BALFOUR, Arthur James. Edin. Douglas. 1893. vi, (1), 314 pp. Sm. 8°. 4558.123 Contents. The pleasures of reading.-Bishop Berkeley's life and letters.--Handel.Cobden and the Manchester school.-Politics and political economy.—A fragment of progress. -The religion of humanity. BANGOR, Maine. (Directories.) Cannon & co.'s directory of Bangor and Brewer. The copy for 1864 is called Bangor city directory. BARR, Amelia Edith. Cluny MacPherson, a tale of brotherly love. *6382.64 1864, 1892. 1734.22 12°. *4159.56 N. Y. Dodd, M., & co. [Cop. 1883.] BELFAST LIBRARY and association for promoting knowledge. (Linen Hall library.) [Report.] 1893. Belfast, 1893. 12°. BELL, Nancy, and Henry Duff TRAILL, eds. 2260.102 The capitals of the world. Lond. Low. 1892. 2 v. Illus. Pls. 4°. BELLAMY, Joseph, D.D. 1719-1790. 7464.195 Four sermons on the wisdom of God in the permission of sin. Morristown, 1804. 130 pp. 12°. BELLENDEN, John. *4600a.118 Works. [Translations.] Edin. Tait. 1822. 3 v. Pls. Woodcuts. 4°. Contents.-1, 2. The history and chronicles of Scotland, by Hector Boece. 3. The first five books of the Roman history: from the Latin of Titus Livius. BÉRARD, Victor. La Turquie et l'hellénisme contemporain. 3087.103 Paris. Alcan. 1893. (3), v, 352 pp. Map. [Bibliothèque d'histoire contemporaine.] 12°. BERTRANDON DE LA BROQUIÈRE. *2260a.67 Le voyage d'outremer . . . Publié et annoté par Ch. Schefer. Paris. Leroux. 1892. lxxviii, 323, (2) pp. 3 pl. [Recueil de voya ges et documents pour servir à l'histoire de la géographie BIÉTRIX, Antoine. BIRCH, Mrs. Mary. 6540.25 Letters written by Mrs. Birch, in the ninety-ninth and hundredth years of her age. [Ed. by J. W. Newell Birch.] Lond. 1837?] xvi, 152 pp. Portr. Fac-similes. 4°. BLACKWELL, Thomas. No. 2 in 2993.58 Proofs of the Enquiry into Homer's life and writings. Trans. into English. [Anon.] Lond. 1748. (1), 106 pp. 8. BLOUET, Guillaume Abel. **Cab.49.15.3 Restauration des Thermes d'Antonin Caracalla à Rome. BOND, George William. GEORGE WILLIAM BOND. June 22, 1811-May 29, 1892. [Bost.] 1892. 14 pp. Portr. 8°. 4341.127 From the Bulletin of the National assoc. of wool manufacturers, Sept. 1892 [*3650.5.22.] *6153.24 BOOK REVIEWS. A monthly journal. Vol. 1, no. 1. N. Y. [1893.] *6350a.41.20,23 8°. **G.293.1.20,23 Bost. 1889, 93. 2 v. [Boston. Record commissioners. Reports, 20th, 23d.] 8°. BOSTON POLYCLINIC, The. *3736.64 Clinical courses of medical instruction. 7th year. Summer course. 1886. Bost. 1886. 22 pp. 8°. BRETSCHNEIDER, Emil. 3046.135 On the knowledge possessed by the ancient Chinese of the Arabs and Arabian colonies, and other western countries, mentioned in Chinese books. Lond. Trübner. Trübner. 1871. 27 pp. 8o. BURNS, Thomas. *4531.117 Old Scottish communion plate. With a preface by James Macgregor, and chronological tables of Scottish hall-marks, by Alexander J. S. Brook. Edin. Clark. 1892. xxxii, 651 pp. Illus. Pls. 4°. CALIFORNIA. State library. Davis. Publications. *4372.113 Sacramento, 1893. 8°. Contents.-1. History of political conventions in California, 1849-1892, by Winfield J. CARACCIOLI, Louis Antoine, marquis de. 6649.40 Paris Cachet. 1790. 2 v. 12°. La petite Lutèce devenue grande fille. [Anon.] CASAGRANDI, Vincenzo. 2752.73 Le minores gentes ed i patres minorum gentium. Contributo alla storia della costituzione romana. Palermo. Clausen. CHAMPNEYS, Arthur Charles. 1892. xxiii, 628 PP. 8°. 4587.121 History of English. A sketch of the English language with examples. CHERVILLE, Gaspard Georges Pécou, marquis de. Paris. Marpon & F. [1893.] (3), 380 pp. Illus. CLARKE, James Freeman. The Old South speaks. [Poem.] 4007.118 12°. *4501.119 [Bost. 1877?] 5 ff. Sm. 4°. Fac-simile autograph reproduction. COLLINGWOOD, William Gershom. The life and work of John Ruskin. simile. 8°. Lond. Methuen. 1893. 2 v. Portrs. Pls. Chart. Fac 2542.136 2542.137 Same. Bost. Houghton, M. & co. 1893. 2 v. 8°. Chronology, bibliography, and catalogue of drawings of Mr. Ruskin, vol. 2, pp. 259-275. CONVEYANCERS title insurance company, Boston. 5666.86 Cork. Guy. [1892.] Portrs. Pls. Maps. Plans. 8°. *4522.100 Dover. Dudley. 1890. S". 3964.113 DU MONCEL, Théodore Achille Louis, comte. ECONOMY CLUB NOTES. Vol. 1. *6129.83 Bost. Readers & writers economy co. 1879. Illus. 24°. EDGAR, James D. This Canada of ours, and other poems. Toronto. Briggs. 1893. 64 pp. Sm. 8°. EDWARDS, Jonathan, the elder. 1703-1758. 4508.222 7452.100 Edwards on revivals: containing a faithful narrative of the surprising work of God in the conversion of many hundred souls in Northampton, Mass., 1735. Also, Thoughts on the revival of religion in New England, 1742 . . . With introductory remarks, and index, by the editor. N. Y. Dunning & S. 1832. 424 pp. Portr. 8°. ETTERLÉ, Joseph. Les maladies de l'Afrique tropicale. Bruxelles. Schepens. 1892. (3), 192 pp. FORSYTH, Andrew Russell. Theory of functions of a complex variable. Camb. Univ. press. 1893. FRANCE. Conseil d'état du roi. 8°. 3795.112 **E.5121.24 xxii, 682 pp. Diagrams. L. 8°. *7580.56 Arrêt du Conseil du roi, qui ordonne que la gratification accordée au commerce pour la traité des Nègres, sera restitutée à l'adjudicataire des fermes, avec moitié en sus, par les armateurs que l'auront reçue, & qui n'auront pas importé des Noirs aux colonies. [Paris. Imp. royale. 1785.] 3 pp. 4°. GEARY, William Nevill Montgomerie. The law of marriage and family relations. Lond. Black. 1892. xlii, (1), 637 pp. Sm. 8°. GLADSTONE, William Ewart. 1892. 3664.57 2497.131 An academic sketch. Delivered in the Sheldonian theatre, Oct. 24, Oxford. Clarendon pr. 1892. 47 pp. [Romanes lecture. 1892.] 8°. *8011.145 GOOD ROADS. Illus. monthly. Vol. 1, no. 2-6; vol. 2. 1892. N. Y. 1892. 8o. GORRA, Egidio. 2778.83 Studi di critica letteraria. Bologna. Zanichelli. 1892. (1), iv, 405 pp. 16o. Contents. Il cavaliere errante di Tommaso III. di Saluzzo.-Il Pecorone.-Il reggimento e costume di donna del Barberino ne' suoi rapporti colla letteratura provenzale e francese.— La novella dell' aquila d'oro. GOSSE, Edmund William. The secret of Narcisse. A romance. Lond. Heinemann. 1892. (5), 190 pp. Sm. 8°. 2574.143 GRIFFITH, Elizabeth, compiler. A collection of novels selected and revised by Mrs. Griffith. Lond. Kearsly. 1777. 3 v. Pls. Vignettes. Sm. 8°. 6567.30 Contents.-1. Zayde, by M. de Segrais; Oroonoko, by Mrs. Behn. 2. The princess of Cleves [by the Countess de Lafayette]; The fruitless enquiry, by Mrs. Haywood. 3. The history of Agnes de Castro, by Mrs. Behn; The noble slaves, by Mrs. Aubin; The history of the count de Belflor, and Leonora de Cespedes. HAMERTON, Philip Gilbert. 8064.122 Drawing & engraving. A brief exposition of technical principles & practice. Lond. Black. 1892. xxii, 172 pp. Illus. Pls. 8°. HARRISON, William, of Ripon, ed. *2490.132 Ripon millenary. A record of the festival [1886]. Also a history of the city arranged under its wakemen and may ors from the year 1400. [Illus. by John Jellicoe and Herbert Railton.] Ripon. Harrison. 1892. 2 pts. in 1 v. Portrs. 4°. Hebrew idolatry and superstition: its place in folk-lore. HUDSON, Thomson Jay. 3487.107 3606.122 The law of psychic phenomena. A working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc. Chicago. McClurg. 1893. 409 pp. 12o. HULME, Frederick Edward. 8074.155 The birth and development of ornament. 4869.63 Peer Gynt. A dramatic poem. Trans. by William and Charles Archer. * * *Cab.80.51.1 ILLUSTRATION, L', NOUVELLE. Par une société de peintres-graveurs à l'eau forte. 7e-12e année. Paris, 1875-80. 6 v. Fo. IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND, Arthur Léon, baron. 2648.186 Women of the Valois court. Trans. by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin. women of the French court.] 12°. [Famous Contents.-Marguerite, sister of Francis 1.-Catherine de' Medici and her contempora ries at the French court. INDIAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION, Phila. 4464.138 Case of the Mission Indians in Southern California and the action of the association in supporting the defence of their legal rights. Phila. 1886. 20 pp. 8o. |