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Prescribed at the end of the junior year for all students in the College of Civil Engineering, Railroad course. The work should be taken during the summer following the year in which Civil Engineering 2A, 2B, and 2c are completed. Additional prerequisites are Civil Engineering 3A and Astronomy 3. Four weeks' continuous field practice. 3 units credit.

Section 2. Irrigation and Sanitary Section.

This course comprises field and office work necessary for,

A. The location of a canal, including the following problems:

Determination of stream flow.

Location and design of head works.

Trial line survey.

Contour and topographic surveys.

Location survey.

Cross-sectioning of one mile of the line.
Calculation of earthwork and other quantities.

Making of preliminary estimates.

B. A hydrographic survey of an existing reservoir.
C. Sanitary studies, including:

Construction, operation and control of camp filter plant.
Bacterial determination of filter plant efficiency.
Surveys, designs and estimates for lateral, main and intercep-
ing sewerage systems.

Prescribed at the end of the junior year for students in the Sanitary and Irrigation courses who do not elect Section 1. Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 3A, 2A, 2B, 10, 11a, or Irrigation 2; Astronomy 3. Four weeks' continuous field practice. 3 units credit.

Students interested in surveying field practice are advised to secure the Special Bulletins of Information of the Summer School of Surveying. Communications regarding the work of the Summer School of Surveying should be addressed to the Dean of the College of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California.


JOSEPH A. LONG, Ph.D., Instructor in Embryology.

LOYE H. MILLER, Ph.D., Instructor in Biology, Los Angeles State Normal


1. The Birds of California.


Laboratory and field work, with collateral reading. A study of birds in the field, their identification, classification, nesting habits, general oecology, etc., supplemented by laboratory work along similar lines. One conference per week. 'Laboratory fee, $2.50.

2 units.

M Tu Th F, 8-11; W, 8. 103 East Hall.

2. Reproduction.


A course dealing with the reproduction of plants and animals. A discussion designed for teachers and parents. Two lectures and one laboratory exercise per week. 1 unit.

MWF, 2. 326 East Hall.

108. Embryology.


A course in comparative embryology. Lectures dealing with the

fundamental facts of reproduction, the early stages of development
of vertebrates, the formation of organs, and the foetal membranes
of mammals, including man. Laboratory study of preparations of
chick and pig embryos. Demonstrations. Laboratory fee, $2.50.
Credits and hours to be arranged. Laboratory fee, $2.50.
4 units.

M Tu W Th F, 8-12. 326 East Hall.

228. Research in Cytology and Mammalian Embryology. Dr. LONG.

For those who wish to work either independently or in coöperation. Credits and hours to be arranged. Laboratory fee, $2.50.

[blocks in formation]
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[blocks in formation]

Teacher, H. S.

Avery, Rebekah Wheeler

Ayer, May

Teacher, G. S.

Baade, Herman J.

Teacher, H. S.

Babcock, Mrs. Margaret

Baboyan, Garabed Stevens

Student, U. C.

Baer, Clarence Eugene

Teacher, H. S.

Bagley, Clara Amanda

Teacher, G. S.

Bagley, Laura B.

Teacher, G. S.

Bailey, Anne Bell

Bailey, Catherine

Teacher, G. S.

Bailey, Flora MacKinnon Teacher, Private S.

Bailey, Mrs. Laura Bacon

Teacher, N. S.

Baker, Alice

Student, H. S.

Baker, Clara Alice

Student, U. C.

Missoula, Mon.


Student, U. C. Barcroft, Hattie J.

Teacher, H. S.

Student, N. S.

Barmby, Mary

Librarian, Oakland Barnard, Florence E.

Teacher, H. S.

Barnes, Caroline

Teacher, H. S.

Barnes, Clarence Abram
Teacher, Private S.

Barnett, Alice Mason

Teacher, H. S. Barraclough, Nell A.

Teacher, G. S.


San Jose



Portland, Ore.

Los Angeles

Seattle, Wash.

Los Angeles


San Francisco

Los Angeles

Barnhart, Earl Wingert


Palo Alto


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