H. Mallock and Lady
Guendolen Ramsden.

Lond. Bentley. 1893. x, (1), 547, (1) pp.
x, (1), 547, (1) pp. Portr. 8°.
Die Weltanschauung Dostojewski's u. Tolstoi's.
Neuwied. Schupp. 1893. xii, 107 pp.

Labour-saving machinery.




Lond. Kegan Paul. 1893. xi, (1), 94 pp. Illus. Pl. Sm. 8°.



Thomas Kyd und sein Kreis.

Berlin. Felber. 1892.

pp. 1892. iv, (1), 126



SCARTAZZINI, Giovanni Andrea.

A companion to Dante. From the German by Arthur John Butler.
Lond. Macmillan. 1893. xv,


Materialien zur Geschichte der indischen Visionslitteratur.

[blocks in formation]

Leipz. Twietmeyer. 1892.

v, 161 pp. L. 8°.


A study of the Buddhist visions of the future life.
Der Agitator von Irland.

16°. Berlin. Janke. 1859. 4 v. in 2.


SCHOEN, Georg, ed.
Das capitolinische Verzeichnis der römischen Triumphe.
Ergänzungen veröffentlicht.


Wien. Tempsky. 1893. vi, 90 pp. Pls. [Abhandlungen des Archäologisch-epigraphischen Seminares der Univ. Wien. 9.] 8°. SCHUBERT, Alfred.

Eiserne Thore und Geländer.


Leipz. Scholtze. [1890.] 20 pp. 18 pl. L. 8°. SCHULTZ, Alwin.


Alltagsleben einer deutschen Frau zu Anfang des achtzehnten Jahr-
Leipz. Hirzel. 1890. xv, 278 pp.

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SEEBACH, Carl von.

Ueber Vulkane Centralamerikas.


Göttingen. Dieterich. 1892. 251 pp. 9 pl. 5 maps. 4°.

Aus dem 38ten Bande der Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen [*3304.2.38].

SMITH, Francis.


Tables, memoranda, and calculated results, for mechanics, engineers, etc. 5th ed.

Lond. Lockwood.

1891. 258 pp. Illus. 64°, obl.

SNOWDEN, J. Keighley.


Tales of the Yorkshire wolds.

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Berlin. Claesen. [1886.] (3) pp. 50 pl. [Maisons particu

lières et hôtels.] Fo.

STODDARD, William Osborn.


Guert Ten Eyck, a hero story.

STOLZE, Franz.

Bost. Lothrop. 1893.
1893. Illus.
Illus. 12°.


Von der Bilderschrift zur Stenographie. Eine kurze Darstellung des Entwicklungsganges der Schrift. Th. 1.

[blocks in formation]

Contents.-1. Von der ältesten Zeit bis zum Beginn der modernen Stenographie.

[blocks in formation]

Contents.-Eekenhof.-Zur Chronik von Grieshuus.-Renate.-Aquis submersus.—Ein

Fest auf Haderslevhuus.

STROMEYER, Johann Philipp Edmund Carl.

Marine boiler management and construction.
Lond. Longmans. 1893. xviii, 343 pp.

STURM, Rudolf.


Illus. 8°.


Die Gebilde ersten und zweiten Grades der Liniengeometrie in synthetischer Behandlung. Th. 1, 2.

Leipz. Teubner. 1892, 93. 2 v. in 1. 8°.

SYDNEY, New South Wales. Public library.

Australasian bibliography.

lished in, Australasia.


Sydney. Potter.
Potter. 1893. 3 pts. in 1 v.

Catalogue of books relating to, or pub

Pl. 4°.

THEAL, George McCall.


History of South Africa.

settlement to our own times.

From the foundation of the European 1834-1854.

Lond. Sonnenschein. 1893. (5), 629 pp. Maps. 8°.

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Wash. 1888. (3), 27 pp. [Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 663.] 8°. TUCKERMANN, Alfred, Ph.D.

Bibliography of the chemical influence of light.


Wash. 1891. (3), 22 pp. [Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 785.] 8°.

"UNICODE." The universal telegraphic phrase-book.


Lond. Cassell. 1890. xxiii, 352 pp. 64°, obl.

UNIVERSITY of Wisconsin. Addresses.


The addresses at the inauguration of Charles Kendall Adams, to the presidency, Jan. 17, 1893.

Madison. Pub. by the University. 1893. (1), 69 pp. 8°. VANDERBILT, George Washington.


Catalogue of prints from [his] collection, exhibited December, 1892. Rembrandt.-Dürer.-Reynolds.

N. Y. De Vinne pr. 1892. (2), 118 pp. 8°.

VERPLANCK, Julian Crommelin.

* *4471.6

Procès verbal of the ceremony of installation of President of the New York historical society [David Hosack], as it will be performed Feb. 8, 1820. [Anon.]

35 copies reprinted by Robert Lenox Kennedy. VILLARI, Linda.

N. Y. [Repr. 1864.] 13 pp. 8°.


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WAGNER, Rudolf, jurist, and Ludwig Rudolf von SALIS.
Rechtsquellen des Cantons Graubünden.

Basel. Detloff. 1887, 92. 2 v. in 1. 8°.

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