Slike strani

the matrons and oldest ladies present; as if they could be pleased with his gallantries alone, and were alone worthy the wisdom of his remarks. This may be called a forward If you meet him in the streets, he would prefer you should walk over him, rather than turn an inch out of his way; and

young man.

Blackwood made answer, that he thought the whole fleet seemed very clearly to understand what they were about. These words were scarcely spoken before that signal was made, which will be remembered as long as the language, or even the memory of England, shall endure ;-Nelson's last signal :" England if he is ever seen with an elderly gentleman," expects every man to do his duty!" It was he is always on the right hand side. He may received throughout the fleet with a shout of be known also by his easy manners at home. answering acclamation, made sublime by the Should you call in a social way; if he steps spirit which it breathed, and the feeling which up to you first, offers his hand, sits down, it expressed. "Now," said Lord Nelson, I crosses his leg, talks of the news &c., it is ea- "can do no more. We must trust to the sy to judge, which is considered the most im- "great Disposer of all events, and the justice portant character in the house, himself or his "of our cause. I thank God for this great father. Or, if he should happen to come in " opportunity of doing my duty." and scarcely notice you, throw himself into a chair with a groan, announcing that he is fatigued, that he has a pain in his head, or that he is out of spirits, as information of great import to all present; it is no less a proof of his consequence, and the high consideration to which he is entitled. Indeed you will sometimes see one of this description so forward, that he will seem to have reached nearly the end of life before the usual time of maturity; having all the habits of an old man, and even apparently losing his memory, seeming to forget every thing in the world, except himself. There is one quality, however, which it is obvious would check if not totally obscure the brilliancy of these characters of both sexes, if it were ever combined with their other traits; and that is-modesty. But as no instance of the kind has been known, it is needless to say any thing of this, or of the influence of its opposite quality, impudence. Enough has perhaps been said to prove that these young favourites have a talent of rendering themselves sufficiently-conspicuous; and that it is only when children are under some restraint of modesty that parents have occasion to speak of their merits.


bows, fired single guns at her, to ascertain
whether she was yet within their range.
soon as Nelson perceived that their shot pas-
sed over him, he desired Blackwood, and Cap-
tain Prowse, of the Sirius, to repair to their
respective frigates; and, on their way, to tell
all the captains of the line of battle ships that
he depended on their exertions; and that, if
by the prescribed mode of attack they found it
impracticable to get into action immediately,
they might adopt whatever they thought best,
provided it led them quickly and closely
alongside an enemy. As they were standing
on the front of the poop, Blackwood took him
by the hand, saying, he hoped soon to return
and find him in possession of twenty prizes.
He replied: "God bless you, Blackwood: I

He wore that day, as usual, his admiral's frock coat, bearing on the left breast four" shall never see you again." stars, of the different orders with which he Nelson's column was steered about two was invested. Ornaments, which rendered him points more to the north than Collingwood's, so conspicuous a mark for the enemy, were in order to cut off the enemy's escape into beheld with ominous apprehensions by his offi- Cadiz the lee line, therefore, was first encers. It was known that there were riflemen gaged. "See," cried Nelson, pointing to the on board the French ships; and it could not be Royal Sovereign, as she steered right for the doubted but that his life would be particularly centre of the enemy's line, cut through it aimed at. They communicated their fears to astern of the Santa Anna, three decker, and each other; and the surgeon, Mr. Beatty, engaged her at the muzzle of her guns on the spoke to the chaplain, Dr. Scott, and to Mr. starboard side: "see how that noble fellow, Scott, the publick secretary, desiring that "Collingwood, carries his ship into action!” some person would entreat him to change his Collingwood, delighted at being first in the dress, or cover the stars but they knew that heat of the fire, and knowing the feelings of such a request would highly displease him. his commander and old friend, turned to his "In honour I gained them," he had said when captain, and exclaimed: "Rotherham, what such a thing had been hinted to him formerly," would Nelson give to be here" Both "and in honour I will die with them." Mr. these brave officers, perhaps, at this moment Beatty, however, would not have been deter- thought of Nelson with gratitude, for a cirred by any fear of exciting his displeasure, cumstance which had occurred on the precedfrom speaking to him himself upon a subject, ing day. Admiral Collingwood, with some of in which the weal of England as well as the the captains, having gone on board the Victolife of Nelson was concerned, but he was or- ry, to receive instructions, Nelson inquired of dered from the deck before he could find an him, where his captain was? and was told, in opportunity. This was a point upon which reply, that they were not upon good terms Nelson's officers knew that it was hopeless to with each other. "Terms" said Nelson ;remonstrate or reason with him; but both "good terms with each other!" Immediately he sent a boat for Captain Rotherham; icd him, as soon as he arrived, to Collingwood, and saying, "Look; yonder are the enemy! "bade them shake hands like Englishmen.'

CLOSE OF LORD NELSON'S GLORI- Black wood, and his own captain, Hardy, rep



resented to him how advantageous to the fleet it would be for him to keep out of action as long as possible; and he consented at last to "BLACKWOOD went on board the Victory let the Leviathan and the Temeraire, which about six. He found him in good spirits, but were sailing abreast of the Victory, be ordervery calm; not in that exhilaration which he ed to pass ahead. Yet even here the last inhad felt upon entering into battle at Aboukir firmity of this noble mind was indulged; for and Copenhagen: he knew that his own life these ships could not pass ahead if the Victory would be particularly aimed at, and seems to continued to carry all her sail; and so far was have looked for death with almost as sure an Nelson from shortening sail, that it was eviexpectation as for victory. His whole atten- dent he took pleasure in pressing on, and rention was fixed upon the enemy. They tacked dering it impossible for them to obey his own to the northward, and formed their line on the orders. A long swell was setting into the larboard tack; thus bringing the shoals of bay of Cadiz : our ships, crowding all sail, Trafalgar and St. Pedro under the lee of the moved majestically before it, with light winds British, and keeping the port of Cadiz open from the south-west. The sun shone on the for themselves. This was judiciously done: sails of the enemy; and their well formed and Nelson, aware of all the advantages which line, with their numerous three deckers, made it gave them,made signal to prepare to anchor. an appearance which any other assailants Villeneuve was a skilful seaman; worthy would have thought formidable ;-but the of serving a better master, and a better cause. British sailors only admired the beauty and His plan of defence was as well conceived, and the splendour of the spectacle; and, in full as original, as the plan of attack. He formed confidence of winning what they saw, remarkthe fleet in a double line, every alternate shiped to each other, what a fine sight yonder being about a cable's length to windward of her second ahead and astern. Nelson, certain The French admiral, from the Bucentaure, of a triumphant issue to the day, asked Black- beheld the new manner in which his enemy wood what he should consider as a victory. was advancing, Nelson and Collingwood each That officer answered, that, considering the leading his line; and, pointing them out to his handsome way in which battle was offered by officers, he is said to have exclaimed, that such the enemy, their apparent determination for a conduct could not fail to be successful Yet fair trial of strength, and the situation of the Villeneuve had made his own dispositions with land, he thought it would be a glorious result the utmost skill, and the fleets under his comif fourteen were captured. He replied: "Imand waited for the attack with perfect coolshall not be satisfied with less than twenty." Soon afterwards he asked him if he did not think there was a signal wanting. Captain

ships would make at Spithead !

ness. Ten minutes before twelve they opened
their fire. Eight or nine of the ships immedi-
ately ahead of the Victory, and across her

To be continued.





THOU who, unmov'd hast heard the whirlwind chide
And like an earth-born giant, hast cutspread
Full many a winter round thy craggy bed;
Thy hundred arms and heaven's own bolts defied,

Now liest along thy native mountain's side
Uptorn-yet deem not that I come to shed
The idle drops of pity o'er thy head,
Or basely to insult thy blasted pride.
No-still 'tis thine, tho' fall'n, imperial Oak !
To teach this lesson to the wise and brave,
That 'tis much better overthrown and broke
In Freedom's cause to sink into the grave,
Than in submission to a tyrant's yoke,
Like the vile reed to bow and be a slave.






Price three dollars per annum, half in advance. Subscribers may be supplied with the preceding numbers.








THE writer of these speculations is aware that the utmost of human wisdom is necessary in directing the destinies of a great nation; and that it would be the height of arrogance in a bumble individual, an obscure citizen of our republick, who cannot aspire to the character of a statesman, and who lives almost secluded from the world, to dictate what course must be pursued, to repel evils, which have grown out of a system of government planned by our greatest politicians. He is convinced that the present crisis is not to be understood at a glance; that our natural situation, our habits, our national character, and the probable course of events in Europe, will all have a powerful influence on any scheme of policy, which can now be contemplated. These suggestions are therefore submitted, not obtruded as oracular claiming no authority as party opinion, and certainly without any reference to what the federalists of this portion of the United States may or may not have in view.


ern Atlantick states, has thus far produced the
forbearance which we have exhibited, we
should infer the most deplorable presages as
to our future destination.

This hope, (if that is the cause of our pa-
tience) it must be confessed has little counte-
nance from experience. It is a question
whether the suffering, sustained at the south-
ward, is producing any effect, in our favour;
if any, whether its progress is such as to
promise us timely succour, or any permanent
security to our rights. Suffering may con-
vince them that the war must be abandoned-
but will it produce a cordial respect to our in-
terests? War is not the only mode, by which
the eastern section may be humbled, weaken
ed, impoverished, and gradually desolated.
Municipal regulations may succeed, as fatal to
us as war. The hostility of Great Britain is
not, at this moment, so distressing to us, as
the effect of domestick embarrassments, crea-
ted by our own government. Such measures,
as were adopted and prosecuted for several
years before war was declared, may easily be
continued, though a peace relieve us from
blockade. Who can say our southern rulers
will change their policy? Who is satisfied
while our comfort, every thing dear to us, is
enjoyed by dispensation from Mr. Madison?
In our present political situation, to be abso-
lutely governed is our destiny-representation
is henceforth a farce-the advantages of our
evolutionary struggle, with respect to us, are

Political power, as it respects the national government, has wholly departed from the eastern states. The most perfect unanimity among ourselves could give us but a few more votes in Congress; we could present no obstacle to the same majority, which is now hur- Here, let me again remind the reader, that rying us on to ruin, were every representative these remarks are offered without any referfrom New England true to the interests of his ence to the party politicks of the day. I constituents. As long then as the numerical would look beyond the expedients, which the weight of votes controls our fate, there is no present state of things may require, and invite "vis medicatrix" in this portion of the politi- those who have leisure for reflection to pursue cal body, that can restore our strength. We the probable course of events; to examine must be at the mercy of the south; if they their tendency,—and to conjecture their result. command us to give up our commerce, we The jealousy which we have experienced must obey-if they load us with taxes for the from the politicians of the south, cannot be publick treasury,and take the proceeds to enrich expected to subside. The foundation of this their own citizens or corrupt ours, we must acqui- jealousy has been cautiously kept out of sight, esce; if they bring an enemy upon our fron- but it may be ascertained, by attending to cirtier and our coasts, to waste our sinking prop- cumstances which ever have and ever will diserty and destroy our lives, we may murmurtinguish these two sections of the country; and petition, but we must endure. I ask any and by comparing these with the nature of citizen of New England, how he enjoys such a that policy, which has prevailed, ever since prospect as this? If, as in the case of the southern influence gained the ascendant. We revolutionary war, the evil were theoretick, shall thus see wherefore their pride is woundcould he reconcile his mind to perpetual vas-ed, and why professions, which ostensibly salage could he quietly see his prosperity and happiness liable, at all times, to be sacrificed, by those to whom he delegates no power, but who nevertheless have power to ruin him at pleasure? If the mere idea of such a state of dependence and hazard excite indignation, I would ask whether New Englanders are likely to bear forever a practical tyranny, at once rendering them slaves and miserable? This may be our character: I will not say it is not. Poverty makes some communities servile, timid, contemptible, and at last impotent; but it exasperates others to noble enterprise, to regenerating deeds. We are advancing to the trial of our moral constitution; we are indeed deep in the experiment; and were it not to be presumed that hope, a hope anticipating favourable changes in the south

had in view our exclusive good, should end in
measures so effectually ruinous. We shall
then be enabled to judge, what use will be
made of political power, while they possess it,
as it may affect the interests and prosperity of
the northern states; and what means must be
adopted, before we can ever enjoy again, un-
molested, those blessings which we now re-
gret. In pursuing these inquiries, we shall
endeavour to adopt no inferences that shall not
fairly arise from well established facts, or the
obvious tendency of the buman passions.

REASONS for supporting Caleb Strong at
the approaching election.

1. Because he has ever sustained a moral
and religious character, which reflect honour


on the man, and give dignity to the magis


2. Because he possesses a solid understanding, well exercised in the school of political science.

3. Because he was an early friend to our national independence, and one of the most active supporters of our republican form of government.

4. Because he has been uniform and consistent in his political sentiments. In all the vibrations of publick opinion, when it returns to Mr. Strong, he is found where it left him.

5. Because he was the friend of Washington and his administration—the zealous advocate of those measures which, during the twelve first years of our political career, raised our country to the highest degree of happiness and prosperity.

6. Because he has never intrigued for of fice; nor when elected, employed his influence, to perpetuate his honours, but by serving the community, and meriting the esteem and love of the virtuous.

7. Because he has always reprobated the policy of adopting commercial restrictions as a weapon of offence against foreign nations; has ever aided, as far as his constitutional power would admit, to avert or remove those causes of publick suffering, which have so long been accumulating on the people of Massachuset s.

8. Because, I. common with a majority of his fellow citizens in this Commonwealth, he considers the calamitous war, into which we have been plunged, as both unjustifiable and inexpedient; and is sincerely desirous to have peace restored.

9. Because he appears perfectly disposed to execute any measures, which the legislative body, the legitimate representatives of the people, may authorize, with a view to put a period to our sufferings, and secure us in the enjoyment of our unalienable rights.

10. Because he nobly, decidedly, and effectually interposed, in shielding the citizens of this state against unconstitutional requisition; and thus prevented them from being dragged to the frontiers of Canada, to suffer disgrace or death in " a useless and hopeless invasion."

OUR PUNISHMENT NOT COMPLETED. THE people of the United States have suffered immensely; and to our disgrace, our. sufferings are the fruits of our folly, not of inevitable necessity. The dispensations of Providence generally produce obvious good from evil, not miraculously, but by connecting punishment to vice, as consequence to cause. The regeneration of Europe will undoubtedly give or rather force peace upon the United States; but, as it will result from dire necessity-from fear, and want of power to continue war, not: from the prevalence of either knowledge or virtue among the people, it is not necessary either to be a bigot or a hypochondriacal politician, to foretel, that much misery is yet be-fore us. A large portion of our fellow citizens yet hug their errours. They are distracted with base and violent passions. They are yet attached to those, who cannot exist but by the operation of those passions. To expect, that

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FOREIGN. A new and interesting scene has opened on the continent of Europe. The victorious allies, having pursued their invader to the Rhine, there paused and offered him a peace, on such terms as should secure the general tranquillity. After some deliberation, it was returned, with modifications, and the Emperour's assent. On this evasive proceed ing, the allies, without further ceremony, crossed the Rhine, the 25th of December, and entered France at three different points, with a force of 200,000 men, [determined, we presume, to dethrore the Despot.]

On this recommencement of the campaign, the following is given as the state and situation of the French forces, as reported.

Translated for the Boston Spectator.


ment, beauty, symmetry, and proportion of the human body, was employed by the Greeks; and it was this which rendered them a model of imitation for those who seek nature in her most graceful and most noble forms.

Painters and Sculptors studied their arts in the gymnasia or publick squares, where the youth, divested of every habiliment, performed

ject of emulation, which excited the youth to
THE games of Greece were a perpetual ob-
cultivate bodily exercises. The laws obliged
those who pretended to dispate the prize, at
their athletick exercises. Here assembled
these solemn games, to prepare themselves for both philosophers and artists. Here Socrates
that purpose, during the space of ten months,
came to instruct Charmides, Antonicus, and
and that too at Elis, where the games were Lysis; and Phidias, to contemplate these ani-
celebrated. The principal prizes were not al-mated models of the beautiful, the graceful,
ways won by those, who had arrived to man-
and the sublime. We may well imagine the
hood. We see by the Odes of Pindar, that contrast between the ease, the expression, and
some of the conquerors were yet in the spring
the truth, of these figures, and the constrained
of life. The highest ambition of their youth attitudes of those venal and ignoble models, to
was to equal the divine Diagoras.
which our academies, both in painting and
Observe the light and active Indian, in pur- sculpture, must have recourse.
suit of the deer; with what velocity and free-
dom the animal spirits flow in his tense and
elastick nerves what flexibility of muscle!
what pliancy of movement-what vigour of
body! It is thus Homer has described to us
his heroes; and it is principally by his swift-
ness of foot and agility, that he characterizes

It is mind alone that can give the body character and expression. These cannot therefore be found in an attitude not determined

by sentiment. The painter, who would give this character to his compositions, will strive in vain, if he has not, before his eyes, the living image of what he would express. The most lively and best disciplined imagination, will never supply the place of the reality.

It follows, from the remarks I have made, not only that Greece furnished the most beautiful models for the perfection of painting and sculpture, but that the artists too, found in the manners of the Grecians, and in the nature of their publick institutions, the best means of deriving from these models, the utmost instruction possible; and that they enjoyed a constant opportunity of profiting by these advantages, as their exhibitions, games and festivals were without number.

It was by such exercises that the body acquired that masculine and elegant contour, which the Greek artists have given to their statues, in which there is no attempt at unesDuke of Tarente, (M'Donald) it was said,sential grace. The young Spartans were comhad gone to Holland with 40,000 men. Duke pelled to appear, every ten days, before the of Ragusa (Marmont) was at Mayence with Ephori, who prescribed the most rigorous reg50,000. Marshal St. Cyr, capitulated at Dres-imen in diet to those who appeared inclined to den with 15,000. Prince Eckmuhl, cut off by an excess of corpulence, equally incompatible the Swedes in the environs of Hamburgh,force with the beauty of proportion, and physical 30,000. Count Bertrand at Cassel with 30,000 power. men. Duke of Belluno (Victor) at StratsThe Greeks cautiously avoided every thing burgh with 30,000 men.-- Reserve army, that could have a tendency to derange the feasaid to be forming: Under the Duke of Val-tures of the countenance, or the proportion of my, at Metz, 10,000. Gen. Rapp at Dantzic the body. Alcibiades would never learn 15,000. Marshal D'Albafure (Souchet) head-play the flute, as it produced an effect on the quarters at Barcelona, 35,000. Duke of Dal-natural conformation of the mouth; and his matia (Soult) head quarters at Bayonne, 65,000 example was imitated by all the young Athe-running up the divisions and subdivisions of men and daily receiving reinforcements. The Viceroy of Italy, (Prince Eugene) at Verona, with 50,000 men. The King of Naples said to be coming from Naples with 30,000 men. 30,000 men at Sedan.

Of these, it is already known that the allies have disposed of the divisions commanded by the Prince of Eckmuhl, (Davoust) St. Cyr, and General Rapp.

Prussian and Dutch troops took Breda in Holland, on the 10th December. A part of the combined force had passed through Switzerland, towards Italy.

Lord Wellington's army remains near Bayonne. An article, dated London, Dec. 31, states that they are sickly, owing to the effluvia of the marshes.

The French papers mention the engagement, before Bayonne on the 12th and 13th of December, some time since reported. They estimate the English and Portuguese loss at from 8 to 10,000; but say nothing of their own. The above particulars were received by the Criterion, arrived at New York, from La Teste, with Paris dates to Jan 14th, Bordeaux to the 19th, and London to December 31st.

The Amethyst and Arethusa, two French frigates, have arrived at Barbadoes, captured by an English 74 and frigate.

DOMESTICK. General Election took place in Newhampshire,on Tuesday-result unknown. Congress have agreed to rise on the 11th of April. The blanks in the bill of appropriations for the army, 1814, are filled with sums amounting to 24,302,906 dollars-for the Navy, to 6,892,978. In all above 31 millions.


The costume of the Grecians was calculated to leave nature at perfect liberty to give the body its just proportions. The regular developement of each part was never molested by those ill judged impediments, which, in modern times, effect a degree of deformity. Our fashionable inventions, which torture the female figure, were unknown to the ladies of Greece..

It is well known, likewise, that the Grecians
were ever solicitous to improve the natural
beauty of their children; and the government
proposed rewards to encourage parents in
these commendable attentions. So far had they
perfected this art, as to seek even to change
blue eyes to black. Crowns were awarded, in
the Peloponnesus, to beauty, which were sus-
pended in honour of the successful candidate,
in the temple of Minerva.

elago are distinguished by the native grace
Even to this day, the islands of the Archip-
and beauty of their inhabitants. There the
those peculiar charms of complexion and fig-
women still preserve, particularly in Scios,
ure, which afford strong evidence of the su-
periour beauty of their ancestors.

Those cruel maladies, which destroy the
regularity of the features, the freshness of the
tint, the beautiful proportions of the body,
were unknown in Greece. It does not ap-
pear, either by tradition, or their authors, that
either Small-pox or Rickets were ever expe-
rienced in that country.

In a word, all that art could contribute to preserve and augment the health, develope

Dr. Johnson's opinion of Musical "Execution.” DR. Johnson was observed, by a musical friend of his, to be extremely inattentive at a concert, whilst a celebrated solo player was

notes, upon his violin. His friend, to induce him to take greater notice of what was going on, told how extremely difficult it was. "Difficult, do you call it, Sir,” replied the Doctor; "I wish it were impossible."

A singular mode of Ventilation. At a few miles distant from the city of Terni, in Italy, famous for having been the birth place of the historian Tacitus, stands mount Oelus, from the cavities of which, in summer, issues a strong, cooling wind. The inhabitants of a small town, called Ceci, in that vicinity, convey this refrigerating air, by pipes, into their houses, in the same manner as we usually con

vey water.

VANDERKEMP, a respectable Dutch misfraria, which are more frequent and tremensionary, says that the Thunder-storms in Cafdiffusing a dazzling light, which confuses the dous than in Europe, exhibit this remarkable appearance. The flash of lightning, instead of from the clouds, or from the earth, by the eye and disappears in a moment, consists of a stream of distinct sparks, drawn by the earth clouds, or from one cloud by another. This stream is commonly double or triple, and sometimes lasts two seconds and a half.

CONSTANTINOPLE. "A curse seems to have Villains and fools, in miserable succession, lain upon Constantinople since its foundation. have tyrannized there, from the cruel hypocrite its founder, down to the stupid scourges who are daily destroying the monuments of its

power. Athens, Rome, Paris and London, have all had their periods of enormity, but this city has never been the seat of virtue, or science, or glory. It presents to us only the spectacle of perverted power, with the most monstrous, and barbarous learning, even more mischievous than the beastly ignorance which has succeeded it. The misanthropist who would wish to inspire others with his own contempt and abhorrence of mankind, the atheist who would persuade us to disbelieve the existence of God, because of the depravity of man,* should write the history of Constantinople."

Are not these people as miserable as vicious?


From Pfsi-foang to Leinwha, Professor of Morality in the city of Latinguin on the borders of Babylon.


I ONCE thought it impossible for me ever to have acquired a fondness for musick. You well remember, that, so dull was I in comprehending the principles of this delightful seience, you persuaded me to relinquish the study of it. Since my arrival here, I have renewed my application, and you would be surprised to find the proficiency I have made. There is not so much merit in this, however, as you may at first imagine, for they are all musicians here; he who cannot speak upon the quaver or the semidemiquaver, may as well shut himself up at home and never come into society. The Amerithenians possess a most delicate and refined taste for musick. It is one of the cardinal parts of education with them; and they are unquestionably the first performers on wind instruments. Their national ditties, which are short poems, written in the purest and most animated style, are sung in the streets by the citizens and peasants: no one can hear them, without feeling very sensibly affected. Whenever I chance to meet with any of those singers, there is something in their tone and manner, which always makes me wish to be in my native country; for they are ever full of the praise of home and their own land. They recite the deeds of their ancestors, and threaten annihilation to their enemies, which is always professed with the utmost enthusiasm. These popular ballads are strongly indicative of national character, and are well calculated to prolong the fame of their heroes, and to inspire the people with military emulation. I have often been witness to their influence, when I have stopped to listen to them in the publick ways, or after their feasting on great and solemn occasions. At certain parts of the performance, declaratory of their resolution and firmness in war, their mildness and wisdom in peace, or expressive of their fame and enjoyments; the audience can no longer contain their approbation. But, throwing their hats into the air, jumping up, or stamping with their feet; they all join the singer in the most exalted strain. I have heard an assembly of five thousand citizens passionately chanting, in this manner, part of their favourite Pæan.

"We're so brave, independent, and valorous too,
And so free, that we scarcely can tell what to do.
We are no more afraid of the world than a feather,
We'll fight Europe, Asia, and Afric together.

We're all so enlighten'd,

We're not to be frighten'd; Our shafts are all dipt and our bowstrings are tighten'd, For ne'er shall fire burn where there's water to quench it,

While the hammer that drives a nail ever can cleach it. Sing tol de rol, tol de rol, fiddle de de."

The very youths seem to possess an intuitive sense of harmony, and, even while they are yet unable to manage their instruments, they imitate the notes with which their nurses inspire somnolency.

The style of musical composition here is altogether original. It bears no analogy to that of the Italians, which at best is but a combination of unmeaning soft sounds. It is as widely different from the Chinese musick, as it is from our own. It combines the tenderness of the Welch with the martial spirit of the Scotch, and possesses a power of inspiration peculiar to itself. The most celebrated compositions contain an endless variety of notes, and require what the learned in the science term a double execution. The chief object in their contrivance seems to consist in reflecting the notes so ingeniously one against the other, that the second sounds like the echo of the first, beside the tone of itself; which has occasioned it to be called the economy of musick. It is said by a writer on harmony, that in all true performances, especially in those representing battles, sieges, and night-pieces, the " bass" should seem to take alarm first, and run up toward the "treble" for protection, while the timid" treble" should seem to catch the agitation, and hastily fly down to the powerful" bass," and during the heat of action they should alternately run backward and forward, apparently calling upon each other. In a composition of moderate length the simple sounds are incalculable, and they receive additional force from the manner in which they are performed; for if it be upon an instrument with strings and keys, the players must sing at the same time, and so accommodate the voice to the sound, produced from the strings, that neither of them shall be distinctly perceived while the fingers and arms are to be so rapidly exercised, that the eyes of the hearer are as much delighted as his ears. was undeniably an errour in the eastern nations to place the excellence of musick in its simplicity and conformity to nature. The very intention of musick is to excel nature by art. The ancients possessed less skill and ingenuity, than the younger nations, in managing both their wind and stringed instruments.


Our legends, our monuments, and our coins, prove the city of Latinguin to be the most antient in all the East. That we were a colony settled by Apollo and other gods, you well know; and until they became jealous of our happiness, and descended in such throngs as to crowd us out of our houses and our homes, they had not created another spot of earth for our migration. As all arts and sciences therefore must have originated with us, it is curious to observe the different mutilations they have undergone by different nations. The Egyptians have been called our most successful imitators, but how widely do they differ from us in almost every thing! I have thought the Chinese superiour to the Egyptians; the manner in which they urge their claim to antiquity is certainly very ingenious. It is said by ignorant historians, that the Grecians have produced the finest odes. In what do they resemble ours! In their odes they formed two larger stanzas, and one less. The first they named a strophe; singing it, and dancing it at the same time. The second they called the antistrophe, in which they still continued to sing and dance. In the strophe they danced one way, and in the antistrophe they danced another. When they had arrived at the place from which they sat out, or were so breathless, I suppose with singing and dancing at the same time, that they were obliged to pause;

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her before she could close with them. son, as usual, had hoisted several flags, lest one should be shot away. The enemy showed no colours till late in the action, when they began to feel the necessity of having them to strike. For this reason, the Santissima Trin


idad, Nelson's old acquaintance, as he used to call her, was distinguishable only by her four ordered the Victory to be steered. Mean-time decks; and to the bow of this opponent he an incessant raking fire was kept upon the Victory. The admiral's secretary was one of the first who fell he was killed by a cannon shot, while conversing with Hardy. Captain Adair, of the marines, with the help of a sailor, endeavoured to remove the body from Nelson's sight, who had a great regard for Mr. Scott; but he anxiously asked: "Is that poor Scott that's gone?" and being informed that it was indeed so, exclaimed: "Poor fellow !" Presently a double-headed shot struck a party and killed eight of them: upon which Nelof marines, who were drawn up on the poop, son immediately desired Captain Adair to disperse his men round the ship, that they might not suffer so much from being together. A few minutes afterwards a shot struck the fore brace bits on the quarter deck, and passed between Nelson and Hardy, a splinter from the bit tearing off Hardy's buckle and bruising his foot. Both stopped, and looked anxiously at each other, each supposing the other to be wounded. Nelson then smiled, and said: "This is too warm work, Hardy, to last long."

The Victory had not yet returned a single gun fifty of her men had been by this time killed or wounded, and her main-top-mast, with all her studding sails and their booms, shot away. Nelson declared, that, in all his battles, he had seen nothing which surpassed the cool courage of his crew on this occasion. At four minutes after twelve she opened her fire from both sides of her deck. It was not possible to break the enemy's line without running on board one of their ships: Hardy informed him of this, and asked which he would prefer. Nelson replied: "Take your "choice, Hardy, it does not signify much." The master was then ordered to put the helm to port, and the Victory ran on board the Redoutable, just as her tiller ropes were shot away. The French ship received her with a broadside; then instantly let down her lower deck ports, for fear of being boarded through them, and never afterwards fired a great gun during the action. Her tops, like those of all

the enemy's ships, were filled with riflemen. Nelson never placed musketry in his tops; he had a strong dislike to the practice; not merely because it endangers setting fire to the sails, but also because it is a murderous sort of warfare, by which individuals may suffer, and a commander, now and then, be picked off, but which never can decide the fate of a general engagement.

Captain Harvey, in the Temeraire, fell on board the Redoutable on the other side. Another enemy was in like manner on board the Temeraire so that these four ships formed as compact a tier as if they had been moored together, their heads lying all the same way. The lieutenants of the Victory, seeing this, depressed their guns of the middle and lower decks, and fired with a diminished charge, lest the shot should pass through, and injure the Temeraire. And because there was danger that the Redoutable might take fire from the lower-deck guns, the muzzles of which touched her side when they were run out; the fireman of each gun stood ready with a bucket of water; which, as soon as the gun was discharged, he dashed into the hole made by the shot. An incessant fire was kept up from the Victory from both sides; her larboard guns playing upon the Bucentaure and the huge Santissima Trinidad.

and kissed his cheek; and Nelson said, "Now "I am satisfied. Thank God I have done my "duty." Hardy stood over him in silence for a moment or two; then knelt again, and kissed his forehead. "Who is that?" said Nelson; and being informed, he replied, " God bless you, Hardy.” And Hardy then left him— forever.

Nelson now desired to be turned upon his "I wish I had not left right side, and said: "the deck; for I shall soon be gone." Death was, indeed, rapidly approaching. He said to the chaplain: "Doctor, I have not been a "great sinner :" and, after a short pause, "Remember that I leave Lady Hamilton, and "my daughter Horatia, as a legacy to my

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was in great pain, and expressed much anxiety
for the event of the action, which now began
to declare itself. As often as a ship struck,
the crew of the Victory hurraed; and at every
hurra, a visible expression of joy gleamed in
the eyes, and marked the countenance, of the
dying hero. But he became impatient to see
Captain Hardy; and as that officer, though
often sent for, could not leave the deck, Nel-
son feared that some fatal cause prevented
him, and repeatedly cried : "Will no one
"bring Hardy to me? He must be killed!
"He is surely dead !"-An hour and ten min-
utes elapsed, from the time when Nelson re-
ceived his wound, before Hardy could come to
him. They shook hands in silence; Hardy in
vain struggling to suppress the feelings of that
most painful, and yet sublimest moment.
"Well, Hardy," said Nelson, "how goes the
"day with us?"—" Very well," replied Har-
dy; " ten ships have struck, but five of their
"van have tacked, and show an intention of
"bearing down upon the Victory. I have
"called two or three of our fresh ships round,
"and have no doubt of giving them a drub-
.""I hope," said Nelson," none of
"our ships have struck?" Hardy answered,
"There was no fear of that." Then, and not
till then, Nelson spoke of himself.
"dead man, Hardy," said he: "I am going
"fast-it will be all over with me soon.
"Come nearer to me. Let my dear Lady
"Hamilton have my hair, and all other things
"belonging to me." Hardy observed, that he
hoped Mr. Beatty could yet hold out some
"Oh no!" he replied: "it
prospect of life.
is impossible. My back is shot through. Flits o'er the scene like Noah's dove,
"Beatty will tell you so." Capt. Hardy then,
once more, shook hands with him; and with a
heart almost bursting, hastened upon deck.

country." His articulation now became difficult; but he was distinctly heard to say, "Thank God, I have done my duty!" These words he had repeatedly pronounced; and they were the last words which he uttered. He expired at thirty minutes after four,three hours and a quarter after he had receir. ed his wound."

"I am a



AH! why, unfeeling Winter, why
Still flags thy torpid wing!
Fly, melancholy season, fly-
And yield the year to Spring.
cherubim of love,
An exile in disgrace,—

Nor finds a resting place.

When on the mountain's azure peak,
Alights her fairy form,
Cold blow the winds,-and dark and bleak,
Around her rolls the storm.

If to the valley she repair,

For shelter and defence,

Thy wrath pursues the mourner there,

And drives her, weeping, thence.
She seeks the brook-the faithless brook,
Of her unmindful grown,
Feels the chill magick of thy look,

And lingers into stone.

She wooes her embryo flowers, in vain,
To rear their infant heads;

It had been part of Nelson's prayer, that the
British fleet might be distinguished by human-
ity in the victory which he expected. Setting
an example himself, he twice gave orders to
cease firing upon the Redoubtale, supposing
that she had struck, because her great guns
were silent; for, as she carried no flag, there
was no means of instantly ascertaining the
fact. From this ship, which he had thus twice
spared, he received his death. A ball fired
from her mizen-top, which, in the then situa- By this time all feeling below the breast
tion of the two vessels, was not more than fif- was gone; and Nelson, having made the sur-
teen yards from that part of the deck where he geon ascertain this, said to him: "You know
was standing, struck the epaulette on his left "I am gone. I know it. I feel something
shoulder, about a quarter after one, just in "rising in my breast,"-putting his hand on
the heat of the action. He fell upon his face, his left side," which tells me so." And
on the spot which was covered with his poor upon Beatty's inquiring whether his pain was
secretary's blood. Hardy, who was a few
very great? he replied, "So great, that he
steps from him, turning round, saw three men "wished he was dead. Yet," said he in a
raising him up. "They have done for me at lower voice," one would like to live a little
last, Hardy," said he. "I hope not !" cried "longer too!" And after a few minutes, in the
Hardy. "Yes," he replied; "my back bone same under tone, he added: "What would
is shot through." Yet even now, not for a "become of poor lady Hamilton, if she knew
moment losing his presence of mind, he ob- "my situation !" Next to his country, she
served, as they were carrying him down the occupied his thoughts. Captain Hardy, some
ladder, that the tiller ropes, which had been fifty minutes after he had left the cockpit, re-
shot away, were not yet replaced, and ordered
turned; and again taking the hand of his dy- Deaf to her voice, her flowers remain
that new ones should be rove immediately :— ing friend and commander, congratulated him
then, that he might not be seen by the crew, on having gained a complete victory. How
he took out his handkerchief, and covered his many of the enemy were taken he did not
face and his stars.-Had he but concealed these know, as it was impossible to perceive them
badges of honour from the enemy, England, distinctly but fourteen or fifteen at least.
perhaps, would not have had cause to receive "That's well," cried Nelson; "but I bar-
with sorrow the news of the battle of Trafalgar." gained for twenty." And then, in a strong-
The cockpit was crowded with wounded er voice, he said: "Anchor, Hardy; anchor."
and dying men; over whose bodies he was Hardy, upon this, hinted that Admiral Col-
with some difficulty conveyed, and laid upon a lingwood would take upon himself the direc-
pallet in the midshipmen's birth. It was soon tion of affairs. "Not while I live, Hardy!"
perceived, upon examination, that the wound said the dying Nelson, ineffectually endeavour-
was mortal. This, however, was concealed ing to raise himself from the bed: "Do you
from all, except Captain Hardy, the chaplain, anchor." His previous order for preparing to
and the medical attendants. He himself being anchor had shown how clearly he foresaw the
certain, from the sensation in his back, and the necessity of this. Presently, calling Hardy
gush of blood which he felt momently within back, he said to him, in a low voice, "Don't
his breast, that no human care could avail throw me overboard :" and he desired that he
him, insisted that the surgeon should leave might be buried by his parents, unless it
him, and attend to those to whom he might be should please the king to order otherwise.
useful; "For," said he, " you can do nothing Then, reverting to private feelings: "Take
"for me."-All that could be done was to fan" care of my dear Lady Hamilton, Hardy :
him with paper, and frequently to give him "take care of poor Lady Hamilton."-" Kiss
lemonade, to alleviate his intense thirst. He" me Hardy," said he. Hardy knelt down,


Enchanted in their beds.

In vain she bids the trees expand

Their green, luxuriant charms;
Bare in the wilderness they stand,

And stretch their withering arm.
Her favourite birds, in feeble notes,
Lament thy long delay;
And strain their little stammering throats,
To charm thy rage away.
Ah! why, usurping Winter, why
Still flags thy frozen wing?
Fly, unrelenting tyrant, fly—

And yield the year to Spring!





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