Slike strani





power on any side-she can therefore easily overawe, or corrupt the smaller and weaker states. There must be, and there are, I know, ON THE PROBABLE FUTURE STATE many individuals in Italy, and Holland, and




Ir is certainly desirable, for the repose of the world, (which needs repose as much as it has ever done), that some permanent balance of power should be established in Europe. Whether this balance shall be formed precisely as it was before the French revolution, or by making new parties to the compact, and arranging the materials in such a manner will not easily be disturbed, is of very little importance. It is a subject, however, of curious speculation; and although we can arrive at no satisfactory result, so much depending on accident, the chance of arms, or, to speak more correctly, the pleasure of the Almighty, yet it is a pleasant occupation to think upon subjects of so much interest, and to form anticipations as to future events of such uncommon importance.

To the restoration of the old balance of Europe there seem to be some very serious objections, and, in effecting it, some as-important difficulties. The great number of small states in Germany and Italy rendered the machine not only complicated, and therefore liable to derangement; but it opened an easy road to the intrigues of the more powerful nations. As, in the science of intrigue, the Frenchman, from causes which are of a permanent nature, must always have the advantage over the Englishman, Russian, or Austrian; any system, which admits and invites much diplomatick management, must be unfavourable to the permanent quiet of Europe. France, be her future monarch whom he may, will bear with a very ill grace,

Switzerland, who owe their fortunes and consequence to France. The richest and most powerful man at Rome, who now enjoys a dukedom and an immense revenue, was a lacquey, who is indebted to France and his treachery to Italian interests for his title and estates.

These men (and they are numerous) will be very dangerous, if the feeble and divided governments of ancient times are restored.

They can only be repressed by a strong and extensive government, over which they can hope to do little by their intrigues.

Such are some of the objections. There are also as many difficulties. How is it possible to restore Spain and Portugal to their former condition? Will the Spanish nation consent to return to their degraded state? Will they restore to the monarch all his powers, and surrender the sweets of self government? Or is it believed, that a compromise can be made, which shall leave Spain a limited monarchy, with its King, Lords, and Commons ?

Can the Bourbon race, on the throne of Spain, defend that country against France? Will not the royal and republican parties in that kingdom quarrel, and one of them again invite France to take part in the contests?

I confess this is what I fear; and I cannot look forward to the future state of the Peninsula without great anxiety.

subdue Germany. It was to the power, which Charlemagne acquired from the conquest of Italy, that he was in a great measure indebted for the hard bought victories he afterwards obtained in Germany. It may be affirmed also, that the wealth and troops, which Bonaparte drew from Italy, enabled him to afford his protection to the Rhenish confederacy, built on the ruins of the ancient Germanick constitution.

But the most serious difficulties will arise in Italy. This country, the garden of Europe, once its mistress, with seventeen millions of active, ingenious, and naturally brave inhabitants, has long been the object of French cuand worse temper, the humilia-pidity, and has more than once enabled her to tion to which she is now compelled to submit. Those who attribute all or even the greatest part of her ambitious projects to the present Emperour, know little of her character, and still less of her history. Under weak and imbecile monarchs, her Richelieus and her Mazarins have shewn as much ambition, as Bonaparte; and if they did not overthrow the balance of power in Europe, as was their design, it was only because they were not favoured by such a political convulsion, as was the French revolution; a convulsion, which made a whole nation soldiers, and fit instruments for foreign conquest, at the same time that t shattered every monarchy in Europe, and prepared them for subjection. It would ther:fore be a serious calamity to have Germany left in as subdivided, corruptible a state, as it anciently was. The same remark is stil more applicable to Italy. The Emperour of Germany may overawe, and give something like an unity of will to the Germanick body; but there has not been, and there cannot b, without founding a new monarchy, any power so preeminent in Italy, as to keep that turbi lent, rebellious people in order.

How then is Italy to be secure? Its frontier is, to be sure, protected by the Alps; but these have proved a feeble defence from the days of Hannibal to those of Bonaparte.

Piedmont is the most inviting, yet defenceless country in Europe, It has some fortresses; but what are they, in the hands of a monarch of a country with a population of one million and an half against a nation, who can boast thirty millions of subjects!

It appears to me impossible to protect Italy, if the feeble government of Savoy is restored to its ancient rights.

If Italy is to be protected, luscious and inviting as it is, it must have a guardian at least as powerful as Austria.

If Piedmont, Genoa, the Milanese, Ferrara, Another objection to the restoration of the Parma, Bologna, and the Venetian territories old balance of Europe is, that France, who, d- should be given to Austria, it would be of little ter all her sufferings, will be the most dang- moment what should be done with the rest rous power in Europe, is surrounded by the e of Italy, because you would completely shut small countries. She does not touch any gratout French arms, and intrigue.


In such a case, Tuscany, formerly the property of the house of Austria, might be given to the king of Sardinia, as an indemnity for the loss of Savoy and Piedmont.

As to the Papal dominions, I see no reason why they should not be restored in full sovereignty to the see of Rome.

All danger, arising from the temporal or spiritual power of the Sovereign Pontiff, has long since vanished; and it is to be desired, that the seat of ancient and modern arts, once the mistress of the world, respectable even in her decline, should be enjoyed by a sovereign. who from his profession must be a favourer of letters, and who should possess sufficient income and territory to preserve the splendour of Rome, and its valuable specimens of the fine arts from dilapidation and decay.

These are only a few of the ideas, which have occurred to me, on the interesting subject of the future division of power.


NOTHING but experience can teach the mass of the people the true nature of paper money. When a government or a body of individuals issue pieces of paper, which command the necessaries of life, or other property, the multitude are ready, at first, to conclude there is an intrinsick value in them, because they find they are received as gold and silver.

But we have had some serious lessons, which now render a mistake from such visionary associations impracticable. During the last war, it was in vain a slip of paper was stamped with characters of fair promise. It was found that the government had nothing to pay, but another flood of paper; of course it sunk to nothing. Since the war, banks came in fashion. Paper was issued, on the credit of actual deposits of the precious metals. The intelligent knew their security, and did not refuse it currency. The credulous multitude followed, without any inquiry. But owing to this credulity, banking principles were abused, and we were again deluged with paper, which could not be redeemed by specie. The losses, in which almost every individual has shared, arising from this fraud, has now made the theory of paper money familiar. Is the bank good? that is, does it give gold or silver for this, ondemand? is a point to be ascertained, before the most uninformed will take any bill.

How then, in the name of common sense, can our Congress-men be so infatuated, as to think of circulating paper, to meet the expen ses of this war, when every citizen in the Union knows, if it is done, it will be because their substantial means are wholly exhausted? Instead of gold and silver at Washington, the security will be the chance that our children will pay the taxes we entail upon them-the disposition of no one knows who, some twenty or thirty years hence, to demand such taxes, and appropriate them for the payment of a dead horse.

The suggestion has struck a general alarm, and justly. Every man, who is a creditor, and hears of paper money, issued by a government without funds, but raising an army of fifty thousand men, to enforce its measures

thinks of such a prospect with horror. The Frenchman's option, the worthless Assignat or the Guillotine, we all remember-and France has already been quoted as a precedent, on the floor of Congress.

LORD Bacon, in his "Essay on the greatness of kingdoms," speaking of the justifiable causes of war, observes "As for the wars which were anciently made on the behalf of a kind or party, I do not see how they may be well justified. As when the Lacedemonians and Athenians made wars to set up or pull down democracies or oligarchies; or when wars were made by foreigners, under pretence of justice or oppression, to deliver the subjects of others from tyranny and oppression, and the like."

A GREAT man has compared the northern and southern states to man and wife. He might have added then, that we are under petticoat government. The Buckskins certainly wear the breeches.


that part of my family tear my soul! I call Frenchmen to the succour of Frenchmen! I call the Frenchmen of Paris, of Britanny, of Normandy, Champaign, Burgundy and the other departments to the assistance of their brothers! Shall we forsake them in their misfortune? Peace and the deliverance of our country must be our rallying word. At the aspect of this whole nation in arms, the foreigner will either fly or sign the peace upon the basis he himself has offered. It is no longer in contemplation to recover the conquests we had made."

DOMESTICK. It is very well ascertained that the state of Newhampshire has reelected Governour GILMAN, and a federal Legislature.

The United States' frigate Constitution, Capt. STUART, was cruising off Surinam in February, and had taken some prizes. The Queen of 80 guns has been sent from Barbadoes, in quest of her.

particular in his attention. If we went to the play, he would be there; and either in the same box, or would certainly come into ours, in the course of the evening. He was fond o musick, would join me in duets, and was frequently bringing me new pieces. I am tolerably certain I was never in love with him; yet as you are a depository of secrets, it may not be indecorous to confess, I have thought such thing might possibly be, if Mr. Vigil were really determined to accomplish it—but this, upon my honour, is mere matter of conjecture.

A year or two passed off, in this kind of Platonick sociability, when a young gentleman of a neighbouring town, happening to meet me in company, a few times, he began to shew himself quite as assiduous to me as I wished. Vigil evidently disliked him-so did I. He was kept at a proper distance; and my friend continued his unchanging civilities.

About six months afterwards I went to spend some time in the country. It was during the winter, and in a considerable village, where balls and parties are decently supported through the season. A respectable young lawyer was always of our circle, and before I returned to Boston, his remarks had excited A destructive fire was experienced at York- country curiosity, and on my joining my town, Virginia, on the 3d instant. Thirty-friends, they already began to rally me on my

A considerable British force has marched from lake Ontario to the head of lake Erie. Reports are circulated of serious alarms at Malden. Our force there is but trifling.

BOSTON, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1814. eight buildings, including several valuable

EUROPEAN. The following decree, by the Nero of France, shews the deplorable state of that nation. The imagination can readily conceive what cruelty and misery must attend its operation.

PARIS, DEC. 27, 1813. His majesty the Emperor yesterday passed a decree, directing that Commissaries Extraordinary, composed of Senators or Counsellors, should be sent into all parts of the Empire, to accelerate the equipment and march of the Conscripts; to order levies en masse where danger was imminent; to appoint Courts Martial before which persons shall be tried, who are accused of favouring the enemy, giving them intelligence, or attempting to disturb the publick tranquillity-They are armed with plenary powers and all the authorities of the Empire are required to execute their proclamations and resolves.


NAPOLEON. Bernadotte, having driven the Danes from the whole of Holstein and a part of Sleswig, an armistice has been concluded between Denmark and Sweden, at the solicitation of the Danes.

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THE CONFIDANT, No. VII. To the Confidant. DEAR SIR,-When I was my spelling book, now some fifteen years ago, I read the story of the "Dog in the manger" with no little indignation. Like most children, I set down the fable for matter of fact, and never knew what the author meant, until I read the moral, in a singular character; with whom, bark and growl as he may, I am about to make you acquainted. You will please to give me your advice, if it be within the field of your speculation, how I had best manage him, or whether he is worth the trouble of management.

It is officially stated by a French officer, that not a gun was fired by the Swiss upon the allies, when they entered Switzerland on passing into the east of France. The Count de Talleyrand, minister of France near the Swiss When at college, my brother became confederacy, left Basle on the 30th of Decem-intimate with a Mr. Vigil; they were classber and has arrived at Paris. mates, chums, and generally companions, whether at Cambridge or Boston. My brother took his degrees, went into business, and in a few years married. His friend pursued the same course, except in the last particular, and their acquaintance continued.

The following reply of Bonaparte to the address of the Conservative Senate, well merits to be recorded, as a remarkable specimen of the language and tone of the great Emperour Napoleon, at the close of the year 1813.


"I am grateful for the sentiments you express towards me.

expected rustication for life. It was indeed not many weeks, before Mr. Norman was in town. On hearing this, my brother broke the subject, and represented a country life in such dreary colours to me, and our residence in Boston so pleasant, that, besides assuring him, the reports he had heard were idle, I promised, in no event, to go to ******. Mr.Norman waited upon me, and has not visited Boston since. I afterwards ascertained that my brother's observations were all suggested by his friend Vigil.

I now thought there must be some design in this, in which I was interested. Vigil brought more songs; was never absent at the theatre; but month after month elapsed, and not a lisp of partiality, unless such conduct might be thought to speak.

In the mean time I have been assailed in good earnest, with a proposition from a gentleman to whom I know of no objection ;--but Mr. Vigil has again been busy with my brother. He shows a new interest in his attentions to me; he looks melancholy at times; he lately took my hand, and said, with an expression

of tender concern, "Vibrante, don't be rash."

If he has really got the heart-ache, why does he not make me his confidant? If he does not mean to claim me himself, does he

imagine I will post on to un certain age, as the French say, merely to be gazed on by him? I want no body guard, to keep all the rest of the world at a distance; and if I dismiss my present suitor, for the sake of Vigil's long face, and doleful cautions, there is no knowing whether ever I shall have such an offer again.

Now, Mr. Confidant, if you will inform me what all this means; whether it is insult or

afection, you will much oblige your's


There sometimes exists an habitual attach

Soon after this, I had the misfortune to lose my father; and as there were others of the family, to keep my ment between the sexes, totally distinct from that affection, which leads to matrimonial conmother company, at the solicitation of my brother, to whom I was ever tenderly attach-nxions. There are probably few young men, ed, I took up my residence with him.

"You have seen, by the documents which I have caused to be laid before you, what I have The intercourse between the two friends had done for peace. The sacrifices required by been of so long standing, I seemed to consider the preliminary basis proposed to me by the Mr. Vigil another brother; and should perenemy, and which I have accepted, I shall haps never thought of him in any other camake without regret; my life has but one ob-pacity, if officious schemers had not begun to ject, the happiness of France.

"However, Bearn, Alsace, Franche Comte, Brabant, are entered upon. The cries of

It is true, he was always very obliging; and I hint, that his visits belonged in part to me. thought sometimes inclined to shew himself

who have not experienced great satisfaction in tle society of ladies, with whom they never tlink of uniting their fortunes: yet accustomel to depend on them for much of their pastime and social happiness, their feelings revolt atthe idea of losing their enjoyment forever. Sich a man will feel a degree of jealousy, at the prospect of any interference-probably a very uncomfortable sensation, in contemplating

the sacrifice he is about to make. If he is of a fair and honourable mind, he will suppress his emotion-if he is merely selfish, he will spare no pains to protract his own gratifica. tion; and perhaps even impose on himself specious reasons for his conduct. Such may be Mr. Vigil. The true nature of his attachment, however, may be easily ascertained. Let Vibrante, through her brother, make Vigil believe she is positively engaged. He will offer himself, and endeavour to break off the engagement; or he is playing the fool, and deserves her scorn.


THERE is no word so ill understood, and so often perverted, as Sensibility. The fretful, the violent, nay even the revengeful, will tell you, that their impatience, anger or resentment, are merely owing to finer feelings than others possess; and they will brand the silent sufferer with the reproach of obduracy, because the fear of giving pain to his neighbour prevents the utterance of grief, and the complaint of injury.

If on such occasions, a faithful friend should venture to remonstrate, and having conquered these evil passions in himself, contend that they are conquerable, the clamour against him is universal. He is not only pronounced to be obtuse, but cruel-incapable of sympathising, because disdaining to flatter, and adding to distress, because he points out errour. So far from estimating the character which prefers the welfare to the favour of a fellow creature, these people of sensibility discard him from their society with calumny, reproach and scorn.

But what is sensibility? Is it merely a perception of evil? a quick resentment of offences, or injuries imagined by self-love? Are not the kind affections, love, joy, piety, as properly feelings of the mind, as pride, envy,

and hatred? and which best deserve the name of fine feelings?

Never was a mind possessed of them, and thus boasted of the possession No; they

are evinced in words and actions of benevolence, not in empty declamation, and self applauding vanity.

Fiends may as justly arrogate to themselves the praises of sensibility, as these tormentors of mankind, who, being always discontented and unhappy, sagaciously discover the fault to be in their neighbours: and having quarrelled with the arrangement of things in this world, modestly arraign the wisdom of another-but it is owing to their sensibilities.

Talk not of sensibility distinct from virtue, reason and benevolence; it is the selfishness

of a feeble mind; it is the tenderness of an
unsound heart.

"THE man of these charming parts of
Greece is of a handsome stature; he carries
his head high, his body erect, or rather inclin-
ed backward than forward: he is dignified in
his carriage, easy in his manners, and nimble
in his gait; his eyes are full of vivacity; his
countenance is open, and his address agreea-
ble and prepossessing; he is neat and elegant
in his cloathing; he has a taste for dress, as
for every thing that is beautiful; active, in-
dustrious, and even enterprising, he is capable
of executing great things; he speaks with
ease, he expresses himself with warmth; he
is acquainted with the language of the pas-
sions, and he likewise astonishes by his natur-
al eloquence; he loves the arts, without dar-
ing to cultivate them, under the brazen yoke
which hangs heavy on his neck; skilful and

cunning in trade, he does not always conduct brought up, and upon my own views in life.
himself in it with that frankness which consti- After having answered these questions, and
tutes its principal basis; and if we still find in taken part of a dozen cups of chocolate mixed
modern Greece many of the fine qualities with coffee, I replied with intrepid firmness.
which do honour to the history of ancient that I could find no other happiness upon
Greece, it cannot be denied, that superstition, earth, than that of acting; that an unfortunate
the child of ignorance and slavery, greatly tar- circumstance had made me my own master;
nishes their lustre; and we also discover in and that having a small patrimony of 750 livres
their disposition that fickleness, that pliability, a year, I had reason to hope, that in abandon- -
that want of sincerity, in short, that artful turn ing my father's trade, I should lose nothing
of mind which borders on treachery, and of by the change, if I could one day be admitted
which the Greeks of antiquity have been ac- into the troop of the king's comedians.
"Ah, my friend!" cried M. de Voltaire,
But this obliquity of character fortunately"never take that step! take my advice, act
does not extend, or at least is very much for your amusement, but never make it your
weakened, among the women of the same business. It is the finest, the rarest, the most
countries. The Greek females are, in gene- difficult of all talents; but it is degraded by
ral, distinguished by a noble and easy shape, barbarians, and proscribed by hypocrites.
and a majestick carriage. Their features, tra- France will one day esteem your art; but
ced by the hand of beauty, reflect the warm then she will have no longer a Baron, no long-
and profound affections of sensibility; the se- er a Lecouvreur, no longer a Dangeville. If
renity of their countenance is that of dignity, you will give up this intention, I will lend you
without having its coldness or gravity; they 10,000 francs, to begin your establishment, and
are amiable without pretension, decent with- you shall pay me when you can. Go, my
out sourness, charming without affectation. friend, come to me again at the end of the
If, to such brilliant qualities, we add, elevation week, think well upon the matter, and give
of ideas, warmth of expression, those flights me a positive answer.
of simple and ingenuous eloquence which at-
tract and fascinate, a truly devoted attachment
to persons beloved, exactness and fidelity in
their duties, we shall have some notion of
these privileged beings, with whom nature, in
her munificence, has embellished the earth,
and who are not rare in Greece. There it is
that the genius of the artists of antiquity would
still have the choice of more than one model."

Astonished, confused, and affected even to tears, by the goodness and generous offer of this great man, who was said to be avaricious, hard-hearted, and unfeeling, I would have poured out my thanks. I began four sentences without having power to finish one; at length I took leave, stammering, and was about to withdraw, when he called me back, and begged me to repeat some passages from the parts which I had already performed. Without consideration, I aukwardly enough began to declaim the famous couplet of Gustavus, in theout with a thundering and terrible voice. I second act. Nothing from Piron!' he cried from Racine.' Luckily I recollected that bedo not like bad verses. Repeat all you know

LE KAIN-the Garrick of France. "His father was a goldsmith: he himself excelled as a maker of surgical instruments. After the peace of 1748, a number of young townsmen formed themselves into theatrical societies, and established three theatres, ofing at Mazarin college, I had learnt all the which that at the hotel de Jabac was founded tragedy of Athalie, having heard it frequently by Le Kain. The regular actors had influ- rehearsed by the scholars who were to repreence enough to prevent those performances. sent it. I began the first scene, playing alterThe Abbé Chauvelin, a Jansenist, interested nately the part of Abner and of Joab. But I himself in behalf of the aspirants, and made had not half gone through my task, when M. them play Le Mauvais Riche, a comedy by de Voltaire cried, with divine enthusiasm, M. D'Arnaud : this was in 1750. The piece did not succeed. Voltaire had been invited to the representation by the author: and, either from tenderness towards M. D'Arnaud, or from pure good humour towards the actors, who took all imaginable pains to support a feeble and uninteresting work, this great man appeared sufficiently pleased, and inquired earnestly who it was that had played the part of

the lover. He was informed that it was the
son of a goldsmith, who acted for his amuse-
ment, but wished to make it his profession."
He then expressed to M.D'Arnaud a desire to
become acquainted with me, and begged him
to engage me to visit him the next morning.

"The pleasure," says Le Kain, which
this invitation gave me, was even greater than
my surprise but what I can never paint, is
that which passed in my soul at the sight of
this man, whose eyes sparkled with fire, and
wit, and imagination. In addressing myself
to him, I felt myself penetrated with respect,
enthusiasm, admiration, and fear. I experien-
ced all these feelings at once, when M. Vol-
taire had the goodness to put an end to my
embarrassment, by opening his paternal arms
to me, and blessing God for having created a
being who had moved and affected him by re-
citing bad verses! He afterwards asked me
many questions concerning my situation, that
of my father, the way in which I had been

Ah, my God! what fine verses! and, what is truly astonishing, the whole piece is written with the same warmth, the same purity, from the first scene to the last. The poetry is inimitable. Adieu, my child!' said he, emwill have a heart-rending voice, and that you bracing me. It is I who prophecy that you God's sake! never go upon a publick stage.'" will one day be the delight of Paris; but, for God's sake! never go upon a publick stage.'"



"THE sacred books, whether Hebrew or Greek, came from the pen of their writers, and were, in the hands of those for whom they were originally composed, without any division. of this sort. The first need of any thing like such a division, was after the Babylonish captivity; the Jews had then mostly forgotten the original Hebrew; and when it was read in the synagogue, it was found necessary to have an interpretation into Chaldee, for the use of the common people. To make this interpretation intelligible and useful, the reader of the Hebrew used to pause at short distances, while the interpreter pronounced the same passage in Chaldee ; such pauses became established, and were marked in the manuscripts, forming a sort of verses like those in our present bibles. This division into verses was confined to the Hebrew scriptures, and to the people for whose use it was contrived; no such divis

ion was made in the translation of the SEVENTY, nor in the Latin version; so that the bible, used in the Greek and the western churches, was without any such division, either in the old or new testament.

It was, however, found necessary, in after times, to make a division and subdivision of the sacred books; but it was for a very different purpose; it was for the sake of referring to them with more ease and certainty. We are told that Cardinal Hugo, in the 13th century, made a concordance to the whole of the Latin bible, and that for this purpose of reference, he divided both the old and new testament into chapters, being the same that we now have. These chapters he subdivided into smaller portions, distinguishing them by the letters of the alphabet; and, by those means, he was enabled to make references from his concordance to the text of the bible. The utility of such a concordance brought it into high repute; and the division into chapters, upon which it depended, was adopted along with it, by the divines of Europe.

This division into chapters was afterwards in the fifteenth century, adopted by a learned Jew, for the same purpose of reference, in making a concordance to the Hebrew bible. This was Rabbi Mordecai Nathan, who carried the contrivance a step further; for instead of adhering to the subdivisions of Cardinal Hugo, he made others, much smaller, and distinguished them, not by letters, but by numbers. This invention was received into the Latin bibles, and they make the present verses of the old testament. In doing this, he might possibly have proceeded upon the old subdivisions long before used for the interpretation into Chaldee. We see, therefore, that the present division of the old testament into chapter and verse, is an invention partly Christian and partly Jewish, and that it was for the sole purpose of reference, and not primarily with a view to any natural division of the several subjects contained in it.

The new testament still remained without any subdivision into verses, till one was at length made, for the very same purpose of a concordance, about the middle of the sixteenth century. The author of this was Robert Stephens, the celebrated printer at Paris. He followed the example of Rabbi Nathan, in subdividing the chapters into small verses, and numbering them; and he printed an edition. of the Greck testament so marked. This division soon came into general use, like the former one of the old testament, from the same recommendation of the coincidence that depended upon it; and Latin testaments, as well as bibles, were ever after distinguished into chapters and verses.

time. A singular destiny, to which no other book has been subjected! For in all other works, the index or concordance, or whatever may be the subsidiary matter, is fashioned so, as to be subordinate to the original work; but in the bible alone, the text and substance of the work is disfigured in order to be adapted to the concordance that belongs to it; and the notion of its being perused, is sacrificed to that of its being referred to. In consequence of this, the bible is, to the eye, upon the opening of it, rather a book of reference, than a book for perusal and study; and it is much to be feared, that this circumstance makes it more frequently used as such; it is referred to for verifying a quotation, and then returned to the shelf. What book can be fundamentally understood, if consulted only in such a desultory way! Those who extend their reading, but still regulate their efforts by the chapters, are not more likely to see the scriptural writings in the true view."



AMONG the many mistakes in religion, it is commonly thought that there is something so unintelligible, absurd, and fanatical in the term conversion, that those who employ it run no small hazard of being involved in the ridicule it excites. It is seldom used but ludicrously, or in contempt. This arises partly from the levity and ignorance of the censure, but perhaps as much from the imprudence and enthusiasm of those who have absurdly confined it to real or supposed instances of sudden or miraculous changes from profligacy to piety. But surely, with reasonable people, run no risk in asserting that he, who being awakened by any of those various methods which the Almighty uses to bring his creatures to the knowledge of himself, who seeing the corruptions that are in the world, and feeling those with which his own heart abounds, is brought, whether gradually or more rapidly, from an evil heart of unbelief to a lively faith in the Redeemner; from a life, not only of gross vice, but of worldliness and vanity, to a life of progressive piety; whose humility keeps pace with his progress; who, though his attainments are advancing, is so far from counting himself to have attained, that he presses onward with unabated zeal, and evidences, by the change in his conduct, the change that has taken place in his heart-such a one is as sincerely converted, and the effect is as much produced by the same divine energy, as if some instantaneous revolution in his character had given it a miraculous appearance. The doctrines of scripture are the same now as when David called them "a law converting the soul, and giving light to the eyes." This is perhaps the most accurate and comprehensive definition of the change for which we are contending, for it includes both the illumination of the understanding, and the alteration in the disposition, .

It remained for the translators of the English bible to push this invention to an extremity. The beginning of every chapter had been made a fresh paragraph in all the printed bibles; but the verses were only marked by the number, either in the margin or in the body of the matter; such minute subdivisions did not then seem fit to be made into distinct If then this obnoxious expression signify paragraphs. But the English translators, who nothing more nor less than that change of had fled to Geneva, during the persecution of character which consists in turning from the Queen Mary, and who published there a new world to God, however the term may offend, translation, famous afterwards under the name there is nothing ridiculous in the thing. Now, of the Geneva bible, separated every one of as it is not for the term we contend, but for the verses, making each into a distinct para- the principle conveyed by it; so it is the pringraph. This new contrivance was soon re- ciple and not the term, which is the real ceived with as much approbation as the pre- ground of objection; though it is a little inceding; and all bibles, in all languages, began consistent that many who would sneer at the to be printed in the same manner with the verses distinguished into paragraphs; and so the practice has continued to the present

idea of conversion, would yet take it extremely ill if it were suspected that their hearts were not turned to God.

Reformation, a term against which no objec tion is ever made, would, if words continued to retain their primitive signification, convey the same idea. For it is plain that to re-form means to make anew. In the present use, however, it does not convey the same meaning in the same extent, nor indeed does it imply the operation of the same principle. Many are reformed on human motives, many are partially reformed; but only those who, as our great poet says, are "reformed altogether," are converted. There is no complete reformation in the conduct effected without a revolution in the heart. Ceasing from some sins; retaining others in a less degree; or adopting such as are merely creditable; or flying from one sin to another; or ceasing from the external act without any internal change of disposition, is not christian reformation. The new principle must abolish the old habit, the rooted inclination must be subdued by the substitution of an opposite one. The natural bias must be changed. The actual offence will no more be pardoned, than cured, if the inward corruption be not eradicated. To be " alive unto God through Jesus Christ" must follow the "death unto sin." There cannot be new aims and ends where there is not a new principle to produce them. We shall not choose a new path until a light from Heaven direct our choice and "guide our feet." shall not "run the way of God's commandments," till God himself enlarge our heart.


We do not, however, insist that the change required is such as precludes the possibility of falling into sin; but it is a change which fixes in the soul such a disposition as shall make sin a burden, as shall make the desire of pleasing God the governing desire of a man's heart; as shall make him hate the evil which he does, as shall make the lowness of his attainments the subject of his deepest sorrow. A christian has hopes and fears, cares and temptations, inclinations and as other men. God in desires, as well changing the heart does not extinguish the passions. Were that the case, the christian

life would cease to be a warfare.




LED by the Muse, my steps pervade
The sacred haunts, the peaceful shade
Where Art and SCULPTURE reign.
I see, I see, at their command,
The living stones in order stand,

And breathe through every vein.
Time breaks his hostile scythe; he sighs.
To find his pow'r malignant fled;
Ah! what avails my dart, he cries,
Since these can animate the dead?:

Since waked to mimick life again in stone,

The patriot seems to speak, the hero frown Such are thy works, O SCULPTURE! thine to show, In hardest rock, a feeling sense of wo!





Price three dollars per annum, half in advance. Subscribers may be supplied with the preceding numbers.





NO. V.


I HAVE said that the jealousies of the southern states, in which originated in a great measure the policy pursued by Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison," cannot be expected to subside ;" and proposed to inquire the causes of those jealousies.

In pursuing this interesting subject, I shall avail myself of extracts from a manuscript essay, by a very distinguished character. It has been in my possession several years, and, from the moment I read it, the whole system of Jeffersonian policy appeared perfectly obvious;—and to this day, I have found it a satisfactory key to all the grand measures the administration have adopted. It is full of useful information, and, though written eleven years ago, the state of the Union, at this day, will be found, in the anticipations of the writer, so correct, that his remarks apply even more forcibly, than when they were penned.

"What is the nature of the revolution, by which the democratick party succeeded the federalists, in the administration of the federal government? By what influence was it effected?

Are there different local interests in the United States? If such interests exist, what are their different powers and the means by which they must be supported?

I will briefly state my sentiments, respecting these questions, with reference to four great divisions of our country ;-the first comprehending New England and New York-the second, the country connected with the waters of the Mississippi-the third, the states south of the Potowmack-and fourth, the residue of the Union. It is, I trust, easy to shew, that great distinctions, founded in physical and moral causes which are immutable, discriminate the three first divisions; and that peculiar circumstances attend the fourth, which will, probably, for some time influence their policy.

The first division comprises a country, which, if not the most fertile by nature, is most uniform in quality of any contiguous tract of equal extent in the United States ;-having the least barren or inaccessible ground;-being the best supplied in every part with the means of water transportation-and possessing, in the number and relative situation of excellent harbours, advantages for acquiring and maintaining maritime power, exceeding every other, and all other parts of the American continent, however united or combined.

This country is the most populous; its institutions are calculated to preserve a numerous population. Property here is most equally divided; the influence of slavery is too slight to be estimated; the publick industry is greatly diversified; all or most of the varieties of this industry exist in every part of the country: the manners, habits, and principles of the people are not essentially dissimilar :there exists, therefore, in this district, a Common Interest; and the circumstances, which have been stated, facilitate a communication of


opinion and a concert of measures for the protection of that interest.



this state are cither natives, or immediately descended from New England. The city of New York is necessarily the market town for a considerable part of Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. Powerful causes, of a permanent nature, must therefore unite and identify the policy of New York with that of their eastern neighbours.

The following particulars, at the present moment, distinguish the northern division. Three fourths of all the native seamen of the United States belong to this quarter; they are drawn from every part of the country;-they prosecute commerce from will. Connected towns extend from Passamaquaddy to Troy, The second Division, comprising the westand to Hartford upon the Connecticut rivern country, is at present, and must remain in The merchants in these towns own six a situation almost entirely dissimilar to the tenths of the tonnage of all vessels belonging first. It embraces a great extent of country in to the United States: and this proportion is in- various climates. A comparatively small part creasing by the settlement of the District of only is accessible by vessels from the sea. The Maine, which must, in some future time, be- vast regions, which depend on the lower ports come the seat of maritime power in America. of the Mississippi for foreign commerce, are The fishery, a business which supports a great intersected, in different directions, by mounnumber of seamen in time of peace, and which tains which are inaccessible, except in particufurnishes a resource for manning a navy, in lar places others are separated by extensive time of war, without an inconvenient interrup- and barren deserts. Even the rivers, which fation of commerce, is here exclusively prosecu- cilitate commerce by their elevated and perted. A greater proportion of the productions pendicular banks, not unfrequently disunite of agricultural labour are consumed at home the inhabitants of neighbouring districts. One in the northern, than in the middle and south- third of the western country, south of the ern states ;-commerce is more various, and Ohio, will probably remain, for ages, uninhabembraces more extensive and complex combi- ited-a considerable proportion of the remainnations; of course, the relations and dependen- der is, at present, insalubrious; in all this recies of the different classes of people upon gion, slavery is established. In that part each other are less disturbed by wars and the which is accessible from the sea, labour will be vibrations of foreign markets. performed only by slaves. Of the population of Kentucky, consisting at present of 220,000 -persons, 40,000 are slaves. At least one third of the white families own no real propertythese consist of persons, who have been reduced by improvidence, or by deceptions in respect to titles; or foreigners, who have been allured thither by a spirit of adventure, without a definite object. Contrary to what has been the usual progress of population in new countries, the settlements have commenced near the heads of rivers; the streams have been loaded with adventurers, to whom a descent was easy and a return difficult, if not impracticable, in consequence of their poverty. The consequences have been, that the tendency to a commercial stagnation, and the dependence of the upper upon the lower country, have continually increased; while, unfortunately, the state of society has been most immature in those districts, where the greatest political influence could be exerted, and where, for the general good, law and order ought to be most firmly established.

The consequences of compact population, diversified industry, commercial enterprise, and laws wisely adapted, in general, for the protection of property, have produced a comparatively great accumulation of money and other personal effects in this quarter. The people of the northern states can alone afford to hold annuities, or to lend money at a moderate rate of interest. Besides the capitals employed in commerce and manufactures, they have invested great sums in bank stock, bridges, turnpike roads, canals, and other publick establishments-they are the principal proprietors of that part of the funded debt of the United States, which has not been transferred to foreigners. Exclusive of the sums owned by states and publick corporations, the credits to individuals, south and west of New York, to the United States, cannot be estimated higher than five millions of dollars. In the northern states, the number of creditors, in proportion to the amount of their credits, is much greater than in the middle and southern states.

With the exception of New York, the habits and institutions of the northern states are incomparably more democratick than elsewhere. We are accustomed to transact important affairs in town meetings and other popular assemblies, which, if attempted in the other states, would either be found utterly impracticable, or would be so ill conducted, as soon to produce great anarchy and confusion. As democracy is now the order of the day, we experience a present advantage, from being able to endure more of what is required by the temper of the times, and to suffer less than our neighbours. Of the remote consequences connected with our present habits, I forbear to express an opinion.

New York has generally been considered distinctly from New England; it is however certain, that a great majority of the people of

The western rivers can at present be only considered as affording the means of exportation; for, without pronouncing what improvements the ingenuity of man is capable of devising, it may be asserted that the productions of the western country will for a long time not always, be exported in river boats, an posited or sold at some port in the Missippi accessible by vessels from the sea. Las been vessels, and export their ownoduce to forsaid, that the Western people build sea eign countries; as such vesis cannot ascendthe river to any considerable distance, this project does not provid for the means of imhortation, the great sideratum of the western country. The pject, however, is impracticable; as it presupposes what is improbable, a regular market, at all times, for a great number of vessels, and a constant drain of mari-

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