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Students at Large who do not offer all the subjects necessary to make up a complete matriculation group according to present requirements for admission will be under the necessity of completing a group after entering the University, provided they wish to become candidates for a degree.


The University has no "special courses''; all courses are organized for regular students--that is, students who have had the equivalent of a good high school education and have been fully matriculated. Special Students are admitted to such parts of the regular work as they may be found capable of undertaking.

The applicant for admission as a special student is required to pass such examinations as the officers in charge of the studies intended may deem requisite to establish his ability and fitness. Applicants for this status must be at least twenty-one years of age. Applicants will not usually be admitted directly from the secondary schools to the status of special student.

Special students intending to take courses in the department of English will be expected to pass the regular matriculation examinations in subjects 1 and 14 at the usual time and place. Reasonable substitutions for the particular masterpieces prescribed will be allowed, but these should be arranged in advance.

In general, admission to the University as a special student can be arranged only by personal conference with the members of the Committee on Special Students and the instructors concerned; such admission usually cannot be arranged by correspondence. It will be of advantage to the intending applicant for special status if he will communicate with the University authorities several months, or longer, in advance of his proposed entrance, in order that he may prepare for such examinations as for him may be advisable.

The administration of special students is in the hands of the Committee on Special Students. Each applicant for admission to special status is assigned to a member of the committee, who will act as the applicant's advisor and will supervise his studies in case he is admitted to the Uni versity. On Registration Day, at the beginning of every half-year, every special student must submit to his advisor his choice of studies for the half-year ensuing.

For a Limited Course. The requirements for admission to a limited course are the same as for admission to a regular course.


A. Oral and Written Expression. Training in this subject enters into the proper treatment of all topics of study taken up in the school course, and extends to speaking and oral reading as well as to writing. Its aim is to secure to the student the ability to use his mother-tongue correctly, clearly, and pertinently on all lines upon which his thought is exercised.* An examination in this subject will hereafter be required of all candidates for junior standing in the University. The examination will not be required before entrance.

1. English. (6 units.) The examination will presuppose thorough acquaintance with the following works, together with the practical knowledge of grammar and the fundamental principles of poetry and prose implied in such acquaintance: (1) The Lady of the Lake; (2) Ivanhoe or the Alhambra; (3) the best Ballads, Heroic Lays, and Poems of Nationality,-in all about 1,500 lines; (4) Classical and Teutonic Mythology (as indicated in the next paragraph); (5) the following poems: The Deserted Village, The Cotter's Saturday Night, Tam O'Shanter, The Ancient Mariner, The Prisoner of Chillon (or Selections from Childe Harold). Horatius, Snow-bound; (6) The Merchant of Venice; (7) Julius Caesar (8) Essays and Addresses: Emerson's The Fortunes of the Republic, The American Scholar; Lowell's Democracy, Lincoln (two for study; one for reading).‡

While the examination at the University will be upon the subjects as stated above, accredited schools may avail themselves of the following list of substitutions: for (1), The Lay of the Last Minstrel; for (2), any one of these: Scott's Quentin Durward, Kenilworth, Woodstock, Rob Roy, Tales of a Grandfather, Irving's Sketch-book, his Tales of a Traveler, Hawthorne's House of the Seven Gables, Tom Brown at Rugby, Gulliver's Travels, Don Quixote; for (3), an equivalent amount of purely literary selections from the Bible (e.g., Genesis, Exodus, Ruth, Esther), or The Pilgrim's Progress; for (4), (a) Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art, Part I (Revised Edition), or the equivalent in any standard textbook; or (b) Classic Myths (one-half) i.e., approximately the material of chapters I-XX and XXIX, or equivalent from any standard authority,— and Epic Selections (one-half), viz., the Iliad in translation, books I, VI,

*See English in the Secondary Schools, pp. 20-33 (University Press, Berkeley, 1906). for suggestions to teachers and pupils regarding the discipline involved.

For the sequence, purpose, and method of these studies, the teacher is referred to the University of California pamphlet, English in the Secondary Schools (University Press, Berkeley, 1906), where a full discussion of the subject will be found, together with the necessary bibliography and additional lists of reading.

Items marked "for reading" are not for class-recitation, but for perusal outside of school with reports or discussions in class once a week or fortnight. The examination upon such items will not presuppose acquaintance with minute details. Whatever credit the pupil may acquire by his answers will be applied to offset deficiencies in other respects, or still further to improve his standing.

XXII, and XXIV, or the Odyssey in translation, the Episode of Ulysses among the Phaeacians, or any other four books; or (c) the whole of the Iliad or the Odyssey in translation, and a familiarity with the characteristics and stories of the more important gods and heroes of Greek and Teutonic (Norse and Old German) Mythology;* for (5), short poems of similar scope and character; for (6), As You Like It, Midsummer Night's Dream, Twelfth Night, The Tempest; for (8), an equivalent amount in the best prose explanatory of American ideals of citizenship, such as: Wash. ington's Inaugural of 1789; Jefferson's of 1801; Everett on Franklin, Washington, The Pilgrim Fathers; Choate on American Nationality, Daniel Webster; Summer on The Scholar; Curtis on The Puritan Spirit, The Public Duty of Educated Men; Bryce on The Strength of American Democracy (American Commonwealth, chapter XCIX).

2. Plane Geometry. (3 units.) The usual theorems and constructions of elementary plane geometry, including the general properties of regular polygons, their construction, perimeters and areas, and the different methods for determining the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. The solution of original exercises, including problems in loci and applications to mensuration.

3. Elementary Algebra. (3 units.) Algebraic practice, namely, the fundamental laws of algebra, including the fundamental laws of exponents for positive and negative integers, synthetic division, the various methods of factoring, with applications to the reduction of fractions and to the solution of equations (especially quadratic equations), simultaneous equations of first degree with problems involving their solution, variables and functions, especially linear functions. An important aim in this requirement should be to acquaint the pupil with the notion of functionality, mainly through the early and continuous use of graphical methods.

4a'. Algebraic Theory, Part I. (1 units.) Determinants of the second and third order with their applications to the solution of linear systems of equations; synthetic division; the remainder and factor theorems; quadratic equations, both single and simultaneous (graphical as well as algebraical treatment); graphical solution of equations of higher degree than the second; fractional and negative exponents, surds, ratio and proportion; variation.

4a2. Algebraic Theory, Part II. (1 units.) The progressions and other simple series; elementary theory of logarithms, with practice in computation; complex quantities (graphical as well as algebraical treatment);

Such familiarity may be acquired either from systematic study of a text-book in connection with the epic chosen, or from such study in connection with the interpre tation of the masterpieces of literature prescribed for the rest of the course, English 1 and 14. For information regarding the purpose and method of this study, see the University of California pamphlet, English in the Secondary Schools, pp. 14, 15, 35-39,

theory of quadratic equations; mathematical induction; the binomial theorem, at least for positive integral exponents.

4b. Intermediate Mathematics. Solid Geometry. (11⁄2 units.) Supplementary studies in plane geometry and the fundamental propositions of solid and spherical geometry, with problems in demonstration and in the mensuration of surfaces and solids. The ability to apply geometry to practical problems is important in this requirement.

5. History and Government of the United States. (3 units.) A knowledge of the outline of American history, and of the nature of Federal, State, and local government. The following text-books in history indicate the amount of study and knowledge expected: Channing's Students' History of the United States, McLaughlin's History of the American Nation, Adams and Trent, History of the United States, or Hart's Essentials in American History, and in government, Hinsdale's American Government, Ashley's American Government, or Bryce's American Commonwealth (1-volume edition).*

Latin. In the matriculation examinations special stress will be laid on the student's ability to deal with passages of Latin previously unseen. Every examination on prescribed reading will contain one or more passages for translation at sight; and the candidate must deal satisfactorily with both these parts of a paper, or he will not be given credit for either part. The examinations in Latin composition will presuppose a knowledge of words, constructions, and range of ideas such as are common in the reading of the year, or years, covered by the particular examination.

6ab1. Elementary Latin. (3 units.) So much of subjects 6a and 6b as may be done in accredited schools in one year at the rate of five periods per week. No regular examination will be given in this subject, and no Latin work in the University will be open to students who present it for matriculation.

6a. Elementary Latin; Caesar, Nepos. (3 units.) This subject represents four periods a week during two years. It includes the mastery of inflections and of the simpler principles of syntax, the acquisition of a working vocabulary of from one to two thousand words, and, above all, the power to understand, from the printed page and at hearing, simple prose narrative, and to translate the same into idiomatic English. The basis of this work must equal in amount Caesar's Gallic War, books I-IV; but in making up this total, selections may be included from other books of the Gallic War, or from the Civil War, or from the Lives of Cornelius Nepos, or from the works of other prose authors. The passages set for examination may, or may not, be taken from Caesar.

The mention of any book does not mean that the University or the department of history recommends it.

6b. Latin Composition, Elementary. (3 units.) This subject represents one period a week, or its equivalent, during two years, the work of the first year being taken from the first lesson book. It includes the writing in Latin of detached and connected English sentences, and it should constitute the chief means of teaching Latin forms and syntax.

7a, 7b. Advanced Latin: Cicero, Sallust (2 units); Virgil, Ovid (2 units). This subject represents four periods a week during two years. It includes the continuation of the requirements outlined under 6a, with the addition of the study of versification. The emphasis in these two years should be laid upon the development of the students' power to understand Latin prose and poetry in the original, and upon the thought of the authors read, rather than upon the syntax, except in so far as the syntax is suggested by the interpretation of the thought. Considerable attention should be given to the matter of historical and literary allusions.

The basis of the work in subject 7a must equal in amount six orations of Cicero; but in this total may be included selections from Cicero's letters, or from Sallust (Catiline and Jugurthine War), or from other prose work of equal difficulty. The basis of the work in subject 7b must equal in amount Virgil's Aeneid, Books i-vi; but selections may be included from the Bucolics and Georgics, or from Ovid (Metamorphoses, Fasti, Tristia), or from other poetry of equal difficulty. The examination in subject 7a will include questions on the Manilian Law and Archias; and in subject 7b, on Virgil's Aeneid, Books i and ii, and, at the option of the student, on Books iv or vi.

7c1. Latin Composition, Advanced. (1 unit.) This subject represents one period a week, or its equivalent, for one year, presumably the third of the course. It includes the writing in Latin of connected English sentences. The emphasis should be laid upon the order of words, the simpler features of sentence structure, and the means of connecting sentences in paragraphs.

7c2. Latin Composition, Advanced. (1 unit.) This subject represents one period a week, or its equivalent, for one year, presumably the fourth of the course. It may well serve as a means of reviewing Latin forms and syntax, but the prose of Caesar and Cicero should be the standard for reference.

8a. Elementary Greek. (3 units). The requirement represents a year's work in the elements of the language, the reading of simple prose, and abundant easy composition, both oral and written, leading to a sound knowledge of the ordinary inflectional forms and the common rules of syntax, and to a fair vocabulary. There is no regular matriculation examination in 8a apart from 8b.

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