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4. Conversation and Composition.

Assistant Professor PASCHALL.

Schrakamp's "Deutsche Heimat,'' Pope's "Writing and Speaking German," Bierwirth's "Beginning German" (for reference only). 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 7 North Hall.

108. Middle High German.

Professor SCHILLING.

Grammar and reading. Bachmann's "Mittelhochdeutsches Lesebuch." Elements of historical German grammar. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 3. 18 North Hall.

Professor SCHILLING.

109. The German Drama of the Present Day. Lectures on the prevailing tendencies of the last thirty years: Realism and Naturalism, Mysticism, Symbolism, and Neo-Romanticism, and the continuance of classic traditions. Reading of representative plays by Hauptmann, Sudermann, Wildenbruch, and others. Conducted in German. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 2. 18 North Hall.

Conferences for teachers of German and others interested will be arranged for one evening each week.


I. B. STOUGHTON HOLBORN, M.A., F.R.G.S., Oxford-Cambridge Extension Lecturer on Art.

EUGEN NEUHAUS, Instructor in Freehand Drawing.

PERHAM W. NAHL, Instructor in Drawing, California School of Arts and Crafts.

JESSIE WILLARD, Instructor in Graphic Art in the Summer Session. JUANITA NICHOLSON, Assistant in Graphic Art in the Summer Session. JUANITA JUDY, Assistant in Graphic Art in the Summer Session.

Courses 1 to 10, inclusive, are intended primarily for teachers of drawing. Credit for matriculation freehand drawing, subject 16, will be given only for thoroughly satisfactory work in courses 1 and 2.

1. Freehand Perspective.


The application of mechanical principles to freehand drawing, with lectures. In connection with course 2. 1 unit. Tu 9, Th, 1. 300 California Hall.

2. Freehand Drawing.

Mr. NAHL and Miss WILLARD.

Drawing from geometrical solids and its application to natural objects in pencil and pen. 1 unit.

Tu, 10-12; Th, 2-4. 300 California Hall.

3. Antique.

Mr. NAHL and Miss WILLARD.

Drawing from casts in charcoal and wash. The study of light and

shade. 3 units.

M W, 1-4; W, 9-12. Architecture Building.

4. Elementary Design.

Mr. NEUHAUS and Miss NICHOLSON. The principles that govern design. Beginning with the study of geometrical forms as the basis of all design; the various laws of rhythm, balance, harmony, etc., will be discussed. Lectures and blackboard illustration; class problems in pencil and ink. 6 hours. 2 units.

M 9-12; Tu, 1-4. 300 California Hall.

5. Advanced Design.

Mr. NEUHAUS and Miss JUDY.

The study of natural objects and their translation into conventional forms. Practical application of design in pencil and water colors. Stencilling and woodblock printing. 1 unit.



300 California Hall.

6. Historic Ornament.


A general survey of the development of ornament from antiquity to our own time. In connection with Courses 4 and 5. Lectures illustrated with stereopticon slides. 1 unit.

M, 4. Architecture Building.

7. Figure Drawing.


General principles of figure drawing for class sketching. The construction of the human figure. 1 unit.

F, 9-12. 300 California Hall.

8. Painting of Still Life.

Mr. NEUHAUS and Miss JUDY.

Painting of still life in water colors, pastel, and crayons. A study of colors, discussion of materials and color chemistry. 2 units. Th, 9-12, 1-4. 300 California Hall.

9. Landscape Drawing.


The ap

Outdoor composition in pencil and charcoal, with lectures. plication of the principles of decorative design to landscape drawing. Credit value to be arranged with the instructor.

F, 1-4.


10. Teachers' Course.


A practical presentation of grade teaching. Relation of drawing to other subjects and the selection of material. One hour a week. Credit and hours to be arranged with the instructor.

[blocks in formation]

NOTE. The detailed announcement of courses 11 and 12 have not been received from Mr. Holborn as the bulletin goes to press. The object of these courses, however, will be to emphasize the real danger of the neglect of art in modern life and to draw attention to the intense interest of the numerous departments of the subject that affect life at every turn and to show that the love of the beautiful is an essential quality of our human nature.


OLIVER M. WASHBURN, A.B., Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology. ARTHUR P. MCKINLAY, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin and Greek.

AB. Course for Beginners. (Double Course.)


An introduction to the Greek language based upon graded selections from the works of Menander, Euclid, Aristophanes, Plato, Herodotus, and the New Testament. The method of presentation emphasizes the living phrase, and has as its chief object the acquiring of reading power. Mastery of essential forms; memorizing of quotations; practice in reading at sight. 4 units.

M Tu W Th F, 8 and 2. 8 North Hall.

Assistant Professor WASHBURN.

2. An Introduction to Greek Art. The development and growth of Greek art and culture beginning with the earliest appearance of man in the Eastern Mediterranean basin and continuing to the Roman conquest of Greece. Some of the specific topics to be discussed are: the Early Stone Age, Troy, the Age of Bronze, the Dorian Invasion, Ionia, the Rise of Athens, Greek Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting in the Hellenic and Hellenistic Periods. Lectures illustrated with stereopticon. Open to all students of the Summer Session without prerequisite. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 7 p.m. Museum of Greek Sculpture.


FREDERIC L. PAXSON, Ph.D., Professor of American History, University of Wisconsin.

EUGENE I. MCCORMAC, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of American History. WILLIAM A. MORRIS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English History. HOWARD L. GRAY, Ph.D., Instructor in History, Harvard University. ROYAL R. HILL, Research Associate in History, the Carnegie Institution.

100. Beginnings of the English Constitution.

Assistant Professor MORRIS.

The development of the constitution from the period of origins down to 1485. Among the more prominent topics treated are the mingling of Norman and Anglo-Saxon institutions, the rise of the judiciary, the beginnings of parliament, and its advance to a position of importance. The course is intended to meet the needs of teachers and of prospective law students. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 2. 102 California Hall.

101. The Renaissance in Europe.


Lectures dealing with the general movement of the Renaissance in Europe, and laying special stress on the politics, literature, and art of the period. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 8. 103 California Hall.

102. Spanish History.


A general course on the history of Spain, with emphasis on the period of the founding of the colonial empire. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 102 California Hall.

103. Constitutional History of the Civil War and Reconstruction Period. Assistant Professor McCORMAC.

A survey of the sectional controversy which followed the acquisition of Mexican territory, and a detailed study of the problems connected with the war and reconstruction. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 109 California Hall.

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