DIOPHANTUS Alexandrinus. **E.5119.30 Opera omnia cum Graecis commentariis. Edidit et Latine interpretatus est Paulus Tannery. Vol. 1. 2409a.106 Contents.-1. Arithmeticorum libri sex.-De polygonis numeris liber. DIXON, Margaret. Chronicles of Christopher Columbus. In twelve cantos. New ed. DODGE, Theodore Ayrault. Riders of many lands. Drawings by Frederic Remington. *4001.129 3609.137 С.-Петербургъ. 1846. 74, (1) рр. 16°. 3569a.105 DOMISTHORPE, Wordsworth. Lond. Liberty and property defence league. 1887. 218 pp. Sq. 16°. DONATI, Girolamo. Maestri e scolari nell' India brahmanica. 3482.106 Firenze. Le Monnier. 1888. (3), 89 pp. [Reale istituto di studi superiori pratici e di perfezionamento in Firenze. Sezione di filosofia e filologia.] L. 8°. D'ORSEY, Alexander James Donald. 2266.80 Portuguese discoveries, dependencies and missions in Asia and Africa. DRAKE, Samuel Adams. Our colonial homes. 4351.111 *5992.80 Bost. Lee & S. 1894. (5), 211 pp. Illus. Pl. L. 8°. DURAND-CLAYE, Alfred Augustin. État de la question des eaux d'égout en France et à l'étranger. Rapport à la section de Génie rural de la Société des agriculteurs de France. 1877, 81. Studies of travel. Italy. N. Y. Putnam. [1893.] iv, 321 pp. Portr. 16°. FROITZHEIM, Johann. Friederike von Sesenheim. Gotha. Perthes. 1893. iv, 137 pp. 16. FURNEAUX, William S. 2857.62 *3818.60 The out-door world; or, young collector's handbook. With 15 pls. and over 500 illus. Lond. Longmans, G. & co. 1893. xxviii, 411 pp. 16°. GALTON, Sir Douglas. Healthy hospitals. Observations on hospital construction. Oxford. Frowde. 3762.119 some points connected with Frowde. 1893. xi, 287 pp. Illus. Plans. 8°. GARDINER, Marguerite, countess of Blessington. 2542.142 A journal of the conversations of Lord Byron with the countess of Blessington. New ed. Prefixed, a contemporary sketch of Lady Blessington, by her sister, and a memoir of her by the editor of this edition. Lond. Bentley. 1893. Ixiv, 376 pp. GATTY, Margaret. Portrs. 8°. 4572.130 Parables from nature. 1st, 2d series. Illus. by Paul de Longpré. GIRDLESTONE, Thomas. 8°. *2555.23 Facts tending to prove that general Lee, was never absent from this country, for any length of time, during the years 1767-1772, and that he was the author of Junius. Lond. Martin. 1813. vii, 138 pp. Portr. 2 fac-similes. 8°. GOODYEAR, William Henry. 8086.64 Roman and medieval art. Meadville. Flood & V. 1893. (4), 250 pp. Illus. Pls. 3607.144 [Chautauqua reading circle literature.] 12°. GORTON, David Allyn. The monism of man; or, the unity of the divine and the human. GREENE, George Arthur. biographical notices. 6778.36 Translations from Italian poetry, with Lond. Mathews. 1893. xxxv, 232 pp. Sm. 8°. GROLIER club, New York. *8079a.140 Catalogue of an exhibition of engraved portraits, being the effigies of the most famous English writers from Chaucer to Johnson. N. Y. 1891. 69 pp. 16°. GRUENBAUM, Max. Neue Beiträge zur semitischen Sagenkunde. 1893. (3), 291, (1) pp. 8°. Leiden. Brill. 1893. HARTFELDER, Carl. Philipp Melanchthon als Praeceptor Germaniae. 2292.104 *3590a.103.7 Berlin. Hofmann. 1889. (1), xxviii, 687 pp. Portr. [Monumenta Germaniae paedagogica. 7.] 8°. HAWKER, Peter. 4544.123 Diary. 1802-1853. With introd. by Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey. HAZLITT, William Carew. The coinage of the European continent. *2223.69 Lond. Sonnenschein. 1893. xviii, 554 pp. Illus. Pls. 8°. Contents.-Tendenz und Zusammenhang der pseudoxenophontischen Schrift über den Staat der Athener.-Über Aristoteles 'A0nvaiwv roditeía. HIGGINSON, Thomas Wentworth, and Mary Thacher HIGGINSON. Such as they are. Poems. 4409.110 Bost. Roberts. 1893. 74 pp. Illus. Sq. 16°. HILL, Georgiana. *4532.117 A history of English dress from the Saxon period to the present day. Lond. Bentley. 1893. 2 v. Portrs. HOFSTEDE DE GROOT, Cornelis. Portrs. 8°. 8082.105 Quellenstudien zur holländischen Kunstgeschichte. Arnold Hou braken und seine ,,Groote Schouburgh" kritisch beleuchtet. Haag. Nijhoff. 1893. xiv, 530 pp. HOMER. Iliad. Russian. 8°. 2998.80 Иліада Гомера. Переводъ Н. И. Гнѣдича. JEAFFRESON, John Cordy. A book of recollections. Lond. Hurst & B. 1894. 2 v. Sm. 8°. 4545.136 JENSEN, Wilhelm. 6899.15 Die Wunder auf Schloss Gottorp. Ein Gedächtnissblatt aus dem vorigen Jahrhundert. Berlin. Felber. 1893. (3), 256 pp. 16°. KINSLEY, William W. Science and prayer. 3447.113 Meadville. Flood & V. 1893. 111 pp. [Chautauqua reading circle literature.] 12°. 3482.112 KNIGHT, William, professor in the University of St. Andrews. Lond. Macmillan. 1893. x, 220 pp. 8°. KOLDEWEY, Friedrich. *3590a.103.1,8 Braunschweigische Schulordnungen bis zum Jahre 1828. paedagogica. 1, 8.] 8°. KUEHNE, Hermann. 2924.62 Prolegomena zu Maître Élies altfranzösischer Bearbeitung der Ars amatoria des Ovid. Inaugural-Dissertation. Marburg. Friedrich. Friedrich. 1883. (2), 33, (1) pp. 8°. Methods of practical hygiene. Trans. by W. Crookes. LICHTENBERG, Reinhold, Freiherr von. 3763.117 8074.109 Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Landschaftsmalerei bei den Nieder ländern und Deutschen im XVI. Jahrhundert. Leipz. Seemann. 1892. (8), 132 pp. Pls. [Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte. N. F. 18.] 8°. The land of poco tiempo [New Mexico]. N. Y. Scribner. MAC COLLESTER [M'Collester], Sullivan Holman. Babylon and Nineveh through American eyes. Idealismus und Realismus in der deutschen Schauspielkunst, während deren Blüthezeit, 1760-1840. Inaugural-Dissertation. Freiburg i. B. Lehmann. 1892. 101, (1) pp. 8°o, *3802.111 MASSACHUSETTS. Hospital for dipsomaniacs and inebriates. Bost. 1893. Illus. 8°. MEDINI, F. Roena. 3599.137 The what and how of vocal culture. N. Y. Werner. 1893. 125 pp. Sq. 16°. MEISSNER, Bruno. **3621.19 Leipz. Hinrichs. 1893. viii, 160, vii, (1), 58 pp. [Assyriologische Bibliothek.] MEISSNER, Friedrich. 2674.116 Der Einfluss deutschen Geistes auf die französische Litteratur des 19. Jahrhunderts bis 1870. 8o. 2194.23 Leipz. Renger. 1893. viii, 249 pp. MOFFETT, S. E. 1888. (3), 94, (2) pp. 8°. 3640a.85 N. Y. Webster. 1892. 112 pp. 12°. MORRISON, Leonard Allison. *4333.118 The history of the Alison or Allison family, in Europe and America, A.D. 1135 to 1893. Bost. Damrell & U. 1893. xvi, 312 pp. 1893. xvi, 312 pp. Portrs. Pls. Pls. 8°. MUELLER, David Heinrich. 2291.69*3320.1.41 Die Recensionen und Versionen des Eldad had-Dânî. Wien. Tempsky. 1892. (1), 80 pp. [Kais. Akad. d. Wissensch. Phil.-hist. Classe. Denkschriften. Vol. 41.] 4°. MUELLER, Joseph Theodor. *3590a.103.4 Die deutschen Katechismen der Böhmischen Brüder. Berlin. Hofmann. 1887. xiv, 466, (1) pp. [Monumenta Germaniae paedagogica. 4.] 8°. |