Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. The Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations publish, jointly, a Student's Handbook, containing a map of the University campus and of the immediate vicinity, a directory of boarding places, a directory of churches, and other items of useful information. The Handbook is distributed free to students in the Summer Session. It will be issued about June 5. The Y.M.C.A. and the Y. W. C. A. will maintain an Information Bureau during the opening days of the Summer Session. Weekly devotional meetings will be conducted by each Association, and Bible Study courses will be offered. Stiles Hall, the Association Building, is open daily from 8 a.m to 10 p.m. From June 18 to July 2, the hours of the General Secretary of the Y.M.C.A., Mr. Ivan B. Rhodes, will be from 10 to 11 a.m. daily. except Saturday and Sunday; of the General Secretary of the Y.W.C.A., Miss Mary I. Bentley, from 10 to 12 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. University Calendar. The University of California Calendar will be issued every Saturday throughout the Summer Session. The Calendar contains announcements of lectures, University Meetings, art or scientific exhibits, meetings of University organizations, etc., and information concerning the Library, museums, art galleries, observatories, and other parts of the University of interest to visitors. It will be mailed to any address for the six weeks of the Summer Session for twenty-five cents. During the college year the subscription price is twenty-five cents per half-year. Communications should be addressed to the University Press, University of California, Berkeley. Reduced Railroad Fares. Reduced rates of one first-class round-trip rate of a fare and a third, on the certificate plan, are offered by the Southern Pacific Company and by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé to all attendants upon the Summer Session from points in California, to attendants from points in Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas west of Albuquerque, Ogden, and El Paso.* Full fare should be paid to Berkeley, and a receipt obtained from the agent from whom the ticket is purchased. Upon the presentation to the Southern Pacific ticket agent in Berkeley, or to the Santa Fé agents at 641 Market Street, San Francisco, or at the Santa Fé ticket office in the San Francisco Ferry Building, of a certificate to be obtained from the Recorder of the Faculties, a ticket to the starting place will be sold at onethird the regular fare. The going-trip ticket can be bought only between June 11 and August 5. The return-trip ticket will not be sold later than forty-eight hours after August 5-the close of the Summer Session-and will be good only for a continuous journey, to be entered upon the day the ticket is bought. It should be remembered that the rate is obtainable only through the sale of the ticket for the return-trip, and that this ticket for the return-trip can be obtained only upon presentation of the certificate issued by the Recorder of the Faculties. The coöperation of all who receive this circular is requested in extending this notice to others who may be interested. *These rates are dependent upon interpretation of the Elkins Act still awaited. THE UNIVERSITY. The University of California (founded in 1860) is by the terms of its charter an integral part of the educational system of the State. At Berkeley are its Colleges of Letters, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Commerce, Agriculture, Mechanics, Mining, Civil Engineering, and Chemistry; at Mount Hamilton is its graduate Astronomical department, founded by James Lick; in San Francisco are its Colleges of Art, Law, Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy. The University's endowment is capitalized at about eleven million dollars; its yearly income is about five hundred thousand dollars; it has received private benefactions to the amount of about four million dollars. The University is indebted to Mrs. Phœbe A. Hearst for permanent building plans, upon a scale appropriate and comprehensive. At Berkeley there are one hundred and seventy officers of instruction distributed among thirtyfour departments; twenty-seven hundred students; a library of over one hundred thousand volumes; an art gallery; museums and laboratories; also the agricultural experiment grounds and station, which are invaluable adjuncts of the farming, orchard, and vineyard interests of the State. In San Francisco, there are one hundred and fifty officers of instruction, besides demonstrators and other assistants, and five hundred and sixty-four students. Tuition in the academic departments of the University, during regular sessions, is free to residents of California; non-residents pay a fee of $10 each half-year. Instruction in all the colleges is open to all qualified persons, without distinction of sex. EQUIPMENT. LIBRARY. The General Library, kept in the Bacon Art and Library Building, now contains over one hundred and five thousand volumes, and has been arranged with a view to making it especially valuable as a reference library. It receives currently a very large number of periodical publications. The Library and Reading-Room of the Department of Agriculture receives the publications of the Experiment Stations of the United States and other counties, as well as pamphlets on agricultural subjects published by various Governments and Commissions. Through the courtesy of editors and publishers, a large number of dailies, weeklies, and monthlies, about one hundred and forty in all, are regularly received and placed on file for the use of students. MUSEUMS AND LABORATORIES. The Psychological Laboratory is well equipped for instruction and for original investigation. Eleven rooms specially designed and constructed for the purpose, on the second and third floors of the Philosophy Building, are set aside for this use. The building itself is isolated, and in its construction great care has been taken to diminish the disturbance from sound. The laboratory includes a demonstration room, well lighted and furnished for class instruction, and thoroughly wired for the electric control of complicated apparatus, as well as for lighting and lantern projections; this and other rooms may be darkened when necessary. There is, besides, a special dark-room, windowless and black throughout, communicating by a guarded aperture with an anteroom for optical instruments used in connection with the darkroom; this dark-room may also be used as a silent-room, being protected by double walls, floors and doors. Besides an apparatus room for storing instruments and materials, and a photographic dark-room, there are five rooms for special experimentation. The laboratory has its own electric station, with a variety of primary and secondary batteries connected with a switch-board, which, besides the battery terminals, voltmeter, ammeter, and rheostat, contains the terminals of from four to eight wires from each room in the laboratory. The rooms may thus be electrically interconnected in any manner desired, and from two to four independent circuits established in each room in connection with the central batteries. The switch-board is also connected with the dynamos of the electrical building of the University, making it possible to use the power circuit in any room. A circuit independent of the switch-board provides light throughout the laboratory. The equipment includes the more important psychological instruments of late pattern from the best makers-a Baltzar kymograph, a triple magnetic recorder, Wundt's new apparatus for the sense of time, Hipp's chronoscope, Wundt's control-hammer, Appunn's overtone apparatus, tonometer, tuning forks, organ pipe, and resonators, Von Frey's sphygmograph, Mosso's plethysmograph, Marey's tambours, Marbe's rotation apparatus, besides many other instruments, together with the necessary subordinate appliances required. There is a good collection of models and casts of the brain and sense-organs, and an assortment of materials for demonstration and experiment, and for the construction, by those working in the laboratory, of the simpler contrivances for special problems. The laboratory has its own shop, with bench and tools for working in wood and metal. The Physical Laboratory occupies several large rooms in East Hall, besides the entire basement floor of South Hall, and thus secures favorable conditions as regards stability and evenness of temperature. There are set apart rooms for elementary and for advanced work, for photometry, for spectroscopic research with a Rowland grating, and for a workshop. The apparatus includes many instruments and standards for fundamental measurements from makers of the best reputation, and the laboratory employs a competent mechanician in order to increase the equipment from original designs. It offers good facilities to students who wish to pursue the study of physics beyond the limits of the prescribed course, whether in connection with other subjects, like electrical engineering, spectroscopy, astro-physics, the practical uses of polarized light, and physical chemistry, or for the sake of physics itself. Such students may make special arrangements for using the laboratory. The Chemical Laboratory is a large and commodious building containing two lecture rooms, seven large laboratories for general use, and numerous smaller ones devoted to special and research work. In the general laboratories work in Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Organic, Inorganic, Technical and Physiological Chemistry is carried on, and special rooms are devoted to Thermo-chemistry, Gas, Water and Oil Analysis, Toxicology, Photographic and Electro-chemistry. A special laboratory for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is now being built and will be available for the Summer Session. Suitable reagent and store rooms adjoin the laboratories, and two large open-air courts allow work with poisonous and noxious gases to be carried on with perfect safety. The chemical museum contains a large collection of chemical products and apparatus. The laboratory is well equipped with ordinary chemicals and apparatus, and is supplied with many special instruments for research. A Botanic Garden (established in 1891) is beginning to be fairly well stocked with plants. About 2000 species are now being grown, two-thirds of which are well established perennial herbs and shrubs. The California species number about 600, and this number is being constantly increased through the donations of friends and the efforts of the various members of the Botanical Department. |