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We have seen, that in the southern atlantick states, the physical force of the white population is in a great measure neutralized, by the existence of slavery. That those states never possess maritime power, because they have no class of citizens of whom they can make sailors. In the north, we find a hardy, industrious yeomanry, inured to toil, trained to arms, so secure at home that every citizen might leave his possessions without alarm, and take the field in case of emergency. Property so distributed as not to enervate by luxury, or cut off even the labourer from the hope and prospect of a competence. The means of naval power abounding, and, when commerce is permitted, ample motives to encourage sailors, and among our citizens the best of subjects for such encouragement.


and device omitted to render them odious to
the people. The collection of revenue was SO
modified to fall heavier on the north. Our
treaty with England, so favourable to our com-

THE INTEGRITY OF THE UNITED STATES merce, was suffered to expire-and her offer
to renew it, refused. An immense region was
purchased, adjoining the southern states-
promising an extensive augmentation of their
political influence, and settling upon the Union
a heavy debt, which, of course, must eventual-
ly be discharged by new burthens on the tax-
paying section-the north. The navy was
neglected-funds, avowedly raised for its sup-
port, year after year appropriated to other
uses. Great Britain being the only nation on
earth, whose hostility could put an end to our
commerce, she was selected, as the object of
a factitious resentment. Instead of fighting,
she sent ministers of peace. Under pretence
of coercing her to make concessions, a system
of warfare was begun by our own government,
on our own commerce, unparalleled in the
history of nations-between the St. Croix and
the Potomack, millions and millions of property
have been sacrificed in navigation alone; and
Physical power naturally creates jealousy. in the ruin of commerce, an amount beyond
Nature and our habits have given the north a possible calculation. To complete the triumph
decided superiority in this respect, and could of vindictive jealousy, war was declared, and
we expect not to feel its consequences? But Great Britain used as an instrument in the
this is no reason why, possessing power, we hands of domestick foes, to accomplish our de-
should suffer ourselves to be oppressed, im- struction, in the full presumption that negroes
poverished, weakened, brow-beaten, insulted, and plantations would remain, when our ships
and trodden under foo lest we possibly should disappear, and our sailors be driven
might abuse it. The ear history of our repub-from the ocean. It could not but be anticipa-
lick shows that we are not prone to tyrannize.
We lavished both our blood and our treasure
freely to secure a general independence,
which we freely shared with the south. When
the federal constitution was formed, though
political equality was the order of the day, we
acceded to a gross violation of this great prin-
ciple, by giving the slaveholder political rights,
from his property, which were not claimed for
ourselves. While the federal administration
was such as we wished, it was never pretend-
ed that it was directed against southern inter-
ests. Yet we grew rich and strong. The
face of the country displayed to the sickly na-
bob of the south, flying from the diseases of
his climate, our enviable prosperity. Our
laws, our reviews and official returns of militia
showed our military strength ;-and the little,
half-way war, we carried on against France,
disclosed a hateful fact, that the naval force of
the Union launched forth, spontaneously and
almost exclusively, from the bays and rivers of
the north!

Soon after this, by intrigue, by imposture, by corruption, and deceitful promises, a revolution was effected in our national politicks, in which Virginia took the lead. I might now pursue the course of the administration, step by step, and detect in every prominent measure, the existence and the fruits of that jealousy, which our power and prosperity had excited; but I must confine myself to a very partial sketch.

Those doctrines were decried, which had so wonderfully promoted our advancement in wealth. The statesmen who had supported these doctrines were calumniated; wherever it was practicabie, dismissed from office, and

ted too, that, long before this day, every hated
vestige of a navy would have been annihilated
by the enemy, and thus the most vexing and
mortifying evidence of the superiority of our
maritime resources be obliterated. Is there
any one who doubts that the destruction of our
navy was one object of this war? and that
thus a powerful argument would be furnished,
against ever attempting another?-Let him
review the invectives of our southern rulers
against a naval establishment-let him remem-
ber their predictions of the certain consequen-
ces of a war with Great Britain-let him re-
flect on the strong probability, that, before
this, every frigate would in fact have been
taken-and judge with what expectations they
were exposed to contend with a hundred sail
of the line! Do they repine at Decatur's situa-
tion, with his squadron ? No-within two
years, it will be thrown in our teeth, as
proof positive that a navy is nonsense.

Had I room, it would not now be necessary
to describe the pernicious effects which the
whole series of publick measures have produ-
ced, on this section of the country, ever since
Mr. Jefferson felt strong enough in party sup-
port, to commence his deep-laid system of at-
tack. Distress elicits the powers of the mind:
even the unlettered peasant is now eloquent, in
proclaiming the wretched changes, which he
both witnesses and feels. Thousands, exas-
perated by our sufferings, and sick of protract-
ed oppression, let it be honestly confessed,
want but the daring spirit of some respectable
chieftain, to lead them to redress and emanci-
pation; they would hail a separation of the
states as the harbinger of freedom and pros-
perity. But a still more universal sentiment,


a sentiment avowed by even the most timid federalist, is that, if our rulers do not abandon their persecution of the commercial portion of the country, "it will certainly lead to a separation."

Such are the natural resources and advantages of the north, so enterprising and persevering are the habits of our citizens, they would rise again from the calamities to which they have been exposed, if suffered to pursue their occupations in peace, and liberated from the chains imposed by our own government. Can we then expect exemption from embarrassments? Will not the same disposition, which has ruined our commerce, loaded us with taxes, plunged us in war, filled every town and city with minions and dependants, still seek means of annoyance, to humble, impoverish and degrade us? If a total, sudden, miraculous revolution in the moral world is probable, such an event is probable. If not, we shall still, in war and peace, be the victims of southern persecutions. The tendency here, will be continually to rise-the disposition there, continually to keep us down.

Then why not separate? Let me retort the interrogation. WHY SEPARATE? Washington, and statesmen without number, down to Mr Dexter, have clearly demonstrated, that the respective portions of our country are admirably adapted for connexion, intercourse, and a common government. Geographical knowledge, statistical observation, and experience, confirm the opinion. Once more examine our respective strength and resources; not the votes in congress; but the comparative superiority of our military, naval, and pecuniary strength. The southern states will never agree to a separation. Were we ever to withdraw, it would be termed rebellion, and we could not maintain our secession, but by defeating that power, calling itself government, which would attempt to control us. If we are ever sufficiently united to separate, we must be united too to conquer. If we are strong enough to throw off the yoke, we are strong enough to COMMAND in our turn. The experience we have had of southern sway appears to me to reduce it to a moral certainty that henceforth, the northern section must serve or govern, and it is full time we view these alternatives, as exclusively our destiny, and prepare deliberately for our choice. A material change in the federal constitution might restore the government to its national character, but to this the south will never consent, until compelled by fear. We can therefore expect no redress, until we are ready, united, and determined to secure our rights, to whatever point the necessary measures may extend.

I respect tender nerves, and cannot close this paper without desiring it may be recollected,-I do not say now is the time for decisive steps-I do not presume to determine when the time will come. Publick suffering, publick exasperation will determine that L'eau qui remplit un vase ne se répand point encore: il faut une goutte de trop. water which fills a vase does not yet overflowthere must be one drop too much."



But let us never talk of separating-an event not in itself desirable, and one at which

we cannot stop. I only say, when we can effect a separation, we can control the Union and reestablish justice.



EUROPEAN. By an arrival at New York, accounts are received from Paris to the 2d of March; so much later than former advices, and so imperfect in themselves, it is impossible to acquire a clear view of the successive movements and positions of the contending armies. The French and allied forces appear both to have been active, and with various success. On the 3d of Feb. the Emperour was at Lesmont, with his army, above 90 miles from Paris-on the 9th he left Nogent, 50 miles from Paris, the allies having advanced detachments to Ferte and Meaux, within about 20 miles of the capital. The allies attacked Nogent on the 11th and 19th but without success, sustaining a loss of 2000 men. On the 16th, Bonaparte's head quarters Guignes. On the 17th he again advanced, and after a severe conflict with Pahlen and Wittgenstein, repelled them to Nogent, taking, according to his account, 6000 prisoners and 10,000 muskets. The same day, the French general Chuteau was repulsed by the Austrian general Bianchi, but was joined by the Emperour, in the afternoon, when the fight was renewed, and the Austrians unsuccessful, leaving 4,000 killed and six thousand prisoners.



Here the French details end; but on the 26th the Emperor's head quarters were at Troyes, and his army principally at different posts, in his vicinity, within and near the department of Aube. Where the allies were then stationed cannot be ascertained, but there is no evidence of a general retreat. On the contrary, it seems the allies are pressing close upon his right and left, nearer to Paris than Troyes both on the north and south, and there remained, on the first of March. We do not anticipate what some apprehend, a total change of the scene. How far it was politick to reduce the Emperour to desperation, is for the allies to determine. They must have expected an effort to the utmost of his power he is making it but no fact yet ascertained warrants a confidence in his eventual success.

Another arrival at New York, brings Bordeaux papers to the 8th of March. Nothing further from the armies in the centre-but it

is stated that Marshal Suchet had arrived at Lyons, with his army, from Spain!! that Murat, king of Naples, had been unsuccessful in an attack upon the Vice Roy of Italy; that Lord Wellington was within 9 leagues of Bordeaux with a very large force ;-that the city was in the greatest confusion, the inhabitants removing their property to places of safety-that Suchet and Soult would endeavour to effect a junction, to attack the English army. (If so, Lyons would be 150 miles out of his way to Bordeaux, from the east end of the Pyrennees, where he must have entered France!)

have been received to the 1st of March. In American foreign affairs. London papers consequence of the despatches arrived in England by the Bramble, the expedition preparing for this country was suspended. Merchants, in London, expected a peace between that government and the United States would soon be effected at Gottenburgh.

DOMESTICK. The restrictive system, so long the policy and dependence of the administration is at length abandoned! On the 14th

inst. the President of the United States signed their vexatious practices. Pope CLEMENT an act, by which, the "act laying an embargo VII wished to give them a permanent estabon all ships and vessels, in the ports and har-Jishment in Portugal, as they had already in bours of the United States," passed on the 17th Arragon and Castile. But difficulties arose of December last, is repealed; likewise all between the courts of Rome and Lisbon; the such portions of previous acts, as prohibit the minds of the parties became soured, in conimportation of goods, wares, or merchandize, of sequence of which the inquisition suffered, and the growth, produce, or manufacture of Great failed of being completely organized. Britain or Ireland, or of any of the colonies or dependencies thereof, or of any place or onIn 1539, there appeared at Lisbon a legate the Pope, who had come, as he said, to fix try, in the actual possession of Great B the Holy Inquisition on an immoveable founand so much of any act or acts, as prohibits lation He brought to King John III. letters importation into the United States or the terri- from Pope PAUL III; and had other letters tories thereof, in neutral ships or vessels, from from Rome, addressed to the principal officers any port or place situated in Great Britain or of the court. His patent, as legate, was duly Ireland, or in any of the colonies or dependen-signed and sealed; and he produced the most cies of Great Britain. ample powers, authorizing him to create a grand inquisitor and all the judges of the Holy Office. This, however, was no other than an impostor, by the name of SAVEDRA, qualified to counterfeit every species of writing, to forge and apply false seals of any description. He had served his apprenticeship at Rome, and had perfected himself in the art, at Seville, from which he now came, attended by two other accomplished cheats. His retinue was magnificent; it was composed of more than a hundred and twenty domesticks. To meet such an enormous expense, he and his two accomplices had borrowed immense sums at Seville, in the name of the apostolick chamber of Rome; every thing was concerted with the most dazzling artifice.

Congress, it is presumed, rose on Monday last. We know of no important measure, adopted at the close of the session, but the above, undoing their own work, at their assembling.

The British profess that the recent destruction of vessels, at Saybrook in Connecticut, was to check attempts to destroy their vessels by torpedoes-by shewing what would be in their power, if such a new species of war were persisted in. It appears that several unsuccessful torpedo experiments had been made. Our journals contain the British official statement of the repulse of General Wilkinson and his army, at La Cole Mill blockhouse. Their whole loss in rank and file amounted to

but 10 killed and 42 wounded!

General Jackson has had another serious engagement with the Indians, in the south west, of whom report says 557 are killed, and that the survivors and the neighbouring tribes are suing for peace. Our loss 20 killed-70 to 100 wounded.

The British are cruising again in lake Champlain, where we have no force prepared to meet them. At the last accounts they were steering towards Vergennes.

Governour Chittenden has ordered out a considerable body of the Vermont militia to act in concert with General Wilkinson.

Admiral Cochran may now be daily expect ed in the Chesapeake, where there is already a formidable naval force, stated at 13 sail. The impression is, that a more active warfare than was prosecuted by Admiral Warren, will soon commence. An attack on Baltimore is again apprehended.

A number of British ships of war are cruising in our bay, between Cape Cod and Portland-frequently seen from the intermediate





THE INQUISITION. nal, the Inquisition, is a subject of general exWHILE the destruction of that horrid tribuultation, it may be interesting to such of our readers as are unacquainted with the circumthis infamous court stance, to know in what a singular manner,

The king of Portugal was at first astonished, that the Pope saould send him a legate, a latere, without previously informing him of his intention.

that in a case so urgent as the permanent es The legate haughtily answered, tablishment of the inquisition, his Holiness could submit to no delays; and that the king courier who brought him the news was a lewas sufficiently honoured, in that the first gate of the holy father. The king durst not reply. The legate, on that very day appointed a grand inquisitor, sent every where to collect tithes, and before the court could obtain answers from Rome, he had caused two hundred persons to be burnt, and collected more than two hundred thousand crowns.

But the marquis de Villanova, a Spanish nobleman, of whom the legate, when at Seville, had borrowed a considerable sum, on forged notes, thought proper to demand payment at his hands, in preference to waiting upon the impostor at Lisbon, against whom the obligation was drawn. The legate was then making his circuit on the frontiers of Spain. tered it with fifty armed men, seized the marquis, and conducted him to Madrid.

He en

The imposition was soon discovered at Lisbon; the council of Madrid condemned the legate Savedra to be whipped and confined for ten years in the galleys, but what is most amusing [if such iniquity can be called amusing] is, that Pope Paul IV. afterwards sanctioned the whole conduct of the villain. He rectified all the little irregularities of the proceedings, by the plenitude of his divine pow er, and rendered that sacred, which had originated in the most abominable of human atroc

was established, which held a considerable part of Europe in terrour ed from Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary, a signal proof of providential care. three hundred years. This account is extract-ities. Thus the Inquisition became settled at Lisbon, and the whole kingdom admired it as and as he asserts, is supported by the testimony of five distinct historians.

"Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal. "For some time Pope BONIFACE IX. about the beginning of the fifteenth century had delegated preaching friars, who went from town to town, in Portugal, burning hereticks, mahometans, and Jews. They were itinerants, and even kings had sometimes complained of

As to what remains of the history of this tribunal's proceedings, it is well known how blind reason of all the other tribunals of the opposite they were to the false equity and world. Individuals were imprisoned, on the simple accusation of the most infamous charwife her husband; the accusers and accused acters: a son could denounce his father, a were never confronted; and property was con

fiscated, to the benefit of the judges. It is thus the inquisition has been conducted to the present day; and in one sense, it seems indeed to be of divine appointment, or how would mankind ever have patiently submitted to such a yoke!"

Is there not a striking resemblance between the character of the great Grecian and English moralists, Aristotle and Dr. Johnson? Aristotle was deformed in person-but so strong was his intellect that he became the delight of the great. He was of a very positive, dictatorial disposition, so that Lord Bacon observes ❝he wished to establish the same dominion over men's minds, as his pupil over nations." He possessed a remarkable versatility of talent. In rebuking folly he was harsh and severe-The following instances, related by Plutarch, would have made a figure in Boswell's life of Johnson.

Aristotle was addressed by a coxcomb, who interlarded his shallow remarks with a frequent appeal to the Stagirite, "Is not that fine? Is not that wonderful?" Unable to contain himself any longer, he replied, "No, Sir, not in the least; but it is wonderful that a man, who has legs, should stay so long to hear thy nonsense. To another tedious impertinent, who closed a long detail with "Have I not deafened you, Philosopher, with this long story?" "Not at all, friend," replied Aristotle, "I have not listened a moment to what you have been saying."


SOME of Mr. Madison's appointments bring to my mind the following anecdote.

King Henry VIII., being one day surrounded by a numerous train of nobility and prelates, Sir David Lindsay approached him with due reverence, and began to prefer a humble petition that he would instal him in an office that “I have," said he, "servit was then vacant. your Grace lang, and luik to be rewardit as others are; and now your maister taylor, at the pleasure of God, is departit; wherefore I would desire of your Grace to bestow this little benefite upon me." The king replied, that he was amazed at such a request from a man "Sir," rewho could neither shape nor sew. joined the poet, "that maks nae matter; for you have given bishopricks and benefices to many standing here about you, and yet they can nouther teach nor preach; and why may not I as weel be your taylor, thocht I can nouther shape nor sew; seeing teaching and preaching are nae less requisite to their vocation, than shaping and sewing to ane taylor."


As it is impossible that every man should have industry or activity sufficient to avail himself of the advantages of education, it is natural that men who are ignorant themselves, should view, with some degree of jealousy and alarm, any proposal for improving the education of women. But such men may depend upon it, however the system of female education may be exalted, that there will never be wanting a due proportion of failures; and that after parents, guardians, and preceptors have done all in their power to make every body wise, there will still be a plentiful supply of women who have taken special care to remain otherwise; and they may rest assured, if the utter extinction of ignorance and folly is the evil they dread, that their interests will always be effectually protected, in spite of every exertion to the contrary.

We must in candour allow, that those women who begin, will have something more to


There is a

overcome, than may probably hereafter be the
We cannot deny the jealousy which
exists among pompous and foolish men, re-
specting the education of women.
class of pedants, who would be cut short in the
estimation of the world a whole cubit, if it
were generally known that a young lady of
eighteen could be taught to decline the tenses
of the middle voice, or acquaint herself with
the Eolick varieties of that celebrated language.
Then women have, of course, all ignorant
men for enemies to their instruction, who be-
ing bound (as they think,) in point of sex, to
know more, are not well pleased, in point of
fact, to know less. But, among men of sense
and liberal politeness, a woman, who has suc-
cessfully cultivated her mind, without dimin-
ishing the gentleness and propriety of her
manners, is always sure to meet with a respect
and attention bordering upon enthusiasm.
and perma-

There is in either sex a strong
nent disposition to appear agreeable to the
other: and this is the fair answer to those
who are fond of supposing, that an higher de-
gree of knowledge would make women rather
the rivals, than the companions of men.
supposing such a desire to please, it seems
much more probable, that a common pursuit

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Now as 159.57 is to the semidiameter of a son's portion, so is 1+ to 1, by a theorem in geometry; here putting for the second term in this proportion, its value will be 74.055 therefore each son will have 107 acres, 109 rods, and 46 square feet and; the centre of each son's ground is distant from the centre of the father's ground 85 rods and 8 feet, and is distant from the centre of any of the other

sons 148 rods and 1 feet.


SAY a section of the globe, for instance one quarter, were water to the centre, would a mass of gold, dropped upon the surface, sink to the centre, or remain suspended somewhere between ?

The gentleman who communicated this Quere was of opinion that the gold would remain suspended, far short of the centre, but he not having given any principle on which he founded his opinion, I insert a contrary one, offered by a mariner, with his reply to probobjections.

"I think the gold would go to the centre ; for though the attraction downwards diminishes constantly, below the surface, owing to the diminution of attracting matter in that direction, and the attraction backwards increases, owing to the increase of matter attracting backwards, as the gold sinks, yet as the water, around the gold, wherever it may be, will be acted upon, in the same manner, their relative gravities must remain the same; of course the gold will continue to descend to the centre, where the attraction, in every possible direction will be neutralized by an equal, opposite power.

should be a fresh source of interest, than a
cause of contention. Indeed, to suppose that
any mode of education can create a general
jealousy and rivalry between the sexes, is so
very ridiculous, that it requires only to be sta-
ted in order to be refuted. The same desire
of pleasing, secures all that delicacy and re-
serve which are of such inestimable value to
women. We are quite astonished, in hearing
men converse on such subjects, to find them
attributing such beautiful effects to ignorance.
It would appear, from the tenor of such objec-
tions, that ignorance had been the great civil-
izer of the world. Women are delicate and
refined, only because they are ignorant;able
they manage their household, only because
they are ignorant ;-they attend to their chil-
dren, only because they know no better. Now,
we must really confess, we have all our
lives been so ignorant as not to know the
value of ignorance. We have always attribu-
ted the modesty and the refined manners of
women, to their being well taught in moral and
religious duty, to the hazardous situation in
which they are placed,-to that perpetual vigi-
lance which it is their duty to exercise over
thought, word, and action, and to that culti-
vation of the mild virtues, which those who
cultivate the stern and magnanimous virtues
expect at their hands. After all, let it be re-
membered, we are not saying there are no ob-eed
jections to the diffusion of knowledge among
the female sex. We would not hazard such a
proposition respecting any thing; but we are
saying, that, upon the whole, it is the best being one sixth part lighter than water, a dis-
method of employing time; and that there are proportion of it will ascend, if not perfectly
fewer objections to it, than to any other meth-mixed, or rather, uniformly combined."
od. There are, perhaps, 50,000 females in
It is also certain that some logs will float
Great-Britain, who are exempted by circum- down a river, half way between the surface
stances from all necessary labour: but every and bottom: but they are kept down by the
current, which is always strongest at the sur-
human being must do something with their ex-
istence; and the pursuit of knowledge is, up-face; and they will be found to rise, when
on the whole, the most innocent, the most dig- they reach still water. Did any person ever
nified, and the most useful method of filling see one of the glass bubbles fabovementioned
up that idleness, of which there is always so take a position, in clear, simple water, between
large a portion in nations far advanced in civ-
ilization. Let any man reflect too, upon the
solitary situation in which women are placed
the ill treatment to which they are sometimes
exposed, and which they must endure in si-
lence, and without the power of complaining,
and he must feel convinced that the happiness
of a woman will be materially increased, in

It is certain that a glass bubble may be plain rum, and of such a specifick gravity, that it will sink, at the surface, and remain suspended in the body of the fluid. But this is not like water, a uniform fluid. The alcohol

the surface and bottom?

It is likewise true, that a common deep-sea lead will not sink, so as to answer the purpose of sounding, if the line be above 30 fathoms. But the friction of the line, in passing through

Is this correct? Do not bodies moving in a stream tend to that part where the current is met rapid ?.

the water may account for that; for it will take four or five men to haul in a lead and line of 40 pounds, at 200 fathoms, and it continues to come easier, as it is drawn to the surface. The contrary would be the case, if the supposed cessation of descent were owing to an assimilation in the gravity of the lead and water, as the former descends.

A SAILOR." I know the signature to be real-feel much obliged to my friend, for his suggestions-and insert his new quere with pleasure, which is the following


IT has been commonly considered, that the vibrations of a pendulum depend on the distance from the point of suspension to the centre of the ball, and that the size of the ball was of no consequence. This is now conceded not to be correct; it being maintained that the length of a pendulum is not the distance from the point of suspension to the centre of the ball, but to a point below it, and further below it, in proportion to the increased size of the ball. What is the reason of this variation? I feel prepared to shew that the mode in which it is accounted for in Rees's Cyclopedia

is incorrect.


"Of all the subjects of panegyrick, which the modern history of religion affords us, the best, in my opinion, is the eulogy of S. Vincent de Paul; a man of great virtue, though possessed of but little renown; the best citizen whom France has had; the Apostle of humanity, who, after having been a shepherd in his childhood, has left in his country establishments of more utility to the unfortunate, than the finest monuments of his sovereign, Louis XIV.

[blocks in formation]

When this great man came to Paris, found-
lings were sold in the street of St. Landry for
twenty sous a piece; and the charge of these
innocent creatures was committed, out of
charity, as was reported, to unfortunate women,
from whom they imbibed disease.
These infants, whom government abandon-
ed to publick compassion, almost all perish-
ed; and such as happened to escape so many
dangers were introduced clandestinely into
opulent families, in order to dispossess the le-
gitimate heirs. This for more than a century,
was a never-failing source of litigation, the
particulars of which are to be found in the
compilation of our old lawyers. Vincent de
Paul at once provided funds for the mainte-
nance of twelve of these children. His charity
was soon extended to the relief of all those
who were left exposed at the doors of the
churches. But that unusual zeal, which al-
ways gives life to a new institution, having
cooled, the resources entirely failed, and fresh
outrages were renewed on humanity.


convoked an extraordinary assembly.
Vincent de Paul was not discouraged. He
caused a number of those wretched infants to
be placed in the church; and forthwith mount-
ing the pulpit, he pronounced, with his eyes
bathed in tears, that discourse, which does as
much honour to his piety as his eloquence, and
which I faithfully transcribe from the history
of his life, drawn by M. Abelly, Bishop of

"Compassion and charity have assuredly
induced you, ladies, to adopt these little crea-
tures for your children. You have been their
mothers by kindness, since their mothers by
nature have forsaken them. See, now, wheth-
er ye also are willing to abandon them. Cease,
may become their judges. Their life and their
for the present, to be their mothers, that ye
death are in your hands. I am going to
It is time to pronounce their sentence, and to
put it to the vote, and to take the suffrages.
know if ye are unwilling to have compassion
any longer upon them. They will live, if ye
continue to take a charitable care of them,
and they will all die if ye abandon them."

He was, successively, a slave at Tunis, preceptor of the Cardinal de Retz, minister of a village, chaplain-general of the galleys, principal of a college, chief of the missions, and joint-commissioner of ecclesiastical benefices. He instituted, in France, the seminaries of the Lazarists, and of the Daughters of Charity, who devote themselves to the consolation of the unfortunate, and who scarcely ever change their condition, although their vows only bind them for a year. He endowed hospitals for foundlings, for orphans, for the insane, for galley-slaves, and for old men. His generous compassion reached all kinds of wretchedness, with which the human species is oppressed, and monuments of his beneficence are to be found throughout all the provinces of the kingdom. When reading his life, we remark, that nothing does more honour to religion, than the history of institutions formed in favour of humanity, when humanity is beholden for them to the ministers of the altar. Whilst kings, armed against each other, ravage the earth already laid waste by other scourges, Vincent de Paul, the son of a husbandman of Gascony, repaired the publick calamities, and distributed more than twenty millions of livres in Champagne, in Picardy, in Lorraine, in Artois, where the inhabitants of whole villages were dying through want, and were afterwards left in the fields without burial, until he under- be one to be little praised and even little The misfortune of S. Vincent de Paul (if it took to defray the expenses of interment. He known) was, not to be celebrated, when he died, discharged, for some time, an office of zeal and in 1661, by that eloquent Bossuet who immorcharity towards the galleys. He saw, one day, talized all his heroes, and who, at the very a wretched galley-slave, who had been con- time, was composing funeral orations for subdemned to three years' confinement for smug-jects less deserving of his genius. But the aling, and who appeared inconsolable on acCount of his wife and children having been left in the greatest distress. Vincent de Paul, sensibly affected with his situation, offered to

exhortation: and the same day, in the same
Sighs were the only answer to this pathetick
church, and at that very time, the Foundling
Hospital at Paris was founded, and endowed
with a revenue of forty thousand livres.

This is the man, who scarcely possesses any
fame in Europe! This is the man, who, ac-
cording to the judgment of his enemies, had
zeal only, without talents! His life was inter-
woven with good works, the benefit of which
we still enjoy.

virtues; and the orator, who shall represent
honour of a publick panegyrick is due to his
him in a point of view worthy of the admira-

tion and gratitude of his fellow-citizens, will
have deserved well of his country."
[Abbe Maury]





[An able critick has justly remarked, that in the fol-
lowing specimen of poetical painting, Mr. Crabbe
has displayed a powerful hand.]

"WHEN all you see, through densest fog is seen;
When you can hear the fishers near at hand
Distinctly speak, yet see not where they stand;
Or sometimes them, and not their boat discern,
Or, half concealed, some figure at the stern;
Boys who on shore to sea the pebble cast,
Will hear it strike against the viewless mast;
While the stern boatman growls his fierce disdain

At whom he knows not, whom he threats in vain.
"Tis pleasant then to view the nets float past,
Net after net, till you have seen the last;

And as you wait till all beyond you slip,
A boat comes gliding from an anchor'd ship,
Breaking the silence with the dipping oar,
And their own tones, as labouring for the shore;
Those measur'd tones which with the scene agree,
And give a sadness to serenity."


AT length, with Ellen, in a grove,
He seemed to walk and speak of love;
She listened with a blush and sigh;
His suit was warm, his hopes were high.
He sought her yielded hand to clasp,
And a cold gauntlet met his grasp :
The phantom's sex was changed and gone,
Upon its head a helmet shone ;
Slowly enlarged to giant size,
With darkened cheek and threatening eyes,
The grisly visage, stern and hoar,
To Ellen still a likeness bore.

HOW sweet the heart's full bliss to pour
To her whose smile must crown the store!


How sweeter still, to tell of woes
To her, whose faithful breast would share
In every grief, in every care,
blessed sigh! There is no sorrow,
Whose sigh can lull them to repose!
But from thy breath can sweetness borrow;
Even to the pale and drooping flower
That fades in love's neglectful hour,
Even with her woes can friendship's power
One happier feeling blend :

'Tis from her restless bed to creep
And sink, like wearied babe to sleep,
On the soft couch her sorrows steep,
The bosom of a friend.


M. R. M.





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Ix speculating on the general course of politicks in the United States, the state of parties is found to have assumed a character so distinct in the north and south, that it is a common practice, adopted by writers, and justified by the course of reasoning on cause and effect, to follow geographical distinctions only. The truth is, that a considerable majority of he northern population is federal, and, of course, at present, a perfect nullity, as to any polit al influence in the affairs of the nation, and free from any responsibility, as to the sufferings we have experienced-a large majority of the southern population is democratick, and govern the United States with uncontrolled sway. All our publick measures are theirs; and all the calamities under which we have long been sinking, resulting from political causes, are to be attributed to their agency. To be continually interlarding our remarks with exceptions, in favour of southern federalists, would be ex

tremely inconvenient to writers, and of no consequence to the general result. They are so decidedly a minority in that section of the republick, that their sentiments and their suffrages are of no effect.

It cannot be supposed that these gentlemen can feel themselves parties concerned in the censures, issued from this quarter, on the men and measures, whom they as well as we unsuccessfully opposing. They must be well convinced that, when we speak of southern politicks, we mean those doctrines, which are supported by a majority in that country, and direct the course of the national administration. That, when we speak of the illiberal, selfish, malicious, destructive views of the south, we do not include our friends.


disgrace is inevitable. They cannot carry on
a successful war; for, though offering induce-
ments to soldiers, which the richest empire in
Europe could not afford for the purpose of
raising armies, they do not and cannot obtain
men faster than they die, desert, or are killed,
on the frontiers of Canada. Despatches from
the army teem with nothing but mutual crim-
ination, among the principal officers, or ridicu-
lous attempts to conceal defeat. Government
is becoming poor in cash, and no less so in
credit. An alarm has spread, lest worthless
paper get into circulation, which compels
banks to proportion their discounts to their
deposits in specie; and this renders it impossi-
ble, were the disposition to lend ever so strong,
for goverment to obtain the sums they re-
quire, or there would be nothing left for local
business. The loans cannot be carried into
effect, and therefore the mighty plans which
have been laid must fail, and soon be wound
up. A passive war, then, in which we may
receive hard blows, but can give none, is all
our rulers have in prospect, unless they make

If they make peace, will they gain a single
point, for which they have pledged themselves,
in this actual disbursement of a hundred mil-
lion of dollars? Let their professed objects
never be forgotten. To make the St. Law-
rence, the Mississippi, the gulf of Mexico,
and the Atlantick the boundaries of the Uni-
ted States-to obtain a concession that our flag
shall protect foreigners-to
I thought
they were to do much more, but I know of
nothing else, for which they now pretend to be
at war.

They will obtain neither of these ; and what
defence will they then make to this abused
country? What apology will they offer to
their deluded and disappointed partizans ?
Will they plead an ignorance, for which they
ought to be scouted from civilized society? or
a baseness of political knavery, which merits
the block? If they could go on with war, I
believe this infatuated country would go with
them in feeling (1 mean enough to keep them
in office) to our total perdition; but their hos-
tile means are exhausted; they are in the last
spasms of impotence; they must make peace,
and happy, happy indeed will be the nation,
if, after all its miseries and losses, its foreign
concerns are left in as good a situation, as
when the quarrel was begun.

It is but justice to the southern federalists, not only to exculpate them from any blame, with regard to our oppression, but to acknowledge a merit exclusively their own. In their correct principles, they think in common with their brethren of the north-but in doing this, they have to resist motives to do otherwise, which do not exist here. They are surrounded and overwhelmed by men who pursue a different course; local circumstances, the very considerations which make the majority hostile to us, address themselves equally to the minority. They are either so much more virOUR GENERALS. tuous than their opponents, as to rise above WHAT a figure the biography of our cotemtemptation, or they are so much wiser, as to see that the sacrifice of the rights and pros-porary generals will make, in the history of perity of New England is, in fact, a serious injury to the whole country. They have given us the aid, in Congress, of splendid talents, firm conduct, and unanswerable argument. They adhere, with honourable perseverance, to the liberal policy of their Washington, whose virtues endeared him to the whole republick, and struck out the path of national prosperity and glory.

THE administration have now involved themselves in such a predicament, that, whether they continue war, or make peace, their

our country! What a disgrace to the annals
of the United States! A few questions must
spread shame and confusion on the face of
every friend of the administration, though
coated with triple brass. What became of
General Hull? He lost an army-gave up
an extensive territory-was at length tried by
a court martial, and we know no more. What
was the career of General Dearborne? As
sailors say, he lay off and on" the frontiers of
Canada, some months, took a watch house-
retired with precipitation was not brought to
a court martial, but ordered by the govern-



ment to go home and get well, when he was not sick. What became of General Hampton? He came from the south with high. promise, blustered awhile in Vermont-could not get at the scene of action-hurried to the south again, post haste, and resigned, not without a liberal share of censure; whether just or not, he left the publick to judge for themselves. And what has become of General Wilkinson, famed in story, through charges of embezzlement, prodigality, treason, and unofficerlike conduct? The commander in chief of the American forces has attacked a mill-been repulsed-entered the remains of his army at Burlington college, and is said to have been recalled from his command! Consuls, Triumvirates, and Cesars can furnish nothing like this.

There are many deserving young men in the list of American officers; but, under such leaders, what could they accomplish! What must have been their mortification!

some method of voting on a question, which WHEREVER human ingenuity can contrive shall neither be Fea nor Nay, then there may be a third political party, and not before. When the question of an Embargo was before congress, the democrats voted in the affirmative the federalists in the negative. Could a thirdfor, or against it? All the great measures. party man possibly have been otherwise than have be equally simple. In a speech, a bring half his arguments on one side, and half man may talk as oddly as he pleases; he may on the other, and prove that he has no clear conceptions on either side.

In a LETTER, a man may censure every body, and exhibit no

principle of his own, or prove his total want Gentlemen, are you in favour of a non-importaof principle; but, when the Speaker says, in favour of a declaration of war? he must say tion act he must say Yea, or Nay-Are you the invasion of Canada? There is but a Yea Yea or Nay-Are you for raising an army for or Nay. Will you double the taxes? Will you add new ones? Will you borrow six millions of dollars? Will you borrow twentyfive millions of dollars? Such are all the points to be decided in Congress, and a third party is absolutely impossible, until there is some act of choice between yes and no.

Oun rulers were very impatient to sit down to the war banquet." We find it was only an artificial, whiskey appetite; they soon surfeited themselves, and will now need a double dose of their tonick to aid their digestion.

FROM the conduct of our Generals, whenever they can get ten rods over the Canada line, which meets the approbation of government in proportion as it is outrageous, we may well imagine what would be done, if we had ten sail of the line on an English coast, and not a vessel to oppose us. When we read the incessant abuse circulated in democratick papers about British barbarity--and British devastation, let us in justice reflect on this.-that, while we are attending to our business securely on a coast

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