Office of Publication at the Boston Public Library, Boylston Street, Boston. Published weekly. Subscription, $1.50 a year. The numbers under 2110 will be found in Lower Hall. ABOUT, Edmond François Valentin. 2675.151 Paris. Lévy. 1862. 144 pp. 12o. ABOUT, Edmond François Valentin. 2675.150 Nouv. éd. Paris. Lévy. 1884. 39 pp. 12o. ABU OBEYD. 3018.114 Trans. from Comédie. Risette, ou les millions de la mansarde. Comédie. The celebrated romance of the Stealing of the mare. the Arabic by Lady Anne Blunt. Done into verse by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. Lond. Reeves & T. 1892. xi, 127 pp. Sm. 4°. **D.3100.55 AHUMADA MORENO, Pascual. Guerra del Pacífico. Recopilacion completa de todos los documentos oficiales, correspondencias y demas publicaciones referentes á la guerra que ha dado á luz la prensa de Chile, Perú y Bolivia. Conteniendo documentos inéditos de importancia. Valparaiso. Impr. del Progreso. 1884-92. 8 v. Maps. Fo. ALBERUS, Erasmus. 2879.108.104-107 Fabeln. Abdruck der Ausgabe von 1550 mit den Abweichungen der ursprünglichen Fassung. Herausg. von Wilhelm Braune. Halle a. S. Niemeyer. 1892. lxxii, 216 pp. [Neudrucke deutscher Litteraturwerke des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts. No. 104-107.] 16o. *6670.70 ARNOULD, Auguste Jean François MuSSOT, called ARNOULD. BALZAC. Paris. Fages. 1807. 12 pp. 12o. The brotherhood of consolation. Trans. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Bost. Roberts. 1893. vi, 329 pp. [The comedy of human life. Scenes from political life.] 12°. BALZAC. Lost illusions. The two poets, Eve and David. rine Prescott Wormeley. 1736.30 Trans. by Katha Bost. Roberts. 1892. [The comedy of human life. Scenes from provincial life.] 12°. BALZAC. 1736.31 Pierrette [and The vicar of Tours]. Trans. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Bost. Roberts. 1892. [Comedy of human life. Scenes from provincial life.] 12°. BARRIÈRE, Théodore. 2674.164 Malheur aux vaincus. Pièce. Paris. Lévy. 1870. (4), 91 pp. 12o. BARRIÈRE, Théodore. Un ménage en ville. Comédie. Nouv. éd. 2674.163 12°. 2674.185 The Supreme court of the states and provinces of North America. Vol. 1, ser. 1, 2. [N. Y.] Medico-legal journal. [1893.] Contents.-1. 1. Texas, Kansas. 1. 2. New Jersey, Oregon. BENSBACH, A. Kurze Skizze der deutschen Literatur. V. 8°. 6873.37 Contents.-1. Altes Testament. 5te Aufl. besorgt von J. Wellhausen. 2. Neues Testament. 4te Aufl. besorgt von D. W. Mangold. 3562.136 BONAR, James. 8011.140 BOSTON manufacturers mutual fire insurance company. Slow-burning construction. 6th ed.] 4°. [Bost. 1890.] 10, (1) pp. Illus. [Special circular no. 33. BOUILHET, Louis. Hélène Peyron. Drame, en vers. 3e éd. 2675.161 12°. BOUILHET, Louis. 2675.160 Madame de Montarcy. Drame, en vers. 3e éd. 12°. Time of Louis XIV. BOUILHET, Louis. 2675.159 Mademoiselle Aïssé. Drame en vers, avec les jugements de la critique. 2e éd. Paris. Lévy. 1872. (4), 146 pp. 12°. BOWMAN, Anne. 6577.141 The boy foresters. A tale of the days of Robin Hood. *5821.50 Brehms Tierleben. Mit 1910 Abbildungen im Text, 12 Karten und 179 Tafeln in Farbendruck und Holzschnitt. 3te gänzlich neubearb. Aufl. von Prof. Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. Contents.-1-3. Die Säugetiere. Unter Mitwirkung von Wilh. Haacke. 4-6. Vögel. Unter Mitwirkung von Wilh. Haacke. 7. Kriechtiere und Lurche. Neubearb. von O. Boettger und Dr. Pechuel-Loesche. 8. Die Fische. Unter Mitwirkung von Wilh. Haacke. 9. Die Insekten, Tausendfüsser und Spinnen. Neubearb. von E. L. Taschenberg. 10. Die niederen Tiere. Von Oskar Schmidt. Neubearb. von W. Marshall. BROHAN, Joséphine Félicité Augustine. Comédie. Nouv. éd. 2675.163 Qui femme a, guerre a. 12°. BUCK, Charles. *7456.113 Treatise on religious experience. 2d Amer ed. 12o 2578.147 Portr. [The White BURGIN, G. B. Lond. Henry. [1893.] (7), 209 pp. friars library of wit and humour.] Sm. 8°. Contents. His lordship.-The man who went away.-Which.-The biggest man ofʼall.— That Armenian! CHADWICK, John White. George William Curtis. An address. 2349a.101 N. Y. Harper. 1893. (4), 76 pp. Portrs. [Black and white series.] 24°. CLARETIE, Léo. *2660.107 L'université moderne. Contenant 65 compositions de J. Geoffroy. Portr. Pls. L. 4°. Illus. 2958.69 Ueber Aufgabe und Stellung der classischen Philologie, insbesondere ihr Verhältniss zur vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft. Giessen. Ricker. 1872. iv, 54 pp. 8°. COOKE, J. P. 3484.106 Dhammapada: being footprints in the way of life, the system of ethic law bequeathed by Gautama Buddha CORNIANI, Giovanni Battista, conte. Riflessioni sulle monete. Verona. Giuliari. 1796. viii, 82 pp. 8°. 77-165. Milano, 1805.) COUDREAU, Henri Anatole. Explorations en Guyane. 3644.94 Vol. 46, pp. *3654.1.46 Rouen. Cagniard. 1892. 20 pp. Map. 8°. 4461.118 DECOURCELLE, Charles Adrien, and Lambert THIBOUST. 12o. DELILLE, Edward. 2673.185 Some French writers. Lond. Chapman & H. 1893. (7), 221 pp. 8°. Contents. Paul Bourget. Pierre Loti.-Baudelaire, the man.- Chez Pousset, a literary evening.-Guy de Maupassant. The poet Verlaine. Card-sharping in Paris. Maurice Barrès. DEUBLER, Conrad. -- Tagebücher, Biographie und Briefwechsel des oberösterreichischen Bauernphilosophen. Herausg. von Arnold Dodel-Port. 2te Th. DUBOSE, John Witherspoon. 2341.100 The life and times of William Lowndes Yancey. A history of political parties in the United States, from 1834 to 1864; especially as to the origin of the Confederate States. Birmingham. Roberts. 1892. xiv, (2), 752 pp. Pl. Portrs. 8°. |