2. Nutritive and Economic Value of Foods. Assistant Professor JAFFA. This course will comprise lectures on the practical applications of the principles of nutrition to the rational and economic use of foods for man and for farm animals. 1 unit. Fifteen lectures. M Tu W Th F, 1, first hree weeks. 13 Agricultural Building. ENTOMOLOGY. CHARLES WILLIAM WOODWORTH, M.S., Assistant Professor of Entomology. HENRY JOSEPH QUAYLE, A.B., Assistant in Entomology. The following courses are designed primarily for teachers in nature study in secondary schools: 1. Indoor Nature Work. Assistant Professor WOODWORTH. Lectures and demonstrations illustrating the study of insects in the class room. 1 unit. MWF, 11. 15 Agricultural Building. 2. Important Insects. Assistant Professor WOODWORTH. Lectures upon those insects which most conspicuously affect the interests of man. 1 unit. Tu Th, 11. 15 Agricultural Building. 3. Outdoor Nature Work. Assistant Professor WOODWORTH and Mr. QUAYLE. A series of excursions for the study of insects in the field. 1 unit. MWF, 1-3. Agricultural Building. 4. Classification of Insects. Assistant Professor WOODWORTH and Mr. QUAYLE. This course is designed to acquaint the student with the methods of finding the names of insects and to acquaint him with the literature of the subject. 1 unit. Tu Th, 1-4. 15 Agricultural Building. 5. Me hods of Microscopical Study. Assistant Professor WOODWORTH. Designed particularly for advanced students or those owning microscopes; a drill in the method of mounting and microscopical observation. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9-12. 15 Agricultural Building. PHYSICAL CULTURE. ARNOLD ABRAHAM D'ANCONA, A.B., M.D., Professor of Hygiene. ELEANOR STOW BANCROFT, M.D., Medical Examiner of Women. LOUISA ADELLE PLACE, Assistant in Physical Culture. JAMES WOODMANSEE RHODES, Instructor in Physical Culture, Oakland High School. Instruction for men will be conducted in the Harmon Gymnasium, and for women in the Hearst Gymnasium. The courses are open to all students who desire personal improvement by means of systematic exercise. Students will be required to undergo a medical examination before work may be taken in the Gymnasium. The medical examinations will be conducted for men by Dr. D'Ancona, for women by Dr. Bancroft. In addition, a physical examination will be necessary in every case in order that exercises adapted as nearly as possible to individual needs may be prescribed. The physical examinations for men will be conducted by Mr. Rhodes, for women by Miss Place. The fee for the medical examination will be $2.00. A fee of 25 cents is required for the use of a locker. The regular gymnasium suit costs from $3.50 to $5.00. Fees are to be paid at the office of the Secretary. In connection with the regular work in Physical Culture there will be an opportunity for the students of the Summer Session to visit various points of interest in the vicinity of Berkeley. There will be walking trips to Bolinas, Tamalpais, Redwood Cañon, and Wildcat Cañon, and a driving and walking trip to Mount Diablo. The instructor in charge will be glad to consult all interested in the Harmon Gymnasium at the regular gymnasium hours daily. 1. Course for Men. Mr. RHODES. Exercises with chest-weights, dumb-bells, bar-bells, Indian clubs, and exercises without apparatus. Basket-ball and other recreative exercises. 1 unit. M Tu W Th F, 4. Harmon Gymnasium. 2. Course for Women. Miss PLACE. Relaxing exercises, mat exercises, walking, the developing appliances, chest-weights, dumb-bells, bar-bells, Indian clubs, and exercises without apparatus. Basket-ball and other recreative exercises. 1 unit. M Tu W Th F, 4. Hearst Gymnasium. SCHEDULE OF EXERCISES FOR THE SUMMER SESSION, 1904. All classes meet Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, unless otherwise specified. Recitations and lectures last fifty-three minutes, with intervals of seven minutes. The periods begin at seven minutes past the hour, and end on the even hour. 10 Α.Μ.-Education 2... History and Political Science 1.. } Mr. Winterburn (3 hrs.). Prof. McMurry 22 South Hall Physiological Lab. 5 East Hall 15 Agricultural Bldg. 1 Philosophy Bldg. Greek 3 Prof. Turner Prof. Morgan.. Prof. Grandgent. Prof. De Haan.. Spanish 2. Italian 1 Mr. Spinello Mathematics 1 Chemistry 7 Prof. Haskell (continued) Prof. Arrhenius, MW F.. Prof. Arrhenius, Tu Chemistry 8 Horticulture 1 Prof. Wickson..... 17 North Hall 8 North Hall 12 North Hall 1 North Hall 16 East Hall 17 East Hall 7 East Hall 14 North Hall. 21 Chemistry Bldg. 21 Chemistry Bldg. 13 Agricultural Bldg. Entomology 3. Entomology 4. Prof. Woodworth, MWF (2 hrs.) 15 Agricultural Bldg. Physical Geog. 1..... Dr. Daly (continued).. 2 р.м.-Education 3. History and Polit- } Prof. Moore Prof. Stephens Prof. Moses 22 South Hall. 1 Philosophy Bldg. 18 North Hall 1 North Hall The Dean of the Summer Session will keep office hours daily, except Saturday, 11-12, Room 15, South Hall. SITE AND CLIMATE. The site of the University of California, at Berkeley, California, comprises about two hundred and seventy acres of land, rising at first in a gentle and then in a bolder slope from a height of about two hundred feet above the sea level to one of over nine hundred feet. It thus covers a range of more than seven hundred feet in altitude, while back of it the chain of hills continues to rise a thousand feet higher. It has a superb outlook over the bay and city of San Francisco, over the neighboring plains and mountains, and the ocean. Berkeley is a town of 20,000 people. San Francisco is eleven miles distant by train and boat, and may be reached in less than forty minutes; there are five trains an hour; fare, ten cents. Oakland may be reached by street car in twenty minutes. Meteorological observations made at the University for the past fifteen years indicate that the summer months at Berkeley are exceptionally well suited for uninterrupted university work. The mean temperature for the months of June, July, and August is respectively 59.3, 59.2, and 59.2 degrees. The mean maximum temperature (the average for the month of the daily maximum temperatures) is 71.1, 70.3, and 69.8 degrees; and the mean minimum temperature 52.7, 53.6, and 54.1 degrees. The average daily variation in the temperature is 18.4, 16.7, and 15.7 degrees. Only once during the last fifteen years in July, 1891-did the temperature exceed 100 degrees. The average of the highest temperatures observed in each of the fifteen years was 91.3 degrees. The prevailing mean temperature for the six weeks of the Summer Session is about 60 degrees, with 72 and 54 degrees as the extreme limits of variation for mean temperature. During the hottest part of the warmest day it is rarely that the temperature exceeds 91 degrees. It is to be remembered that in California high temperatures are almost invariably accompanied by very low humidity. On this account such temperatures are very rarely oppressive. Although rain seldom falls during the summer months, excessive summer heat is practically unknown; a gentle southwest breeze from the Bay, rarely exceeding fifteen miles an hour, renders the climate agreeable and stimlating. During the summer months the days are either clear or fair, only about one day in three being foggy or cloudy. |