That any person authorized to enter lands under the mining laws of the United States may enter and obtain patent to lands containing petroleum or other mineral oils, and chiefly valuable therefor, under the provisions of the laws relating to placer mineral... Laws, Decisions, and Opinions Applicable to the National Forests - Stran 59avtor: United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of the General Counsel - 1916 - 151 straniCelotni ogled - O knjigi
 | 1925 - 1124 strani
...decisions that Congress passed the Act of February 11, 1897, c. 216, 29 Stat. 526, which declared: 'That any person authorized to enter lands under the...provisions of the laws relating to placer mineral claims' — with a proviso saving petroleum hind theretofore filed upon, claimed or improved as mineral but... | |
 | 1908 - 2280 strani
...a lode mining claim may be lawfully located under this section. In 1897, however, Congress enacted "that any person authorized to enter lands under the...provisions of the laws relating to placer mineral claims" (Act Feb. 11, 1897, c. 216, 29 Stat 526 [US Comp. St. 1901, p. 1434]); and counsel for the plaintiff... | |
 | 1915 - 192 strani
...August 4, 1892, ch. 375, 27 Stat. L. 348.] Entry of building stone lands under placer laws. SECTION 1. Any person authorized to enter lands under the mining laws of the United States may enter lands that are chiefly valuable for building stone under the provisions of the law in relation to placer... | |
 | California. Division of Mines and Geology - 1917 - 126 strani
...building stone lands under placer laws. [Act of August 4, 1892, ch. 375, 27 Stat. L. 348.] SECTION 1. Any person authorized to enter lands under the mining laws of the United States may enter lands that are chiefly valuable for building stone under the provisions of the law in relation to placer... | |
 | 1916 - 204 strani
...building stone lands under placer laws. [Act of August 4, 1892, ch. 375, 27 Stat. L. 348.] SECTION 1. Any person authorized to enter lands under the mining laws of the United States may enter lands that are chiefly valuable for building stone under the provisions of the law in relation to placer... | |
 | United States. Department of the Interior - 1893 - 618 strani
...valuable for building stone under the placer mining laws." The first section of this act provides : That any person authorized to enter lands under the mining laws of the United States, may enter lands that are chiefly valuable for building stone under the provisions of the law in relation to placer... | |
 | United States. General Land Office - 1895 - 296 strani
...Representatives of the United, States of America in Congress assembled, That any person anthorized to enter lands under the mining laws of the United States may enter lands that are chiefly valuable for building stone under the provisions of the law in relation to placer... | |
 | United States. Department of the Interior - 1897 - 660 strani the Senate and Houee of RepretentaHce» of the United State» of America in Congre»» assembled, That any person authorized to enter lands under the...provisions of the laws relating to placer mineral claims: I'roridi-il, That lands containing such petroleum or other mineral oils which have heretofore been... | |
 | United States. Department of the Interior - 1897 - 660 strani
...Congress aetembled, That any person authorized to enter lands mider the mining laws of the I'nited States may enter and obtain patent to lands containing...provisions of the laws relating to placer mineral claims : I'rovided, That lands containing Bitch petroleum or other mineral oils which have heretofore been... | |
 | United States. Department of the Interior - 1897 - 660 strani
...Ileiiresenialiccs of the United Siates of America ia Coni/ress ussembhd, That any person anthorized to enter lands under the mining laws of the United...States may enter and obtain patent to lands containing petrolenm or other mineral oils, andchietly valuable therefor, under the provisions of the laws relating... | |
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