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101. Poultry Husbandry.

Assistant Professor DOUGHERTY.

The object of this course is to give as thorough a grasp as possible of the basic principles governing the rearing of poultry, to the end that the students who take the course may be better fitted successfully to handle the practical problems of a commercial poultry ranch.

The class room lectures and recitations will treat in detail of the principles of poultry feeding and the proper methods of feeding baby chicks, growing stock, laying hens, fowls to be fattened for market, etc.; selecting and laying out of a poultry ranch; natural and artificial incubation and brooding; selecting for constitutional vigor; the laws of breeding and their application to the development of flocks of heavy layers or choice meat fowls; poultry house construction; poultry equipment, such as trap nests, mash hoppers, etc.; killing and picking; selecting and grading market eggs; caponizing; the management of breeding fowls; poultry diseases and parasites; sanitation, and the general care and management of a poultry farm.

The laboratory and field work carried on in conjunction with the lectures will include practice in identifying the more popular breeds and varieties of fowls and learning their breed and utility characteristics; grading and judging market eggs; making disinfectants and lice powder; studying the feeding qualities of various grains and mill feeds, drawing plans of poultry equipment, etc.

One or more trips will be taken to large poultry plants and to the wholesale poultry markets.

Demonstrations in killing, picking, trussing, boning, and preparing fowls for market, and in other similar subjects, will be arranged, so far as possible. 2 units.

Lectures, M W Th F, 1; laboratory, Tu, 1-4. 211 Agriculture Hall.



3. A General Course on Soils and Soil Fertility. Professor LIPMAN. The course is intended to make clear to the student without previous knowledge of the subject the fundamental importance of the conservation of the fertility of our soils. In addition, the course will attempt, from the broadest point of view, to correlate the diverse factors which enter into the production and maintenance of soil fertility, and to set forth the necessity for the most carefully planned scientific study, as a basis for the instruction of the practical farmer in the most profitable methods of soil management.

Besides showing the fundamental importance of the soil's fertility to the prosperity and progress of the world, the course will of necessity include some discussion of the relation between animate and inanimate matter in nature, and therefore will, it is believed, be of interest and value to students of general science and to teachers of the subject in schools and colleges.

The topics in general which will be discussed in these lectures will deal with the origin and formation of soils, the texture of soils, the structure of soils, the air supply in soils as related to texture and structure and plant growth, the water supply in soils as affecting the texture and structure of soils and as related to plant growth, the temperature of soils with the various factors affecting it, the chemical composition of soils, general principles of plant nutrition and nature of plant food and factors affecting its supply and demand, the function of the soil bacteria in plant nutrition and in the economy of the universe and their relation to the physical and chemical condition of the soil. Based on all these factors, a discussion of soil management is taken up as the lectures progress, including principles of tillage, air supply, water supply, heat supply, fertilizer supply and irrigation supply of plants to soils. 2 units.

Though not required, a knowledge of chemistry and physics will be of considerable assistance to students in this course.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 2 Budd Hall.

Soils and Fertilizers; Veterinary Science



Professor LIPMAN.

127. Undergraduate Research.

Topics for research in soils for senior theses or publications. Hours and units to be arranged. Prerequisites given on consultation with the instructor.

Budd Hall.


235. Research Course in Soils.

Professor LIPMAN.

Laboratory or greenhouse research on problems in soils or soil fertility in their various branches. In this course problems in soil physics, soil chemistry, soil bacteriology, or agricultural plant physiology may be assigned to properly qualified graduate students, and the work may be continued in a series of summer sessions and may count as the major or thesis work for the master's degree.

Credit to be arranged. Prerequisites: All the courses specified for a full undergraduate major in soils, as given in the Prospectus of the College of Agriculture.

Budd Hall.


101. Veterinary Science.

Professor HARING, Assistant Professor ROADHOUSE, and Mr. MITCHELL.

This course is designed to meet the needs of teachers of agriculture. The work will also be of value to farmers and others who are interested in domestic animals. Each week of work is independent of the others, and the students have the option of electing one or more of the weekly assignments, but credit will be given only for the completion of the whole course.

First Week.

Lecture: The exterior of the horse and its relation to soundness. The care of farm animals. Professor HARING.

The field work will be devoted to a demonstration of the methods of examining horses for soundness, determination of the physical fitness of horses for various purposes, and practice in judging the age of horses. Instruction in the care of farm animals.

Second Week.

Lecture: Useful facts concerning the anatomy and physiology of domesticated animals. Professor HARING.

The field work will consist of the dissection of a horse, and the demonstration of the anatomy of the cow and sheep at abattoir; methods of meat inspection will also be observed.

Third Week.

Lecture: Common diseases of cattle and their prevention and treatment. Assistant Professor ROADHOUSE.

Field work in cattle surgery and the treatment of common troubles in cattle.

Fourth Week.

Infectious diseases of animals. Assistant Professor ROADHOUSE. Field work will consist in the application of the tuberculin test to a herd of cattle, and laboratory study of specimens and cultures.

Fifth Week.
Dairy, milk, meat, and market inspection from a veterinary standpoint.
Assistant Professor ROADHOUSE.

Field work will consist of inspection tours.

Sixth Week.

Hog cholera and its prevention.


Field work at the University hog serum laboratory, Oakland.

Lectures, Tu Th, 4-5; laboratory, MWF, 2-5. 2 units. 2 Budd Hall.

In addition to the courses announced, several popular evening lectures and demonstrations are being planned for, and will be announced in detail later.


RICHARD W. HARVEY, M.S., M.D., Assistant Professor of Anatomy.

A deposit of $5 will be required of all students taking the course in dissecting.

S105, S106, or S107. Systematic Human Anatomy.

Assistant Professor HARVEY.

A course designed to afford opportunity to students in the College of Medicine for dissecting one part, to teachers and others interested in anatomy as an intellectual pursuit, and to graduates in medicine and physicians desiring to review the subject as an aid to practice. Choice of the part will depend on the material available; students should consult the instructor before registering. Dissections and models, together with departmental library facilities will be at the disposal of students. Credit will be counted towards the requirements for the degree in Medicine. 31 units. M Tu W Th F, 9-12 and 1-4. Anatomy Building.

$108. Regional and Topographical Anatomy.

Assistant Professor HARVEY.

This course corresponds with the one given during the regular session. It enables the student to become familiar with the surface relations of normal anatomical structures. Lectures and quizzes with frequent use of the projectoscope will supplement laboratory study. Designed for students in the College of Medicine, teachers of the biological sciences, and art students. Campbell's Surgical Anatomy will be used as text. 31⁄2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10-12. Anatomy Building.

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