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Session of 1913

June 23 to August 2

The fourteenth annual summer session of the University of California will begin Monday, June 23, 1913, and will continue until Saturday, August 2, the session covering six weeks.

Earlier Sessions

The University of California held its first regular Summer Session in 1900, though summer courses in several departments had been given during the years 1891-99.

The total enrollment in 1912, not including the Summer School of Surveying, was 2275. Of this number 676 were men and 1599 women; 1805 came from California, and of the remainder 414 were from thirtynine other states, 12 from Canal Zone, Alaska, etc., and 44 from fifteen foreign countries; 1287 were teachers, 297 were college students, and 270 represented thirty other occupations; unclassified 421.

Purpose of the Session

The courses in the summer session are designed to meet the needs of the following persons:

1. Teachers who wish to strengthen their grasp of their own subject by a general survey, to carry on advanced studies in it, or to gain a broader outlook by the pursuit of other branches of study. It is a significant fact that in previous sessions more than half of the students have been teachers and school officers. For this reason the University has widened the scope of the work which is aimed primarily to meet the needs of teachers.

2. School superintendents, supervisors, and other officers. Supervisors of music, manual training, domestic science, and drawing will find at this session, work especially suited to their needs.

3. Directors of gymnasiums and teachers of physical education and playground work. The University campus offers unusual opportunities for playground demonstration, and particular emphasis will be laid on this work at the present session.

4. Graduate students to whom the advantages of smaller classes, the freer use of the facilities of libraries, laboratories and museums, and the more direct intimate and personal contact with the professors in charge, are peculiarly possible during the summer session.

5. Undergraduate students who wish to use the vacation to take up studies for which they are unable to find room in their regular programs, to shorten their courses, or to make up deficiencies.

6. Students entering the University who wish to obtain advanced credit or to complete the entrance requirements. To meet their needs courses are offered in Mathematics, German, French, Spanish, Physics, Chemistry, Mechanical and Free-hand Drawing, and Stenography and Typewriting.

7. All persons qualified to pursue with profit any course given, whether or not they are engaged in teaching or study.


The Faculty of the Summer School will include not only members of the regular Faculties of the University, but also a number of men of letters and science from Eastern universities and from Europe.

Application for Admission

All persons who desire to attend any of the courses are urgently requested to notify the Recorder of the Faculties, on or before Wednesday, June 4, using the blank form of application at the end of this bulletin. This facilitates the making of adequate arrangements by the University, and makes possible prompt communication with prospective students in case of changes in the curriculum.


The University makes no formal requirements for admission to the Summer Session. Any person wishing to secure credit toward a university degree, however, must qualify as a regular matriculant. For matriculation requirements for Summer Session see page 5 under credit. The fees required for admission are given on page 4.


The office of the Recorder of the Faculties will be open for the registration of students Saturday, June 21, and Monday, June 23. For detailed directions as to entrance see page 3 of cover.


The tuition fee will be fifteen dollars ($15) regardless of the number of courses taken. Laboratory fees will be charged in courses in Agricultural Education, Bacteriology, Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Home Economics, Manual Training, Physics, Public Health, and Zoology. The fees in each case are stated in the description of the course.

Persons desiring to attend courses or occasional lectures without examination or formal credit may secure for this purpose a ticket of

general admission upon payment of the regular fee ($15). Such tickets are obtainable by mail. Address the Recorder of the Faculties of the University of California, Berkeley, California.

All fees must be paid in advance, at the opening of the Summer Session, at the office of the Comptroller, in California Hall. No deduction will be made from fees in cases of late registration. week no rebate will be allowed for early withdrawal.


After the first

Credit toward a university degree will be given only to attendants who are qualified to do systematic university work, and is in every case subject to the requirement that the student shall qualify as a regular matriculant, either by passing the entrance examinations or otherwise. In the absence of formal entrance requirements, the instructor in charge of a given course is to be the judge of the qualifications of candidates for credit. The instructor will enroll as regular students and as candidates for credit only such attendants as present to him, at the outset of the work, satisfactory evidence of preparation for the course to be undertaken.

In general, credit will be given at the rate of one unit for fifteen exercises. A course of five lectures weekly during six weeks would have a credit value of two units. Credit may be given, in due proportion, for a smaller number of exercises, when these are of more than the usual length (which for lectures and recitations is about fifty-three minutes).

The normal amount of credit obtainable during the session, by a student who devotes his whole time to courses strictly of university grade, is six units. Petitions for credit in excess of six units must be presented to the Recorder or the Faculties at the beginning of the session. A bachelor's degree represents 124 or more units of credit, distributed according to the special requirements of the college or department in which the student is enrolled. For the master's degree there are required about 18 units of properly selected work, in addition to a thesis. The work for Ph.D. and other doctors' degrees is not estimated in units of credit, and must be specially planned for every candidate. There are normally required four years of university residence for a bachelor's degree, one year for a master's degree, and at least two years for a doctor's degree; and while advanced credit is given for work done at other universities, the candidate's final year of residence for any degree must ordinarily be spent in the University of California.

Two summer sessions are accepted as the equivalent of one half-year of residence for any degree.

Courses numbered from 100 to 199 may, at the discretion of the instructor, be counted for undergraduate major credit by students in the upper division. Courses numbered from 200 up may, similarly, be counted as graduate courses. In every case students desiring major or graduate credit should make definite arrangements therefor with the instructor at the beginning of the session. Graduate students should also consult with the sub-committees directing their work.

The University issues formal Recommendations for Teachers' Certificates only to those who hold a bachelor's degree. Certificates of record for Summer Session work, whether of matriculation or of university grade, will be issued by the Recorder of the Faculties, upon application of any student in the session; and personal recommendations from instructors may be obtained by school officers and other inquirers through the office of the Appointment Secretary.

There will be no general period of final examinations. The matter of examinations for credit will be left in the hands of the instructors, who may use the regular recitation hours for that purpose, or may make special appointments with their classes.

Accomodations and Expenses

There are no dormitories on the campus, but there are many boarding houses and private homes in Berkeley where students may obtain board and room at prices ranging from $25 to $35 per month. There are also several restaurants in Berkeley where meals may be had à la carte. As the greater number of the regular students are away during the summer there are ample accomodations for all members of the Summer Session; it is therefore not advisable to engage quarters before coming to Berkeley. Families or groups of students desiring to club together are often able to find apartments, cottages or bungalows, furnished for housekeeping. A list of places offering board and room or either alone will be on file at the opening of the session, and every possible assistance will be given to strangers in their search for suitable boarding places.

The following table will enable the student to form an estimate of the expenses, exclusive of railway fare, to be met in attending the six weeks of the Summer Session:

University tuition fee

Laboratory fees (according to courses taken), from.

Board and room, six weeks, from

Textbooks and stationery, from

$15- 15

00- 10




5- 15

5- 12


Reduced Railroad Fares; Library; Infirmary


The University Co-operative Book Store in North Hall carries all text books for Summer Session courses, as well as stationery and other supplies.

Reduced Railroad Rates

Reduced rates of one first-class fare and one-third for the round trip are offered by the Southern Pacific, the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fé, and the Western Pacific companies to attendants upon the Summer Session from all points in California. Persons from outside California may buy their tickets to the nearest point inside the state and take advantage of the reduced rates from that place, or they may, instead, avail themselves of the regular summer excursion tickets that will be on sale from all points in the East. In order to obtain the one and one-third fare it is necessary to pay the full fare to Berkeley (in the case of the Western Pacific to Oakland or San Francisco) and get a receipt from the agent from whom the ticket is purchased. Upon presentation to the railway agent in Berkeley (or in Oakland or San Francisco for the Western Pacific) of this receipt with the signature of the Recorder of the Faculties on the back thereof, a ticket to starting point will be sold at one-third the regular fare.

Going trip tickets can be bought only between June 13 and August 2, inclusive; receipt-certificates will be honored for one-third fare returning from June 23 to August 7, inclusive. Stopover privileges will be allowed on the going trip, but continuous passage will be required returning, the journey to be entered upon the day the ticket is bought. It should be remembered that the rate is obtainable only through the sale of the ticket for the return and that this ticket can be obtained only upon presentation of receipt-certificate signed by the Recorder of the Faculties and covering the fare paid on the going trip.


Throughout the Summer Session the University Library will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday to Saturday inclusive, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday.

Full library privileges, including the home use of books, as accorded to regular University students, will be extended to students in the summer courses without additional fee. Persons who may desire to pursue independent courses of reading or study, during the Summer Session, without attending any of the regular exercises, may have full library privileges, upon application to the Librarian, and payment of $10.


The University has a well equipped infirmary on the campus, with a full complement of physicians and trained nurses. The best of care, without additional charge, is thus insured to students in case of illness.

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