CHEMISTRY EUGENE P. SCHOCH, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, University of Texas. WALTER C. BLASDALE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry. GERALD E. K. BRANCH, M.S., Teaching Fellow in Chemistry. ELMER W. GRUER, B.S., Instructor in Chemistry, University of New Mexico. THOMAS D. STEWART, Assistant in Chemistry. The chemical laboratories will be open daily, except Saturdays, from 8 a.m. to 12 m., and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. A deposit of $15.00 will be required of all students taking laboratory courses; of this sum $10.00 will be retained for cost of materials, and the balance, after deducting for apparatus broken or lost, will be refunded. 1. Elementary Chemistry. Professor SCHOCH, Associate Professor BLASDALE, and Mr. BRANCH. An introduction to general chemistry, with especial reference to those facts and principles which form an essential part of a general education. Daily lectures, experimentally illustrated, and experimental work carried on by the student. Credit for matriculation Chemistry 12b will be given for a satisfactory completion of the course. Lectures, M Tu W Th F, 11. 217 Chemistry Building. 2. Elements of Organic Chemistry. Mr. BRANCH. An introduction to the study of carbon compounds; equivalent to Chemistry 8A given in the regular session. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. 217 Chemistry Building. 100. Teachers' Course. Professor SCHOCH. Lectures and discussions on the choice of subject matter and the methods of presentation in a first course of general chemistry. Members of this course are recommended to take at least the lectures in course 1. 1 unit. M W F, 10. 210 Chemistry Building. 101. Applications of Chemistry. Associate Professor BLASDALE. The relation of chemistry to matters of daily experience, to industry, and to the other sciences. 1 unit. M W F, 10. 217 Chemistry Building. 200. Chemical Research. The members of the instructing staff resident in Berkeley during the summer will assist properly qualified students to prosecute experimental investigations in the fields of organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry. The special problems will be designed to meet individual needs, and the hours will be arranged between the instructor and the student. Credit not to exceed 3 units may be given for the course. DRAWING WILLSON J. WYTHE, B.S., Assistant Professor of Drawing. 1. Instrumental Drawing. Mr. CUSHMAN. Use of instruments, solving of geometrical problems, construction of mathematical curves and lettering. Equivalent to matriculation subject 17 or Drawing C-D during the regular session. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9-12; lectures at 11. 322 East Hall. Assistant Professor WYTHE. 2. Course for Teachers. A normal course in instrumental drawing covering bibliography, drawing materials, lettering and a collection of problems in instrumental, geometrical, mathematical, projective, shop, office, machine, patent and architectural drawing. Prerequisite: proficiency in instrumental drawing. 2 units. M Tu Th F, 1-4; lectures at 1. 309 East Hall. 3. Descriptive Geometry. Mr. CUSHMAN. Fundamental problems on points, lines, planes, and solids; sections and developments; intersections. Prerequisite: instrumental drawing. Equivalent to course 2A of the regular session. 3 units. M Tu W Th F, 9-12; lectures at 9. 311 East Hall. 4. Advanced Descriptive Geometry. Assistant Professor WYTHE. The application of descriptive geometry to problems in shades, shadows, contours and perspective. Prerequisite: Course 3. 3 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-4; lectures at 3. 322 East Hall. EDUCATION RICHARD G. BOONE, Ph.D., Lecturer in Education. LIGHTNER WITMER, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Director of Psychological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania. KATE BROUSSEAU, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Social Science, Mills College. Mrs. VINNIE C. HICKS, Clinical Psychologist, Oakland Public Schools. NELLIE GOODHUE, Supervisor of Classes for Defective Children, Seattle Public Schools. FRANCES H. NEY, Supervisor of Classes for Defective Children, Buffalo, New York. 101. Modern American Education, in Theory and Practice. Dr. BOONE. A study of contemporary social forces influencing educational aims, and the development of teaching practice in high schools. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 2. 113 California Hall. 110. The Psychology and Training of Adolescents. Dr. BOONE. A descriptive and critical study of typical physical, mental, and moral characteristics of youth as they concern education. Of special interest to superintendents of schools, principals, and teachers of the upper elementary and high school classes. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 3. 113 California Hall. 111. Abnormal Psychology. Dr. BROUSSEAU. A study of the various neuroses, such as hysteria, neurasthenia and psychasthenia, with their neurological causation; the phenomena of hypnotism, multiple personality and mental diseases; with especial attention to the border cases lying between sanity and insanity. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 1. 1 Philosophy Building. 112. Growth and Retardation. Professor WITMER. Growth and retardation as modern scientific concepts; race and individual development; heredity including racial, national, family, and individual inheritance as factors in mental development; the instincts as congenital sources of habits and as primary springs of conduct during much of the child's life; environmental factors producing retardation; the so-called inherited diseases, maternal impressions, malnutrition, intoxication, birth injuries, diseases of childhood, home influences, school life, social environment; a brief review of the important periods of growth, the prenatal life, infancy from birth to the fifth year, childhood from the fifth year to puberty, adolescence. 1 unit. M Tu W Th F, 2 (beginning July 14). 1 Philosophy Building. Professor WITMER. 113. Clinical Psychology. The origin and growth of the Psychological Clinic; backward children distinguished from imbeciles and idiots; types of feeblemindedness, cretins, mongolians, etc.; defective children and children with defects; borderland cases like the chronic bad spellers; moral cases; methods of examination and treatment; eugenics and orthogenics; extension of work to normal children and more especially to extra bright children and to children endowed with peculiar temperaments or special aptitudes. Throughout this course the case method of presentation will be freely employed. A selection of actual cases of children who have been carefully studied will be made and the facts of the child's condition, history, and treatment will be laid before the class with the double purpose of illustrating concretely typical cases of exceptional children and of presenting in orderly arrangement the principles, motives, and results of clinical psychology. 1 unit. M Tu W Th F, 9 (beginning July 14). 110 California Hall. 114. Clinical Examination and Training of Subnormal Children. Mrs. HICKS. Methods of diagnosis and the various types of cases appearing in the public school clinic will be discussed, and this discussion will be preparatory to the more detailed study under Professor Witmer. Course 115 must accompany this course. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 8. 3 Philosophy Building. 115. Training Class for Subnormal Children. Mrs. HICKS, Miss GOODHUE, and Miss NEY. In connection with courses 113 and 114 there will be a practice class where students will have an opportunity for observation of different varieties and degrees of mental deficiency such as they may meet |