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A course especially adapted to the needs of teachers of Rhetoric

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ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, Ph.D., Professor of History in Harvard University.

H. MORSE STEPHENS, M.A., Professor of History, and Director of University Extension.

WILLIAM S. FERGUSON, Ph.D., Instructor in Greek and Roman History. GARRICK M. BORDEN, M.A., Secretary for University Extension and Staff Lecturer.

1. Elements of the Diplomatic History of the United States.

Professor HART.

A study of the beginnings, development and progress of the diplomatic policy of the United States. The rival claims, settlements, and works of European powers will be discussed; then the diplomacy of the Revolution, Confederation, Napoleonic Period, Ante-Bellum Period, the Civil War, and the Isthmus and Canal questions. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. Observatory.

Professor HART.

2. The Foundation of the Constitution. A narrative course, covering the period from 1776 to 1881.

2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. Observatory.

3. The Great Histories.

Professor STEPHENS.

Examination and criticism of the chief historical works from classical times to the present day. This course is specially planned for those who have attended the previous lectures on "The History of the Writing of History" either in the Summer Session or at University Extension centers. It is intended for teachers and mature students of History, and not for undergraduates. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 2. Observatory.

4. The Italian Renaissance.


A series of lectures on the history, art and literature of the Italian City republics during the period of the Renaissance. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 1. 18 North Hall.

5. Teachers' Course in Ancient History.


This course is offered with two main objects: First, to help teachers in the conduct of classes. To this end instruction will be given in the use of text-books, atlases and books of reference, in the material available for imparting knowledge of ancient life, environment, arts, etc., and in the conduct of classes, the purpose of note books and the study of the courses. Second, to aid teachers in forming an independent opinion upon disputed points. The grounds for divergent views, the main views advocated and the possible solutions will be presented. In addition, a number of lectures will be given on topics such as The Mycenæan Age, The Greek Middle Ages, The Greek Religion, The Post-Alexandrian Period, Augustus and Tiberius, The Decline of the Ancient Culture, etc. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 2. 18 North Hall.


6. Economic History of Greece and Rome.

Capital and

Distribution of land. Industrial development. slave labor. Shifting of trade centers. Trade routes. Communism and Socialism, etc. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 3. 18 North Hall.


LINCOLN HUTCHINSON, M.A., Instructor in Commercial Geography. SIMON LITMAN, Dr. Jur., Instructor in Commercial Practice.

1. The Principles of Commercial Geography.


An introduction to the study of Geography in its relation to economic development. Examination of the factors which contribute to the importance of the leading commercial nations as producers and consumers of commodities. Sources of supply of the principal articles of international trade. The great international trade routes and their economic importance. 2 units.

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2. Industrial and Commercial History of the United States.


Examination of the stages of economic growth in the United States. Commercial policies which have prevailed at various periods. Causes which have brought us to our present position in the commercial world. Important problems now confronting us as a nation. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 17 North Hall.

3. Modern Industries.


A descriptive survey of the growth, location, processes and present condition of some leading industries of the modern world. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 3. 16 North Hall.


HENRY W. PRESCOTT, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin. 1. The Odyssey of Homer.


Rapid reading of portions of the Odyssey, with lectures on the life of the Homeric age, the transmission of the Homeric poems, and the significant features of the Greek epic. Methods of teaching Greek in secondary schools will be discussed if the members of the course desire it. Provision will also be made for those who, knowing no Greek, wish to study, under direction, the Greek epic in translation; in such cases no credit in Greek will be given for the course. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 8. 8 North Hall.

2. Selected Idylls of Theocritus.


The bucolic idylls will be read with some attention to their place in the history of bucolic poetry, and to Theocritus's influence upon Virgil; the mimes will be considered as reflections of the life of the time. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 8 North Hall.


CHARLES E. BENNETT, A.B., Professor of Latin in Cornell University. LEON J. RICHARDSON, A.B., Assistant Professor of Latin.

1. The Teaching of Latin.

Professor BENNETT.

(a) Pronunciation: evidences in support of the Roman method; sources of knowledge; the testimony of the Roman grammarians; evidence from philological investigation.

(b) Hidden quantity.

(c) Orthography: What should be the standard in spelling Latin? (d) Syntax of the Subjunctive: the subjunctive in independent sentences: origin of the different varieties of the subjunctive appearing in subordinate clauses; development of the thesis that all subordinate uses of the subjunctive are an outgrowth of originally independent sentences.

(e) Syntax of the cases; the fundamental force of the several cases; explanation of their different uses.

(f) The reading of Latin poetry.

(g) Discussion of the purposes and methods of the preparatory study of Latin. Why is Latin valuable to the secondary student? Elementary work. What authors should be read first? Reading at sight; unseen translation; how to teach Latin Composition. Lectures and practical exercises. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 8 North Hall.

2. Roman Antiquities.

Lectures on:

Professor BENNETT.

(a) The topography and chief archæological remains of the city of Rome.

(b) Private antiquities; the Roman family and its organization; slaves; marriage and the status of women; education; sports; the Roman house and its furniture; food; dress; baths and aqueducts; books and publications: the Circus and the Amphitheatre; death and burial; belief in the future life.

(c) Political antiquities: the Roman State; assemblies; magistrates; the Senate; etc. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 8 North Hall.

3. The Fasti of Ovid.

Assistant Professor RICHARDSON. Also lectures on the Science of Classical Latin Verse. Ovid's poem will be studied with special reference to Roman religion and folk-lore. G. H. Hallam's edition will be used. 1 unit. Tu Th F, 3. 8 North Hall.


GEORGE R. CARPENTER, A.B., Professor of Rhetoric and English Composition in Columbia University.

ROBERT HERRICK, A.B., Associate Professor of Rhetoric in the University of Chicago.

CHAUNCEY W. WELLS, A. B., Assistant Professor of English Composition.

The courses announced below are of three kinds: Courses 1 and 2 are for all students of every department who wish to practice simple composition; Courses 3 and 4 are purely literary courses, and are likewise unrestricted in membership; Courses 5 and 6 are for those who teach, or who wish to prepare to teach, rhetoric and composition in the secondary schools.

1. Essays in the Prose Forms.

Assistant Professor WELLS.

Weekly or semi-weekly essays of about six hundred words each in the three forms in turn: simple narration, description, exposition. Regular weekly appointments for criticism; lectures and discussions; analysis of standard prose specimens. Text-book, Brewster's "Studies in Structure and Style." 1 unit.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 15 North Hall.

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