3576.114 PHILANTHROPY and social progress. Essays. Delivered before the School of applied ethics, at Plymouth, Mass., session of 1892. With introd. by Henry C. Adams. N. Y. Crowell. [1893.] xi, 268 pp. 12°. Contents. Addams, Jane: The subjective necessity for social settlements; The objective value of a social settlement.-Woods, Robert A.: The university settlement idea.-Huntington, James O. S.: Philanthropy-its success and failure; Philanthropy and morality.Giddings, Franklin H.: The ethics of social progress.-Bosanquet, Bernard: The principles and chief dangers of the administration of charity. PHILLIMORE, William Phillimore Watts. *2490.67 Index to wills proved and administrations granted in the court of the archdeacon of Berks, 1508 to 1652. Oxford, 1893. viii, 199 pp. [Oxford historical society. 23.] 8°. PIERRET, G. Transportation et colonisation pénale. Paris. Marescq. 1892. vii, 107 3572.116 pp. 8°. 7420.56 With an introd. on N. Y. Randolph. 1870. 646 646 pp. 8°. **6569a.149 PLUMER, William Swan. POPE, Alexander. An essay on man, in four epistles to H. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke. Added several other pieces, with The universal prayer. Concord. Hill. 1817. 72 pp. 32°. REFORM CLUB, New York. *4477.195 Officers and committees, members, constitution, etc. [1890.] 12°. REYER, Eduard. 7861.13 Ueber die Tektonik der Vulcane von Böhmen. RUBLE, Alphonse, baron de. 1834 2544.102 La première jeunesse de Marie Stuart. 1891. (5), 320 pp. 8°. No. 2 in *2188.33 SALGUES, Jacques Barthélemy. Examen critique d'une traduction nouvelle de l'Imitation de JésusChrist, par M. l'abbé de La Mennais, ou M. de La Mennais convaincu de plagiat. [Anon.] SANBORN, Franklin Benjamin, and William Torrey HARRIS. A. Bronson Alcott: his life and philosophy. Bost. Roberts. 1893. 1893. 2 v. Portrs. Pl. 12°. SCHMIDT, Leopold. De tractandae syntaxis Graecae ratione. 2986.59 8°. 7822.13 Marburgi. Elwert. 1871. iv, 24 pp. SCHOEDLER, Friedrich Carl Ludwig. The book of nature. 1st Amer. ed. trans. from the 6th Germ. ed., by Henry Medlock. 1853. 691 pp. Phila. Blanchard & L. 1853. Illus. 8°. *7222.9 SELECT REVIEWS, and spirit of the foreign magazines. By E. Bronson, and others. Vol. 2. Phila. Hopkins & Earl. 1809. 8°. SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth. 4598.142 Macbeth. Nouvelle éd., avec une notice biographique et littéraire et des notes grammaticales, par J. Sévrette. Paris. Belin. 1892. xxxii, 124 pp. 16o. SIENKIEWICZ, Heinryk. 3065.105 Without dogma. A novel of modern Poland. Trans. by Iza Young. Bost. Little, B. & co. 1893. (1), xi, 423 pp. 8°. SLATER, Samuel. *6569.138 Poems in two parts. First, An interlocutory discourse concerning the creation, fall, and recovery of man. Secondly, A dialogue between faith and a doubting soul. Lond. Cockeril. 1679. (4), 64, (7), 52 pp. 16o. SMART, Alexander. Rambling rhymes. New ed., enl. Edin. Menzies. 1845. 304 pp. Sm. 8°. SOCIÉTÉ NATIONALE DES BEAUX-ARTS. 6567.31 *8063.106 Exposition nationale des beaux-arts. Catalogue illustré des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture et gravure exposés au Champs-de-Mars, mai 1892. SOENNECKEN, F. Methodical text book to round writing. 11th ed. *5550.7 SOTHEBY, Samuel Leigh, ed. 7449a.46 SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Churches. Churches. Church of the Unity. Guild of the Good Shepherd. Manual. Springfield. n. d. n. d. 32. STANLEY, Henry Morton. Slavery and the slave trade in Africa. 3579a.102 N. Y. Harper. 1893. (3), 86 pp. Pls. [Harper's black and white series.] 24°. STEJNEGER, Leonhard. Directions for collecting reptiles and batrachians. *3904.50.39 Wash. 1891. 13 pp. Illus. [U. S. National museum. Bulletin. No. 3. Part E.] STUBBS, G. Edward. 8°. 8049.130 Practical hints on boy choir training. With an introd. by J. S. B. Hodges. 6th ed. TAMARO, M. N. Y. Young. [1888.] 77 pp. 12o. 2865.64 V. 8°. Le città e le castella dell' Istria. Vol. 1. **Cab.40.10.1 * TAPISSERIES, Les, de la cathédrale d'Angers, dites tapisseries du roi René. Représentationsde l'Apocalypse. Die Wandstickereien des Königs René in der Cathedrale zu Angers. Leipz. Hiersemann. [1882.] 72 photographs on 38 sheets. Fo. TAYLOR, Isaac, LL.D. 1787-1865. Lectures on spiritual Christianity. 7447.42 1841. 244 pp. 12o. 2668.122 N. Y. Appleton. 1841. THEURIET, Claude Adhémar André. Paris. Colin. [1893.] (3), 394 pp. [Bibliothèque de romans historiques.] 12o. THOMPSON, Daniel Pierce. *4508.215 May Martin or the money diggers. A Green mountain tale. New ed. Burlington. Goodrich. 1848. 156 pp. 12°. THOMPSON, Edward Maunde. Handbook of Greek and Latin palæography. 6117.29 N. Y. Appleton. 1893. xii, 343 pp. Fac-similes. [Interna La Russie et les Russes. Indiscrétions de voyage. 10e éd. 12o. TUCKERMAN, Bayard. 4348.196 Peter Stuyvesant, director-general for the West India company in New Netherland. N. Y. Dodd, M. & co. 1893. (1), 193 pp. Portr. [Makers of America.] 16°. 3548.130 UNITARIAN CONFERENCE of the United States and Canada. Annual reports for 1892. N. Y. 1892. 12o. 5652.28 UNITED STATES. Interstate commerce commission. Suggestions by the executive committee of the Association of American railway accounting officers for changing classification of operating expenses, as prescribed by the Commission. [Wash. 1890.] (1), 7-27 pp. 12°, obl. *7995.29 VIANEN, Adam van. *Cab.40.18.1 Modelles artificiels de divers vaisseaux d'argent, et autres oeuvres capricieuzes, mis en lumière par Christien de Viane à Uytrecht et gravez en cuivre par Théodore de Quessel. (1650.) 48 pl. [Reproductions La Haye. Nijhoff. 1892. (6) pp. 48 pl. d'anciennes gravures d'orfèvrerie hollandaise.] Fo. VINYCOMB, John. 4531.118 An enquiry into the history and authenticity of the Belfast arms. 4929.57 VIRGILIUS MARO, Publius. Aeneid. Latin. classical series.] 12°. WASHINGTON, George. *4321.136 Letter to Lund Washington, dated Cambridge, 20 Aug., 1775. From the collection of Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet. Lynn. Bubier pub. co. 1893. 50 pp. Illus. 16°. 4555.118 The title on the cover reads: How to make a one-horse motor or dynamo. Excursions in criticism; being some prose recreations of a rhymer. WHEELER, Candace, ed. verse. 2397.107 Columbia's emblem, Indian corn. A garland of tributes in prose and Bost. Houghton, M. & co. Pls. 16°. 5498.62 Oxford. Parker. 1847-1863. 7 v. in 8. 8°. Contents.-1 (in 2 v). Life, by John Keble. 2, 3. Sermons. 4. Instructions for such as have learned the church catechism.-An instruction for the Indians. -A short instruction for the Lord's supper. 5. Sacra privata, with Supplement.-Maxims of piety and morality, with Supplement. 6. Notes on the Holy Scriptures. 7. Parochialia.-Tracts.-Fragments. -General index. ZELLER, Berthold. Claude de France. 3e éd. A story of the time of Francis I. The quarterly lists of new books heretofore printed in the Library Bulletin have been discontinued. |