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guage of America and the Publications of the QUAN's editorial comment upon current Modern Language Association.

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Three years ago THE CHAUTAUQUAN MAGAZINE made "The Expansion of the American People" its leading feature. The next year "The Rivalry of Nations: World Politics of Today" was published. During the past year Formative Incidents in American Diplomacy" was the title of the leading serial. This will be followed by "Saxon and Slav," a study of the rivals for world supremacy, beginning in October. The purpose of these serial articles is to give a comparatively brief but comprehensive historical review of the most important topics of the day, setting up a standard in relation to which all one's reading on these subjects may naturally fall into place. Along with these serials the magazine has coupled many special articles upon particular phases of the chief topic under consideration, and THE CHAUTAU

events seeks to point out their relation to that historical standard.

Edwin Erle Sparks was the author of the Expansion and American Diplomacy articles. Mr. Sparks is assistant professor of American history in the University of Chicago, and a successful university extension lecturer on the history of America. He was graduated from the Ohio State University in 1884, pursued a post-graduate course at Harvard, taught in Ohio State University, became principal of the preparatory department of Pennsylvania State College, was for three years lecturer of the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching, Philadelphia, and, after service of the same kind for the University Extension Division of the University of Chicago, he became a member of the faculty of that institution in 1896. One of the latest volumes by Professor Sparks is "The Men Who Made the Nation." The Expansion series, somewhat enlarged, has been very successful in book form. Mr. Sparks is one of the Chautauqua lecturers this year. Besides the serials, Professor Sparks has contributed to THE CHAUTAUQUAN articles on "Salt in American History" and "The Record of a Lost Empire in America."

The author of the "Rivalry of Nations" was Edwin A. Start. Mr. Start had been for eight years at the head of the department of history in Tufts College, the department having been organized by him. He

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Both history and romance, from a new

"Maids and Matrons of New France" which appeared in THE CHAUTAUQUAN during the


was formerly a journalist and an active worker in politics. He has contributed to the New England Magazine several field, were charmingly combined in the social and historical studies, and besides the serial, Mr. Start has written for THE CHAUTAUQUAN articles on "The United States of Brazil," "Menelik II. of Abyssinia," and "Nicholas II. of Russia." He was the founder and first president of the New England History Teachers' Association, was one of the founders of the Twentieth-Century Club, of Boston, and belongs to several historical and geographical organizations. He is a native of Massachusetts and a graduate of Tufts College, where he took the degree of A. B. in 1884, and of Harvard University where he received the degree of A. M. in 1893.

French-Greek year." These papers, expanded and more profusely illustrated, have been published in book form, highly praised by the press in the United States and Canada the New York Times Saturday Review placed it among the one hundred best books of the year. The author, Mary Sifton Pepper, resides in Cleveland. She is a graduate of Wooster University, has been twice abroad, the first time traveling through European countries, the second residing in Milan, Italy. Here she studied Italian and German literature under noted professors of the University The author of the new series on Saxon of Pavia, and acted as one of the editors of and Slav" is Frederick Austin Ogg, of the the Milan News, the newspaper circulated University of Indiana, his native state. Mr. among English and American residents. Ogg was graduated from DePauw University Miss Pepper is an accomplished linguist, comin 1899, post-graduate in history and philos- manding Italian, French, German, Spanish. ophy, 1900. He has been instructor in Soon after her return to America, in 1896, DePauw Academy and the Indianapolis High she was employed by a Cleveland publishing School. Historical articles have been con- firm to translate some old French documents tributed to leading periodicals. "Slavery which have recently been published in "The in the Diplomacy of the United States" is Jesuit Relations" (seventy-two volumes). to be published by the American Historical Miss Pepper is now at work upon "Maids and Association and as one of the Harvard His- Matrons of New Spain." torical Studies.


Mr. Ogg has already contributed to THE
CHAUTAUQUAN articles on "Geography from
Homer to Columbus," "The Law of Nations
(two papers).

A sketch of the "Political Clubs During the French Revolution" was written by John W. Perrin, professor of History in Adelbert College, Western Reserve University, since 1898.

Professor Perrin is a graduate of

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Illinois Wesleyan University, class of 1887, 1896. He moved to New York in 1897. and received his doctor's degree from Johns In 1900, at the outbreak of the Chinese war, Hopkins in 1895. He was admitted to the he became an associate editor of Leslie's bar, was assistant principal of the high Weekly, furnishing that paper with the best school at Danville, Illinois, superintendent series of articles which appeared in the of schools, Petersburg, Illinois, assistant American press. President McKinley and superintendent of public schools of Cook the War Department consulted him, and he county, Illinois, professor of history and declined a commission for service on General political economy, First Wisconsin State Chaffee's staff in China. In 1900-1 he delivNormal School, and professor of history and ered in New York City a series of seventypolitics, Allegheny College, 1895-8. He five lectures on China and the Chinese. has been a member of the Chautauqua Sum- In 1901 he became special counsel and mer School faculty and lecturer for the financial expert for the Everett-Moore ElecAmerican Society for the Extension of tric Railway syndicate. Among his financial University Teaching. He is the author of brochures are "Trust Companies," "What "The History of Compulsory Education in Shall We Buy?" "Gold Brick Foreign New England," and a frequent contributor Loans," "Interurban Railways," "Amerito periodicals. can Municipal Bonds."

Three articles were written by Mary H. Krout, "By Rail to Peking," "An American Consulate in China (Shanghai)," "Mission Schools in China." Another article on "The Education of Chinese Girls" will appear during this summer. Miss Krout [born Crawfordsville, Indiana] began literary work at the age of eleven; her poem "Little Brown Hands," familiar to school children, was written at the age of fifteen. In 1883 she became associate editor of the Crawfordsville, Indiana, Journal. From 1888 to 1898 she was on the staff of the Chicago InterOcean, first as a political correspondent at Indianapolis. In 1893 and 1894 she was

On China and the Far East several specialists have supplemented the historical view presented in the leading serials. The article on "Industrial Civilization in China" and numerous editorial paragraphs commenting upon developments connected with the siege of Pekin were furnished by Guy Morrison Walker. Mr. Walker's father, Dr. Wilbur Fisk Walker, is a noted missionary to China and was one of the besieged at Pekin in 1900. Mr. Walker [born Fort Wayne, Indiana] is the oldest son and he lived in China for ten years. Mr. Walker is a graduate of DePauw University, class of 1890, and postgraduate in law and in science. He practised law, organized western trust companies, and sent to Hawaii.

After the organization of

first became known as a financial writer in the Hawaiian Republic she went to New

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Zealand and Australia. For the three years following she was staff correspondent in London. In 1899 Miss Krout went to China for a syndicate of leading American papers, she journeyed into the interior and also visited the Philippines and Japan. Among her books are: "Hawaii and a Revolution" (London and New York), "Alice in the Hawaiian Islands," "A Looker-on in London," "China of Today."

A striking contribution to historical fiction, based upon Russia's assumption of the reins of power in Korea at the time of the death of the queen of that country, was the special feature of the summer numbers of THE CHAUTAUQUAN last year. This thrilling story, "The Queen of Quelparte," has been expanded and is among the books announced this summer. The author, Archer Butler Hulbert [born Bennington, Vermont], is a graduate of Marietta College, class of 1895. He was principal of Putnam Military Academy 1895-8. In 1898 he was editor of the Korean Independent and represented a syndicate of American papers in Japan, Korea, and China. He has published "RedMen's Roads: Indian Thoroughfares of the Central West," ""The Old National Road: A Chapter of American Expansion," and a study of Washington's first campaign in the old French war under the title "Colonel Washington." Among important articles in the periodicals are: "The Camel's Head," "The Better Side of Russian Rule in Asia."


Original work on phases of American development has had wide range in the magazine. Prizes given by THE CHAUTAUQUAN for the best account of "The Most Dramatic Incident in American History" were awarded: First, Dora M. Townsend, Newburgh, New York, "The Treason of Benedict Arnold." Second, Ethelbert Dudley Warfield, Easton, Pennsylvania, "The Repulse of Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg." Third, Tudor Jenks, New York, "The Declaration of Independence." Honorable mention, Lawrence B. Fletcher, Marlborough, New York, "The Assassination of President Lincoln."

Among Twelve Tales of American History. "Making Kansas a Free State," by the late Colonel Richard J. Hinton (member of the Stowell overland party); "The Story of the Little Big Horn" (the Indian version of the fight with General Custer), by Dr. Charles A. Eastman; and "Old Ironsides as Sailors Saw Her," by John R. Spears, may be mentioned.

Dr. Eastman, ("Ohiyesa ") was born in Redwood Falls, Minnesota, 1858, and carried off to Canada by fleeing Indians after the

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ernment school, but attended the preparatory tion" (Chautauqua Press, out of print), departments of Beloit and Knox Colleges, "Franklin's Influence in American Educaand afterward was graduated from Dartmouth tion," "The Life of William Pepper." Mr. and the Boston University School of Medi- Thorpe gave lectures on American History cine. He was government physician in at Chautauqua, in 1889 and 1901, and elseDakota, afterward a traveling secretary of where. "A Black Hussar at Waterloo," the Y. M. C. A.; in Washington for several from a diary, appeared in THE CHAUTAUQUAN seasons as attorney for the Santee Sioux, during the French year. and he is now again physician at Crow Creek, South Dakota. He is soon to publish a book entitled "An Indian Boyhood."

"The Early History of Maternal Associations" was written by Mary Louisa Butler. Miss Butler was born in Vermont, graduated from Oswego, New York, Normal School; John R. Spears [born Van Wert, Ohio] was studied in Berlin and was for many at the Naval Academy, 1866-69. He had pre- years a teacher in Chicago. Since 1894 she viously learned the printer's trade and was has been secretary and registrar of the editor and part proprietor of the East Aurora Kindergarten Department at Chautauqua; (New York) Advertiser, 1876-77; of the for two years she directed the "School for Silver Creek (New York) Local News, 1877- Parents." She has also had charge of the 82; reporter on the Buffalo Express, 1882; Mothers' Meetings at Chautauqua, been on the New York Sun, 1882-98. His books organizer of Mothers' Clubs in New York include: "The Gold Diggings of Cape Horn," State and served as organizing secretary of a travel sketch; "The Port of Missing the National Congress of Mothers. She was Ships," fiction; "The History of Our Navy," a very successful primary Sunday-school five volumes, of which one appeared sepa- superintendent, and was for a time assistant rately as "Our Navy in the War with Spain"; editor of the International Sunday-School "The Fugitive," fiction; "The American Bulletin. Slave Trade." To THE CHAUTAUQUAN Mr. Spears has also contributed" Piracies Incident to the French Revolution" and "A Forgotten (American Naval) Exploration of the Dead Sea," to be published this


A widely-quoted account of "Forgotten Candidates for President" was written by Francis Newton Thorpe [born Swampscott, Massachusetts]. Dr. Thorpe is a graduate of Syracuse University and the University of Pennsylvania. He was fellow and professor of American constitutional history at the latter institution, 1885-1898. His most extensive work (twenty years in preparation) is "The Constitutional History of the United States, 1765-1895," three volumes, published last year. Among other books are "A History (Social and Economic) of the American People," "A (State) Constitutional History of the American People," The Government of the People of the United States," "Benjamin Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania," "The Story of the Constitu


The live American topic of trade development in its various phases has been covered by extremely suggestive articles entitled: "Our Nation and the Trade of the World," "Ship Carrying Trade under American and Foreign Flags," "Our Dog-in-the-Manger Policy in South America," "A Calm View of Reciprocity," "Made in Germany." Statistics, charts, and diagrams have illustrated these papers by George B. Waldron. Mr. Waldron [born Patoka, Marion county, Illinois] is a graduate of Oberlin, class of 1884. He was also graduated from Hartford Theological Seminary in 1887. Six years later he gave up pastoral work for graduate work in the University of Chicago, becoming, in 1893, sociological and statistical editor of the New York Voice. His handbooks on "Currency and Wealth" and "Prohibition" had wide circulation in the campaign of 1896. Following service for the Illustrated American and the Literary Digest he was news editor of the Railroad Gazette, New York, for four years. At

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