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[Application Form on reverse side]

[blocks in formation]

(Where you should be addressed after the Summer Session)

Age (if under 21 years):
High schools, academies,
and colleges or universities attended, with periods and dates of
attendance; also dates of graduation. (Answer fully):


(For each degree give institution and date)

U. C. Summer Sessions attended-years



(Names and addresses of school officers or others from whom
information about you may be obtained)

Specify the summer courses in which you desire to enroll:

(It is understood that this list is subject to change)

Plate and date of writing this application:

Applications should, if possible, be filed with the Recorder of the Faculties, Berkeley, California, on or before June 4th. They may be sent by mail. In case of adverse action by the Faculty upon an application for admission to the Summer Session, the applicant is notified immediately, by mail; in other cases no acknowledgment or other notice is sent. Additional application forms may be obtained by addressing the Recorder of the Faculties.

(Detach here)

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