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3. Introduction to English Grammar.

Professor BRADLEY.

Lectures on present aspects of the science, with a comparative study of traditional grammar in Whitney's Essentials of English Grammar. This course is recommended to teachers of grammar. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 3. 24 North Hall.

4. The Poetry of Burns and the Scottish Lowlands. Mr. DIXON. Particular attention will be given to the ethical and intellectual characteristics of the lyric poetry of Scotland, as well as to the structure and pronunciation of the Ayrshire and other Lowland dialects. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 18 North Hall.


5. Development of Oral Expression. A general culture course for the development of power in expression. Technique of speech and oral reading will constitute the work. This course is recommended to teachers of literature. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 10 North Hall.

6. The Teaching of Oral Reading. Mr. VON NEUMAYER. This course will deal with the problem of teaching oral reading, and with the interpretation of the printed page; the psychology of pitch, time, force and quality. It is recommended to teachers of reading in the public schools. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 10 North Hall.


HUGO KARL SCHILLING, Ph.D., Professor of the German Language

and Literature.

LUDWIG JOSEPH DEMETER, M.A., Instructor in German.
MICHAEL ONGERTH, Grad. Theol. (University of Vienna), Reader in


1. The Elements of German.


A rapid survey of the essentials of grammar, with reading of easy prose and practice in translating into German and in conversation. Spanhoofd's Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache. 2 units; but no credit will be given to those who have had a university course in German.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 7 North Hall.


2. Advanced German. Syntax, composition, and conversational practice in connection with the reading of short stories and plays; Bierwirth's Elements of German; Seidel's Leberecht Hühnchen; Wilbrandt's Jugendliebe; Vos's Materials for German Conversation.

M Tu W Th F, 8. 7 North Hall.

3. The Teaching of German.

Professor SCHILLING.

A discussion of the methods of teaching German, of text books and their use, and of reference books and other aids for teachers, accompanied by a study of the history of the German language and of German pronunciation and the new orthography (revision of 1901). Practice in reading and speaking German. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 13 North Hall.

4. The Faust Legend and Goethe's Faust. Professor SCHILLING.

Precursors of Faustus in the Middle Ages. The historical Faustus. The first Faustbuch. Marlowe's Faustus and the German Faust drama. The puppet play. The Faust legend in the literature of the eighteenth century. Goethe's Faust; its genesis and its interpretation, with a close study of selections from both parts of the poem.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 13 North Hall.


ROBERT DUPOUEY, B. ès L., Agrégé ès Lettres de l'Université de Paris, Istructor in French.


1. Elementary French.


"Livre de Lecture et de Conversation," by C. Fontaine (D. C. Heath & Co.), for colloquial exercises and reading. Lamare's Manual of the French Grammar (Abbott & Son, Berkeley), with exercises in translation and easy composition. Special attention will be given throughout the course to pronunciation. 2 units; but no credit will be given to those who have had a university course in French.

M Tu W Th F, 8. 7 East Hall.


2. Victor Hugo: How to read Victor Hugo. Text: Morceaux Choisis de Victor Hugo (ed. by Steeg, at Delagrave's, Paris). I. Poesie; II. Prose.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 7 East Hall.


CARLOS BRANSBY, M.A., Litt. D., Instructor in Spanish.

1. Elementary Course.


Marion y Des Garennes' Introducción á la Lengua Castellana. First and Second Spanish Books of the Worman Series. Thorough drill in pronunciation and daily exercises in conversation and composition. 2 units; but no credit will be given to those who have had a University course in Spanish. M Tu W Th F, 10. 3 North Hall.

2. Advanced Course.

Dr. BRANSBY. Garner's Spanish Grammar. Alarcón's Novelas Cortas Escogidas. Study of the Spanish verb. Daily exercises in reading, writing, translating, and speaking. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 3 North Hall.


ELIAKIM HASTINGS MOORE, Ph.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics, University of Chicago.

THOMAS MILTON PUTNAM, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics.
FRANK FOREST BUNKER, Ph.B., Supervisor of Training, State Normal
School, San Francisco.

1. Plane Trigonometry.


The development of the fundamental formulas, with applications to the solution of triangles; practice in the use of logarithmic tables.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 4 North Hall.

2. Synthetic Projective Geometry.


Harmonic and anharmonic ratios; theory of poles and polars with reference to a circle; radical axes, centers of similitude; transversals in general; perspective and projective pencils; reciprocation and involution; introduction to the theory of homographic pencils. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 4 North Hall.

3. Introductory Calculus.

Professor MOORE.

An outline, with continuous graphical interpretation, of the most important elementary principles, methods, and formulas of the differential and integral calculus, in especial connection with several important problems of geometry and physics. Problem work will be an important feature of this


Prerequisite: Plane Trigonometry, College Algebra, and of Analytic Geometry at least a thorough knowledge of graphing (cf. for example, Gibson's An Elementary Treatise on Graphs, Macmillan & Co., 1904). 3 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9-11. 21 North Hall.

4. The Foundations of Geometry..

Professor MOORE.

A sketch, with sufficient elaboration of typical details, of the foundations of geometry as an abstract mathematical discipline -that is, as a special purely logical deductive system. This course will be of special interest to teachers and advanced students of mathematics.

2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 8. 21 North Hall.


5. The Content and Method of Arithmetic. This course, primarily for teachers and supervising principals, will make an exhaustive examination of each of the subdivisions of arithmetic as it is traditionally presented, to determine: (1) Whether there is not much in the usual presentation which should be eliminated because it is no longer useful; (2) Whether the change in the needs of society does not demand in each subdivision a change in the content, or at least a shift in emphasis; (3) Whether it is not possible to find an order and method of presentation in each case which has been tested by experience and shown to give the desired result with a considerable saving of time. To assist in determining these questions, as well as to give perspective, a few of the best recent discussions will be read and considered. From time to time lectures will be given dealing with that body of information regarding business and business practices which the teacher should know and yet which can not be found in texts. The course aims to be practical rather than theoretical and experimental. To this end sheets containing supplemental exercises and problems on each topic will be distributed, in the hope that such a body of exercises and problems will render the use of the present state text more effective. Likewise, those taking the course will be expected to work frequently at the blackboard, in order to become familiar with the methods recommended, as well as to gain that accuracy and facility in the work which the teacher needs. This course will be of special interest to teachers in the grammar school. No University credit.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 16 North Hall.

A double course in Analytic Geometry (ten hours a week) will be given should a sufficient number of students apply for it, provided those taking it confine their election to this and one other



LUDWIG BOLTZMANN, Ph.D., Professor of Physics, University of


ELMER EDGAR HALL, Ph.D., Instructor in Physics.
RALPH SMITH MINOR, Ph.D., Instructor in Physics.
ROBERT BUTLER, Assistant in Physics.
LARRANCE PAGE, A.B., M.S., Assistant in Physics.
PERCY ELLIOTT ROWELL, Assistant in Physics.
ALBERT NELSON SHELDON, B.S., Assistant in Physics.
HIRAM FRANKLIN SHELDON, B.S., Assistant in Physics.

The physical laboratories will be open daily, except Saturdays, from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 4. Students who choose courses in Physics are strongly advised to devote enough time to this subject to secure a real gain from the effort.

The laboratory fee will be $5.00.

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