SUMMER SESSION, 1903. GENERAL STATEMENT. The Summer Session for 1903 will begin Thursday, June 25, and close six weeks later, Wednesday, August 5. There will be no formal entrance examinations. Attendants must be of good moral character, and must be deemed by the Faculty to be of sufficient maturity and intelligence to profit by the exercises of the session. Courses will be offered in the following subjects: Instruction will be given by members of the regular Faculty of the University, and by a number of men from 279840 other universities, among whom will be George Herbert Palmer, Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity in Harvard University; Paul Monroe, Adjunct Professor of the History of Education in Columbia University; Albert Bushnell Hart, Professor of History in Harvard University; Charles Edwin Bennett, Professor of Latin in Cornell University; George Rice Carpenter, Professor of Rhetoric and English Composition in Columbia University; Benjamin Parsons Bourland, Professor of Romance Languages in Adelbert College of Western Reserve University; Robert Herrick, Associate Professor of English, and James Rowland Angell, Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology in the University of Chicago, and Charles Palache, Assistant Professor of Mineralogy in Harvard University. Three lectures each on "Problems of School Practice" will be given by six California school administratorsMr. Thomas J. Kirk, State Superintendent of Public Instruction; Mr. Samuel T. Black, President of the State Normal School at San Diego; Mr. J. P. Greeley, Ex-Superintendent of Schools of Orange County; Mr. James A. Foshay, Superintendent of Schools of Los Angeles; Mr. John W. Linscott, Superintendent of Schools of Santa Cruz County; and Mr. John W. McClymonds, Superintendent of Schools of Oakland. Laboratory Courses. The work in Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Mineralogy will consist of practical laboratory courses, supplemented by lectures on the principles involved. Progress in developing the methods and fixing clearly the aim of such work has been so rapid that the best results have not yet found their way into books. This fact enhances the importance to teachers of the opportunity thus offered. In Physics and Chemistry provision will be made for students and applicants who wish to do experimental work in preparation for university matriculation. Examination and Credit... There will be no general period of final examinations. The matter of examinations for credit will be left in the hands of the instructors. The regular hours for recitation, etc., may be used for such examinations as may be necessary; or instructors may make special appointments with their classes for this purpose. It is intended that University credit shall be given only to attendents who are qualified to do systematic University work. In the absence of formal entrance requirements, the instructor in charge of a given course is to be the judge of the qualifications of candidates for credit. The instructor will enroll as regular students and as candidates for credit only such attendants as present to him, at the outset of the work, satisfactory evidence of preparation for the course to be undertaken. In general, credit will be given at the rate of one unit for fifteen exercises. A course of five lectures weekly during six weeks would have a credit value of two units. Credit may be given in due proportion, for a smaller number of exercises, when these are of more than the usual length (for lectures and recitations, about 53 minutes.) The normal amount of credit obtainable during the session, by a student who devotes his whole time to courses strictly of university grade, is six units. A bachelor's degree represents 120 or more units of credit, distributed according to the requirements of the college in which the degree is conferred. Fees. The tuition fee will be twelve (12) dollars regardless of the number of courses taken. The fee will be required of those who wish to attend as auditors merely, as well as of those who wish to undertake systematic class work and examination. Only registered students of the Summer Session will be admitted to lectures and meetings of classes. The laboratory fee in Physics and in Botany will be $5.00; in Mineralogy, $2.50. In Chemistry there will be a fee of $15.00, of which amount $5.00 will be returned at the end of the course, less the cost of apparatus that is broken or lost. All necessary apparatus and chemicals, with the exception of platinum wire and small weights, will be furnished by the University. Library. Throughout the Summer Session the University Library will be open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The library privileges, including the home use of books, ordinarily accorded to University students, will be extended to students in the summer courses. No additional fee is required. Persons who may desire to pursue independent courses of reading or study, during the Summer Session, without attending any of the regular exercises, may have full library privileges, upon application to the Librarian, and upon payment of $10.00 as a deposit. In every case the deposit, less unpaid fines or charges, is returned at the close of the Session. Registration. To insure adequate arrangements in due season, and to facilitate prompt communication with prospective students in case of change in present plans, all persons who desire to attend any of the courses are urgently requested to notify the Recorder of the Faculties on or before Monday, June 15, using the blank form of application appended to this announcement. All fees must be paid in advance, at the opening of the Summer Session, to the Secretary of the University, at his office in South Hall. Accommodations. Board and lodging may be obtained in Berkeley for from $18.00 to $30.00 per month. The accommodations are ample. |