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Watson, P. H., Assistant Secretary of War,
letter to, II, 328.
Watterman, Henry, signs call for Whig
Convention at Springfield, 1851, I, 167.
Wayne County, Va., excepted from insur-
rection proclamation, II, 195.
Webb, David, applicant for appraisership
at New York, ÎÏ, 46.

Webb, E. B., signer of Whig circular, I, 47.
Webb, Gen. J. W., offered Ministry at Con-
stantinople, II, 43.

Weber, George, supports Lincoln for Sen-
ate, I, 521.

Weber, George R., letter to, II, 341.

Weber, John, supports Lincoln for Senate,
I, 521.

Webster, Daniel, I, 272, 278, 322, 335, 398, 400,
686; family loss in Mexican war, 146; hero
of the Whig Party, 336; defended Compro-
mise measures of 1850, 322, 398, 399, 475, 477.
Webster, Col. J. D., report of, concerning
waterways in Illinois, II, 267.
Webster, Thomas, answer to, regarding sit-
uation at Philadelphia, II, 230, 231.
Webster County, Ky., matter of refunding
money collected in, II, 308.

Webster County, Va., excepted from insur-
rection proclamation, II, 195.

Weed, Thurlow, letters to, I, 648, 659, 669,
II, 308, 424, 425, 504, 661; connection with
dispensation of patronage in New York,
I, 669; recommends Christopher Adams
for position in Bureau of Construction, II,
44; valedictory to the patrons of the Al-
bany "Evening Journal," 308; irritated
because his suggestions not followed, 504;
compliments the President on his inaugu-
ral address, 661.

"Weehawken," the, U. S. ironclad, engage-
ment with the Atlanta, II, 456, 457.
Weimer, John M., II, 514.

Weitzel, Maj.-Gen., at Richmond, II, 669,
675, 676; instructions to, regarding rebel
legislature of Virginia, 669, 675, 676.
Welles, Gideon, suggested for Cabinet po-
sition, I, 661; Secretary of the Navy, opin-
ion on Fort Sumter, II, 17, 18, 26, 27; let-
ters to, 24, 25, 291, 326, 327, 462, 463; order
to, May 11, 1861, 46; consulted as to Gen.
Gillmore's proposition of independent
service, 462, 463; matter of dismissal of
Henderson, 537.

Welling, J. C., letter to, regarding resigna-
tion of Gibson, II, 554.

Wentworth, John, I, 323, 341, 365, 403; on Gen.
Cass's candidacy, 138; supposed aspira-
tions for governorship, 239; supports
Trumbull, 338.

Westcott, Edward J., difficulties at New-
bern, N. C., II, 318.

West Point Military Academy, jealousy of
officers from, II, 359, 360.

West Virginia, movements to protect, II,
181; act for admission of, 283; constitu-
tionality of its admission, 283; expediency
of its admission, 283, 286, 287; the Presi-
dent's opinion on the admission of, 285-
287; excepted from declaration of States
in rebellion, 285, 288, 322; proclamation ad-
mitting into the Union, April 20, 1863, 326;
admission of, 326, 620; threatened inroads
of the enemy into, 353; call for troops
from, 353; request to governor of, to send
returns of Presidential election, 602;
Presidential election in, 613.
Wetmore, Prosper M., on committee of
meeting at Cooper Institute, to promote
raising of volunteers, II, 441; letter to,
Dec. 2, 1863, 441, 442.

Wetzel County, Va., excepted from insur-
rection proclamation, II, 195.

Wheeler, B. G., signs call for Whig Conven-
tion at Springfield, 1851, I, 167.
Whig Party, position on Subtreasury
scheme, I, 21, 22; difference between Van
Buren party and, 35; prospects in Ilu-
nois, 1840, 40; advice to, regarding conven-
tions, 72; meeting at Springfield, Ill.,
March 1, 1843, 72; recommended to con-
test elections regardless of chances of
success, 72, 76; address to people of Illi-
nois, March 4, 1843, 72-79; demand a nation-
al bank, 74; Democratic attacks on. 76;
recommends convention system of nomi-
nating candidates, 76, 77; factions in, 77,
147; effect of Gen. Harrison's death on, 78;
its position in 1843, 78, 79; victory of 1840,
78; a majority of the nation, 79; honesty
in, 81; Congressional caucus, Dec. 4, 1847,
96; majority in U. S. House of Represen-
tatives, 96; favor Gen. Taylor for Presi-
dency, 118; position on Texas boundary,
133; believes in self-government, 139; po-
sition on Mexican war, 110, 132, 145, 146,
643; losses in Mexican war, 146; call for
convention at Springfield, Ill., 167; in-
dorses Compromise of 1850, 185, 322, 398,
399; national policy of, 202; Lincoln's con-
nection with, 252, 500, 597; position prior
to 1854, 278; dissolution of, 279; alleged
plan of Lincoln to Abolitionize, 279, 287,
461; alleged deal of Lincoln to sell out,
287; on common platform with Demo-
cratic Party on slavery, 322; Douglas's re-
view of its course and principles in Jones-
boro joint debate, 335, 336; rule of action
adopted at Convention of 1858, 336; mem-
bers become Abolitionists, 400; Douglas
charges Lincoln with attempt to deceive
the, 468; alliances with Democrats, 43;
Douglas on the, 514, 515; supports Jackson
in Nullification times, 515; convention
at Philadelphia in 1847, 515; members
against Lincoln's party, 521; defeated on
tariff question, 584.

Whig State Convention of Illinois, 1840, cir-
cular of, I, 38, 39.

Whig State Convention, 1841, representation
at, I, 53, 54.

White, C. A., letter to, II, 360–363.
White, Hugh L., support of, I, 7.
White, J. W., letters to, II, 208, 360-363.
White House, Va., Stoneman driven back
on, II, 191; communication with McClel-
lan by, cut off, 191; limit to enemy's ad-
vance, 192; removal of sick and wounded
from, 192; condition of affairs at, 193;
question of communication with, 193.
White men, slave labor an injury to, L, 613,
619; Lincoln's position as between ne-
groes and, 614; no struggle between ne
groes and, 614, 621, 622; Douglas's views
as regards negroes and, 620-622; effect of
slavery on, II, 223.

White Plains, Gen. Geary at, II, 161; firing
near, 356.

Whiteside, Brig.-Gen. S., I, 4, 5.
Whitesides, Gen., connection with Shields-
Lincoln duel, I, 69-71; Shields's second in
Butler affair, 71; challenges Merryman, 71.
Whitney, letter to, 1, 219.
Wickliffe, C. A., governor of Kentucky, II,
135; interrogates the President as to con-
stitutionality of scheme of emancipation
by purchase, 135; defeated for governor-
ship, 382.

Wiegand, Charles, matter of appointment
to command of a brigale, II. 317.
Wilcox, Gen., at Cumberland Gap, II, 441;
reports fighting at Knoxville, 441.
Wilcox, Maj.-Gen., C. M., correspondence,
etc., relating to the meeting of the Presi-

dent with Confederate commissioners at
Hampton Roads, II, 642.
Wilder, A. C., demands removal of Gen.
Schofield, II, 401; telegram to, 401.
Wildman, Frederick S., II, 226.
Wilkes, Capt. Charles, tentative disavowal
of his action, II, 108; action in regard to
the Trent, 110, 113, 117, 120, 127, 128. See

sends Mackinaw trout to

the President, II, 635.
Williams, Archibald, I, 282, 341, 403; letters
to, 118, 122; presents resolutions on death
of Judge Pope, 161; indorses Lincoln's
fee-bill against Illinois Central R. R. Co.,

Williams, E. B., I, 354.
Williams, Lt.-Col. J. M., colonel of colored

troops in Kansas, request by the gover-
nor for his removal, II, 328.

Williams, John, correspondence with, II,
341, 426, 588, 589; telegram to, regarding
withdrawal of troops from East Tennes-
see, 426.

Williams, Overton, estate of, I, 110.
Williamsburg, question of communication
between White House and, II, 193.
Williamson, Elizabeth, I, 64.
Williamson, Hugh, votes for prohibition of
slavery in Northwest Territory, I, 600.
Williamsport, Banks's retreat to, II, 166,
Maj. Gen. Banks at, 170, 171, 174, Jackson
crosses the Potomac at, 233; the enemy
crossing the Potomac at, 353, 367; Lee's
position near, 367; possibilities of Meade's
action with Lee at, 377.

Willich, Gen., news brought in by, II, 334.
Wilmington, N. C., expedition to, II, 623,
627; port of, declared closed, 670.
Wilmot, David, author of the Wilmot Pro-
viso, I, 184.

Wilmot Proviso, Gen. Taylor's position on,
I, 136, 138; origin of, 184; Lincoln's votes
for, 218, 515; Lovejoy's resolutions in re-
gard to, 325; application claimed by the
Republican Party, 337; indorsed by con-
vention at Naperville, 354.
Wilson, Charles L., I, 236-238.
Wilson, Gen. Edwin C., letter to, I, 666.
Wilson, Henry, I, 317, II, 234.

Wilson, James, case against Campbell, I, 96.
Wilson, J. L., signs call for Whig Conven-
tion at Springfield, 1851, I, 167.
Wilson, Maj., murder of, II, 600.

Wilton, Henry, complaint of partizanship
against, I, 51, 52.

Winchester, Ill., Douglas's early life in, I.


Winchester, Va., reinforcements for Man-
assas from, II, 116; Banks's position near,
142; inquiry regarding Confederate move-
ments near, 158; fighting between Banks
and Ewell near, 160; Banks at, 160, 177;
danger of sudden attack at, 161; danger to
Banks's stores and trains at, 161; Banks's
retreat to, 162; Banks's race with the Con-
federates for, 163; Banks defeated at, 163;
Ewell and Jackson near, 168; Confederate
operations near, 169; Jackson between
Charlestown and, 169; danger to Frémont
from enemy at, 171; estimate of Confed-
erate force at, 171; Jackson's force at, 171;
Confederate position near, 173; Shields's
engagement near, 174; orders to Frémont
regarding movement toward, 179; Sigel
at, 179, 183; task of keeping Jackson from
returning to, 180; McClellan recommended
to fight at, 246; condition of railroad from
Harper's Ferry to, 246; McClellan's diffi-
culties in subsisting his army at, 246; Gen.
Schenck ordered to Milroy's relief at, 352;

inquiry addressed to Hooker concerning
Ewell's position at, 352; Milroy sur-
rounded at, 352; communication with
Martinsburg and Harper's Ferry cut off,
352; in possession of the enemy, 353; be-
sieged, 353; Gen. Milroy's defeat at, 359;
Gen. Milroy ordered to retreat to Harper's
Ferry from, 359; Halleck's fears for safety
of Milroy's division at, 430; loss of Milroy's
division near, 430, 431; Sheridan's victory
at, 578; Maj.-Gen. Hancock at, 664.
Winslow, Capt. John A., recommended for
thanks of Congress, II, 603.

Winston, F. S., letter to, July 14, 1862, II,

Winston, Dr., desires to go to General
Grant, II, 523.

Winthrop, R. C., nominated for Speaker of
House of Representatives, I, 96.

Wirt County, Va., excepted from insurrec-
tion proclamation, II, 195.

Wisconsin, proposed cession of Illinois ter-
ritory to, I, 39; opposed to Clay, 118; re-
marks in U. 8. House of Representatives,
May 11, 1848, on admission to Union, 118-
120; interested in Mississippi River im-
provements, 125; formed from Northwest-
ern Territory, 181, 549; admission of, 182,
549; influence of Ordinance of 1787 on, 565;
early ownership of, 571; lack of U. S. cir-
cuit court in, II, 98; governor of, requests
the President to call for volunteers, 194;
a "slate" for, 211; development of, 269
offer of troops from, 514, 515; nationaĺ
thanks to hundred-day troops of, 583; re-
quest to governor of, to send returns of
Presidential election, 602; Presidential
election in, 613.

Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, ad-
dress before, at Milwaukee, I, 576-584.
Wisconsin troops under Frémont, II, 84.
Wofford, Brig., killed at Chickamauga, II,


Wolf, Maj., sentenced to death in retali-
ation, II, 600.

Wolford, Col. Frank, despatch to, concern-
ing order of judge-advocate-general, II,


Woman suffrage, opinion on, I, 7.
Woman's work, on, I, 525.
Women, Lincoln's feelings toward, I, 16;
ministrations to wounded soldiers, II,
440; question of their passing the lines,


Women of America, II, 500, 501.
Wood, Fernando, letter from, regarding
overtures from the South, II, 280, 281; let-
ter to, 280, 281.

Wood, Lieut.-Col., objections to his being
made brigadier-general, II, 83.
Wood, John T., letter to, I, 667.
Woodbury, Levi, Secretary of Treasury, I, 23.
Woodbury's Brigade, under McClellan's or-
ders, II, 142.

Wood County, Va., excepted from insur-
rection proclamation, II, 195.

Woodruff, T., indorsement of letter of, II,


Wool, Gen. John E., letters to, on preserva-
tion of the Union, I, 666; acting with Mc-
Clellan, II, 142, 143; telegram from Secre-
tary Stanton, 148; at Fortress Monroe,
148; the President with, 149; the road to
Richmond open to, 152; in communication
with Burnside, 152; sent to Fort McHenry,
174; his department merged into McClel-
lan's, 174; question of putting him under
McClellan's control, 180, 181; troops from,
for McClellan, 181: troops of, 197; at Balti-
more, 230; inquiry of, concerning Har-
per's Ferry and Bragg, 230.


Woolworth, Act. Lt.-Comdg. Selim E., rec-
ommended for thanks of Congress, II, 152.
Worden, Lieut. John L., imprisonment of,
II, 70; gallantry in action between the
Monitor and Merrimac, 278; recommended
for thanks of U. S. Congress, 278.
Working-men, basis of all governments, I,


Working-men of England, Senate resolution
regarding, II, 312.

Working-men of London, Eng., address
from, II, 308; letter to, Feb. 2, 1863, 308, 309.
Working-men of Manchester, Eng., send ad-
dress and resolutions to the President, II,
301; letter to, 301, 302.

Working-men's Association of New York,
the President's honorary membership in,
II, 501; reply to a committee from, 501-503.
Worthington, Col. T., desires to visit Grant,
II, 569.

Wright, A. R., claim for cotton destroyed

by Federal army, II, 600; telegram to, 600.
Wright, Craft J., scheme for getting cotton
from within the rebel lines, II, 468; letter
to, 468.

Wright, Dr. David M., sentenced to death
for murder, II, 404; inquiry into his san-
ity, 404, 405.

Wright, Gen. H. G., telegrams to, II, 230,
232, 236; inquiry of, concerning where-
abouts of Bragg, 230; at Cincinnati, 230,
232, 236; withdrawal of troops from Louis-
ville by, 232; Halleck telegraphs to, 233;
responsible for Louisville, 233; despatch
from, 236; movements for defense of
relations with Gen.
Washington, 547;

Hunter, 549, 550; breaks the enemy's lines,

Wright, Joseph A., letter to, II, 218; asked
to stand for the Terre Haute district, 218;
reports on Hamburg agricultural exhibi-
tion, 473.

Wright, Silas, I, 130; drafts first Subtrea-
sury bill, 22.

Writing, on the art of, I, 525–527.

Wyoming County, excepted from insurrec-
tion proclamation, II, 195.

Yates, Richard, governor of Illinois, II, 515;
votes for Washington Territorial law, 207;
candidate for Congress in 1854, 301, 644;
Lincoln's labors in his campaign, 644; tel-
egram to, 144; requests the President
to call for volunteers, 194; letter from, in
behalf of Gen. McClernand, 387; reports
insurrection in Edgar County. Ill., 491;
telegram to, respecting hundred-day
troops, 524.

Yates, William, letter to, II, 341.

Yazoo Pass expedition, success of the, II,


Yeatman, James, Gen. Grant's opinion of,
II, 665.

Yeddo, Japan, destruction of the U. S. Le-
gation residence at, II, 447.

Yocum,, case of, II, 500; referred to
Secretary Stanton, 600, 601.

York County, Va., excepted from declara-
tion of Virginia's state of rebellion, Jan.
1, 1863, II, 288.

York River, proposed movements on the, II,
120, 154, 187, 188.

Yorktown, Va., proposed operations at, II,

142; question of garrisoning, with colored
troops, 298; port of, declared closed, 670.
Young, Judge, U. S. senator from Illi-
nois, I, 76; opposition to Whig measures,


Young, Capt. Francis G., letter to Gen. Mo-
Clellan regarding, II, 107.

Young, John S., sentenced to death, II, 621.
Young men, their importance in politics, I,
131, 134, 135,

Young Men's Lyceum, Springfield, Ill., ad-
dress before, Jan. 27, 1837, I, 9-15.

Zagonyi, Col. Chas., bearer of despatches
from Frémont, II, 181.

Zollicoffer, Gen. F. K.. operations around
Cumberland, Gap, II, 83; Thomas and
Sherman to watch, 84.

Zwizler, Lewis, I, 131.

letters to, I, 160, 631, 633, II, 10, 625.

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