3. Selected Topics in Electricity and Light. Assistant Professor RAYMOND. Four lectures a week with experimental illustration. This course is designed primarily for teachers of Physics. It will present numerous experiments which may be performed with simple appliances, and in addition topics connected with the more recent development of the subject will be discussed, also with experimental illustration. Many of these topics are not as yet fully treated in the text-books, but are found only in the current journals. Opportunity will thus be given, in connection with this course, to make use of original sources of information. Open to qualified students after consultation with Professor Raymond. Credit may be given at the discretion of the department. M Tu Th F, 10. 13 South Hall. The courses given in the Summer Session of 1902 under the titles Elementary Physics, equivalent to the laboratory exercises of the Freshman course, and Physical Measurement, equivalent to the laboratory course for Sophomores, are not offered this year. The regular University courses of the first and second years are to be re-arranged, beginning with the academic year 1903-1904. The work as now given can not, therefore, be accepted as the equivalent of that to be offered after August, 1903. It will not be possible this year to anticipate any part of the regular Freshman or Sophomore courses. CHEMISTRY. EDWARD BOOTH, Ph.B., Instructor in Chemistry. FREDERICK G. COTTRELL, Ph.D., Instructor in Chemistry. MILTON J. BLACKMAN, Assistant in Chemistry. BENJAMIN R. JACOBS, Assistant in Chemistry. OWEN H. ROBERTSON, Assistant in Chemistry. The chemical laboratories will be open daily except Saturdays, from 8 to 4. The work will be in charge of Dr. COTTRELL and Mr. BOOTH. Students electing courses in Chemistry will be expected to spend most of their time in the laboratory, and, generally, it will be inadvisable to attempt other courses requiring laboratory practice. University credit will not be given for more than one Chemistry course. 1. Elementary Chemistry. Dr. COTTRELL. A general introduction to chemical science, with special reference to the practical applications of chemistry to daily life. The work consists of lectures, recitations, and laboratory practice. The course is intended for beginners, and is equivalent to Matriculation Chemistry 12b. Lectures and recitations, M Tu W Th F, 9. 21 Chemistry Building. 2. Qualitative Analysis. Mr. BOOTH. General principles of qualitative analysis. Laboratory practice, with recitations and lectures. Equivalent to Chemistry 4 in the University Register. Open to students who have credit for Matriculation Chemistry 12b or its equivalent. 2 units. Lectures, M W F, 9. 25 Chemistry Building. 3. Quantitative Analysis. Mr. BOOTH. General principles of quantitative analysis. Laboratory practice, with recitations and lectures. The character of this course will be varied according to the desire of the student. It will be equivalent to Courses 5A or 5B or 6 in the University Register. Open to students who have completed the previous courses, 1 and 2 as above, or their equivalents. 2 units. Lectures, Tu Th, 9. 25 Chemistry Building. 4. Physical and Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. Dr. COTTRELL. Lectures or recitations twice a week, with opportunity for supplementary laboratory practice. While the emphasis will be laid upon the inorganic side, an elementary knowledge of organic chemistry will be presupposed. In general, an attempt will be made to adapt the work as far as possible to individual needs, and qualified students may arrange to devote their whole time to a problem in research. units. Open to students who have completed the previous courses, 1, 2, and 3, or their equivalent. Lectures, Tu Th, 11. 25 Chemistry Building. BOTANY. WINTHROP J. V. OSTERHOUT, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Botany. NATHANIEL L. GARDNER, B.S., Assistant in Botany. The courses in Botany are arranged with special reference to the needs of teachers and students of Nature Study. The fee for the laboratory course (No. 3) will be $5.00. 1. Plant Biology. plants. Assistant Professor OSTERHOUT. A general survey of the structure, activities, and adaptations of M Tu W Th F, 8. 22 South Hall. 2. Plant Morphology. Assistant Professor OSTERHOUT. Lectures on the principal plant groups, with special attention to life histories of selected types. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. 22 South Hall. 3. Elementary Plant Physiology. Mr. GARDNer. A laboratory course in experimental physiology of plants, with special attention to simple apparatus for Nature Study teaching. 2 units. M Tu Th F, 9-12. 2 Botany Building. ZOOLOGY. WILLIAM E. RITTER, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology. CHARLES A. KOFOID, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Histology and Embryology. HARRY B. TORREY, M.S., Instructor in Zoölogy. CALVIN O. ESTERLY, A.B., Assistant in Zoölogy. During the summer of 1903 the marine zoological laboratory will be located at San Diego instead of at San Pedro. While the chief work of the station will be research, a few undergraduate students whose training has been sufficient to enable them to participate with profit to both themselves and the laboratory in the particular problems that will be under investigation will be gladly received. The investigations will pertain primarily to the plankton, and will be both systematic and ecological. The transfer of the laboratory from San Pedro to San Diego this year is made possible by the coöperation of the citizens of San Diego, who provide funds for all the expenses of the season's work. PHYSIOLOGY. FRANK W. BANCROFT, Ph.D., Instructor in Physiology. 1. Human Physiology. Dr. BANCROFT. Lectures on the structure and functions of the human body, together with a consideration of the more important associated facts of general physiology. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 8. 4 East Hall. 2. Physiological Laboratory. Dr. BANCROFT. Experiments of a simple character such as can be demonstrated with profit to classes beginning physiology. 1 unit. Laboratory fee $5.00. Tu Th, 9-12. 4 East Hall. MINERALOGY. CHARLES PALACHE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mineralogy in Harvard University. A laboratory fee of $2.50 is required for Course 1. 1. Determinative Mineralogy. Assistant Professor PALACHE. Practice in determining minerals by their simple physical characteristics such as hardness, cleavage, color, etc. The student will become familiar with many of the common minerals, and will learn how to identify rapidly minerals commonly found in the field. 1 unit. Laboratory. M Tu W Th F, 2-4. 27 South Hall. 2. Descriptive Mineralogy. Assistant Professor PALACHE. The classification, properties, modes of occurrence, and uses of the common mineral species. The crystal-forms of minerals will be discussed in a short introductory course on crystallography. Course 2 can be taken in conjunction with Course 1, or alone, if the student has had the equivalent of Course 1. Both courses presuppose a knowledge of elementary chemistry. 2 units. Lectures. M Tu W Th F, 1. 34 South Hall. CIVIL ENGINEERING. JOHN H. DYE, B.S., Instructor in Civil Engineering. From May 13 to June 11, 1903, the Summer School of Surveying will be engaged in practical work at a camp established at some suitable spot on the coast near Monterey. Work will be carried on, as far as possible, just as it is in actual practice. Theoretical study will be illustrated more fully by continuous field work than it can be during the regular University term. A general survey will be made and so planned that every student may increase his efficiency in methods of topographic, city and mine surveying. All field notes will be completely worked up by the students and represented in maps, computations, etc. Prerequisite: Courses 1A and 1B in Civil Engineering (see page 120 of the Announcement of Courses for 1902-03); prescribed for all students who will complete in May, 1903, the Junior year in the College of Civil Engineering, or the Sophomore year in the College of Mining. There will be no tuition fee for members of regular University sessions. DRAWING. FREDERICK W. H. MEYER, Instructor in Drawing. 1. Instrumental Drawing. Mr. MEYER. Practice in the use of drawing instruments, solving of geometrical problems, construction of conic sections and other mathematical curves, lettering. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9-12. 5 East Hall. 1A. Elementary Free-Hand Drawing. Mr. MEYER. Drawing in pencil from models, embracing the study of light and shade and perspective; with lectures on methods of teaching drawing and the correlation of the subject with other studies. Credit for matriculation subject 16. M Tu W Th F, 9-12. 22 East Hall. |